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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/22/2017 4:58:42 PM


NOVEMBER 21, 2017 10:08

An Israeli official responded that Aoun's warning was ''nonsense.''

Lebanese army soldiers take part in a parade at a military academy marking the 72nd Army Day in Fayadyeh, near Beirut. (photo credit:REUTERS)

BEIRUT - Lebanon's army chief urged "full readiness" at the southern border to face the "threats of the Israeli enemy and its violations," the army said in a tweet on Tuesday.

Army Commander General Joseph Aoun called on soldiers to be ever vigilant for the "good implementation" of the UN resolution 1701 to "preserve stability" at the border with Israel.

The Lebanese army is responsible for security on its side of the border under the resolution that ended the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah.

His remarks came a day after Lebanese president Michel Aoun appeared to defend Hezbollah as necessary to resist Israel, after an Arab League statement accused the group of terrorism and noted it is part of Lebanon's coalition government.

"Israeli targeting still continues and it is the right of the Lebanese to resist it and foil its plans by all available means," the President's office quoted him as saying in a Tweet.

Saudi Arabia, a regional rival of Iran, opposes Hezbollah's role as a military force in Syria and has accused it of helping the Houthi group in Yemen and militants in Bahrain.

"It's nonsense," a senior Israeli official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters in response to Lebanon's army commander General Joseph Aoun urging "full readiness" at the southern border to face "threats of the Israeli enemy and its violations."

Separately, the Israeli military said it had been holding a drill near Israel's border with Syria since Sunday.

The Arab League met on Sunday to discuss what it called Iranian interference in Arab countries, and accused Tehran's ally Hezbollah of terrorism.

Aoun said that Lebanon could not accept suggestions that its government was a partner in acts of terrorism, another Tweet quoted him as saying after meeting Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit in Beirut.

Aboul Gheit said in Beirut that nobody was accusing Lebanon's government of terrorism or wanted to harm Lebanon.

"One of the ruling partners is accused of this... It is an indirect means of asking the Lebanese state to talk to this partner and convince them to restrain their acts on Arab land," he said. "Everyone acknowledges the particularity of the Lebanese situation."

Lebanon faces a political crisis after its prime minister Saad Hariri suddenly resigned on November 4 in a statement broadcast from Saudi Arabia. His resignation statement accused Iran and Hezbollah of "sowing strife" in Arab countries.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/22/2017 5:43:53 PM

Declassified Files Reveal Gov’t Plot to Carry Out Soviet False Flag Attacks in US to Start War

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/22/2017 6:20:43 PM

Ice Apocalypse

Rapid collapse of Antarctic glaciers could flood coastal
cities by the end of this century.

By on Nov 21, 2017

In a remote region of Antarctica known as Pine Island Bay, 2,500 miles from the tip of South America, two glaciers hold human civilization hostage.

Stretching across a frozen plain more than 150 miles long, these glaciers, named Pine Island and Thwaites, have marched steadily for millennia toward the Amundsen Sea, part of the vast Southern Ocean. Further inland, the glaciers widen into a two-mile-thick reserve of ice covering an area the size of Texas.

There’s no doubt this ice will melt as the world warms. The vital question is when.

The glaciers of Pine Island Bay are two of the largest and fastest-melting in Antarctica. (A Rolling Stone feature earlier this year dubbed Thwaites
The Doomsday Glacier.”) Together, they act as a plug holding back enough ice to pour 11 feet of sea-level rise into the world’s oceans — an amount that would submerge every coastal city on the planet. For that reason, finding out how fast these glaciers will collapse is one of the most important scientific questions in the world today.

To figure that out, scientists have been looking back to the end of the last ice age, about 11,000 years ago, when global temperatures stood at roughly their current levels. The bad news? There’s growing evidence that the Pine Island Bay glaciers collapsed rapidly back then, flooding the world’s coastlines — partially the result of something called “marine ice-cliff instability.”

