by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Tennessee State Police are now in possession of 300 reconstructed email communications involving mentally ill lesbian Hillary Rodham Clinton, her main advisor Sydney Blumenthal, along with her campaign manager homosexual David Brock and one other than Hollywood sexual deviate Harvey Weinstein in which communications took place involving worldwide child sex trafficking, homosexual gay and lesbian prostitution rings as well as actual satanic child sacrifice ritual.
The New York Police Department and the Tennessee State Police are also in possession of files tied to former Bush Crime Family Syndicate legal advisor Henry Vincent.
The files, which include photographic evidence of criminal pedophilia sexual activity of former U.S. CIA Director George Herbert Walker Bush along with pedophilia and Satanic homosexual sex involving former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, nation wrecking, election stealing, Constitution shredding, U.S. Treasury embezzling, AWOL coward, cocaine snorting, war criminal and homosexual-in-the-closet junior Nazi George W. BushFRAUD.
Photographs detail junior BushFRAUD engaging in Satanic ritual homosexual sex in the late 1980s and fast forward junior BushFRAUD engaging in hot homosexual sex with lifelong lover Victor Ashe and White House body builder Jeff Gannon during the years of his illegal occupation of the White House.
It should also be noted photographs are now in the possession of the aforementioned parties fingering Bill and Hillary Clinton, daddy Bush (George Herbert Walker Bush) and junior Nazi George W. BushFRAUD having sex with nine and ten year old boys and girls.
ITEM: We can also report that former alleged pResident, foreign born Barack Hussein ObamaFRAUD and his then U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, along with former FBI Director James Comey hid these files for years using them for blackmail until the files were recently taken from FBI headquarters and delivered to the New York Police Department and the Tennessee State Police.
Federal Grand Juries are now operating in the states of New York and Tennessee have already issued ‘True Bills’ for indictment current U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Republican Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt for obstruction of justice.
Reference: Blunt, Republican of Missouri, will also be charged for engaging in child sex trafficking and underage sex with minors.
The Chattanooga, Tennessee server, which was used reference “Operation Grasshopper” to hack and steal the year 2000 presidential election from the American People and then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee, has had its electronic malware reconstructed showing Gore not only one Florida by a substantial margin but also carried the states of Missouri, West Virginia, New Hampshire and his home state of Tennessee amounting to 324 Electoral College votes for the then Vice President.
A total of 90,000 Gore votes were stolen and transferred out of the state of Tennessee at 7:58 p.m. CST election night 2000 vis a vis the Chattanooga server and a cell phone number tied to the CNN cable new network.
In closing, there is no doubt that the beginning of the end of the U.S. Republic, along with its Constitution and Bill of Rights, began at 7:58 p.m. CST presidential election night 2000 with a Bush-Clinton-CIA-NSA homosexual pedophile coup d’état directed against the American People and their DULY ELECTED President of the United States of America Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee.