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Jim Allen

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10/27/2011 1:04:01 AM
Fair point, but everyone did what was right there wouldn't be a issue to begin with. However, if we took 100% of their income it would still only be a drop in the bucket, so penalizing those that pay most of the taxes while 47% pay no taxes its not hard to balance the books fairly and broaden the base with a federal use tax. Or a Fair Tax, this requires a overall of the tax system, this creates more job loss for a short period of time.

Get back to the point though no one wants to part with something they earned or was given. But the cold hard fact is too many want what others have without earning it.

I believe you feel you earned your status and lifestyle and would fight to keep it, if someone were trying to take it to give to someone else who hasn't worked for your lifestyle wouldn't you? Its that simple if the rules of the game are followed. We have to agree upon the rules first before we can play its like monopoly in a way. If you're good and have some luck you win others lose. Its LIFE isn't it?

Unfortunately the Progressives have muddled the rules and added bureaucracies and expanded government's reach the rules keep changing with whomever comes to power, screwing the average players. Fix the rules not penalize or handicap the players. Enforce the rules as originally written and the problem disappears. IMV

Should we be reminding the OWSr's the following? Isn't this what this group is preaching and planning and even doing by the very act of being their implies? Are they breaking this tenant? I believe they are among others. What do you think? Or is this pre-ordained and just part of the story?
New International Version (©1984)
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Hello Jim,

I appreciate your contribution.

What mainly attracted me to this article was the fact that that I know, it is the first time ever that the one-percent issue has been circulated by a mass-media like Yahoo. But put to quote biblical verses, the fact that the rich in the one percent segment are not abiding by another more preeminent divine injunction ("By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food") seems to me a more serious transgression than those implied with the ones you mention. After all, the 99 percent are supposed to only be claiming for a more just distribution of money and better opportunities for them.

By the way, only now have I realized that I did not include the chart accompanying the article. I am very sorry. Here it is.

Best Wishes,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/27/2011 10:08:03 PM
Fair point, but everyone did what was right there wouldn't be a issue to begin with. However, if we took 100% of their income it would still only be a drop in the bucket, so penalizing those that pay most of the taxes while 47% pay no taxes its not hard to balance the books fairly and broaden the base with a federal use tax. Or a Fair Tax, this requires a overall of the tax system, this creates more job loss for a short period of time.

Get back to the point though no one wants to part with something they earned or was given. But the cold hard fact is too many want what others have without earning it.

I believe you feel you earned your status and lifestyle and would fight to keep it, if someone were trying to take it to give to someone else who hasn't worked for your lifestyle wouldn't you? Its that simple if the rules of the game are followed. We have to agree upon the rules first before we can play its like monopoly in a way. If you're good and have some luck you win others lose. Its LIFE isn't it?

Unfortunately the Progressives have muddled the rules and added bureaucracies and expanded government's reach the rules keep changing with whomever comes to power, screwing the average players. Fix the rules not penalize or handicap the players. Enforce the rules as originally written and the problem disappears. IMV

Hello again Jim,

I guess the answer lies in the fact that we are now in the last stages of a chaotic age where differences are abysmal; where the multi-billionaires on the one hand behave like greedy monsters and the poor on the other are fed-up with the lack of opportunities even to speak their mind, and this to such an extent that their only hope seems to be to little by little draw as much attention as possible toward themselves and their economic predicament.

Where I cannot agree with you is on your saying that it is like monopoly in a way, where "if you are good and have some luck you win others loose." The problem is the rules are all made to make you lose. It's like playing games against someone who will not abide by the rules, while you must follow them to the letter. You will lose at all events.

So it all amounts to this: In a world like is supposed to come soon, the rules will be the same for everyone; they will not only favor the privileged who have become rich by bribery and influences rather than by work, nor will they protect them and not the poor.

Best Wishes,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Jim Allen

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10/28/2011 12:16:57 AM
See here you are making new rules. That is the problem too many trying to fix the game to suit them. Here in America we have a fair set of rules called the Constitution. It worked till the Progressive started tweaking them in 1913 to appease someone who hadn't learned to play in the game yet or chose not to play. I highlight this below to show where we actually agree. Not sure where the disagreement is.

Fair point, but everyone did what was right there wouldn't be a issue to begin with. However, if we took 100% of their income it would still only be a drop in the bucket, so penalizing those that pay most of the taxes while 47% pay no taxes its not hard to balance the books fairly and broaden the base with a federal use tax. Or a Fair Tax, this requires a overall of the tax system, this creates more job loss for a short period of time.

Get back to the point though no one wants to part with something they earned or was given. But the cold hard fact is too many want what others have without earning it.

I believe you feel you earned your status and lifestyle and would fight to keep it, if someone were trying to take it to give to someone else who hasn't worked for your lifestyle wouldn't you? Its that simple if the rules of the game are followed. We have to agree upon the rules first before we can play its like monopoly in a way. If you're good and have some luck you win others lose. Its LIFE isn't it?

