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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2018 10:33:37 AM



If you've been lucky enough to catch sight of an aurora, it probably looked like a glowing green curtain dancing across the sky. But there's a second, rarer type of aurora—and now, scientists have finally figured out the secret to how they form.

These auroras pulsate, appearing to dim and brighten every five to 40 secondswithout moving. The pulsating variety occurs much higher in the atmosphere, making it harder to see, but happens closer to the equator. Normal auroras are trapped around the poles, at about the latitude of Alaska and Scandinavia.

Their secret is a second, equally mysterious phenomenon called chorus waves, according to a new paper published in the journal Nature. Chorus waves are one of a few different types of plasma waves. Plasma is a fancy term for charged particles, like those that constantly flow out from our sun.

Aurora, or northern lights, on display in September 2017. OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

When plasma streams enter the Van Allen Belts, doughnut-shaped zones that envelop Earth, they get tangled in the belts' magnetic fields, forming plasma waves. Chorus waves occur when the plasma is fairly warm and electrons are forced toward the side of Earth currently turned away from the sun.

For decades now, scientists have suspected that chorus waves and pulsating auroras might be connected, but they had no way to prove it. That has now changed, thanks to a Japanese spacecraft called the Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace, which launched in December 2016. The spacecraft was designed to track how electrons are born and die in the Van Allen Belts as the sun's plasma beats down on Earth.

The spacecraft was armed with a special sensor the team behind the research had designed that can actually distinguish different types of electrons hitting it. That allowed the team to finally connect the chorus waves to the electrons to the pulsating aurora. They found that the connection really does hold up: As chorus waves happen, they create small showers of electrons, which triggered the pulsating aurora.

The researchers behind the paper want to keep studying the phenomenon to better understand the consequences of plasma waves. They also think the stunning phenomenon may not be limited to Earth—it could also cause the light shows spacecraft have captured circling Jupiter and Saturn, which also experience chorus waves.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2018 10:52:18 AM
2 + 2 = 4

Syrian War for Dummies - Three Versions

Weapons flow to Syria
Although the Syrian war is almost over, many Americans still don't understand what transpired over the last seven years, because the mainstream narrative has been an embarrassing mix of propaganda, half-truths and lies. Three versions of the conflict are presented here and the reader can choose the one that makes the most sense to them.

Disney Version

Once upon a time, a country called Syria was ruled by a ruthless dictator named Bashar Al-Assad. He was a cruel man who gassed his own people. His actions caused a civil war in Syria. America and Europe tried their best to stop the devastating civil war, and even generously accepted many Syrian refugees. Eventually America went to Syria, defeated ISIS, and is now trying to restore stability.

This above version is quite popular among many Americans and Europeans and the Western mainstream media.

High School Version

Oppressed by Assad's brutal regime, the Syrian people longed for freedom and democracy. One day, people started protesting in a small city. In response, Assad killed many peaceful protesters. However, this backfired and the entire country was engulfed in protests. Soon a civil war broke out, which led to millions of refugees fleeing Syria.

America was appalled and, for humanitarian reasons, decided to help the Syrians who were fighting Assad. When Assad gassed his own people, America intervened and removed all his chemical weapons. Unfortunately, Assad managed to gas innocent civilians again after a few years. Then, America went to Syria, defeated ISIS, and is now trying to restore stability.

The above version is presented in most of the global mainstream media.

College Version

Simply put, the Syrian "civil war" is an illegal, proxy war waged against Syria. In defiance of international laws, many countries have been sending weapons and terrorist mercenaries into Syria for the last seven years (if you want to gain a deeper understanding of who wants to topple Assad and why, please read my article: "Chaos in Syria: Part 1 - Three Motives and Seven Countries").


In early 2011, US/UK special forces used Jordan's military base to organize protests against Assad in a border town called Daraa. With Muslim Brotherhood's organizational skills and Saudi Arabia's deep pockets, violent protests spread thru Syria. Soon, an organized and armed militia known as Free Syrian Army (FSA) was created by the outsiders.

