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Myrna Ferguson

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12/15/2012 1:10:17 AM
Hi Miguel,

Some thoughts to ponder..............
This last shooting has all the marks of the cabal. Remember their days are getting close and the few that are left are not going out without trying something else just to let us know they still are in control
Has anyone thought of how they have been using mind control and what all they can do with mind control. I believe all the shootings have been from mind control.. Why are the guys always around 20 and they go on a shooting spree? Schools get a lot of attention fast, they know how people love the kids. It is shootings or bombs that is all the cabal knows is destruction, it is always the same thing.
Michael Caron

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12/15/2012 3:26:14 AM

As new pieces of evidence emerge, this incident becomes more mysterious. It was learned that the body that was found in the home of the killer and his mother, it was his mother. She was not in class today, as she had already been killed. The three guns that were found were registered to her, therefore the question of where the gunman got the weapons was solved. The mother was divorced from her husband and the gunman who took his own life lived with her while his brother lives with his father in New Jersey. The problem that I am having with all of this is why does a kindergarten teacher have access to three potential assault weapons? The more eveidence that is being uncovered makes this a very disturbing situation by the minute.

The second Amendment gave citizens the right to bare arms. This Amendment was written at a time when our country was in it's infancy, and pioneers were in danger of their lives from wolves, and other wild animals, plus the Native American's whose only concern was for the land that rightfully belonged to them and they fought to protect their land. Most of the guns back then were Flintlocks which took time to load. Therefore, the second Amendment is antiquated at best and should be abolished. However, the NRA would block efforts at every turn. Sadly, there are too many members of the NRA that funnel money to several politicians to leave the Amendment alone. When guns are confiscated, as the three guns from todays assault were, they are suppose to be destroyed so they can never be used again. Within the next six months, these three weapons will be in the hands of another deranged killer. Money seams to be more important to those that are there to protect the citizens of our country more then the lives of innocent children that never had the chance to live. I don't believe there is a clear-cut solution to prevent situations like this in the future, and it seems futile to open people's eyes as to what is happening to us all, because in some small way, tragedies such as this one does effect us all.




Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Patricia Bartch

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12/15/2012 5:32:54 AM

i was watching a news program and the commentator said that polling the NRA showed that 74% of NRA members wanted background checks on all guns. I agree with that.

40 % of all guns in America are sold with no background check. WHY? what's up with assault weapons? America is a country that thrives on violence.


another interesting article -- one portion:

''If roads were collapsing all across the United States, killing dozens of drivers, we would surely see that as a moment to talk about what we could do to keep roads from collapsing. If terrorists were detonating bombs in port after port, you can be sure Congress would be working to upgrade the nation’s security measures. If a plague was ripping through communities, public-health officials would be working feverishly to contain it.
Only with gun violence do we respond to repeated tragedies by saying that mourning is acceptable but discussing how to prevent more tragedies is not. But that’s unacceptable.
What follows here isn’t a policy agenda. It’s simply a set of facts that should inform a discussion that we desperately need to have.''

Twelve facts about guns and mass shootings in the United States

just give peace a chance ....


Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at school

Children are led out of Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. (Newtown Bee/AP)

The horrific shooting at the Newtown, Conn., elementary school that left multiple people dead, including, it's believed, 20 children, has re-ignited the gun control debate.

Public figures immediately jumped in to offer condolences, while others called for new restrictions. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he was "shocked and saddened" by the tragic shooting. He said society should "unify" to "crack down on the guns." And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said"immediate action" was needed.

Mark Kelly, husband of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was gravely injured by a gunman in Tucson in 2011, wrote on Facebook: "The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School and all victims of gun violence deserve leaders who have the courage to participate in a meaningful discussion about our gun laws—and how they can be reformed and better enforced to prevent gun violence and death in America."

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ‏(@NancyPelosi) tweeted, "No words can console the parents of the children murdered at Sandy Hook. We share our prayers and our grief over these horrifying events."