The ocean floor gets deeper toward the center of this part of Antarctica, so each new iceberg that breaks away exposes taller and taller cliffs. Ice gets so heavy that these taller cliffs can’t support their own weight. Once they start to crumble, the destruction would be unstoppable.

“Ice is only so strong, so it will collapse if these cliffs reach a certain height,” explains Kristin Poinar, a glaciologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “We need to know how fast it’s going to happen.”

In the past few years, scientists have identified marine ice-cliff instability as a feedback loop that could kickstart the disintegration of the entire West Antarctic ice sheet this century — much more quickly than previously thought.

Minute-by-minute, huge skyscraper-sized shards of ice cliffs would crumble into the sea, as tall as the Statue of Liberty and as deep underwater as the height of the Empire State Building. The result: a global catastrophe the likes of which we’ve never seen.

Thwaites Glacier. Jeremy Harbeck

Ice comes in many forms, with different consequences when it melts. Floating ice, like the kind that covers the Arctic Ocean in wintertime and comprises ice shelves, doesn’t raise sea levels. (Think of a melting ice cube, which won’t cause a drink to spill over.)

Land-based ice, on the other hand, is much more troublesome. When it falls into the ocean, it adds to the overall volume of liquid in the seas. Thus, sea-level rise.

Antarctica is a giant landmass — about half the size of Africa — and the ice that covers it averages more than a mile thick. Before human burning of fossil fuels triggered global warming, the continent’s ice was in relative balance: The snows in the interior of the continent roughly matched the icebergs that broke away from glaciers at its edges.

Now, as carbon dioxide traps more heat in the atmosphere and warms the planet, the scales have tipped.

A wholesale collapse of Pine Island and Thwaites would set off a catastrophe. Giant icebergs would stream away from Antarctica like a parade of frozen soldiers. All over the world, high tides would creep higher, slowly burying every shoreline on the planet, flooding coastal cities and creating hundreds of millions of climate refugees.

All this could play out in a mere 20 to 50 years — much too quickly for humanity to adapt.

“With marine ice cliff instability, sea-level rise for the next century is potentially much larger than we thought it might be five or 10 years ago,” Poinar says.

A lot of this newfound concern is driven by the research of two climatologists: Rob DeConto at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and David Pollard at Penn State University. A study
they published last year was the first to incorporate the latest understanding of marine ice-cliff instability into a continent-scale model of Antarctica.

Their results drove estimates for how high the seas could rise this century sharply higher. “Antarctic model raises prospect of unstoppable ice collapse,” read
the headline in the scientific journal Nature, a publication not known for hyperbole.

Instead of a three-foot increase in ocean levels by the end of the century, six feet was more likely, according to DeConto and Pollard’s findings. But if carbon emissions continue to track on something resembling a worst-case scenario, the full 11 feet of ice locked in West Antarctica might be freed up, their study showed.

Pine Island Glacier shelf edge. Jeremy Harbeck

Three feet of sea-level rise would be bad, leading to more frequent flooding of U.S. cities such as New Orleans, Houston, New York, and Miami. Pacific Island nations, like the Marshall Islands, would lose most of their territory. Unfortunately, it now seems like three feet is possible only under the rosiest of scenarios.

At six feet, though, around 12 million people in the United States would be displaced, and the world’s most vulnerable megacities, like Shanghai, Mumbai, and Ho Chi Minh City, could be wiped off the map.

At 11 feet, land currently inhabited by
hundreds of millions of people worldwide would wind up underwater. South Florida would be largely uninhabitable; floods on the scale of Hurricane Sandy would strike twice a month in New York and New Jersey, as the tug of the moon alone would be enough to send tidewaters into homes and buildings.

DeConto and Pollard’s breakthrough came from
trying to match observations of ancient sea levels at shorelines around the world with current ice sheet behavior.

Around 3 million years ago, when global temperatures were about as warm as they’re expected to be later this century, oceans were dozens of feet higher than today.

