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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2017 4:39:20 PM


Christian Petersen / Getty
by AWR HAWKINS31 Jan 2017

San Francisco’s police chief, sheriff, and mayor have announced that they will not enforce President Trump’s executive order on immigration.

Police Chief William Scott, Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, and Mayor Ed Lee sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security Monday, informing them that the city has no intention of complying with the order.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Scott, Hennessy and Lee said: “San Francisco’s public safety agencies will not enforce federal immigration law.” And they stressed that the city will not “participate in any agreements” contained in Trump’s executive orders on immigration, even though Trump’s orders “empower State and local law enforcement agencies across the country to perform the functions of an immigration officer in the interior of the United States to the maximum extent permitted by law.”

Scott, Hennessy, and Lee said their refusal to comply “is in the interest of public safety.” Their rationale is that enforcing the orders would harm relationships between law enforcement and the residents of San Francisco.

They wrote:

Our community policing efforts are effective only if we have trust and cooperation of the communities we are charged to protect. Pressing local jurisdictions to become entangled in federal immigration enforcement betrays that trust and undermines the work our public safety departments have done to improve relations with our residents. We will not jeopardize the public safety of our communities to do the job of the federal government.

They added:

Our law-abiding residents are safer when they can report crimes, get immunizations, and enroll their children in public school. If cities acquiesce to your demands to carry out immigration enforcement, we lose the trust of our communities.

San Francisco is a sanctuary city, and has been since 1989.

On July 1, 2015, Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed the city’s Pier 14 by an illegal alien who was also a convicted felon. Yet as recently as January 16, 2017, Mayor Lee told KRON 4, “San Francisco is a sanctuary city and will not waiver in its commitment to protect the rights of all its residents.”

Update: On Tuesday morning, San Francisco announced that it was suing the Trump administration in federal court to block President Trump’s executive order.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host ofBullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2017 11:05:55 PM

Iran to dump the US dollar in response to Trump's travel ban

Edited time: 31 Jan, 2017 14:11

A woman walks past a currency exchange shop at a shopping centre in northern Tehran, Iran. © Morteza Nikoubazl / Reuters

Tehran plans to ditch the use of the American currency in financial reporting after US President Donald Trump issued a travel ban on seven countries, including Iran.

According to the local news agency PressTV, the Central Bank of Iran is seeking to replace the dollar with a new common foreign currency or use a basket of currencies in all official financial and foreign exchange reports.

The governor Valiollah Seif said it would come into force in the new financial year starting March 21, 2017.

The agency quotes Seif recommending using currencies with a“high degree of stability.”

The decision comes after President Trump temporarily banned citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the US.

After Trump’s election, the Iranian rial saw record lows against the dollar. On December 27 it plunged to its all-time low of 41,600 rials to the dollar.

The head of the central bank said the US did not have a significant role in Iranian trade and could be replaced with currencies of Iran’s key partners like the European Union, China, and the United Arab Emirates.

Tehran has agreements with Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iraq to use national currencies in the local trade.

Iran gets oil revenues in US dollars, and exchanging $41 billion for other currencies has significant risk, analysts have warned.

The local business newspaper Donya-ye Eqtesad responded that Iran uses dollars only in official reporting, and the US currency has largely been replaced with other currencies.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2017 11:15:21 PM
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Soros's bad bets against Trump cost his clients $1bn

© Charles Platiau / Reuters
Georges Soros, Chairman of Soros Fund Management.
George Soros's hedge fund was one of the biggest losers of 2016, as the Hungarian-born billionaire's misplaced investments turned into a $1 billion loss for his clients, according to a report by hedge fund investor LCH Investments, cited by Bloomberg.

The only notable hedge fund which did worse than Soros is Paulson & Co, which lost $3 billion last year, according to LCH. The biggest winner is billionaire Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates, which earned $4.9 billion for its clients.

After Donald Trump's election victory, Soros made some bearish market bets. While Soros called Trump a "would-be dictator," and predicted uncertainty and sell-off after his win, the markets rallied significantly.

"The overall returns from hedge funds in 2016 were disappointing. Even the managers with the greatest long-term records did not perform strongly, and their results were no better than average," Rick Sopher, chairman of LCH, said in the report.

"This underperformance by the world's greatest money managers reflects the difficulties experienced by most active managers for much of 2016," he added.

Soros and Bridgewater hedge funds were created in the 1970s and remain top-performers, cumulatively earning nearly $90 billion since then.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2017 11:23:37 PM
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More Americans approve of Trump's travel ban than disapprove, according to new opinion poll

© Ted Soqui / Reuters
Pro-Trump demonstrators yell slogans during protest against the travel ban imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order, at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 29, 2017.
Despite nationwide protests and several major Republican figures speaking out against President Trump's controversial travel ban, a new poll has revealed that more Americans actually support the ban than oppose it.

A Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday found that 49 percent of Americans approved of the executive order to ban citizens from seven mostly Muslim countries from entering the US. Forty-one percent disapproved.

Some 53 percent of Democrats said they "strongly disagree" with the decision. They were also more than three times as likely as Republicans to say that the US "should continue to take in immigrants and refugees."

