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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2018 9:17:31 AM

GREAT VIDEO about Syria… HighImpactFlix 4-19-18… “Intelligent Guy COMPLETELY Exposes Globalist Secrets & Agenda on MSNBC!”

This is a great video (in my view), as the professor in this interview gives a history of how the US got into Syria, and how the best idea is to “get out”. It also illustrates how the CIA has been the key orchestrator of these country “takeovers”.

But the most fun part of this was the editing in of Homer Simpson (“D’oh!“) all throughout, whenerver it contradicted what the MSNBCers were wanting him to say.

Published April 19, 2018
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2018 9:47:02 AM


“I can see how it might start, but I am not sure when or where,” the secretary told lawmakers.

APRIL 27, 2018 04:37

United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis (L) poses for a photo with Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (R), April 26th, 2018. . (photo credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY/ARIEL HERMONI)

Washington - Direct conflict between Israeli and Iranian forces is increasingly likely in Syria as Tehran pursues a permanent military presence there, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned on Thursday.

Addressing a congressional panel before hosting his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Liberman, at the Pentagon, Mattis said it was “very likely” from his perspective, “because Iran continues to do its proxy work there through Hezbollah.”

Receiving Liberman, Mattis told reporters that he saw no reason for Iran to ship advanced missiles to Hezbollah through Syria except to threaten Israel.

“I can see how it might start, but I am not sure when or where,” the secretary told lawmakers. Mattis then echoed Liberman’s warning from earlier in the day, issued through a Saudi newspaper, in which he said Israeli forces would strike Tehran if Iranian missiles ever hit Tel Aviv.

The two met at the Pentagon after Liberman met with US President Donald Trump’s national security advisor, John Bolton; his special representative for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt; and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, at the White House.

Iran was the focus of conversation there, as well, according to a statement issued by Israel’s embassy in Washington.

At the hearing, Mattis seemed to question the wisdom of hastily withdrawing from the Iran nuclear accord, just two weeks shy of a May 12 deadline set by Trump for US and European diplomats to come up with "fixes" to its most controversial provisions.

Should they fail, Trump is threatening to withdraw the US from the agreement by reimposing nuclear-related sanctions on Iran lifted by the 2015 deal.

Mattis said that criticisms of the agreement are "valid," but that, " obviously, aspects of the agreement that can be improved upon." The position appeared in sync with that of French President Emmanuel Macron, who at the White House on Tuesday proposed expanding on the existing nuclear deal rather than attempting to start from scratch.

​"​I will say it is written almost with an assumption that Iran would try to cheat,​"​ ​Mattis ​told the Senate panel.​ He said he had read the agreement in full several times, including its classified annexes.​

​"​T​he verification, what is in there, is actually pretty robust as far as our intrusive ability to get in​.​"

Trump says he wants new terms imposed onto the deal by France, Britain, Germany and the US that will grant international inspectors greater access to Iran's military sites. He also hopes to impose new restrictions on Iran's ballistic missile work – inextricably linked to the nuclear warheads they are built to deliver, his administration says– and to scrap "sunset clauses" in the deal that will allow Tehran to resume much of its nuclear enrichment work.

(The Jerusalem Post)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2018 10:26:41 AM

A US Ally Is Literally Beheading People Over Nonviolent Drug Charges

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2018 10:45:06 AM

The poor don’t have a prayer in today’s Washington

The Rev. Patrick Conroy, chaplain of the House of Representatives. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2018 10:58:56 AM

David Wilcock: Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now


Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now

David Wilcock, Stillness in the Storm, 04/27/2018

Part 2 can be read at

() The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now.

Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent.

This is not necessarily going to appear as the “Mass Arrests” scenario we had prognosticated before. However, we may well see high-profile arrests and new data dumps soon enough.

No one can deny there are over 24,500 sealed criminal indictments on the books right now in the US — an all-time high.

My friend David Seaman had his entire identity deleted off of YouTube and social media, only to return with stunning confidence — and new, direct intel about the arrests that are pending.

Alex Jones has a Lockheed Skunk Works insider named Zach who is claiming we are on the verge of disclosure events that could transform us into a multi-planetary society.

Unimaginable evil is being systematically exposed and rooted out. We have been talking about this for years and it is finally happening.

Our own immediate insiders have experienced significant, ongoing threat. The obvious and extreme nature of these attacks again suggests desperation is occurring.

