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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 10:43:35 AM

North Korea Issues Disturbing Threat, Claims It Could “Break Out At Any Moment”

Posted by | Oct 17, 2017 |

North Korea claims to be ready to strike "at any moment."

North Korea claims to be ready to strike “at any moment.”

Just as Russia has said that they and the U.S. may hold “informal talks with North Korea,” the Hermit Kingdom lashed out with promises of nuclear war. They are boasting that they can hit anywhere in America, in addition to saying that war “could break out at any moment,” Bloomberg News reports.

The harsh words came after the U.S. and South Korea “began one of the largest joint naval drills off both the east and west coasts of the peninsula,” according to the article. Kim In Ryong, North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, has said that his nation is now a “full-fledged nuclear power which possesses the delivery means of various ranges.”

Beyond that, he claims that “the entire U.S. mainland is within our firing range.” Following that, he made the most foolish statement ever uttered from the DPRK (and that is saying something!) when he said North Korea is “a responsible nuclear state.

It is a miracle that those who heard the statement did not laugh in his face.

As long as one does not take part in the U.S. military actions against the DPRK, we have no intention to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any other country,” Kim promised, as if North Korea was now in charge. This is a stance that they often try to employ when giving a statement, that they are somehow in charge.

They just bluff to the extreme because they think that if enough people worry about what they’re saying, that would deter U.S.-South Korean action,” said Bruce Bennett, senior defense analyst at Rand Corp., said in a Bloomberg TV interview.

The problem is North Korea is used to using very extreme words to deter by bluff and by bluster, and now they’re shocked that the Americans are using a similar approach,” the North Korean expert added.

Donald Trump has said that, while ready for battle, America is open to diplomacy until the first bomb falls.

Donald Trump has said that, while ready for battle, America is open to diplomacy until the first bomb falls.

Some talks with the manic regime are on the way but no one can ascertain if they will happen soon enough. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that Trump, while ready to fight and win, is open to diplomacy “until the first bomb drops.

Meanwhile, Russian Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora is to have said, “I don’t remember a situation when the feeling of a coming disaster is so clear.

Sadly, that is a true assessment. The Conservative Daily Post has revealed that those close to Putin has said that he views ISIS (not the U.S. as one would think) as the worlds leading threat to peace.

With the way that North Korea is acting, we can be assured what his second threat listing would be, too.

Sources: Bloomberg News The Conservative Daily Post


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 11:07:33 AM
North Korea: 'Nuclear war may break out any moment'

Amb. Bolton: North Korea's nuclear war threat is propaganda

The former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. weighs in on what the warning means for American policy.

North Korea told other countries on Monday to avoid participating in military action with the U.S. to avoid retaliation and warned that a “nuclear war may break any moment.”

The threat was issued at the United Nations where North Korean Deputy U.N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong prepared remarks for a talk on nuclear weapons at a U.N. committee. He ended up not reading the threat out loud.

“As long as one does not take part in the U.S. military actions against the DPRK (North Korea), we have no intention to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any other country,” read the North Korean ambassador’s prepared remarks, according to Reuters.

“The entire U.S. mainland is within our firing range and if the U.S. dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe,” the statement said.

The confrontation between the U.S. and North Korea has peaked following a number nuclear missile tests threatening U.S. allies in the region and hostile exchanges between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Kim told a U.N. disarmament committee that his country is the only state threatened by “such an extreme and direct nuclear threat" from the U.S. and accused the U.S. government of trying to stage a “secret operation aimed at the removal of our supreme leadership.”

“Unless the hostile policy and the nuclear threat of the U.S. is thoroughly eradicated, we will never put our nuclear weapons and ballistic rockets on the negotiation table under any circumstance,” the North Korean official told the committee.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 2:01:08 PM

S. Korea, U.S. start maritime drills against N. Korea

2017/10/16 07:36

SEOUL. Oct. 16 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean and U.S. navies on Monday kicked off massive combined drills off the coast of the peninsula amid heightened tensions.