After the fall of Gaddafi in late 2011, the US State Department and US intelligence agencies organized the shipment of tons of deadly weapons such as Stinger missiles and Sarin gas from destroyed Libya to Syria, via Turkey. Even with all this help, the American proxy force known as the FSA couldn't win the war. At this point, NATO and Neocons wanted to bomb Syria, but Russia and China vetoed the motion in the UN, so the imperial war by deception moved on to the next phase.


In early 2012, someone dialed Al Qaeda (referred to as AQ or AQI in government documents). Zawahiri, AQ's top leader, called for help and experienced Islamic terrorists from all over the world rushed into Syria by way of Saudi Arabia's international jihadist recruitment agency. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, received an email from her chief adviser, saying that "Al Qaeda is on our side" .

Al Qaeda rebranded itself as Al Nusra, and fearsome weapons such as grenade launchers, mortars, tanks and anti-tank missiles started pouring into Syria via Turkey and Jordan.
Syria weapons
The CIA spent $100,000 to train each rebel. Billions of US taxpayers dollars were wasted once again on supporting the same terrorist groups that attacked the USA on 911 .

Watching the western media, the average person had no idea that we were supporting Al Qaeda or how heavily armed these "rebels" were.

Western media and politicians also stuck to their talking points and referred to all these fighters as "moderate rebels." However, many of them are ruthless Islamists who use suicide bombers, behead even children, and commit unspeakable atrocities. They are also religious fanatics who seek out and kill Christians and Shiites. I describe this in detail in my book, Deconstructing the Syrian War.

A Pentagon memo warned against this reckless policy and precisely predicted the rise of groups such as ISIS. Obviously the memo was ignored (or even happily accepted) by the White House and other officials.

2012 was also the year when the refugee crisis became a serious international problem. By the end of the year, almost 200,000 people had fled Syria. In the coming years, it would swell to five million.


When FSA and AQ failed to oust Assad, the powers-to-be started recruiting Sunni extremists in Iraq. In April 2013, ISIS was officially created. In the next year, these barbaric mercenaries would capture much of eastern Syria.
Syria jihadists
This was also the year when Obama's red-line was crossed - the use of chemical weapons by Assad. UN experts who went to the site soon found that it was actually the rebels who had likely used the chemical weapons. The report was quickly drowned by the western propaganda machine.

2014 - 2016

The next two years were just repetitions of the daily brutality of war, with ISIS making huge gains in the east. Whenever the rebels started to lose, either more weapons would flow in, or Israel would fly into Syria and bomb the Syrian army.

In late 2015, the Syrian government sought Russia's help. Within a month, the Russian air force weakened ISIS by destroying most of the oil tankers that ISIS was using to transport oil to Turkey. By the end of 2016, the Syrian government had the upper hand - Aleppo was liberated from Al Qaeda, and ISIS was running out of cash and morale.
Assad visits Western countries

2017 was turning out to be a great year for Assad. By March, ISIS had lost over three hundred towns to the Syrian army.

Al Qaeda was facing a similar demise, losing one big city after another.

Furthermore, Trump had stopped arming the rebels in February. In late March, Trump and Tillerson dropped the slogan "Assad must go".

Finally, Assad was getting ready for a EU-UN peace conference on April 4-5.

This was the moment - when events had turned in favor of the Syrian government - that the alleged chemical attack occurred in an area controlled by the rebels. Plus it happened on the very day that the peace conference began.

Without any investigation, within an hour after the pictures and videos came out, Western warmongers declared that Assad was responsible. No independent doctors or experts were sent to the site. Anyone who took the time to critically analyze the situation could see that the chemical attack was was either a hoax or a false flag attack.