We are not backing down. We have public appearances scheduled for New Living Expo April 27-29, Contact in the Desert June 1-4, our Colorado Ascension Portal all-weekend event July 27-29, and others.


Once you understand the “shadow war” now reaching its crescendo, seemingly confusing and upsetting political events can take on dramatic new levels of meaning.

The payoff we will get if the Alliance succeeds in its campaign against the Deep State is almost beyond imagination.

[If you are new to this, we will define the Alliance a bit later on. A majority of the US military / intel community now supports Disclosure.]

As you may know, I have direct access to insiders who share very unique and compelling insights into the revolution now transpiring in our world.

As a result, we know that the Deep State has been hiding an astonishing wealth of ancient extraterrestrial ruins, crashed technologies, recovered bodies and reverse-engineered interstellar craft.

They also have ongoing, direct relationships with multiple intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.

The scope and power of what lies hidden in these various underground vaults could literally transform us into the Star Trek age overnight.


The idea that this much could be kept hidden from us is staggering. There is still widespread debate over whether any UFOs actually even exist.

I recently met two different people in the Baby Boomer age range at a birthday party, both of whom had impressive UFO sightings.

The ridicule factor was so high at the time they saw these obvious, intelligently-piloted craft that they were both actually saddened by it.

Each of these men decided to keep the sighting to himself because he “did not want to be one of those UFO kooks.”

Younger people are now the beneficiaries of four generations of gradual disclosure, and no longer see this as a subject of laughter and ridicule.

For the uninitiated, it would seem hard to believe how any government or organization would want to withhold such impressive, world-changing breakthroughs.

The main force preventing us from gaining access to this technology is an elite, hyper-wealthy Luciferian cult, sadly enough.

Many of their members engage in what most would call evil practices, such as pedophilia, sacrifice, human trafficking and the desire to greatly reduce earth’s population.


The steps I have just taken to transform my life were huge, but should provide a lasting solution — so we never need to suffer this much “down-time” again.

I did not want to publicly telegraph that we were making a major move from Los Angeles to Colorado during this last seven weeks, for security reasons that will become obvious in a minute.

The process began last September, and we were able to successfully buy a home. This was by far the most difficult worldly ordeal I have ever been through.

It was at least a full-time job from October 2017 until just the last two weeks or so. It often looked as if it was not going to work.

The freedom is just starting to “kick in” now that we have solved all the immediate personal crises from moving to a snowy, alpine climate.

Traveling an average of twice a month for work, over the last ten years, had caused me to feel severe burnout.

An incredible amount of productive time has been freed up by moving to the same city I work in. A taping now takes up two days of my time instead of two weeks.


Pete Peterson and Emery Smith both endured new, nearly-lethal events in the time before, during and after our move, making this transition even more stressful.

Both of these insiders have stepped forward in the last year with many new insights about the Secret Space Program — and the Deep State appears to have punished them for it.

Although many Alliance insider groups want to see disclosure, there are still powerful elements fighting to the death to keep it all a secret.

The tragic events that recently happened to Emery and Pete do not appear to be random accidents.

These attacks are so blatantly obvious that the Deep State clearly appears to be in a true state of desperation to have even attempted them.

Thankfully, these attacks did not kill either of them.

The back-story is quite remarkable. In many ways the truth is far more fascinating than any sci-fi movie or television series I have ever seen.

It is difficult to imagine that any elite group on earth could be keeping this many secrets from us. It is also hard to understand why they would hide it.

Nonetheless, the pieces all fit together beautifully. Genuine insiders from this world have invariably experienced many of the same things firsthand.


Multiple insiders from very highly classified projects have independently shared testimonies that interlink in ways that defy all probabilities of fraud.

These insiders appeared thanks to the trust, credibility and connections I built as a UFO researcher working online since 1996.

This subject has now earned far more widespread acceptance than it had in those dawning days of the internet.

When I first compared insider notes with Corey Goode in November 2014, we found many dozens of direct correlations — far beyond any possibility of coincidence.

Corey’s information fit in perfectly with what Emery Smith had been telling me for the preceding six years — along with the data from many of the others.

We sadly lost William Tompkins last year — another insider who had been involved in this world since WWII, and whose data fit perfectly with everyone else’s.

Tompkins was directly tasked with interviewing American spies embedded in Germany’s secret space program, and relaying that intel to top officials.

He therefore provided critical historical context to the origin and development of what we are calling the secret space program.

