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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/22/2017 11:02:22 AM

‘Mentally unstable, armed with nukes’: US billionaire looks to impeach Trump

Published time: 21 Oct, 2017 11:35

US President Donald Trump © Joshua Roberts / Reuters

A US billionaire has launched a campaign, calling for the impeachment of “mentally unstable” President Donald Trump, who has brought America “to the brink of nuclear war.”

Tom Steyer, an American billionaire and self-identified environmentalist addressed the public in a video released on Thursday. “He [Donald Trump] has brought us to the brink of nuclear war,” the tycoon said.

Steyer lambasted the current administration of the US leader as well as Congress, saying people there know that Trump “is a clear and present danger, who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons, and they do nothing.”

“If that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become?”
he asks. The billionaire explained that he is funding the effort “to demand that elected officials take a stand” on impeaching Trump.

In an open letter, Steyer goes on to say that Trump is simply lacking “fitness for office,” and notes that the question of impeachment thus “becomes a very real issue.”

READ MORE: US porn king offers $10mn for ‘smoking gun’ to impeach Trump

Steyer is the founder of Farallon Capital investment firm and NextGen America environmental political action committee which opposes the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Earlier in October ‘porn king’ Larry Flynt offered a hefty sum of up to $10 million for any information that would help to remove Donald Trump, whom he called “a moron” from the White House.

“Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine announce a cash offer of up to $10 million for information leading to the impeachment and removal from office of Donald J. Trump,” an advertisement from the founder of the Hustler pornographic magazine said.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/22/2017 4:34:47 PM

Video: Israeli Lawmaker Walks Out of Conference After Being Called a ‘Child-Killer’

October 22, 2017 at 8:01 am
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Israeli delegate walks out of inter-Parliamentary conference after Kuwaiti lawmaker tells him, “You have no shame.”

(MEE) An Israeli lawmaker walked out of an international conference in Russia after his Kuwaiti counterpart called him a “child-killer.”

Marzouq al-Ghanim, the speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, called on Nachman Shai, deputy speaker of Israel’s Knesset, to leave the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in St. Petersburg on Wednesday. Ghanim had accused Shai of representing state-sponsored terrorism.

The hashtag #Marzouq_alGhanim, in Arabic was trending worldwide on Twitter, following his remarks.

Social media users responded to Ghanim’s outburst, expressing “pride” and support for his action.

“Occupier! Child-killer,” Ghanim can be heard shouting, at the Israeli delegate, Shai.

Earlier, another Israeli delegate had been roundly booed by the audience, as she claimed that her country is the only democracy in the Middle East.

At least 550 children were killed in the last Israeli war on Gaza, in 2014.

The Geneva-based IPU is an organisation that brings together national lawmakers from across the world.

The Assembly, which is the 137th of its kind, addressed various topics, including cultural pluralism, inter-faith dialogue, democracy and human rights.

By MEE staff / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

This article was chosen for republication based on the interest of our readers. Anti-Media republishes stories from a number of other independent news sources. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect Anti-Media editorial policy.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/22/2017 5:40:07 PM

Russia Triples Gold Reserves In Preparation For Full-Scale Economic War With The United States

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/22/2017 11:06:29 PM

Spanish Chef Serves More Than One Million Meals to Hungry Puerto Ricans

October 21, 2017 at 10:23 pm

(AHT) José Andrés, the well-known Spanish chef, and his charity celebrated serving one million meals to those left hungry by the storm. Andrés, who is known for his upscale restaurants in Washington, DC, has been in Puerto Rico since September 25, preparing as many as 60,000 meals a day for the victims.

The extraordinary relief effort, operated by Andrés’ non-profit food charity organization World Central Kitchen, took three weeks and the help of 15 kitchens and more than 500 volunteers.

In a post uploaded from the chef’s official Twitter account this week, Andres says,”Hello people of America, people of the world. Today, big news. Twenty-one days in this beautiful island of Puerto Rico and I can tell you World Central Kitchen chefs of Puerto Rico initiative, we are about to reach today one million meals cooked by the men and women of Puerto Rico. Big day. I love you.”

That is far more than what the Red Cross has achieved in the island. According to the American Red Cross vice president of communications Elizabeth Penniman, they have delivered 150,000 MREs (meals ready to eat), 302,000 meal boxes, and 1.4 million pounds of canned goods, rice, beans, crackers, fruit, vegetables and non-perishables.

Nearly 80 percent of Puerto Rico, a US territory of 3.4 million people, still remains without electricity and hundreds of thousands of Americans are without running water.

US President Donald Trump has been under heavy criticism for his handling of the crisis. Critics say, the reputation of the U.S. is already in tatters, with Trump governing by ‘Tweet’, continually lying, and spending more time and energy criticizing football players who don’t, in his view, sufficiently respect the U.S. flag, than he does helping desperate hurricane victims in Puerto Rico.

Despite criticism, Trump awarded himself “a 10” out of 10 when asked to rate federal emergency relief effort in the Island. “I give ourselves a 10,” the president said at a press conference with the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló.

Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor of the Puerto Rican capital San Juan, hit back at Trump on Friday, saying his administration would get a “failing grade.”

