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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2016 10:16:30 AM

UK launches defense of its Saudi allies over claims of indiscriminate bombing in Yemen

Published time: 14 Jul, 2016 14:28

© Khaled Abdullah / Reuters

Responding to a report from the International Development Committee (IDC), the British government flatly denied that Saudi Arabia has violated international humanitarian law (IHL) in its vicious war in Yemen, in an official response published on Thursday.

The government registered strong disagreement with the IDC’s claim that there was “growing evidence of indiscriminate bombing by the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen, in violation of IHL,” which raised “serious questions over the Government’s continued licensing of arms transfers to Saudi Arabia [that] must be answered.

The committee referenced “the UK’s obligations under the laws which regulate the international arms trade.

The report warns that breaches of those laws mean “
the UK should not be providing arms to one of the parties to the conflict.

The Government denied that the Saudi-led bombing was “indiscriminate” and claimed to have “considerable insight into the systems, processes and procedures that the Saudis have in place,” as UK personnel are embedded with Saudi forces.

It also claimed that then-foreign secretary Philip Hammond had “raised the importance of compliance with IHL with the Saudi Government during his visit to the region late May, emphasising the importance for thorough and conclusive investigations of alleged IHL breaches to be conducted.

The government asserted that it has a “key test” in place in relation to “our continued arms exports to Saudi Arabia,” which determines “whether there is a clear risk that the items to be licensed might be used in a serious violation of IHL.

Having regard to all the information available to us, we assess that this test has not been met. The Government is therefore satisfied that extant licences for Saudi Arabia are compliant with the UK’s export licensing criteria,” it argued.

NGOs dealing with Britain’s global arms trade have not taken the government’s response well.

Within hours, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) spokesman Andrew Smith issued a statement.

Despite overwhelming evidence that Saudi forces have broken international humanitarian law, the government has continued to arm and support the regime,” he said.

We are always being told how ‘rigorous’ and ‘robust’ UK arms export controls supposedly are, but the decision to keep arming Saudi shows how hollow those words are. There is a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and the UK government has been complicit in it,” Smith added.

In early July, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a 59-page report titled “Bombing Businesses: Saudi Coalition Airstrikes on Yemen’s Civilian Economic Structures.

The document made a detailed study of 17 airstrikes on 13 civilian economic sites, including factories, warehouses, a farm, and two power facilities.

Those facilities had employed some 2,500 people before the airstrikes, after which many ceased operations. Up to 130 people were killed and 171 injured in the attacks.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2016 10:26:25 AM

Russia to deploy S-400 missiles in Crimea next month

An S-400 air defence missile system © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik

Russia is to deploy its advanced long-range surface-to-air missiles S-400 in Crimea, beefing up Russia’s anti-access/area-denial capabilities around the peninsula.

A full regiment system of S-400 Triumph is to be delivered to Crimea in August, told the media Lt. Col. Evgeny Oleinikov, deputy commander of the 18th missile air defense regiment of the 31 air defense division.

“After tests at a firing range… are complete, in August 2016 the accepted hardware will be transported to its permanent deployment site in the city of Feodosia,” he said.

The equipment was manufactured by S-400 producer Almaz Antey this year under a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry. The regiment’s personnel have been trained to use the new system earlier this year, the officer said.

READ MORE: Russia to monitor NATO vessels in Bosphorus with new long-range radars from Crimea - source

Crimea is a former Ukrainian region, which opposed an armed coup in Kiev two years ago and voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia, from which it was rezoned during Soviet times. The peninsula is vital for Russian national security, and has been home base of the Russian Black Sea fleet for decades. Russian soldiers legally deployed in Crimea under a treaty with Ukraine provided security during the days of the referendum, when nationalists in Kiev threatened to attack the rebellious region.

Ukraine and its foreign sponsors consider the move a hostile takeover by Russia through military force. Moscow says it was a legitimate exercise of the right of self-determination as stipulated by the UN Charter.

NATO, which considers Crimea part of Ukraine, has ramped up its military presence in the Black Sea region significantly since 2014, deploying additional warships and holding more military exercises in a display of force, which, the alliance claims, is meant to deter ‘Russian aggression’. Moscow sees it as provocative and threatening and has ramped up Crimea’s defenses accordingly.