In fact, Tompkins’ design ideas for submarine-type spacecraft, seen in this 1954 diagram, became the prototypes for Solar Warden, the classified program Corey Goode served in.

Ships like these were among the first that were built on the inside track, in the hopes of policing the extraterrestrial traffic coming and going through our solar system.

What extraterrestrial traffic, you might ask?

As it turns out, our solar system is a very popular place, as it apparently sits right next to a rare portal that allows travel to other galaxies.

The German Nazis ended up cutting a deal with the most evil extraterrestrials around — a reptilian-human race called the Draco or the Saurians on the inside.

Tompkins did his best to relay this information to top US government and military officials, who completely refused to believe it for some time.

All of this was kept strictly hidden from us, just like the Manhattan Project that led to the development of the atomic bomb.

The cubes that you see allowed these ships to be built in modular pieces here on earth before they were transported and assembled in space.


Tompkins intended to release everything he knew over the course of three books. He only managed to finish the first one and part of the second.

I was fortunate enough to have had multiple conversations with Bill, and to develop a friendship with him before his tragic loss last August.

Bill helped me visualize a happy, healthy and loving relationship, which directly paved the way for my connection and marriage with Elizabeth.

His loss was part of what compelled me to start the process of moving to Colorado a few weeks later — so our lives would ultimately be healthier and happier.

Bill’s public debut was at age 94, and he only lasted less than two years on the scene. This was more than enough time to change the entire scope of UFO scholarship.


Friends and associates have often asked me, “Why don’t you just write short articles?”

The truth is so out-of-the-box that short articles will only make sense to people who have been steadily following the narrative.

That in turn means that anyone else who is new to this will be completely lost, and be apt to think the whole thing is an internet fever dream.

My most recent book, The Ascension Mysteries, represents my first effort to create a large, unified summary and analysis of what these various insiders told me.

You can begin reading at Chapter Fourteen, “Disclosure,” on page 241, and get the equivalent of a full-length book’s worth of information on the secret space program in a condensed form.

There are 251 references in this section of the book alone, which is double the amount required for a doctoral dissertation in most subjects.

Nonetheless, it is not at all dry or boring, but reads like a fast-paced sci-fi drama.

This second half of the book is consistent with the style and research quality of the previous two, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

In many ways, the scope and power of the information in the second half of Ascension far outstrips the previous two in terms of the “wow factor.”

The 251 references tie in a wide variety of different research topics that help provide a factual basis for the remarkable claims you will find.

This includes multiple NASA images of what clearly appear to be intelligent, geometric architectural ruins on the moon, Mars and elsewhere.

This all seems highly implausible to the conventional mind, but it provides intriguing evidence to support the idea that our solar system has been widely inhabited and colonized.


I managed to pull multiple, direct quotes from Tompkins right before the deadline, adding even more scope and depth to the disclosure.

This included stunning new detail about extraterrestrial architecture we found both on the surface and within Earth’s moon.

One of the surprises Bill shared with me was that NASA covertly photographed massive buildings that were completely levitating above the lunar surface.

Imagine a rectangular building that is two miles long, just hovering there above the surface — apparently with no threat of collapse whatsoever.

There were many different styles and types of architecture on the moon, depending upon where you looked. This suggested a variety of cultures had settled there.

This data fit beautifully with Corey Goode’s claim that many different ET races have settled on our moon and are directly involved with our classified programs.

It almost makes you crazy to hear things like this, as if it is all true, then the scope of how much we are being lied to is beyond imagination.

Even skeptics would want to enter into a world where this technology was accessible — they are just too cynical to believe it is possible in their lifetimes.


Emery Smith has been a friend and trusted insider since 2009 — and one of my longest-term and most interesting witnesses.

I never imagined he would come forward. Up until his life was very aggressively threatened in the summer of 2017, he had no intention of doing so.

Emery was attacked in the same wave that corresponded with Tompkins’ loss. It is very sad that we were never able to get them together for an interview.

Since Emery hadn’t yet come forward at the time I wrote The Ascension Mysteries, the book only contains a small sampling of the knowledge he had provided me with.

I didn’t want to go into too much detail in case it would identify who he was and lead to undesirable “visits” from the Deep State.

I was admittedly stunned when Emery first told me he had autopsied some three thousand different extraterrestrial species while working in an underground military base in New Mexico.