“If it’s a 10 out of a scale of 100, of course,” she said. “I think the president lives in an alternative reality world that only he believes the things that he is saying.”

Trump had previously slammed Cruz’s “poor leadership” for demanding federal help to deal with the hurricane. “They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.”

Puerto Rico is in the midst of an undeniable financial crisis, with a debt of $70 billion that it is currently trying to pay back.

By AHT Staff / Creative Commons / / Report a typo

This article was chosen for republication based on the interest of our readers. Anti-Media republishes stories from a number of other independent news sources. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect Anti-Media editorial policy.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/22/2017 11:50:26 PM

Trump plans to release JFK assassination documents despite concerns from federal agencies

President Trump on Oct. 21 tweeted that he will release the final batch of files related to former president John F. Kennedy's assassination. (Joyce Koh/The Washington Post)

President Trump announced Saturday morning that he planned to release the tens of thousands of never-before-seen documents left in the files related to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination held by the National Archives and Records Administration.

“Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened,” Trump tweeted early Saturday.

Experts have been speculating for weeks about whether Trump would disclose the documents. The 1992 Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act required that the millions of pages, many of them contained in CIA and FBI documents, be published in 25 years — by Thursday. Over the years, the National Archives has released most of the documents, either in full or partially redacted.

But one final batch remains, and only the president has the authority to extend the papers’ secrecy past the deadline.

In his tweet, Trump seemed to strongly imply he was going to release all the remaining documents, but the White House later said that if other government agencies made a strong case not to release the documents, he wouldn’t.

“The president believes that these documents should be made available in the interests of full transparency unless agencies provide a compelling and clear national security or law enforcement justification otherwise,” the White House said in a statement Saturday.

In the days leading up to Trump’s announcement, a National Security Council official told The Washington Post that government agencies were urging the president not to release some of the documents. But Trump’s longtime confidant Roger Stone told conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars this week that he personally lobbied Trump to release all of the documents.

Stone also told Jones that CIA Director Mike Pompeo “has been lobbying the president furiously not to release these documents.”

Some Republican lawmakers have also been urging Trump for a full release. Earlier this month, Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) and Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, brought forward resolutions calling on Trump to “reject any claims for the continued postponement” of the documents.

“No reason 2 keep hidden anymore,” Grassley tweeted earlier this month. “Time 2 let American ppl + historians draw own conclusions.”

On the 50th Anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, author James Swanson shares the stories he learned while writing his book, "The End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy". (The Washington Post)

Though Kennedy assassination experts say that they do not think the last batch of papers contains any major bombshells, the president’s decision to release the documents could heighten the clarity around the assassination, which has fueled so many conspiracy theorists, including Trump.

In May 2016, while on the presidential campaign trail, Trump gave an interview to Fox News strongly accusing the father of GOP primary opponent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) of consorting with Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald right before the shooting.

Some Kennedy assassination researchers think that the trove could shed light on a key question that President Lyndon B. Johnson tried to unsuccessfully put to rest in 1963: Did Oswald act alone, or was he aided or propelled by a foreign government?

The records are also said to include details on Oswald’s activities while he was traveling in Mexico City in late September 1963 and courting Cuban and Soviet spies, as well as the CIA’s personality profiles written of Oswald after the assassination.

But some experts fear the history that may be lost forever in unreadable documents in the trove. One listed as “unintelligible” is a secret communication from the CIA to the Office of Naval Intelligence about Oswald in October 1963 — weeks before the assassination. Oswald had been honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 1959, but it was later changed to a dishonorable discharge. He was outraged and made threats late in 1963 when he learned the military had rejected his appeal of its decision.

Phil Shenon, who wrote a book about the Warren Commission, the congressional body that investigated Kennedy’s killing, said he was pleased with Trump’s decision to release the documents. But he wonders to what degree the papers will ultimately be released.

“It’s great news that the president is focused on this and that he’s trying to demonstrate transparency. But the question remains whether he will open the library in full — every word in every document, as the law requires,” Shenon said. “And my understanding is that he won’t without infuriating people at the CIA and elsewhere who are determined to keep at least some of the information secret, especially in documents created in the 1990s.”

There are about 3,100 previously unreleased files that hold tens of thousands of pages of new material. The National Archives also has another 30,000 pages with information that has been disclosed before, but only partially and with redactions.

Jefferson Morley, a former Post reporter who has studied the Kennedy assassination records for years, said that the last tranche of material is also intriguing because it contains files on senior CIA officials from the 1960s — officers well aware of Oswald’s activities in the days before the assassination.

He specifically pointed to the files of former CIA officers William K. Harvey and David Phillips. Morley said Harvey led the agency’s assassinations operations and feuded constantly with Kennedy’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy, over the administration’s crisis with Cuba. Phillips, Morley said, oversaw the agency’s operations against Cuban President Fidel Castro and was deeply familiar with the CIA’s surveillance of Oswald in Mexico City.

“What’s in those files could tell us how those men did their jobs,” said Morley, who wrote a 2008 book on the agency’s Mexico City station chief. “There might be stuff on why we were interested in the Cuban consulate, how we surveilled the consulate, how we did our audio work, and how did we recruit spies there? We might understand much better why they were watching Oswald.”

John Wagner and Carol D. Leonnig contributed to this report

(The Washington Post)

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