At the moment older S-300 long-range surface-to-air missiles are deployed in Crimea, ensuring protection from possible airstrikes or cruise missile attacks.

The S-400 system for Crimea is a small part of military hardware produced for the Russian military this year. In Q2 2016 the ministry accepted a new Iskander-M tactical missile system, a new advanced frigate, the Admiral Essen, a medium rocket for space launches, 15 drones, eight radar stations, and other equipment, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported on Friday.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2016 10:40:04 AM

The 28 Pages Will Be Released, But Will The Truth Be Set Free?

JULY 15, 2016

By Derrick Broze

New reports claim that the classified 28 pages of the Senate Report on 9/11 will be released by Congress on Friday.

After nearly 15 years of waiting, the family members of the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks may finally learn new details about what exactly happened on the dark day, including what role the Saudi Arabian government played. Two new reports from CNN, and The Hill state that the classified 28 pages of the larger Senate report on 9/11 will be released to the public as early as Friday. Activist Post confirmed the report with the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

“Sources said there are still some procedural steps that need to be taken before the release, which members of both parties in Congress and family members of victims have been seeking for years,” CNN reported on Thursday. The classified 28-pages are part of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (not the 9/11 Commission Report).

Although the final report amounts to over 800 pages, the 28 pages were classified by former President George W. Bush shortly after the report was released in 2002. The 28 pages make up the bulk of a section titled “Part 4: Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.” Former Senator Bob Graham, a previous chair for the House Intelligence Committee who has been extensively involved in the fight to release the pages, told CNN that he was “very pleased” by the announcement.

“It is going to increase the questioning of the Saudis’ role supporting the hijackers,” Graham told CNN. “I think of this almost as the 28 pages are sort of the cork in the wine bottle. And once it’s out, hopefully the rest of the wine itself will start to pour out.”

Officials who have seen the documents have stated that the information relates to financing of the suspected terrorists, and points a finger at members of the government of Saudi Arabia. Upon seeing the pages himself, Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie said there will be “anger, frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out.”

Representative Adam Schiff told CNN that the report will be posted online very soon. “The House Intelligence Committee will get the redacted report today or tomorrow,” Schiff said. The California Democrat said “law enforcement and the State Department” have approved the release of the pages with “minimal redactions”. Additionally, Schiff told The Hillthat the report is “a set of allegations that warrant investigation,” not “a set of conclusions.”

There has been an increasing amount of pressure on the House and Senate to declassify the 28 pages, including a resolution which urged President Obama to release these documents to the public. House Resolution 14 has seen a surge in support following a 60 Minutes report on the 28 pages and an increase in cosponsors, but ultimately has not been successful in convincing Obama to release the pages. Despite promising the family members of the 9/11 victims that he would release the pages if elected, Obama has done nothing to publicly support the families efforts for the truth.

The Intelligence Committee’s decision to release the pages could be a direct response to another resolution introduced on July 6 by Congressman Walter Jones with cosponsors Stephen Lynch and Thomas Massie. In an attempt to release the pages without presidential involvement, House Resolution 779 directs the chair and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee to declassify the 28 pages by publishing them in the Congressional Record under the protection of the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause.

HR 779 seek to enforce “the Constitution’s separation of powers and the congressional prerogative of disclosure under the speech or debate clause” by ordering the Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives to publish the pages in the Congressional Record. Based on the latest reports, it seems that the House Intelligence Committee is voluntarily releasing the pages.

What exactly is in the pages? Well, the majority of officials who have seen the pages state that Saudi Arabia is a central topic. Reportedly the pages detail early investigations into 9/11, including questions related to Saudi Arabia which were ultimately found to be irrelevant to law enforcement.

In a recent phone conversation with Truth In Media’s Joshua Cook, former Democratic Senator Bob Graham, reiterated that the information in the 28 pages shows who financed the 9/11 hijackers, and it points to the Saudi government. In 2015, Graham told Cook that “the U.S. government doesn’t want the public to know that the Saudis financed the 9/11 attacks because we provide the Saudis with billions in military aid.”

