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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/28/2017 10:43:57 AM



The Egyptian village where hundreds of worshippers were killed by Islamic militants on Friday has been threatened by radical Islamists against hosting religious gatherings for followers of Sufism, a mystical strand of Islam, some days before the attack, according to the Associated Press. The Egyptian military responded to the attack over the weekend by bombing vehicles thought to have been used in the assault.

As Friday sermons began at the Sufi mosque in the village of Bir al-Abed, in the north of the Sinai peninsula, militants detonated a bomb, killing some worshippers and causing others to rush for the doors. Gunmen surrounding the building—inumbering between 25 and 30 and carrying the balck flag of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS)—opened fire into the fleeing crowd. The latest tally offered by the Egyptian government over the weekend stood at 305 dead, including 27 children. Friday's attack into the deadliest one in Egyp's modern history.

But security officials and residents told the news agency on Monday that residents of the village have been warned before the attack that their mosque may be a target for radical Islamist militants. The warning focused on Sufi religious ceremonies planned for the end of November to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.

For Salafis, Muslims who follow an ultra conservative brand of Islam and whose followers include many ISIS jihadis, Sufi Muslims are seen as heretics.

Egyptian army conscripts stand guard outside the Suez Canal University hospital in the eastern port city of Ismailia on November 25, 2017, where the victims of a bomb and gun assault on the North Sinai Rawda mosque that took place the day before are receiving treatment.MOHAMED EL-SHAHED/AFP/GETTY

A local resident, 30-year-old Mohammed Darwish, told the the Associated Press that jihadis issued threats after villagers detained three suspected militants and passed them over to Egyptian security forces.

Radical Islamists had also previously handed out leaflets urging people in the area to convert from Sufism, and had stormed the residence of a local religious leader.

“They threatened him not to hold Sufi gatherings, and last week, they came on motorbikes and asked residents not to participate in Sufi rituals,” Darwish said. But the worshippers appeared defiant, going ahead with their Friday sermon despite violent threats.

Now others in the region are calling for cooperation with the Egyptian military.

In a bid for unity to defeat ISIS’s affiliate in the peninsula, Bedouin leaders have requested that people help the Egyptian military combat the insurgency.

“We call on men and youths of Sinai tribes to join their coordinate for a major operation with the army,” the Union of Sinai Tribes wrote in a Facebook statement.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has long pledged to crush a radical Islamist insurgency in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, particularly since the downing of a Russian Metrojet flight in October 2015, which killed all 224 passengers and crew on board. The jihadi insurgency in Egypt’s Northern Sinai became emboldened after 2013, when Sisi, then chief of staff of the Egyptian military, ousted the country’s first-ever democratically-elected leader, the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/28/2017 3:54:10 PM

Britain to be hit by THREE WEEKS of -12C Arctic blasts and "significant snowfall" as health chiefs issue warning
It will be the worst cold snap since 2010's Big Freeze caused chaos across the country

  • 11:30, 27 NOV 2017
  • UPDATED12:09, 27 NOV 2017


Britain faces a three week chill with temperatures set to drop to -12C, and experts warning the freeze could claim 40,000 lives.

Forecasters believe we're facing the coldest December since 2010's Big Freeze, which saw transport networks grind to a halt as snow caused chaos across the country.

Health chiefs have now issued a warning ahead of the prolonged cold spell, calling on the public to check on those who may be at risk.

Bookmakers have slashed the odds of a White Christmas, and heavy snow is expected in the north and as far south as Essex and London.

Britain risks a re-run of some of December’s 2010’s mayhem – with forecast snow and ice meaning some roads are set to be impassable, trains halted, planes risking cancellations and football matches facing being frozen off.

December shivers nudging -12C – even in the South - were forecast by The Weather Company and The Weather Outlook.

December will be the coldest for several years, experts have warned

A farmer walks through snow in the Yorkshire Dale National Park on Saturday

Dr Thomas Waite, of Public Health England’s Extreme Events team, said: “As the weather is going to get colder everywhere in the coming days, this is a really good time to check on those who may be at-risk.

"People with diseases such as heart and lung conditions, older people and young children can feel the ill-effects of cold weather more than the rest of us.

"To stay well this winter we all need to play a part. Is there someone you know who could be at risk when the weather gets cold? Could you help them out by fetching shopping or prescriptions?

