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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/1/2017 12:07:29 AM

Suspect kills eight in New York truck 'act of terror'


New York (AFP) - Eight people were killed and numerous others wounded in New York on Tuesday when a suspect rammed a pickup truck into pedestrians in Lower Manhattan, and collided with a school bus in an "act of terror," officials said.

The suspect exited his rental vehicle holding up two fake guns, before being shot by police and taken into custody. The incident happened around 3:05 pm (1905 GMT) close to schools as children in America's largest city celebrated Halloween.

Loved ones mourned the first deaths from a terror-linked attack in New York since September 11, 2001.

It was also the city's first such incident since a pipe bomb explosion in September 2016 in Chelsea, lightly wounding 31 people. An American of Afghan descent, Ahmad Khan Rahimi, was convicted of terrorism over that attack earlier this month.

The city, which has frequently been on high security alert since the 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on the Twin Towers, is America's financial and entertainment capital, with a population of 8.5 million.

President Donald Trump decried the 29-year-old attacker, whose name and nationality has not yet been revealed, as "very sick" and a "deranged person."

New York police chief James O'Neill said that eight people were killed, at least six of whom were men. Eleven people were taken to hospital with serious injuries.

The suspect drove a rented pickup truck from retailer Home Depot southbound down a bike and pedestrian lane, striking people before colliding with a school bus, injuring two adults and two children.

The suspect then stepped out of the vehicle, brandishing two apparent handguns, before being shot in the abdomen by a police officer, police said.

- 'Horrible tragedy' -

A paintball gun and pellet gun was recovered at the scene, police said.

"It's a very painful day in our city. Horrible tragedy," said New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

"Let me be clear, based on the information we have at this moment, this was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at people going about their lives who had no idea what was about to hit them," the mayor added.

"We at this moment based on the information we have, we know of eight innocent people who have lost their lives. And over a dozen more injured."

New York's Democratic State Governor Andrew Cuomo noted that "New York is an international symbol of freedom and democracy."

"That also makes us a target for those people who oppose those concepts and we've lived with this before," he added.

Police officers and ambulances swamped the area, in front of a park and next to a school as sirens wailed continuously and helicopters roared through the sky.

Worried parents gathered outside a public elementary school that had closed, waiting to see if they could collect children who stayed after the end of the classes for extracurricular lessons and activities.

"I didn't see the actual shooting, but I got there about 30 seconds after," said witness John Williams, 22, who was en route to the park. "There was a smell of gunshots.

"There was a man lying on the ground. It looked as he'd been shot," Williams added.

- 'Little bit crazy' -

The last mass casualty incident in New York was on May 18, when a US Navy veteran plowed a car into pedestrians in Times Square, killing an 18-year-old woman from Michigan and injuring 22 other people.

Police patrols in Times Square, one of the world's busiest districts, had already been beefed up in recent years, following a 2010 car bombing attempt and in the wake of attacks in Europe.

A witness who gave his name only as Frank told local television network NY1 that he saw a man running around an intersection, heard five to six gunshots and saw "about 100 cops" flood into the street.

"I saw he had something in his hand, but I couldn't tell what it was. But they said that it was a gun, so I was like: 'Oh my God,'" the witness told NY1.

"When the cops shot him, everybody started running away and it got a little bit crazy right there. So when I tried to look again, the guy was already down."

It was the most serious security breach in New York since Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani immigrant, plant a car bomb in Times Square on May 1, 2010.

His explosive device failed to detonate and he was arrested shortly after boarding a flight to the Middle East. He pleaded guilty and said he was aiming to avenge deaths from US missiles fired from drones operating over Pakistan.

He was sentenced to life behind bars.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/1/2017 2:12:03 PM

200 feared dead after tunnel collapses at North Korean nuclear test site,
Japanese TV claim

About 200 people are feared dead in North Korea after underground tunnels at a nuclear test site that was feared to be unstable reportedly collapsed, crushing 100 people in the initial cave-in and 100 others when the tunnels again gave way on top of rescuers.

The collapse at the Punggye-ri test site on Oct. 10 occurred while people were doing construction on the underground tunnel,Japan’s Asahi TV reported, citing a source in North Korea. The television station also said North Korea’s sixth nuclear test on Sept. 3 most likely caused the tunnel to crumble and created serious damage in the region.

No officials have confirmed the Japanese TV station’s claims, but experts have feared for more than a month that the test site was on the verge of crumbling since the nuclear blast. North Korea said it detonated a hydrogen bomb, calling it a “perfect success.” It was the country’s most powerful bomb tested to date and the blast was reportedly 10 times more powerful than the nuclear bomb that was dropped over Hiroshima at the end of World War II I.

Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and tsunami observations division director Toshiyuki Matsumori speaks in front of a screen showing the seismic event that was indicated in North Korea and observed in Japan. (Reuters)

The test triggered a 6.3-magnitude earthquake that day and multiple tremors have been detected from the area since then. Satellite images obtained by 38 North, which specializes in North Korea issues, showed several landslides occurred after the Sept. 3 test. Also a possible “collapse chimney crater” was seen on Mount Mantap, possibly caused by the underground tests.

It’s unclear if the mountain will collapse in the near future, but the report said there was “significant cracking” and “irreversible strain” on the land because of the nuclear test.

Some experts also said Mantap was suffering from “tired mountain syndrome” due to the stress on the ground, the Washington Post reported. Chinese scientists have also warned the mountain could collapse and release radiation. Radioactive xenon-133 was detected in South Korea after the test.

Kim Jong Un inspects what North Korea claims to be a nuclear warhead. The photos were released the same day North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test in September. (Reuters)

Additionally on Tuesday, North Korea rebuked Trump and the U.S., saying "the Trump group's vicious vituperation against the DPRK is an expression of their frustration, fear and horror,” according to a statement released by state-run Korean Central News Agency. The day before, the Hermit Kingdom blamed Trump’s “extreme, direct and long threats” for driving them to obtain "complete nuclear deterrence.”

“The U.S. has to ponder over the possible consequences,” the statement said.

Katherine Lam is a breaking and trending news digital producer for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @bykatherinelam

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/1/2017 4:04:57 PM

France earthquake: Alps region hit by 140 tremors in days, BIG ONE feared

FRANCE has been hit by a huge number of earthquakes over the last month, leading to fears that the BIG ONE is on its way.

In the past 40 days, the French Alps have been rocked by 140 quakes which has led officials to warn locals that a more powerful tremor may be on the way.

Earthquake observation organisation Sismalp says that the strongest tremor was a 3.8 magnitude quake, but such a large swarm can be a precursor for a massive earthquake.

Martine a resident of the village of Montgellafray told Europe1 radio: ”The noise is like a storm coming from far way. Everything shakes. I said 'that's it, all the tiles are going to break.

"The last earthquake was really frightening. Since the end of August it has never stopped.


140 earthquakes have hit the Alps


Residents in the French Alps fear the Big One

“Every two days there is one and they are getting more common.”

Another local, Yves, said: "Everyone is asking questions. Everyone in the village is talking about it.”

As residents prepare for a potential massive earthquake, conspiracy theorists coincidentally are warning that the mysterious Planet X could cause devastating quakes across the globe on November 19.

A stellar body known as a Brown Dwarf – which has become known alternately as Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis and Black Star is claimed to be pulling at the Earth’s tectonic plates triggering the current glut of earthquake and volcano activity around the world.


An artist's impression of Nemesis – the Brown Dwarf star

Website has been charting the movements of the so-called Black Star, which is believed to have massive gravitational influence pulling and squeezing the Earth.

Writer Terral Croft said seismic activity is ripping apart the Earth’s crust which will culminate on November 19.

He added: “Global seismic activity reaches a peak in the second two weeks of November moving into December 2017.


Is Nibiru approaching?

“The predicted backside alignment quake event is scheduled for November 19, 2017, when the Earth passes behind the Sun relative to the Black Star.”

He predicted massive tremors along a fault originating in Indonesia and terminating near Gibraltar would strike Europe – especially Italy and France.

A big French tremor would also be felt in the UK.

He said: “This scenario can easily lead to new earthquake and volcanic activity for Italy and France.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/1/2017 4:49:36 PM

Iceland's BIGGEST volcano on brink of ERUPTION as swarm of large quakes threaten disaster

ICELAND’s biggest volcano and second highest peak could be set to erupt after several strong earthquakes struck the region.

Last week the 6,591ft tall Bardarbunga volcano was shaken by four of the largest earthquakes since its last eruption was sparked in August 2014.

A lava field and huge volumes of sulphur dioxide erupted from the volcano, plummeting air quality in Iceland and reaching as the UK and Ireland, according to the nation’s Met Office.

The eruption period was not officially declared over until six months later in February 2015.

Now experts fear that several earthquakes, measuring magnitude 3.9, 3.2, 4.7 and 4.7 on the Richter scale, which struck the caldera region last week may be signs of an imminent eruption from the 10,000-year-old Bardarbunga volcano.

Bardarbunga volcano eruption

Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano was shaken by four of the largest earthquakes since its last eruption

The 2014-2015 eruption had been preceded by a swarm of around 1,600 earthquakes over 48 hours.

Páll Einarsson, a volcanology expert at the University of Iceland, revealed the latest quakes were part of a series that have been “in progress for two years” as he warned Bardarbunga is “clearly preparing for its next eruption” within the next few years.

According to the Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes – a joint project run by Iceland’s Met Office, the University of Iceland and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police – Bardarbunga’s activity level is high although the warning code is green – meaning the volcano is in a normal, non-eruptive state.

The Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes revealed that if the subglacial stratovolcano Bardarbunga was to erupt again it would likely trigger flooding in the region after hot ash and lava melted up through the ice cap of the Vatnajokull glacier.

The volcano is clearly preparing for its next eruption

Páll Einarsson

It said: “A large fissure eruption on the southwest (SW) part of the fissure swarm may extend across Tungnaa river, obstruct water flow and cause temporary dams and unstable lakes. Floods through breached dams could be of the order 10,000 m3/sec.

“Warning period for an eruption on the SW part of the fissure swarm is unknown, but likely to be similar to that in the northern part of fissure swarm.

“Eruptions on the ice-free fissure swarm outside the Veioivotn area will be predominantly effusive and could release 1 - 4 km3 of lava and significant amounts of tephra. Lava can extend tens of km from source, eg the 35 km long Frambruni lava flow in 13th century CE.

“Depending on the location of the erupting fissure, lava flows can reach power stations on the Tungnaa river. A considerable amount of magmatic gases will be released from the erupting fissure and the cooling lava.”

Several earthquakes, measuring magnitude 3.9, 3.2, 4.7 and 4.7, struck near Bardarbunga

Disaster expert Dr Simon Day, of University College London, said the earthquakes could “precede a large explosive eruption and consequent widespread ash fall”.

But he told Daily Star Online that “it is statistically unlikely to do so”.

Mr Einarsson said magma has been building beneath the volcano since 2015.

The geophysicist said: “The reason for the earthquakes in this place is that the volcano Bárðarbunga is inflating, i.e. the pressure of magma in the magma chamber is increasing. It has been doing this since the last eruption ended, in February 2015.

“The volcano is clearly preparing for its next eruption, that may happen in the next few years.

“The earthquakes last week are just the symptoms of this process, they do not cause the volcano to erupt.

“It is impossible to predict what the next eruption will be like, but statistics says it is most likely to be rather harmless.

“Very few people have died in Icelandic eruptions in the last centuries.

“Of course we have to be prepared for larger and more disastrous eruptions, but they are not common.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/1/2017 5:43:23 PM

Russia and USA send bombers to North Korea as Kim’s nuclear disaster heightens war fears

RUSSIA has followed the US in sending bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula as North Korea’s nuclear disaster prompts World War 3 fears to soar.

After the US sent a nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bomber from Missouri on a long-range mission to the Pacific at the weekend, Russia has followed suit by sending its own high-tech jets to the region.

The Russian Defence Ministry announced US and Japanese jets had escorted two of its missile-carrying Tupolev-95MS strategic bombers as they conducted flights over the Sea of Japan and the Pacific.

In a statement, Moscow’s defence ministry said: "Two strategic bombers Tupolev-95MS of Russia’s Aerospace Force have carried out routine flights over international waters of the Sea of Japan and the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

“At certain sections of the route the Tupolev-95MS crews were accompanied by a pair of F-18 fighters (of the US Air Force), and a pair of F-15, F-4 and F-2A fighters (of the Japanese Air Force).”

The Tu-95MS is an improved version of the older Tu-95, a Soviet-era four-engine, long-range, turboprop, strategic bomber that can be armed with a wide range of weapons including stand-off nuclear-capable cruise missiles.


Russia sent nuclear-capable bombers to the region days after US B-2 jets conducted missions

Russia’s own Sukhoi-35S multirole fighters escorted the bombers during the mission, the Defence Ministry confirmed.

The Defence Ministry said: "Long-range aviation crews make regular flights over international waters of the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean. All flights are in strict accordance with international rules of using airspace, without any violations of the borders of other countries.”

It comes after North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear testing facility suffered a devastating collapseearlier today, leaving around 200 people dead.


The iconic B-2 stealth bomber conducted a similar mission over the weekend

It is believed 100 people were killed when an unfinished tunnel collapsed at Kim Jong-un's main nuclear testing site.

And another 100 people subsequently died while attempting to rescue the first group of entombed workers.

Experts had warned a collapse was likely, highlighting the danger of a cloud of radioactive fallout escaping from the site and spreading across "an entire hemisphere".

The disaster was revealed by Japan’s TV Asahi today, although they could not clarify when the accident and subsequent doomed rescue attempts took place.


North Korea's Mount Mantap before the nuclear tests at Punggye-ri


The site has been transformed by the six nuclear tests Pyongyang has conducted

Asahi said North Korean sources told them the collapse occurred as workers were working on the new tunnel. A second collapse took place as workers tried to rescue their colleagues.

Punggye-ri was the site of North Korea’s sixth-ever nuclear test on September 3. Kim's regime tested a huge 100-kiloton explosive which was around seven times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima during the Second World War.

This test is believed to have badly destabilised the mountainside-based facility and has prompted questions about whether Pyongyang’s nuclear programme remains intact.


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