Unfortunately the Progressives have muddled the rules and added bureaucracies and expanded government's reach the rules keep changing with whomever comes to power, screwing the average players. Fix the rules not penalize or handicap the players. Enforce the rules as originally written and the problem disappears. Using the US Constitution as the rule book. IMV

You really cannot make it any fairer than that as history has shown us. We just have to be smart enough to see that.

Hello again Jim,

I guess the answer lies in the fact that we are now in the last stages of a chaotic age where differences are abysmal; where the multi-billionaires on the one hand behave like greedy monsters and the poor on the other are fed-up with the lack of opportunities even to speak their mind, and this to such an extent that their only hope seems to be to little by little draw as much attention as possible toward themselves and their economic predicament.

Where I cannot agree with you is on your saying that it is like monopoly in a way, where "if you are good and have some luck you win others loose." The problem is the rules are all made to make you lose. It's like playing games against someone who will not abide by the rules, while you must follow them to the letter. You will lose at all events.

So it all amounts to this: In a world like is supposed to come soon, the rules will be the same for everyone; they will not only favor the privileged who have become rich by bribery and influences rather than by work, nor will they protect them and not the poor.

Best Wishes,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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10/28/2011 4:32:15 AM
Hello Luis,

In answer to your forum question topic - in my opinion I believe we are in the end times especially if we can not wake up the sheeple from their every day mindless drivel I read on Facebook and other social media.

I thought you might find this Youtube interesting to your thread. I already learned much of this from an Australia man's website

this lady speaks in plain english whereby the website was kind of 'legal language' and harder to understand and I was not absolutely sure if I understood it correctly so more or less sat on this.


This new video by Alex Jones came out 26 October

Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/29/2011 1:27:18 AM
See here you are making new rules. That is the problem too many trying to fix the game to suit them. Here in America we have a fair set of rules called the Constitution. It worked till the Progressive started tweaking them in 1913 to appease someone who hadn't learned to play in the game yet or chose not to play. I highlight this below to show where we actually agree. Not sure where the disagreement is.

Fair point, but everyone did what was right there wouldn't be a issue to begin with. However, if we took 100% of their income it would still only be a drop in the bucket, so penalizing those that pay most of the taxes while 47% pay no taxes its not hard to balance the books fairly and broaden the base with a federal use tax. Or a Fair Tax, this requires a overall of the tax system, this creates more job loss for a short period of time.

Get back to the point though no one wants to part with something they earned or was given. But the cold hard fact is too many want what others have without earning it.

I believe you feel you earned your status and lifestyle and would fight to keep it, if someone were trying to take it to give to someone else who hasn't worked for your lifestyle wouldn't you? Its that simple if the rules of the game are followed. We have to agree upon the rules first before we can play its like monopoly in a way. If you're good and have some luck you win others lose. Its LIFE isn't it?

Unfortunately the Progressives have muddled the rules and added bureaucracies and expanded government's reach the rules keep changing with whomever comes to power, screwing the average players. Fix the rules not penalize or handicap the players. Enforce the rules as originally written and the problem disappears. Using the US Constitution as the rule book. IMV

You really cannot make it any fairer than that as history has shown us. We just have to be smart enough to see that.

Hello again Jim,

I guess the answer lies in the fact that we are now in the last stages of a chaotic age where differences are abysmal; where the multi-billionaires on the one hand behave like greedy monsters and the poor on the other are fed-up with the lack of opportunities even to speak their mind, and this to such an extent that their only hope seems to be to little by little draw as much attention as possible toward themselves and their economic predicament.

Where I cannot agree with you is on your saying that it is like monopoly in a way, where "if you are good and have some luck you win others loose." The problem is the rules are all made to make you lose. It's like playing games against someone who will not abide by the rules, while you must follow them to the letter. You will lose at all events.

So it all amounts to this: In a world like is supposed to come soon, the rules will be the same for everyone; they will not only favor the privileged who have become rich by bribery and influences rather than by work, nor will they protect them and not the poor.

Best Wishes,


Sorry Jim, seems like I took that part out of its context. And I too think perhaps too many people want what others have without earning it, but that is not my point.

My point is, a few people have taken inmensely more than is their share and they will keep doing it because they own the power and keep to themselves all opportunities while the poor are totally deprived thereof.

When the rich and the powerful hold the power in their or their friends' hands they get all the opportunities to make their riches grow to infinite and that is reflected in the charts shown. Meanwhile, a person without influences or money at hand to bribe the people in the government will not get the contracts that they are looking for because the number of these contracts is limited and they have already
been granted to the powerful. And if they are looking for a much sought job, either in the government or in the private field, they will not get it because it will have already been given to a close friend or a relative of the people in power. The stories that are being published of individuals in the huge, 99 percent segment of the population exemplify this. In other words, they are not granted even the opportunity to earn what, according to you, belongs to others. The problem is, the opportunities themselves seem to always belong to others and this has been occurring more and more and for too long now.

Best Wishes,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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