After Russia had effectively defeated ISIS, the US didn't just leave Syria, since the real goal is to Balkanize Syria and prepare for a war against Iran. Thus the globalists are now trying to use Kurds as a proxy tool in this effort. It's likely that the US will have military bases in Syria for a long time. As long as the US government can keep borrowing money, such wild adventures will continue.

In their quest for hegemonic geopolitical goals, the elites are sowing more chaos around the world and irreparably damaging the western moral compass. The global mafia's rule seems to be this: if you play by our rules, we will be nice to you. If you don't...

Those are the three versions of the Syrian civil war. Which one will Americans choose to believe?

P.S. Here are some links to read if you would like to gain a Ph.D. version of the Syrian conflict:

a. 1956: CIA plot to overthrow the Syrian government

b. 1983: CIA document on plans to obliterate Syria to enable an oil pipeline

c. 1986: CIA document on how to use Muslim Brotherhood to fuel a sectarian (Sunni v. Shiite) civil war in Syria

d. 2001: Wesley Clark told that USA will take out 7 countries in 5 years (Libya, Syria etc.)

e. 2005: CNN Interview. Christiane Amanpour tells Assad that the western governments are plotting a regime change in Syria

f. 2006: State Dept cable: Detailed discussion of various strategies to enable regime change in Syria

g. 2009: State Dept Email: Saudi Arabia is worried that a Shiite crescent is turning into a full moon (referring to a possible Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon coalition)

h. 2009: State Dept Cable: Saudi Arabia is the #1 source of funding of terrorism worldwide

i. 2012 State Dept Email: Conquest of Syria means a weakened Iran and this is important for Israel

j. 2012: State Dept Email: Use Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to arm/train rebels

k. 2014: Hillary Clinton admits in an email that Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund ISIS

l. 2015: Joe Biden says Saudi Arabia and Qatar arming/funding Al Qaeda in Syria

m. 2016: John Kerry in a leaked audio recording explains how the US trained/armed the opposition and was hoping to use ISIS to force Assad into negotiation

n. Israel's Mossad chief admits helping Al Qaeda and says that it's because Al Qaeda never attacks Israel

Chris Kanthan (Profile)

Chris Kanthan is the author of a new book, Deconstructing the Syrian war. Chris lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, has traveled to 35 countries, and writes about world affairs, politics, economy and health. His other book is Deconstructing Monsanto.. Follow him on Twitter: @GMOChannel


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2018 5:06:09 PM

Turkish Troops Accused of Hitting Kurds With Toxic Gas After Crossing Into Syria

February 17, 2018 at 8:46 am

Details are still scant, and there are no details on what chemical they were exposed to, but similar accounts have been made by the Kurdish YPG, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, and the Syrian state media.

Such an incident is a potentially major deal, as Turkey isn’t known to have ever had chemical weapons in the first place, let alone to have any now. It’s possible, however, that certain chemicals they do have were deployed in a way inconsistent with international law.

As a practical matter, Turkey has inflicted far more civilian casualties in Afrin through conventional means, but the introduction of chemical arms, even on a small scale, risks causing widespread panic, and a new exodus of civilians.

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الجيش التركي يقصف قرية ارندة بناحية شيه بالغازات السامة، 6 مصابيين وصلو لمشفى آفرين

By Jason Ditz / Republished with permission / ANTIWAR.COM / Repo
rt a typo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2018 6:33:22 PM

Massive 7.5 earthquake rocks Mexico as seismic alarms go off

SOUTHERN Mexico has been rattled by a huge 7.5 earthquake and smoke has been seen from an active volcano.

By Jamie Micklethwaite /

The epicenter was close to the Pacific coast in the southern state of Oaxaca.

Tall buildings in Mexico City were filmed swaying as people cowered for cover.

The scale of damage is unknown at this stage.