The allies plan to continue the Maritime Counter Special Operations Exercise (MCSOFEX) through Friday in the East Sea and the Yellow Sea, also known as the West Sea.

It involves the U.S. 7th Fleet's aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) and two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers -- the USS Stethem (DDG-63) and the USS Mustin (DDG-89).

The carrier strike group will train with South Korean warships and other defense assets, such as the Sejong the Great Aegis ship and P-3 Orion anti-submarine aircraft in the East Sea.

The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), a U.S. aircraft carrier, in this file photo (Yonhap)The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), a U.S. aircraft carrier, in this file photo (Yonhap)

A unit of U.S. special forces tasked with carrying out "decapitation" operations is aboard a nuclear-powered submarine in the group, according to a defense source.

Among other assets mobilized are F-15K, FA-18 and A-10 fighter jets, as well as AH-64E Apache attack helicopters, Lynx and AW-159 Wild Cat naval choppers.

The U.S. has also deployed a Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) plane to closely monitor the North's ground and naval forces.

A Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) plane files in the sky in this file photo posted on the U.S. Air Force's website. (Yonhap)A Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) plane files in the sky in this file photo posted on the U.S. Air Force's website. (Yonhap)

The joint training is aimed at promoting "communications, interoperability and partnership in the (U.S.) 7th Fleet area of operations," the fleet said.

It initially announced that the practice around the peninsula will end next Thursday but later corrected the date to Friday.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has sent a B-1B Lancer strategic bomber, F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets and several other types of high-profile defense assets to the Seoul air show to open this week.

"Approximately 200 U.S. personnel are expected to participate in the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) 2017, scheduled from Oct. 17-22 at the Seoul K-16 airport," the 7th Air Force said.

Among the U.S. military aircraft to join the biennial event are the F-22 Raptor, B-1B Lancer, A-10 Thunderbolt II, C-17 Globemaster III, C-130J Hercules, KC-135 Stratotanker, E-3 Sentry, U-2 Dragon Lady and RQ-4 Global Hawk, it added.

Also fielded will be the Air Force's fifth-generation fighter, the F-35A Lightning II, U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon and a U.S. Army CH-47F Chinook.

"This year's air show will feature demonstrations from U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors assigned to the 3rd Wing, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska," the 7th Air Force said.

More than 400 defense firms from 33 countries plan to participate in the ADEX to begin Tuesday.



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 4:55:25 PM


Stuff that matters


Photos show Portugal and Spain in flames.

A series of fires in both countries this week killed more than 40 people and injured at least 63 more.

The fires began over the weekend and grew stronger on Sunday as remnants of ex-Hurricane Ophelia exacerbated the flames. Portugal’s forests have been burning all summer, and the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere reports September was the country’s driest month on record since 1930.

Drought and high temperatures magnified fires that Spanish authorities believe were started by arsonists. “What we are dealing with here is something that is not caused by accident. It has been provoked,” Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told the press on Monday.

Fires are still burning in northwestern Spain but don’t currently pose a threat to population centers. As of Tuesday morning, all active fires in Portugal had been extinguished. However, frightening images of smoke and destruction remain:

Smoke is seen amidst burned trees after a forest fire in Chandebrito, Galicia, northern Spain. REUTERS/Miguel Vidal
A vehicle turns around as a forest fire burns by the road near Vigo, Spain. REUTERS/Miguel Vidal

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 5:25:17 PM



'Creation itself is trying to warn us'

Published: 2 days ago

Magma under Yellowstone

The “supervolcano” at Yellowstone National Park has been hit by a swarm of hundreds of earthquakes in recent weeks.

And now, there is more bad news from scientists:
It could blow far sooner than anticipated.

Evidence recently presented at a volcanism conference in Portland, Oregon, suggests the process that led to Yellowstone’s most recent supereruption developed far more quickly than experts had thought.

Hannah Shamloo, a graduate student at Arizona State University, found fresh magma might have been injected under the supervolcano only decades before the eruption. The New York Times quoted Shamloo as observing, “It’s shocking how little time is required to take a volcanic system from being quiet and sitting there to the edge of an eruption.” The graduate student also cautioned that it’s too early to identify a precise time scale.