© Reuters

Meanwhile, 51 percent of Republicans said they "strongly agree" with the ban, and were more than three times as likely to agree that "banning people from Muslim countries is necessary to prevent terrorism."

Thirty-one percent of respondents said the ban made them feel safer, compared to 26 percent who said it made them feel less safe. Forty-three percent said they "didn't know."

Republicans were more likely to say the ban made them feel safer, at 58 percent, while only 10 percent of Democrats felt the same.

When asked whether the US should welcome Christian refugees, but not Muslim ones, 72 percent of Democrats disagreed, compared to 45 percent of Republicans.

And finally, 68 percent of Republicans agreed that the travel ban is setting a "good example" of how to confront terrorism, while 70 percent of Democrats said it's a bad example.

The poll comes amid worldwide protests of Trump's executive order, which suspends the admission of citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for 120 days.

The ban has been widely criticized by Democrats, as well as several Republicans, including senators John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC).

"This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country," the senators said in a joint statement.

Meanwhile, Trump has denied allegations that the targets Muslims because of their faith, but is rather intended to keep people out of the US from countries afflicted by terrorism who could pose a threat.

"This is not about religion," Trump said in a Friday statement. "This is about terror and keeping our country safe."

The Reuters/Ispos poll, which was conducted online on January 30-31, surveyed 1,201 people from all 50 states, including 453 Democrats and 478 Republicans. It has a margin of error of three percentage points for the entire sample and five percentage points for Democrats and Republicans.



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2017 11:40:48 PM

Western MSM complicit in fueling ‘artificially’ ignited Syrian war – Bolivian filmmaker to RT

Edited time: 1 Feb, 2017 10:27

People walk past damaged shops in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria January 31, 2017. © Ali Hashisho / Reuters

The Syrian war was an artificial, deliberately planned and meticulously staged conflict from the very beginning, Carla Ortiz, a Bolivian documentary filmmaker told RT. She believes western MSM played a decisive role: repeating a stereotypical narrative while twisting the reality.

Ortiz, the director of the “The Voice of Syria” documentary, recently returned from the war-torn country, where she visited regions which suffered most from the conflict. She talked to the Syrian people struggling to save their country while rebuilding their shattered lives.

The real situation in Syria she witnessed is very different from the common narrative peddled by the western MSM. The entire idea of the Middle East being a “territory of a constant conflict” plagued by “dictators,” and Westerners being the “saviors” of the local people, is so customary you “almost stop questioning what you hear,” Ortiz told RT Spanish.

“Only when I’ve started to get into it, I realized that the reality, which exists on the other side, is completely different. It drastically contradicts what I supposedly ‘knew’ about it,” Ortiz said.

The Syrian conflict is portrayed by the western MSM as something“natural” and “organic” but she left with the feeling that it’s an artificially created campaign orchestrated from the outside.

“The war was deliberately and meticulously staged,” Ortiz told RT. Locals told the filmmaker, that not only was the initial unrest organized and fuelled by foreigners, who infiltrated the country, but even now, the majority of militants fighting against the Syrian army are of foreign origins.

“After having traveled three fourths of the country, I realized that my dialogue with Syria’s people always repeats itself. Regardless of a place, social rank and even religion, I got the same answer everywhere – this war was created artificially,” Ortiz added.

The religious component of the conflict also proved to be greatly exaggerated, as Syrian people of different religious denominations have lived in harmony for ages.

“I made a mistake once, I asked one man – ‘Are you a Muslim?’ And he told me – ‘I’m Syrian, we don’t ask about religion in Syria,” Ortiz said.

READ MORE: Pentagon anti-ISIS online propaganda program lacks staff proficient in Arabic & Islam – report

The Syrian people distrust western media and the West as a whole, and holds them largely responsible for the destruction of their country. The West made ousting the Syrian president a priority, instead of fighting terrorism.

Western media consume information from dubious sources and present it as “reporting.” Even those few journalists, who were in Syria while Ortiz was filming her documentary, preferred to “report” from the safety of their hotel rooms.

“I can confirm, that at the critical moment of the Aleppo battle, I travelled all six fronts and there were nobody from international media,” Ortiz said.

Ortiz witnessed and filmed the Aleppo liberation, and can state with authority that many videos, which emerged during these hard times depicting “Assad atrocities” or “Russian atrocities” were fake. Such videos have little to no gunfire, bombing and shelling sounds, while the fighting in the days before Aleppo’s liberation was really intense.

“In all my videos you can hear gunfire. I don’t know where such footage was filmed, if it doesn’t have such sounds, especially if it was allegedly filmed in East Aleppo,” Ortiz said.

Various shady groups, portrayed by the western media as brave warriors and “heroes,” such as the infamous White Helmets, are perceived quite differently by the Syrians. Rather, they are viewed as militants and terrorists who have and continue to rip their nation apart.

Syrian soldiers, young men and women, majority of whom are volunteers, struggle daily to save their country from terrorists, who grew strong on the “free advertising” provided by western MSM.

It’s the Syrian army, which fights for its country, not some “Assad army” or “regime forces” as the MSM portrays them, Ortiz said.


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