While there are clear ties to Saudi Arabia, many in the 9/11 Truth movement are cautious of the 28 pages, with some calling the whole fiasco a psychological operation being conducted on the American people. What is the purpose of the PsyOp? The idea would be that “the powers that wish they were” allow a controlled release of the low hanging fruit (28 pages) and focus attention on Saudi Arabia rather than possible connections to the U.S. government, Pakistan, or Israel.

This allows the public (and some 9/11 researchers) to feel like there has been a victory and now we can all go back to normal life. Also, this keeps the conversation on the 28 pages and not on the other anomalies which occurred on September 11, 2001. There is also the fact that it has been public record for many years that the majority of the alleged hijackers had ties to Saudi Arabia.

The fact that these pages are going to be released at all should be celebrated, but it should not cause the 9/11 Truth Movement to rest for a single moment. With the 15th anniversary approaching in less than 2 months this a grand opportunity to have conversations about the many, many questions surrounding the attacks. After all, even if the Saudis were involved, it does not explain how the buildings could fall at near free-fall speed or how or why World Trade Center 7 fell despite not being hit by a plane.

Stay vigilant and keep searching for truth, friends.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the Follow him onTwitter. Derrick is the author of two books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion.

Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact

This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2016 10:50:45 AM

Blair justified Iraq War with ‘discredited’ child mortality data

Published time: 14 Jul, 2016 14:31

Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair © Stefan Rousseau / Reuters

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair cited dubious child mortality figures as part of his justification for invading Iraq when he was grilled by MPs, the Chilcot report has revealed.

In the run up to the Iraq War, Blair claimed Iraq’s child mortality rate was 130 deaths per 1,000, a figure he obtained from a long-discredited source, the Iraq Child and Maternal Mortality Survey (ICMMS).

This is despite the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) telling Downing Street there were no reliable figures for Iraq’s infant mortality rate.

The former PM repeated the claim when testifying before the Chilcot inquiry in 2010, after he was asked whether the invasion had been good for the Iraqi people.

In 2000 and 2001 and 2002 they had a child mortality rate of 130 per 1,000 children under the age of five,” Blair told the Chilcot inquiry.

The figure today is not 130, it is 40. That equates to about 50,000 young people, children, who, as a result of a different regime that cares about its people – that’s the result that getting rid of Saddam makes.

According to economist Professor Michael Spagat, Blair was wrong about the figures and should have known better the first time he used them to justify war in 2003.

Writing for the Conversation, Spagat said the ICMMS data was flawed and hugely unreliable.

As the Chilcot report notes, no fewer than four subsequent surveys plus the 1997 Iraqi census failed to confirm the ICMMS data, which found a massive and sustained spike in child mortality in the closing years of the 20th century,” Spagat wrote.

The former PM was also told by one of his own government department’s that the figures could not be trusted.

In February 2003, Downing Street asked the FCO for data on child mortality rates in Iraq in a bid to strengthen the argument for war.

The FCO replied, in now declassified correspondence, that there were “no truly reliable figures for child mortality rate” in Iraq. It went on to describe the ICMMS statistics as having “relied on some Iraqi figures” and been “proved questionable.”

According to Spagat, Blair’s private secretary then “iron[ed] out the nuances in the FCO’s spot-on analysis,” leaving the former PM to reference the discredited child mortality figures in his party speech in 2003.

Spagat said “there was no excuse” for Blair to repeat the incorrect claim in 2010, because the figures were already widely discredited.

All in all, this affair is a remarkably good example of how complex information can end up being manipulated thanks to political imperatives and time limitations,” Spagat writes.

But it still doesn’t explain why Blair held onto the discredited figure for so long.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2016 4:16:19 PM

Turkey coup: Both sides claim success; parliament bombed; Kerry says U.S. has 'gravest concern'

“The United States views with gravest concern events unfolding in Turkey," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday night.

By Doug G. Ware | Updated July 15, 2016 at 8:58 PM

Video: CNN

ANKARA, Turkey, July 15 (UPI) -- Civil unrest took hold in the streets of Turkey late Friday after members of the nation's military attempted to forcibly seize power in a coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime.