Previous models suggested that it would take hundreds or thousands of years for sea-level rise of that magnitude to occur. But once they accounted for marine ice-cliff instability, DeConto and Pollard’s model pointed toward a catastrophe if the world maintains a “business as usual” path — meaning we don’t dramatically reduce carbon emissions.

Rapid cuts in greenhouse gases, however, showed Antarctica remaining almost completely intact for hundreds of years.

Pollard and DeConto are the first to admit that their model is still crude, but its results have pushed the entire scientific community into emergency mode.

“It could happen faster or slower, I don’t think we really know yet,” says Jeremy Bassis, a leading ice sheet scientist at the University of Michigan. “But it’s within the realm of possibility, and that’s kind of a scary thing.”


Scientists used to think that ice sheets could take millennia to respond to changing climates. These are, after all, mile-thick chunks of ice.

The new evidence, though, says that once a certain temperature threshold is reached, ice shelves of glaciers that extend into the sea, like those near Pine Island Bay, will begin to melt from both above and below, weakening their structure and hastening their demise, and paving the way for ice-cliff instability to kick in.

In a new study out last month in the journal Nature, a team of scientists from Cambridge and Sweden point to evidence from thousands of scratches left by ancient icebergs on the ocean floor, indicating that Pine Island’s glaciers shattered in a relatively short amount of time at the end of the last ice age.

The only place in the world where you can see ice-cliff instability in action today is at Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland, one of the fastest-collapsing glaciers in the world. DeConto says that to construct their model, they took the collapse rate of Jakobshavn, cut it in half to be extra conservative, then applied it to Thwaites and Pine Island.

But there’s reason to think Thwaites and Pine Island could go even faster than Jakobshavn.

Right now, there’s a floating ice shelf protecting the two glaciers, helping to hold back the flow of ice into the sea. But recent examples from other regions, like the rapidly collapsing
Larsen B ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula, show that once ice shelves break apart as a result of warming, their parent glaciers start to flow faster toward the sea, an effect that can weaken the stability of ice further inland, too.

“If you remove the ice shelf, there’s a potential that not just ice-cliff instabilities will start occurring, but a process called marine ice-sheet instabilities,” says Matthew Wise, a polar scientist at the University of Cambridge.

This signals the possible rapid destabilization of the entire West Antarctic ice sheet in this century. “Once the stresses exceed the strength of the ice,” Wise says, “it just falls off.”

And, it’s not just Pine Island Bay. On our current course, other glaciers around Antarctica will be similarly vulnerable. And then there’s Greenland, which could contribute as much as 20 feet of sea-level rise if it melts.

Next to a meteor strike, rapid sea-level rise from collapsing ice cliffs is one of the quickest ways our world can remake itself.
This is about as fast as climate change gets.

Still, some scientists aren’t fully convinced the alarm is warranted. Ted Scambos, lead scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado, says the new research by Wise and his colleagues, which identified ice-cliff instabilities in Pine Island Bay 11,000 years ago, is “tantalizing evidence.” But he says that research doesn’t establish how quickly it happened.

“There’s a whole lot more to understand if we’re going to use this mechanism to predict how far Thwaites glacier and the other glaciers are going to retreat,” he says. “The question boils down to, what are the brakes on this process?”

Scambos thinks it is unlikely that Thwaites or Pine Island would collapse all at once. For one thing, if rapid collapse did happen, it would produce a pile of icebergs that could act like a temporary ice shelf, slowing down the rate of retreat.

Despite the differences of opinion, however, there’s growing agreement within the scientific community that we need to do much more to determine the risk of rapid sea-level rise. In 2015, the U.S. and U.K. governments began to plan a
rare and urgent joint research program to study Thwaites glacier. Called “How much, how fast?,” the effort is set to begin early next year and run for five years.

Seeing the two governments pooling their resources is “really a sign of the importance of research like this,” NASA’s Poinar says.