U.S. Rep. Nita Lowey of New York added to the call for gun limits, saying in a statement, "Our expressions of sympathy must be matched with concrete actions to stop gun violence."

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, whose state experienced both the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 and the shooting at the Aurora, Colo., movie theater in 2012, offered his support in a statement: "The shooting in Connecticut is absolutely horrific and heartbreaking. We know too well what impact this kind of violence has on a community and our nation. Our thoughts and prayers are immediately with the families of those killed. We can offer comfort, but we all know the pain will stay forever."

The debate in social media was fast and furious. Trending topics on Twitter included "2nd Amendment," "NRA" and "Columbine."

Ross McCall ‏(@maccageezer) wrote, "Senseless. The 2nd Amendment is NOT what it was originally set up to be. HAS to be more gun control."

Daniel Stewart ‏(@dnstewart67) tweeted, "Any American who would prefer to see this on their TV rather than lose the 2nd amendment have no humanity. Sheer horror."

Comedian Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) wrote, "Band-Aids-on-Band-Aids @NRA people want MORE access to guns to combat all the people w access to guns."

Mediaite tweeted about MSNBC host's Andrea Mitchell's editorializing on air, who said, "When we talk about gun violence in this country, we're not talking about Second Amendment rights." She also called gun violence an "epidemic."

Filmmaker Michael Moore (@MMFlint), who made a documentary about the Columbine school shooting, "Bowling for Columbine," tweeted,‏ "Too soon to speak out about a gun-crazy nation? No, too late. At least THIRTY-ONE school shootings since Columbine."

Assif Manvi (@aasif) of "The Daily Show," posted, "The #NRA politicians will now tell us that this tragedy could have been prevented if children carried guns! #WAKEUPAMERICA."

Plenty of people also defended gun rights. SamEwinks (‏@SamEwinks), for instance, wrote, "The only gun reform we need is to allow people the ability to defend themselves, not provide nut jobs with easy targets #nra."

josefsmith2011 (@josefsmith2011) posted, "Guns don't kill people people do! Practice the 2nd amendment—keep your gun loaded with you at all times—the younger you are the better."

And Cutty (@LilCutty) tweeted, "Changing the 2nd Amendment wont stop ppl from doin foolishness."

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 10:53:23 AM
Dear Myrna and friends,

Your questions are legitimate and most reasonable ones, but I am afraid I don't have all the answers to them. Or rather, I can offer some answers but
they not only cannot explain everything but in fact, they open up more questions.

There is something rattling in the background, however, that seems to point at a not immediately obvious connection between all these awful cases. To me, other than the guns that they apparently can use at will, it is the prescription drugs that these boys have been taking for who knows how long that must be held responsible. We all know who the owners of the labs that produce those drugs are, and how the boys very probably were taking them in high doses; and how maybe they did so with the doctors' acquiescence or implicit approval.

So it is this explosive combination of guns in the hands of boys with psychological problems and the drugs that they have more or less been using at will that is to blame in all these cases. The fact that these drugs in many of them have not been sufficiently tested, together with the free use of guns, quite obviously is the main factor that is triggering all these killings.

As to the root cause, I guess you Myrna are right in your belief that it is the cabal that is behind all this. Who else? They are the one percent and the owners of everything; both the big arms factories and the big pharma labs belong to them. And they have enough power to have legislation passed that will let them do whatever they want. In a way, even the polititians and many legislators and the doctors and heads of public hospitals also belong to them, as they are
frequently in their payroll. But are they directly reaponsible in every case, through mind control or whatever, or have they merely made a bid on those two factors triggering the atrocious killings from time to time, here and there? I cannot know.



Hi Miguel,

Some thoughts to ponder..............
This last shooting has all the marks of the cabal. Remember their days are getting close and the few that are left are not going out without trying something else just to let us know they still are in control
Has anyone thought of how they have been using mind control and what all they can do with mind control. I believe all the shootings have been from mind control.. Why are the guys always around 20 and they go on a shooting spree? Schools get a lot of attention fast, they know how people love the kids. It is shootings or bombs that is all the cabal knows is destruction, it is always the same thing.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 10:58:40 AM

PM Note: On Guns and How This Tragedy Is Different

We don't know the details of what happened in Connecticut, what kind of weapons exactly were used, and we don't know how they were bought or if there were background checks or a history of mental illness.

But already there is something that seems to set this particular tragedy - the second gun rampage in a week - apart from some of the other recent tragedies. Dead young children.

It is hard to believe this will not be a watershed moment when we start to talk about, deal with and even perhaps legislate on guns.

Get the latest on the shooting at ABC and Live Updates.

Politicians who support stricter gun control legislation - even before all those details about this tragedy become known - are seizing on it immediately and in a way not seen before to call for tougher gun control laws.

They include New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and a bunch of other Northeast politicians who already support more gun control.

"President Obama rightly sent his heartfelt condolences to the families in Newtown. But the country needs him to send a bill to Congress," said Bloomberg on Twitter. "We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after VTech, Tucson & Aurora. Now we are hearing it again," he added.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband was killed by a mass shooter and who has been one of the foremost gun control advocates told Politico Friday she warned the White House before the election that if President Obama didn't do more on gun control, she'd build a large scale public campaign that would "embarrass" them.

For the record, President Obama does support renewing the Assault Weapons Ban, but he has also not made it a priority. He steered clear of talking about guns in his own statement of condolence.

"As a country, we have been through this too many times, whether it's an elementary school in Newtown or a shopping mall in Oregon or a temple in Wisconsin or a movie theater in Aurora or a street corner in Chicago," the president said from the White House after the shootings. "These neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children, and we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics."

Here's a just-posted Washington Post editorial that seems almost as a rejoinder to Jay Carney's initial reaction that "today is not the day to talk about gun control."

The Post opinion is titled 'Time to Talk About Gun Control."

"Yes, we will argue again about guns, or, rather, about why our politicians are hardly even arguing about guns any more. There are those who will object, who will say gun policy has nothing to do with any single event, that tragedies should not be exploited for political purpose. We know many of our readers are among this group," write the Post's editorial board.

"And then there will be others, ourselves included, who will say, whatever the facts of this case, that the country would be safer with fewer guns, that mass killings are more difficult with knives, that it is not the Second Amendment but political cowardice that precludes sensible regulation. That we are not supposed to exploit tragedy to talk about this issue, but that in the absence of tragedy it never gets talked about at all."

It is not entirely clear that tougher gun laws would keep guns out of the hands of people who would commit heinous crimes. The Assault Weapons Ban, for instance, was signed by President Clinton five years before the Columbine tragedy. And as Pierre Thomas pointed out Friday, there are already 300,000,000 guns in the United States.

Here is a statistical look at gun laws in the United States from Thomas and Jack Dates. There are more licensed gun dealers in the U.S. than grocery stores and three times more retail gun sellers than McDonald's. There were more than 8 million new guns either imported or manufactured in the U.S. in 2010 -

Connecticut, reports Chris Good, already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, although gun laws in this country are not that tough, according to gun control advocates.

"Laws in Connecticut require licenses to purchase firearms. It also provides for record keeping and retention of handgun purchases, police inspections, and extended three-day limits on background checks for gun buyers, according to scorecards for Connecticut and New Jersey published by the Brady Campaign… New Jersey bans large-capacity ammunition magazines, while Connecticut does not."

Here's a round-up of national laws by Elizabeth Hartfield -

Republicans and gun-advocating Democrats (of which there are many) have in the past said that there are enough gun laws and the answer to solving gun violence is by using the existing legal infrastructure and education.

"We need to find out what happened and what drove this individual to this place," Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a top House Republican told C-SPAN on Friday. "I think we have to be careful about new, suggesting new gun laws. We need to look at what drives a crazy person to do these kind of actions and make sure that we're enforcing the laws that are currently on the books. And yes, definitely, we need to do everything possible to make sure that something like this never happens again," she said.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