The coup attempt occurred in the capital, Ankara, and in Istanbul around 10 p.m. local time Friday -- plunging the nation into a chaotic power grab for control of Turkey's government

Hours into the overthrow attempt, both sides claimed the upper hand in the struggle.

"Some people illegally undertook an illegal action outside of the chain of command," Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said in comments broadcast on Turkish television. "The government elected by the people remains in charge. This government will only go when the people say so."

The White House/Twitter

Turkish military officials, however, sounded as if their coup attempt was successful -- saying in a statement that they seized power to maintain democratic order and human rights.

"Turkish armed forces seized the rule of the country completely with the aim of reinstalling the constitutional order, democracy, human rights and freedoms, to make rule of law pervade again, to re-establish the ruined public order," the military said in a statement. "All the international agreements and promises are valid. We hope our good relations with all global countries goes on."

Claims of victory on the military side were deflected by at least one member of Erdogan's inner circle.

"Is [the coup] anywhere near being successful? I don't think so," Ilnur Cevik, an Erdogan aide, said. "Right now, there is a lot of confusion."

"We're not really sure what's going on," he added.

Video: Bloomberg

The sounds of gunfire and military jets screaming overhead permeated Ankara and Istanbul, witnesses said. News reports said the military also took control of a television station.

Two Istanbul bridges were closed off by armed forces and tanks blocked the entrance to the city's Ataturk International Airport, where flights were uniformly canceled. The military also reportedly declared martial law.

Late Friday, officials said a bomb attack was launched at the parliament building in Ankara, injuring multiple police officers and state workers.

Also, Turkish media reported, several police officers were killed and others wounded in a military helicopter attack on the headquarters of police special forces, near Ankara. Turkish Air Force jets were dispatched to shoot down attack aircraft that were manned by pro-coup forces, USA Today reported, and at least one chopper was shot down by a Turkish F-16.

Friday evening, Obama spoke to Secretary of State John Kerry about the coup attempt and the two leaders agreed that Turkish citizens should support Erdogan's regime, since it remains the authentic result of the country's 2014 democratic election, the White House said in a statement.

In a statement late Friday, Kerry said the United States has "the gravest concern' about the attempted Turkish coup.

"I spoke this evening to [Turkish] Foreign Minister Cavusoglu and emphasized the United States' absolute support for Turkey's democratically-elected, civilian government and democratic institutions," he said. "We urge all parties to ensure the safety and well-being of diplomatic missions and personnel and civilians throughout Turkey.

"Our Embassy and Consulates in Turkey continue to provide updates to U.S. citizens in Turkey. U.S. citizens should shelter in place and stay indoors; and update family and friends of status when possible."

Earlier, Kerry's department issued a warning to American citizens in the country.

"We urge U.S. citizens to contact family and friends to let them know you are safe," it read. "We encourage U.S. citizens to shelter in place and do not go to the U.S. Embassy or Consulates at this time."

Government officials said Erdogan was in a secure location, and some news outlets reported that the Turkish president might be seeking asylum in Germany.

Ned Price/Twitter

On Turkish television, Erdogan urged citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate their support of the government.

"I've never seen anything more powerful than the people," he said.

Erdogan has ruled Turkey since 2003, but has held the title of president since only 2014 when Ankara held its first democratic presidential election.

It wasn't entirely clear late Friday whether the coup attempt was mounted by the Turkish military as a whole, or small factions of the country's armed forces. Erdogan indicated in his remarks that it was an "attempt at an uprising by a minority within [Turkey's] armed forces."

Erdogan blamed the coup attempt on followers of a former ally, Fethullah Gulen, who's a Muslim cleric now living in the United States. The two had a public and bitter falling out in 2013.

Turkey, the only Muslim member of NATO, has been a powder keg of instability in recent months as the government has tried to suppress ongoing terrorism and civil unrest, and strike a harmonic chord among its somewhat divided population.

"[Erdogan] has destroyed this country and no one will stand up to him but the military," Turkish citizen Cem Yildiz said. "There was no choice but this."


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