Given what’s at stake, the research program at Thwaites isn’t enough, but it might be the most researchers can get. “Realistically, it’s probably all that can be done in the next five years in the current funding environment,” says Pollard.

He’s referring, of course, to the Trump administration’s disregard for science and adequate scientific funding; the White House’s 2018 budget proposal includes
the first-ever cut to the National Science Foundation, which typically funds research in Antarctica.

“It would be sensible to put a huge effort into this, from my perspective,” Pollard says. Structural engineers need to study Antarctica’s key glaciers as though they were analyzing a building, he says, probing for weak spots and understanding how exactly they might fail. “If you vastly increase the research now, [the cost] would still be trivial compared to the losses that might happen.”


Pine Island Glacier calving front. NASA ICE
Bassis, the ice sheet scientist at the University of Michigan, first described the theoretical process of marine ice-cliff instability in research published only a few years ago.

He’s 40 years old, but his field has already changed enormously over the course of his career. In 2002, when Bassis was conducting his PhD research in a different region of Antarctica, he was shocked to return to his base camp and learn that the Larsen B ice shelf had vanished practically overnight.

“Every revision to our understanding has said that ice sheets can change faster than we thought,” he says. “We didn’t predict that Pine Island was going to retreat, we didn’t predict that Larsen B was going to disintegrate. We tend to look at these things after they’ve happened.”

There’s a recurring theme throughout these scientists’ findings in Antarctica: What we do now
will determine how quickly Pine Island and Thwaites collapse. A fast transition away from fossil fuels in the next few decades could be enough to put off rapid sea-level rise for centuries. That’s a decision worth countless trillions of dollars and millions of lives.

“The range of outcomes,” Bassis says, “is really going to depend on choices that people make.”


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/23/2017 10:05:25 AM

The World’s First Floating Nation Designed to ‘Liberate Humanity From Politicians’

By Harry Pettit,, November 13, 2017

The world’s first floating nation is set to appear in the Pacific Ocean off the island of Tahiti in 2020.

A handful of hotels, homes, offices, restaurants and more will be built in the next few years by the nonprofit Seasteading Institute, which hopes to ‘liberate humanity from politicians’.

The radical plans, bankrolled by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, could see the creation of an independent nation that will float in international waters and operate within its own laws.

In a new interview, Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, said he wants to see ‘thousands’ of rogue floating cities by 2050, each of them ‘offering different ways of governance’.

‘Governments just don’t get better,’ Mr Quirk told the New York Times.

‘They’re stuck in previous centuries. That’s because land incentives a violent monopoly to control it.’

The first island is being funded by a coin offering, a new concept gaining popularity in Silicon Valley in which money is ‘crowd sourced’ by creating and selling a virtual currency.

The non-profit hopes to raise around $60 million by 2020 to build a dozen buildings.

The structures will feature ‘green roofs’ covered with vegetation and construction will use local bamboo, coconut fibre, wood and recycled metal and plastic.

First revealed in January, the plans have been approved by the French Polynesian government, which is now creating a special economic zone so the floating nation can operate under its own trade laws.

The tiny nation, a collection of 118 islands in the southern Pacific with a population just over 200,000, has granted the Seasteading Institute 100 acres of beachfront to operate from.

French Polynesia is interested in the project as the area is at risk from rising sea levels.

It may seem like an ambitious plan, but the group believes semi-independent cities would be the perfect place to try new modes of government and agricultural methods.

Mr Quirk and his team have now started a new company, Blue Frontiers, which will build and operate the floating islands in French Polynesia.

He said he was inspired to build a floating city, known as seasteading, when he went to the US festival Burning Man 2011.

The enormous event, which attracts 70,000 people every year, could provide a model for a new society where ‘rules don’t observe their usual parameters’, he said.

‘If you could have a floating city, it would essentially be a start-up country,’ Mr Quirk said.

Who Are The ‘Seasteaders’?