FLASHBACKS: Terrified revellers huddled together as the earthquake shook Mexico City

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Mexico earthquake: Pictures from the scene

At least five people died, three of them in Chiapas state after their house collapsed in the quake and two others in Tabasco state

Members of the Mexican army look at damage caused by an earthquake in the Port of Veracuz, MexicoAFP/GETTY IMAGES
Members of the Mexican army look at damage caused by an earthquake in the Port of Veracuz, Mexico

Smoke was also seen coming from volcano Popocatépetl.

At the time of the devastating 2017 earhtquake, the volcano 15 people were killed after it erupted.

It is not yet known if it has erupted and if the two are linked.

Images from the scene showed collapsed buildings and rubble.

Revellers in the capital were celebrating Chinese New Year when the tremors began.

The country is still reeling from the biggest earthquake in 30 years hitting last year, killing around 270 people.

ALERT: Seismic alarms went off in Mexico City


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2018 11:07:19 PM

Magnitude 4.2 earthquake strikes south Wales, tremor felt from Cornwall to Liverpool

EPICENTRE: The quake struck eight miles from Swansea city centre
EPICENTRE: The quake struck eight miles from Swansea city centre
A massive earthquake has struck Wales with tremors felt from Cornwall to Liverpool.

The 4.2 magnitude quake occurred near Swansea, south Wales, around 2.30pm at a depth of six miles.

Residents across the UK - from Bristol to Cornwall - have reported tremors in its aftermath.

Five buildings have reportedly been damaged but there are no indications of injuries.

Dyfed-Powys Police said they had received an "extremely high call volume".

Tyrone Williams, from Port Talbot, said:
"Our house shook and ornaments fell. Our birds flapped and squawked and our dog went nuts. My wife's family in Newport also felt it."
Port Talbot Town FC temporarily stopped play during the quake.

Dramatic footage also shows students being evaucated from Swansea University.

One Bristol resident wrote: "Was there an earthquake in Bristol? The whole building just shook!"

A Twitter user from Gloucester wrote: "The entire house just started shaking - things fell off my wardrobe and ceiling and my mum said that things on the table started shaking."

South Wales Police issued this statement: "There has been a minor earthquake throughout South Wales.

"No need for you to contact the emergency services unless you have something to report, i.e. injuries or damage."

It comes just hours after Mexico was rocked by a 7.5 magnitude quake.

Comment: See:The Bristol post reports:

Mr James, from York Road, shared pictures of cracks running up the side of his walls and said: "We thought someone had crashed into the building because it shook from left to right.

"Then the cats started going crazy.

"Then we noticed the front of our flat was damaged.

"Events of this magnitude only happen in the UK every 2-3 years"

An earthquake which shook parts of the UK on Saturday is the sort of event which happens only once "every two or three years", experts have said.

The British Geographical Survey (BGS) said the epicentre was 20km (12 miles) north of Swansea, with a 4.4 magnitude at a depth of 7.4km (4.6m).

A BGS tweet added:
"Events of this magnitude only happen in the UK every 2-3 years."
bristol quake

Mr James, from York Road, shared these pictures of the damage to his building

Comment: A reader wrote in to tell us that she felt it too:
I felt this tremor, nothing major, just felt like a the house jolted.
The British Geographical Survey says an event of this magnitude only happens in the UK every 2-3 years. Actually, there have been about 7 similar-strength quakes in the UK in the last 3 years alone...

22 May 2015 - A 4.2 magnitude earthquake 'causes homes to shake' in Kent, UK
25 May 2015 - Magnitude 3.0 earthquake recorded in North Wales
29 Jan 2015 - Britain's second earthquake in 48 hours strikes in East Midlands
7 Mar 2016 - Earthquake 'shook houses' in south-east England
3 Jan 2017 - 3.9 magnitude tremor strikes off UK coast - biggest quake for nearly a decade
4 July 2017 - Earthquake recorded off Shetland was largest in UK for nine years
5 Aug 2017 - Scottish Highlands are rocked by their biggest earthquake for 30 years


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
