JUST IN: Massive Outrage As Vatican Knighthood Awarded To Virulent Abortion Activist, “Powerful Signal”

Pope Francis has yet to comment on his approval of the award given to Lilianne Ploumen, a notable abortion advocate.
The Vatican and Pope Francis had major lapses in judgment when they presented a known abortion activist an honorable award. Dutch Former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen has a primary focus on women’s reproductive rights, most notably abortions. Ploumen founded SheDecides, a program which provides funding for abortion services globally, already raising $400 million. The program was founded in 2017 after President Trump approved the Mexico City Policy, removing the United States from the worldwide abortion community by banning funding to related services.
Ploumen was visiting “the king and queen of the Netherlands” when she received the award of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great, a prestigious honor given to those demonstrating “exemplary public service” in the community as well as “service to the Holy See,” while upholding the Order’s motto: “For God and Ruler.”
For pro-abortion citizens, she provided a ‘public service,’ but she in no way served the Catholic church, being a direct contradiction to the sanctity of life that the church values. Ploumen was given the award in June last year, but the news was kept silent until this week, likely intentional, as the Vatican surely knew it was highly inappropriate. Catholics worldwide are appalled at the news, feeling betrayed that most holy Catholic church would celebrate an advocate personally responsible for killing the unborn, sending a “powerful signal” about its stance on abortion.

Pope Francis and Lilianne Ploumen at her Vatican Knighthood awarding.
Since the news was made known about “the high award from the Pope,” numerous Vatican clergy members have vocalized that they did not approve the award or did not know about it. Ploumen praised the Pope, indicating that she feels he is more progressive than his predecessor and could help with the women’s rights movement.
So far, the only confirmation of progressive efforts of hers that Pope Francis has been receptive to involved a conversation about climate change, arguably not as important as saving lives. However, in Ploumen’s world, the award is a victory and believes it is inspirational to normalize the killing of babies.
According to her abortion advocacy belief, Ploumen completely disregards the life of a child, instead completely relying on the woman’s rights side of the argument, fighting for the “fundamental rights of girls and women to decide freely and for themselves about their sexual lives, including whether, when, with whom and how many children they have.” She calls such matters “the main battleground” of her politics, which also funds and supports contraception and gay marriage which go against the Vatican’s teachings as well.

Ploumen displaying her award on YouTube.
The hypocrisy continues as Ploumen claims to be a devout Catholic and brags about lobbying and “establishing contacts” within the Vatican community. Her feelings of security within the church are thankfully not as strong as Ploumen believes them to be. American priest Reverend Peter West has reached out to the Pope to have the award revoked. As the former vice president of Missions at Human Life International, West rightfully expressed concern regarding the church sending such a message. He said, “the Church must not honor those who believe they have a right to choose to kill [babies].”
Ploumen’s work is undoubtedly dangerous, as it has increased the number of abortions that are performed around the world. The Mexico City Policy was a pro-life measure which would not have affected other humanitarian health services that the United States provides, but only discontinues funding abortion. The SheDecides campaign has been successful in counteracting President Trump’s effort to preserve life and is now backed by the Vatican. The recent publicity is sure to draw support from the left, helping Ploumen’s pro-abortion campaign reach its goal of raising $600 million to promote and fund abortions globally.
Christians and non-Christians are appalled by the Vatican’s decision to acknowledge a woman with such a disgusting legacy, but the Church insists that the award does not promote abortion or any of the Ploumen’s other efforts, but was meant to be a “diplomatic practice.” Deputy spokesperson of the Holy See Press Office, Paloma Garcia Ovejero says the award is based on Ploumen’s frequent presence in Vatican affairs and is not intended to promote her politics.

Ploumen founded SheDecides, which funds abortions globally.
In the event that this is the case, that the not the impression that the right or left is getting. Catholics are outraged at the church’s support, and Ploumen has bragged about the “very special” honor, admitting that while it is not directly correlated to abortions, is a step towards reproductive rights.
In bestowing the honor on Ploumen, the Vatican also sent the message that it tolerates liberal protesting even when it interferes with other’s religious freedom. In 2010, Ploumen led a protest for LGBT rights in a Dutch cathedral, disrupting many from worshipping so that she could push the liberal agenda.
Ploumen’s various projects for liberal movements have clearly demonstrated that she is a public enemy to conservative efforts, especially those fighting to protect the sanctity of life. While the woman should be ignored or criticized for her part in the horror of abortions around the world, she is being celebrated by the Catholic church. God help us.