Seasteaders are a diverse global team of marine biologists, nautical engineers, aquaculture farmers, medical researchers, investors, environmentalists, and artists according to The Seasteading Institute’s website.

They plan to build floating islands, or seasteads to host aquaculture farms, floating healthcare, medical research islands, and sustainable energy powerhouses.

‘Our goal is to maximize entrepreneurial freedom to create blue jobs to welcome anyone to the Next New World,’ they write.

The Institute was founded in 2008 by PayPal founder, Peter Thiel and activist, software engineer and political economic theorist Patri Friedman, who is the grandson of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman.

Mr Thiel, a venture capitalist who co-founded PayPal, has funneled $1.25 million ($812,920) into the Institute and has previously called Seasteading an ‘open frontier for experimenting with new ideas for government’.

‘We can create a huge diversity of governments for a huge diversity of people.

The Seasteading Institute, co-founded by PayPal founder Peter Thiel and political economic theorist Patri Friedman, has spent the past five years creating designs for ‘permanent, innovative communities floating at sea’.

In 2012, soon after Mr Quirk joined the Seasteading Institute, he wrote a paper with Mr Friedman titled: ‘Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore The Environment, Enrich The Poor, Cure The Sick and Liberate Humanity From Politicians.

The groups claims that building floating cities is the first step to fulfilling ‘the eight great moral imperatives.’

Its deal with French Polynesia, signed in January, specifies two points the project must prove before it gets the green light: Whether it will benefit the local economy, and if it proves to be environmentally friendly.

Even if it succeeds in proving these two points, the project will still need to be approved by the local government, and possibly France, which holds the territory.

Randolph Hencken, executive director of the institute, said in January: ‘What we’re interested in is societal choice and having a location where we can try things that haven’t been tried before.

‘I don’t think it will be that dramatically radical in the first renditions.

‘We were looking for sheltered waters, we don’t want to be out in the open ocean – it’s technologically possible but economically outrageous to afford.

‘If we can be behind a reef break, then we can design floating platforms that are sufficient for those waters at an affordable cost.

‘We don’t have to start from scratch as this is a pilot project.

‘They also have very stable institutions so we’re able to work with a government that wants us there, that we have respect for and they have respect for us.’

Draft legislation will be drawn up next year and construction is expected to begin in 2019.

Floating islands would feature aquaculture farms, healthcare, medical research facilities, and sustainable energy powerhouses.

The first city would be built on a network of 11 rectangular and five-sided platforms so it could be rearranged according to its inhabitants’ needs like a floating jigsaw, Mr Quirk said in January.

A feasibility report by Dutch engineering firm Deltasync said the square and pentagon platforms would measure 164ft (50metres) in length and they would have 164 ft-tall (50 metre) sides to protect buildings and residents.

The platforms will be made from reinforced concrete and support three-storey buildings such as apartments, terraces, offices and hotels for up to 100 years, according to the plans.

It’s envisaged that between 250 and 300 people will call the first floating city home.

The plan is that the city will float just off-shore of a host nation, but have a substantial degree of political independence.

The original proposal was to look to international waters to establish new nations, but the Institute realized locating its city off the coast would enable the inhabitants to go onshore and acquire goods, give it more shelter from storms and better legal protection.

The Institute says: ‘Our in-house team is now actively engaged in diplomacy with host nations, making the case that hosting an autonomous seastead city in their territorial waters would produce significant economic, social and environmental benefits for their citizens.’

It believes its floating city would create an environment that encourages innovation and start-up governments, rather than what it calls the ‘monopolies’ of today.

The Institute claims it will ‘give people the freedom to choose the government they want instead of being stuck with the government they get’.

If inhabitants disagree with the city’s government, they could paddle their colony to another city, forcing governments to work to attract citizens.

The feasibility report supported the idea that the project is economically feasible, with each platform costing less than $15 million (£10 million) which works out at a similar price as land in London or New York.

Overall, the first floating city is predicted to cost $167 million (£109 million).