The details were staggeringly complex — and correlated precisely with what others had told me, in many cases, while adding significantly more information.


Emery’s data ties in very nicely with other insiders I discussed in the book — including Daniel, Henry Deacon, Bruce, Jacob, Bob Dean, Clifford Stone, Corey Goode, William Tompkins and Pete Peterson.

These are some of the people I had private conversations with, often for many hours — and would find dozens and dozens of very specific data points in common.

Emery also had worked as the vice-president of CSETI, Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure organization, for many years. I first met him in a joint meeting with Greer in 2009, at Inn of the Seventh Ray in Topanga, California.

As you will know if you are a regular reader of this site, I attended Greer’s original Disclosure Project event at DC in 2001, and met most of the 39 insiders who came forward that day.

Emery appears in the movie Sirius, though he does not share any insider information. Emery is also the surgeon who autopsied the mysterious Atacama humanoid in the movie.


Emery reveals that the US military has been sitting on a story of far greater scope and intrigue than we could have even imagined.

In order for a military base to have gained possession of this many different species of ET corpses, they would have to be in regular, widespread contact with a variety of civilizations.

Almost all of the specimens he autopsied in the underground facility at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico were humanlike in some way.

They usually had the classic “five-star” pattern, as they called it, meaning a head, two arms and two legs.

Once you get past that basic guideline, what you then see is a wide variety of different types of intelligent, human-like life.

In most cases, you can imagine a being similar to something here on earth — in any of the different kingdoms — being elevated to a human-like level.

This means you will have all different sorts of aquatic humanoids, mammalian humanoids, avians, insectoids and reptilians.

Some species have undeniable examples of vegetable cells in their physiology, and may even photosynthesize light.

You also occasionally get strange types of “light beings” that appear to have died in a proto-plasmic state, somewhere between matter and energy.


In the earlier stages of his insider career, Emery was given hardly any information or access, other than that he was obviously working on very strange cadavers.

The technology on the base was vastly ahead of what we had in the open world in the 1990s — and much of it is still like science fiction today.

This included interactive holographic displays, consciousness-assisted technology, “printed” meals made to order, and smart-glass pads similar to those discussed by Corey Goode.

As he progressed in the programs, he began having direct interactions with a variety of different ET races who would help him with the autopsies.

He occasionally had to stay overnight at the base, in rooms that were configured to accommodate multiple different types of ET species.

Not one ET group he interacted with appeared to be negative in any way. In fact, there was a very consistent sense of extreme positivity from these people.

They explained that they were here because they wanted to help us understand our galactic neighborhood, even if it was all being kept secret at this time.

These races invariably wanted to see disclosure take place, and to tear down the walls of secrecy that keep us apart.


As you may know, we have now taped a few dozen episodes of Emery’s testimony for Cosmic Disclosure, a show on Gaia, which is like the “Metaphysical Netflix.”

These episodes have been airing since January, and we just finished our third taping last week — despite the death threats.

Emery was given MD-level training in the military, and it shows in the speed and technical precision he uses as he describes his experiences.

Our second taping in January featured at least eight episodes where Corey Goode and Emery Smith were comparing notes on their remarkable experiences.

It was a true blessing to capture their initial conversations and data-sharing on camera.

The crossovers are numerous and fascinating. The odd, specific details are often what stand out as the most surprising — defying any reasonable possibility of chance.

If you want to check it out, please click on to make sure we get compensated for your subscription. The first month is only 99 cents with no cancellation fees.

We keep cranking out new episodes every week, except for the very occasional production break — and your membership conveys full access to everything in the library.


Emery shared far more detail in these tapings, after having his life so aggressively threatened, than he ever had revealed to me before.

As is the case in the best interviews, I was learning all sorts of mind-blowing new things in real time as I continued asking questions.

One of the weirder discoveries was that many of the UFOs we have found are an interesting fusion between technology and biology.

These ships are often “grown” out in space, using a combination of sound frequencies and advanced technology.

A particular being may often use its own genetic material to help produce the craft it then travels in.

The craft then interfaces directly with its occupant, creating a thought-assisted transportation device.

Scrapings from the craft would show DNA test results that matched the signatures in the cadaver itself.

Many of these craft have their own type of personality — very eager to please, and ready to do whatever you are authorized to ask for.

Emery also reported that many of these craft would refuse to take us outside our atmosphere or solar system — understanding that we were not yet ready for this as a society.