"When the colder weather arrives there are several things we can do to keep well, wear several thin layers instead of fewer thicker ones, keep parts of the home you’re using heated to at least 18C and keep a careful eye on the weather forecasts."

London faces snow flurries from tomorrow, and The Met Office warned of snow in the North tomorrow and as far south as Essex from Wednesday, with the East, North and West all due low-level snow near coasts this week.

“Significant snowfall” is due in the North, said ex-BBC and Met Office forecaster John Hammond of weathertrending.

Snow is predicted across the country this week

Officials believe around 40,000 people could die as a result of the winter freeze

It is feared colder-than-usual weather will kill close to 40,000 Brits this winter, after 34,000 excess winter deaths were recorded in the mild winter a year ago.

Winter’s average cold weather death toll is 25,000.

The Met Office said Arctic air means Britain’s -7C coldest nights of winter are possible on Wednesday and Thursday in both the South and North, beating the -6.3C on Saturday morning at Topcliffe, North Yorkshire.

Britain will be colder than St Petersburg, Russia, due 0C lows.

Bookmakers Ladbrokes cut white Christmas odds to 8/15 odds-on. A Ladbrokes spokesperson said: “The weather outside is frightful, and the odds suggest it’s going to get colder and snowier by Christmas.”

Government forecasters said a “cold northerly airstream” until mid-December means low-level snow will be most likely in the East and North-East, with widespread frost and some ice risks expected at times.

Forecasters are predicting it will be the coldest December since 2010

December 2010 saw Britain blanketed white as a month-long freeze saw roads, railways and airports shut down.

Nationwide sub-zero chills hit a low of -21.3C (-6F) at Altnaharra, Highland, Scotland.

Met Office forecaster Luke Miall said: “Tuesday’s hill snow is most likely across the north, with Wednesday to Friday seeing showers increasingly focused across the East, and coldest on Thursday when snow is possible to low levels.

“Low-level snow is possible, mixed in with sleet, hail and rain, even down towards Essex. Coastal areas in the North and Wales also risk snow.

“The -6.3C coldest temperature of the season could be beaten on Wednesday and Thursday night, with the coldest temperatures from the South right up to the North, well inland.

“Less cold weather on Saturday is followed by cold, frosty weather in the East from Sunday, and then a cold northerly airstream may become established across all areas until a few days after December 11.

Heavy snow fell over the Highlands in Scotland last week

Snow and ice is forecast for parts of the country next month (file photo)

“Temperatures are set to be rather cold or cold everywhere, with showers wintry to low levels, especially in the East and North-East.

“From mid-December, there is an increasing chance of rainfall especially in some western areas, encouraging temperatures to recover closer to average.

“People need to be prepared for winter conditions and take heed of severe weather warnings, with ice warnings expected at short notice.”

Channel 4 forecaster Liam Dutton said: “Cold and wintry weather is likely until mid-December.”

The Weather Company senior meteorologist Mark Stephens-Row said: “The UK’s first colder-than-average December since December 2010 is expected.

“-10C or so is likely, lowest when there is snow on the ground, which is a risk for the South.”

There is a risk of travel chaos next month (file photo)

The Weather Outlook forecaster Brian Gaze said: “-12C minimum temperatures are expected in early winter.
“The coldest temperatures will be in the North, but the South doesn’t look like being far behind.”

Ex-BBC and Met Office forecaster John Hammond of weathertrending said: “Significant snowfall is certainly expected across hills of northern Britain in the next week.

“And low-lying areas inland from the sea could well be affected by the heavier wintry showers.”

STV weather presenter Sean Batty said: “Details are firming up of a fairly lengthy spell of cold weather.”

Many who die in cold weather are elderly - but victims would not die anyway in coming months, the Department of Health emphasised.

20 per cent of winter deaths are people aged under 75, with 11 per cent under 65, Office for National Statistics figures show.

The Department of Health said cold conditions worsen winter killers including flu, chest diseases, heart attacks, strokes and dementia.

Department of Health chief medical officer Professor Dame Sally Davies, writing in the Cold Weather Plan for England 2017, said: “There are around 25,000 excess winter deaths each year in England.

“Cold-related deaths represent the biggest weather-related source of mortality.