Speaking in 2008, Mr Thiel said: ‘Decades from now, those looking back at the start of the century will understand that Seasteading was an obvious step towards encouraging the development of more efficient, practical public sector models around the world.

‘We’re at a fascinating juncture: the nature of government is about to change at a very fundamental level.’

More on Seasteading

“Vote with Your Boat” at

“SeaSteading- Building on the Platform of the Oceans: Patri Friedman at TEDxSF” at

“Seasteading 20 Questions, 20 Answers, 20 Seconds Each = PechaKucha!” at

“Seasteading Is Happening: Liberty Through Floating Cities” at

“Seasteading 2020: The Floating City Project” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/23/2017 11:26:26 AM

Ridiculous! YouTube censors Christian videos because content describes and supports values of Russian Faith

Really YouTube?
Two weeks ago, I was summarily informed in a brief email from YouTube that our Russian Faith channel-on which we had spent hundreds of hours of hard work and which complements the Russian Faith website, which I own, had been 'terminated.' No reason was given other than a very general one which could mean anything.

Russian Faith is a new media project I started in September: a website, YouTube channel (now banned), Facebook, and Twitter - to cover Christian issues in general, and the huge story of the renaissance of Christianity in Russia.

This dramatic turn by both government and society in Russia is very important not just for Christians, but for the whole world, regardless of their religious views, because it has so many ramifications important to us Americans.

It should affect our foreign policy, and it contrasts with the hostility to Christian values in our own Western societies. It is a fact that Russia has emerged as the leading defender of world Christianity, and it is a disgrace that liberal forces in the US elites and the government are among Christianity's most hostile foes - both at home and abroad.

Millions of Russians now routinely march for Christianity
Observing the Christian renaissance in Russia first hand while living there, I realized that this story is being badly misunderstood, misrepresented, and under-reported - another massive fail by the mainstream media. No surprises here.

When we launched, we received glowing reviews, enthusiastic support and encouragement from the public, and raised over $10,000 from hundreds of small donors in an initial crowdfund.

The videos which were banned were of the most positive character - videos about love, sacrifice and charity, about honor and respect. YouTube banned them ALL - and most incredibly - refuses to explain why!

You can view all of the videos in question below. See for yourself, they are admirable, to say the least.

A deliberate attack on free speech

I have started and managed successful YouTube channels and understand the environment very well, and it is obvious to me that this is deliberate censorship. Blocking monetization, suppression of views, and manipulation of statistics, is a huge, persistent problem, and there has been a dramatic increase over the past two months across all the big tech platforms.

I have been monitoring this with increasing alarm. If you think this is un-American, then please sign our petition below, and follow my personal pages on Facebook or Twitter. I will be talking more about these encroachments on our rights in the coming weeks and months.

I and the Russian Faith team feel violated - our constitutional rights have been trampled on, our hard work trashed. Our ability to fund this site, which we started on a shoestring thanks to hundreds of small donations from people all across America and the world, has been attacked.

Russian Faith is a labor of love - everyone involved has given and sacrificed to share good things with the world. Here is our initial crowdfund video explaining why we started this (and yes, this one was banned by YouTube too):

We've decided to fight back - and have started a petition (sign below) and other measures. If you agree that it is time for Christians of all denominations to speak up against the hostility coming from the elites who control our media and big tech platforms, please join us (see below).

Our views are socially conservative, reflecting the views of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church, which includes being critical of the LGBT movement - and I suspect that is where the problem lies (see below).

The facts:

Here is the Orwellian email:

Here is what our readers see when they visit our YouTube channel:

The censorship wreaked havoc on our website because we had embedded the videos in dozens of articles, all of which were now showing empty grey boxes where videos used to be. Many of those articles were about the videos, rendering the articles meaningless.

In many cases, we had spent hundreds of hours painstakingly translating videos which were in Russian into English, embedding the subtitles. All this was swept away with a keystroke from a nameless YouTube censor who won't even condescend to explain what his reasons were.