NASA recently garnered headlines when it unveiled a plan to stop the supervolcano by cooling it, siphoning off heat through drilling. Of course, some critics suggested the plan might inadvertently trigger the very thing the process was designed to avoid – a catastrophic eruption.

Such an eruption, if and when it comes, could have apocalyptic consequences.

Scientist Michio Kaku said such an eruption would “rip the guts out of the USA.”

Researchers at the University of Utah say the disaster would be so massive, it would actually transform the world climate and would devastate the American West.

Carl Gallups, a pastor, former law enforcement officer and the author of the books “Be Thou Prepared” and the last days examination “When the Lion Roars,” believes the news about Yellowstone is a warning to Christians.

“I am not certain that there is any direct Scripture reference to Yellowstone specifically, but I do know that the Scripture is plain about how the whole creation ‘groans’ in anticipation of the coming of the Lord, as it states in Romans 8:22,” he said. “We live in a fallen creation. The evidence is all around us.”

Gallups argues Christians need to lead the way in preparing for natural disasters, not just to ensure the survival of their families, but because those who are equipped with adequate food and water in the wake of a disaster will also be in the best position to minister to others.

“Times like these are a call to God’s people to ‘be prepared!'” he exclaimed. “Not in a panicked or over-reactive way, but in a biblical, commonsense and ministry-oriented way.”

When disaster strikes, nothing is more important than food. Live Prepared manufactures a complete line of emergency long-term food vaults, ranging from a 120-serving kit, which serves one person for one month, to a 5,760-serving kit, which can serve four people for a full year. They also offer vaults that contain only protein, fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and breakfast foods. Hurricanes, volcanos, terrorist attacks, EMP strikes – the world is more unstable than ever. Ensure your family’s security with an “Emergency Food Vault” today!

Gallups says there are certain basic preparations every Christian household should make before there is a disaster.

“The seven basics that every family, especially among God’s people, should make certain they are equipped with are: clean water, food, adequate emergency shelter plans, proper tools, medications, proper clothing fitted to extreme environs, and equipment used to protect you and your family,” he said. “Always being prepared, especially in precarious times, is a commandment of God’s Word – and one which even the early New Testament church practiced. The Scriptures are full of these commands and examples – from the days of Noah to the biblical warnings of end-times fulfillment.”

But while the pastor urges believers to take care of their temporal needs, he also suggests recent natural disasters and the near-certainty of future cataclysms should make believers look to their faith.

“The most important preparation is to make certain you are born again through a biblical relationship with Jesus Christ,” he said. “Even the creation itself is trying to warn us!

“It appears to many people that America itself is being sent warning after warning of God’s soon coming judgment upon our abject disobedience to His Word. How could we not escape His judgment, other than by a true national repentance? We slaughter the innocent, we teach our children there is no God, we legalized homosexual marriage through the highest court in the land – and all this (and more) from the largest and most blessed ‘Christian’ nation the planet has ever known.

“We have spit in God’s face – and most of the nation appears to not even care, including a lot of pulpits.”

Regardless of what happens at Yellowstone or anywhere else, Gallups says Christians have a responsibility both to strengthen themselves in faith and safeguard their families. The latter, he believes, will allow them to spread their faith to others during even the worst times.

“The creation is fallen – and sometimes we are its victims,” Gallups said. “In the midst of it, however, we must always look for ways to bring relief and comfort to those around us and to take advantage of every opportunity to share the only Good News offered to humanity that has real teeth in it – an old rugged cross and the empty tomb of Jesus Christ.”

When disaster strikes, nothing is more important than food. Live Prepared manufactures a complete line of emergency long-term food vaults, ranging from a 120-serving kit, which serves one person for one month, to a 5,760-serving kit, which can serve four people for a full year. They also offer vaults that contain only protein, fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and breakfast foods. Hurricanes, volcanos, terrorist attacks, EMP strikes – the world is more unstable than ever. Ensure your family’s security with an “Emergency Food Vault” today!


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