“Communities can help their neighbours, friends and relatives protect against harm to health in winter.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/28/2017 5:03:12 PM

Maximum sentence: Underage boy sentenced to just one year in prison, psychiatric care for murder of young girl in Netherlands

Romy Nieuwburg murder
© Miranda Brameyer Schuilenburg / Facebook
Romy Nieuwburg, 14, found killed in a watery ditch in Achterveld, Utrecht on 2 June 2017.
A 14-year-old boy was convicted and sentenced to one year in a youth detention facility for his role in the death of Romy Nieuwburg, a girl his age from Hoevelaken. The teen boy was also ordered to spend mandatory time in a psychiatric facility, which can be extended to a maximum of seven years.

The sentence is the harshest available for the conviction of a suspect under 16 years of age. It is equivalent to what the prosecutor in the case sought against the Lunteren boy.

Nieuwburg went missing in June and was later found dead in a watery ditch in Achterveld, Utrecht. The young suspect confessed to killing her, and to sexual assault, as police built a case based on security camera footage and witness statements, NOS reported.

The two teenagers knew each other from their school. A final WhatsApp message to her friends noted that the boy frightened her and he wanted to join her on a bike ride.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/28/2017 11:27:20 PM
Eye 1

Shell involved in murder, rape, torture in Nigeria

Shell oil truck
© Shell Refueller / Wikipedia
Human rights organization Amnesty International is calling on Nigeria, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom to launch a criminal investigation into Shell and the possibility that company officials tacitly encouraged the Nigerian military government in Ogoniland to commit atrocities in the 1990s, including rapes, murders, acts of torture, and the burning of villages.

According to Amnesty, internal documents from Shell, witness statements and documents from the Amnesty archives show that Shell encouraged the Nigerian army to take action against protests by the Ogoni community, despite knowing about the brutal way in which the army operates .

Residents of Ogoniland in Nigeria started protesting against Shell in the nineties, after the Dutch-English oil giant caused massive environmental damage in the area with oil spills. The protests were led by the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) led by Ken Saro-Wiwa.

In 1990 Shell asked a paramilitary police unit for protection against protests in the village of Umeuchem, according to Amnesty. Over the following two days, officers invaded the village, killing at least 80 people and burning 595 houses down. "Despite this, Shell continued to ask for military help in the following years, which in turn led to new bloodshed", Amnesty writes.

Internal memos and minutes of meeting show that Shell urged senior officials to provide military support, even after the Nigerian military forces killed, tortured and raped many demonstrators, the human rights organization says. Shell also provided material support to the military - the company financed at least one army commander who is known for his brutal actions and also transported army troops to break up protests,according to Amnesty. The human rights organization adds that the Shell directors in The Hague and London were fully aware of what was going on in Nigeria.

Internal documents from Shell also show that Brian Anderson, Shell president in Nigeria, had at least three meetings with Nigerian general Sani Abacha in 1994 and 1995. During these meetings they discussed the "problems of the Ogoni and Ken Saro-Wiwa" and how Shell suffered financially under the protests. MOSOP leader Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other leaders from the group were arrested soon after these meetings. They were executed in November 1995.

According to Amnesty, no investigation into Shell's involvement in these atrocities has ever been done. The organization therefore compiled a criminal file which the authorities can use to start a proper investigation. "The law must prevail for Ken Saro-Wiwa and the thousands of others whose lives were destroyed because Shell destroyed Ogoniland", Amnesty writes.
In June four Nigerian widows also accused Shell of complicity in the executions of Ken Saro-Wiwa and his eight fellow activists in 1995. They demanded public apologies and compensation for the damages done.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/28/2017 11:45:34 PM


by CHARLIE NASH27 Nov 2017

Twitter users celebrated a Christmas nativity scene featuring two gay Josephs last week.

“Our neighbor’s two Joseph nativity is up & I’m beaming,” posted Cameron Esposito, host of Queery Podcast, on Friday, along with a photo showing two models of Joseph dressed in pink surrounding baby Jesus.

The post, which received over 20,000 likes, quickly went viral, receiving praise from hundreds of accounts.

Our neighbors’ two Joseph nativity is up & I’m beaming 🎄👬

The Bible says that Jesus had two dads. I see nothing wrong with this.

Meanwhile, another account posted a photo of their own “gaytivity” featuring two Marys.

Last year, gay nativity Christmas decorations were available to purchase online, before being pulled following complaints, while in 2012, a Colombian couple displayed their own gay nativity.

Charlie Nash covers technology and LGBT news for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington and Gab @Nash, or like his page at Facebook.


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