We will have to spend hundreds of hours fixing it all at considerable expense.

A Russian 'face blessing' with Holy Water
Most importantly, we had our crowdfunding video on that channel, and it had been embedded on many websites across the internet - all of this was also crippled by YouTube's arbitrary decision. And we depend on the crowdfunding to survive.

Currently, we are still unable to publish our usual volume of content because our small team has to repair all this gratuitous and unnecessary damage.

This is deliberate censorship

I am very familiar with YouTube's rules and guidelines, and I can say with absolute certainty that they discriminated against us, and treated us unfairly as if they were deliberately looking for a reason to shut us down.

The way it usually works is that if you do make a mistake, YouTube gives you a warning, which you can dispute - and only if you accumulate a certain number of these 'strikes', and are unable to disprove them, and refuse to take the videos down, does YouTube take the drastic measure of banning your channel.

We got no such warning and had not been notified of any 'strikes'. The ban came out of the blue.

If there were some violations on any of the videos, why didn't YouTube notify us? Why did they not give us a chance to take down the videos? Why didn't they give us a chance to dispute any complaints, if there were any? Why do they refuse to answer questions about this? Obviously, they wanted to ban the whole channel, and to stop it altogether. But why?

The banned videos:

Here are four videos which are entirely typical of everything that was banned. Links, titles, and descriptions of ALL the other videos that were on the channel are listed at the end of this article.

What is remarkable is not just that there was nothing offensive in these videos, rather that they were overwhelmingly positive - promoting ideas and values that one could only describe as admirable, regardless of your religious beliefs.

That YouTube would so zealously seek to ban them is beyond strange.

The importance of paying special attention to Jesus' words in the Bible:

How strong marriages require sacrifice:

How Russian priests during the revolution preferred death rather than renounce their faith:

Were we banned for criticism of LGBT?

The only video which I guess might have triggered YouTube was this one, an excerpt on 'gay theology' from a Russian documentary film critical of the LGBT movement. In my opinion, it is fair and balanced.

The leftist social activism of YouTube and their pushing of the LGBT agenda on Americans who want nothing of it is notorious. But if it was that clip that upset them, why didn't they just ban that individual video? And why didn't they ask us to take it down first? And why do they refuse to answer our queries?

The hypocrisy of YouTube is appalling - while pouncing on videos like these, they allow an enormous amount of moral filth. Type in any term related to the human anatomy in YouTube search, and you will get an avalanche of what is essentially pornography. Obscenity, obscene lyrics and bizarre calls to violence in songs are all over YouTube. Here is an excellent articledescribing YouTube's weird double-standard.

A Christian procession in honor of a popular saint (Alexander Nevsky) in St. Petersburg
Regulate the big tech companies - it's time

There are now thousands of reports of similar heavy-handed censorship coming from the major tech platforms in what appears to be a crack-down on dissent in any form, on the left and the right, but more on the right, including some big names, like Roger Stone, Paul Joseph Watson, Syrian Girl, Alex Jones, SouthFront, Gab, much of the Alt-Right, and now even the Russian channels RT and Sputnik.

The big tech companies tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016, and now they are becoming even more blatant in their meddling.

Here is Tucker Carlson in August demanding that Google (which owns YouTube) be regulated, because it cannot be trusted. I completely agree with him.

There is talk that Trump is planning to push for regulation of the tech giants before the midterm election campaigns get underway in mid 2018. If so, it comes none-too-soon.

My message to the elites who own Youtube:

Dear Sergey Brin and Larry Page (founders and owners of Google, and controlling shareholders of YouTube), you are immigrants from the USSR. You should have more respect for the freedoms and morals of the country that took you in.

Eric Schmidt and YouTube shareholders - I hope you are reading this.

This is the digital equivalent of tyranny. It is the same as breaking and entering, and smashing equipment and property that represents hundreds of hours of hard work by honest, hard-working Americans - all to push your left-wing so-called 'values' on people who reject them.