The Secret Space Program definitely found workarounds for this, according to Tompkins, Peterson, Deacon, Jacob, Dean, Goode and others.

As Pete just told me recently, “No one will believe this, but there are Americans all over the galaxy.” Goode has reported that other nations are involved as well.


Many people are electrified by what Emery is saying. It is certainly helpful to see how these pieces fit, as I have been able to do since we started talking about a decade ago.

The evidence keeps piling up as more and more insiders like Goode, Tompkins, Peterson and Emery step up to share what they know.

One researcher in the UFO field who has really “run with the ball” on this whole subject is Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics Institute.

Salla had multiple interviews with Tompkins before his death and did amazing work in validating his accounts with documents and other proof.

Somehow he managed to write yet another book recently, which is getting great reviews — Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.

Dr. Salla has done the hard work of including 584 references in the book to support this discussion with academic rigor.

This shows that legitimate researchers are taking this very seriously, and there is plenty of supporting data if you go looking for it.

Michael is very excited about Emery having come forward, as it greatly supports the overall body of Secret Space Program insider data we are gathering.

I look forward to reading my copy, and things have been far too busy for me to have the time to do so — as of yet.

Dr. Bob Wood, a close colleague of William Tompkins we interviewed on Cosmic Disclosure,included the following in his April 20th review:

I found the last Chapter 16 summary a masterpiece of synthesis of unwritten history of the last 100 years, and the incredible existence of multiple secret space programs.

Skeptics will have difficulty attacking the details, because the book not only has 584 specific references to each claim but has a masterful index permitting one to verify consistency.


There is an ongoing roster of impersonators who want to pretend to be real insiders as well. If I don’t discuss them, it’s because they didn’t pass our vetting process.

If you think I haven’t heard of someone, believe me, I have. Repeatedly.

99.9 percent of “new insiders” will turn out to be fraudulent. It’s a sad fact at this point. We can easily “vet out” the real ones and they are extremely rare.

With that being said, one of my policies is “we do not hang our own.”

I will gladly go after billionaires, politicians, CEOs, pedophiles and satanists, as well as producers and directors of Deep State propaganda masquerading as entertainment.

However, I will almost never turn against fellow researchers or even wannabe insiders by name.

That doesn’t change the fact that we are routinely and sardonically attacked online by many different individuals, including fellow researchers.

I get that it may seem fun and tempting to want to make up fake stories, but the real insiders are not enjoying the process of coming forward at all.

Emery has had very real and ongoing threats levied against him ever since he spent time living with Elizabeth and me in 2017.


Skeptical people often view subjects like this as if they are watching a movie or a video game, where there are no real stakes and everything is a virtual reality.

Alliance insiders have expressed shock and disappointment at the degree to which so much of the UFO community has turned their backs on all of us, sticking to their own traditional narratives.

Dr. Michael Salla is a notable exception, and he has made valuable research contributions to this developing subject. Almost all other traditional UFO scholars have ignored it.

This is one of the reasons why disclosure will proceed through public information releases, not through any private individuals in the UFO community.

We now have an impressive body of data that gives us far more detail than we could ever hope to obtain from analyzing pyramids, Roswell, classic sightings or insiders from 20 years ago.

We may be on the verge of getting a treasure-trove of new information in the next “data dump” as well.

Emery is still barely surviving at this point. There is no logical reason for him to keep having car crashes, emergency room trips and even fatalities of his loved ones if he was just trying to “tell a story.”

I try not to have feelings of anger or judgment when I see people accusing him of making all of this up. If you get to know him personally, it will soon become very obvious that he is the real thing.


On December 29th, we revealed how a black SUV pulled up and abducted Emery’s dog Raven. Immediately thereafter he became very sick with flu-like symptoms and ended up in the emergency room.

I speculated that Emery may have been hit with an ice dart weapon that introduced a fast-acting virus into his system.

This is one of many ugly technologies available to insider operatives in classified programs.

Pete Peterson actually invented the ice dart system and described it to me in detail. Part of his desire to come forward was to “clear mud off of his wheel of karma.”

Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a local animal lover, and Emery got her back unharmed.

Now imagine that this attack was ordered by a malicious group attempting to protect Emery’s secrets, and brutalize him into silence.

They were obviously furious that the dog survived. They were compelled to strike him and his loved ones again.

The next attack had far more violent and fateful consequences for Emery and his beloved canine companions.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