You have failed in your obligation to America to provide free and fair access to the views of all Americans.

You have failed in your obligation to keep smut and lechery away from our children.

It is you who have meddled in our democracy. Your behavior is un-American and harmful to our values and beliefs.

Break-up the big tech companies:

For these reasons, I call upon Washington to bring you to heel, to:
  • nationalize you and break up your companies with antitrust legislation,
  • prosecute you for violating the constitution, and
  • sue you for damages - which for me and the hundreds of people who sacrificed and donated to make Russian Faith happen are now all too real.
Trust me, this will happen. You curtail our freedom of speech at your own peril!

We're fighting back - join us!

I am still thinking about how to respond to all this. One thing is for sure, I would go to war for my country (I did - I am a vet), and the right that keeps us all free - the right to say openly what we believe to be true - so you better believe I'm going to fight back.

I've already begun: I've started a petition, a Facebook group, and a financial support page on a platform which supports content creators (Patreon), to help fund the creation of more and better videos and articles about Christianity in general, and the Christian revolution in Russia.

If you want to support my fight against anti-Christian censorship, then please sign the petition right here and now, join the Facebook group, and if possible make a small contribution.

Comment: The petition can be signed on this page.

The best way to get others to join us is to share this article with your friends and family by email and on social media.

If we get a good response with this initial petition sign-up, we will launch similar ones on the major online petition sites,, Stand United, and CitizenGo.

Please also follow my personal pages on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

Other things I am doing:

I'm looking into legal action, reaching out to Christian activist groups across the country, and considering doing a crowdfund to raise money to create more and better videos and articles about Christianity.

What I do depends very much on how you, the readers, respond. If you think I'm on the right track - or not, please let me know.

If you can help with any of these initiatives, for example, with legal advice, or how to launch successful online petitions, please contact me directly. We have to raise the alarm about what is happening to our country and our values.

Please speak up in the comments section below. Let's get a serious discussion going right here about what we can do to push back against this thuggish behavior.

By far, the most effective way to help: share this article and encourage friends and family to sign up.

Because we are the 99%.


David Curry
Founder, publisher and owner
Russian Faith

David & Elizabeth Curry
Here is a list of ALL the other videos which were on the channel - ALL of them banned along with the whole channel:

(I put them on my channel because I think they are wonderful videos, I think you might find them fun to watch. I've either reloaded them onto my personal YouTube account or found them elsewhere on YouTube.)
  1. How the horrors of war led a man to faith: From Afghan veteran to Christian priest - WATCH
  2. The story of a beautiful 500 year old monastery in the Russian far North (Solovki) - WATCH
  3. Political correctness is a tool of Western Godless elites to persecute Christians - Head of Russian Church - WATCH
  4. Addicted to your Smartphone? What if you felt the same way about your Bible? - WATCH
  5. Putin talks about his baptism - WATCH
  6. Putin: 'It is impossible to imagine Russia without Christianity' - WATCH
  7. Russian priest explains why westerners are converting to Orthodox Christianity - WATCH
  8. 'Russian Amish', Old Believers, return from South America to Russia - WATCH
  9. Russian priest debunks 'Why I Never Go to Church' excuses - WATCH
  10. Man builds snow church in Siberian village that didn't have one - WATCH
  11. Why Russian women cover their heads in church - WATCH
  12. Why Russians pray in front of icons - WATCH

Comment: How symbolic that a website named Russian Faith has been so needlessly and egregiously attacked in this way. But it also fits the 'Big Picture'. And that 'Big Picture' is to drag down, demonize and undermine anything and anyone who would seek to have Russia succeed as a nation and as a people - on nearly every level - and in whatever way it can.

But here's the thing: Every time we see one of these attacks, more and more people get to see and know for themselves just how biased, irrational and pathological this impetus towards Russia's destabilization actually is.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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