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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2016 12:44:26 AM
Researchers Find Roundup Responsible for Harmful Algae Blooms In Great Lakes
by Christina Sarich, Underground Reporter

UR) Ohio — Glyphosate, the main ingredient found in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, RoundUp, has poisoned Lake Erie.

Scientists from Ohio Northern University (ONU) in the U.S. have discovered that glyphosate is largely responsible for an increase in harmful algae blooms that contaminate lake water and kill off life dependent upon this habitat.

Namely, dissolved reactive phosphorous (DRP) has been contaminating Lake Erie and the Maumee watershed. This DRP comes from surrounding farms that rely on Monsanto’s weedkiller to grow their crops. The runoff ends up in the lakes, killing fish and contaminating the water.

Though Lake Erie’s trouble with phosphorous is not new, there has been an alarming increase in DRP, which caused scientists to question its probable origins.

Christopher Spiese, a chemist at Ohio Northern University suggests that an increase in the use of glyphosate is causing the problem. DRP loads in Lake Erie have been increasing since the early 1990s — the same time that RoundUp was being sold to farmers across the U.S.

RoundUp was first introduced commercially in 1974, but it was in the 90s that farmers started to spray it copiously on genetically modified crops. RoundUp is currently Monsanto’s biggestprofit-maker, accounting for a whopping one-third of its total sales in recent years.

Despite its worldwide use, members of the E.U. Parliament addressed the “European Commission, Food Safety Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, and responsible Ministers of the Member States” to try to ban glyphosate across Europe. Traces of it were found in the urine of almost every member of parliament who tested for it.

Ohio Northern researchers have confirmed that glyphosate is causing the harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie, but Drs. R. Michael McKay and George Bullerjahn of Bowling Green State University have been studying this likelihood since 2012. They suspected that the growing ‘dead zones’ in the Great Lakes were caused by this herbicide, killing millions of fish and polluting drinking water every year.

McKay explained:

“Our research is finding that Roundup is getting into the watershed at peak farming application times, particularly in the spring.”

Bullerjahn explained further:

“It turns out that many cyanobacteria present in Lake Erie have the genes allowing the uptake of phosphonates, and these cyanobacteria can grow using glyphosate and other phosphonates as a sole source of phosphorus.”

ONU research also attests that the delicate balance of Mother Nature is further disturbed by RoundUp. Spiese states:

“These crops that are able to grow in the presence of glyphosate have really kind of started to take over, to the point where we’re washed in Roundup.”

Spiese figured out that for every acre of GM soy planted with the use of RoundUp, you can count on one-third of a pound of phosphorous being dumped into the Maumee. He argues:

“The P in glyphosate is what we call phosphonate, a phosphorus-carbon bond. A phosphorus-carbon bond is extraordinarily stable. It’s very difficult to break. We don’t expect this to contribute one bit to the DRP.”

But it did. Add one more disaster to Monsanto’s growing list of environmental misdeeds.

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Researchers Find RoundUp Responsible for Harmful Algae Blooms In Great Lakes) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Christina Sarich and If you spot a typo, please email the error and the name of the article to Image credit: Flickr/NOAA


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2016 10:02:43 AM

At least 84 dead in 'terrorist' Nice truck attack

Forensic police were still swarming the promenade as the sun rose over the French Riviera town of Nice (AFP Photo/Anne-Christine Poujoulat)

Nice (France) (AFP) - A gunman smashed a truck into a crowd of revellers celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riviera city of Nice, killing at least 84 people in what President Francois Hollande on Friday called a "terrorist" attack.

Police shot the driver dead after he drove the truck two kilometres (1.3 miles) through a crowd that had been enjoying a fireworks display on France's July 14 national holiday.

The palm-lined Promenade des Anglais was left strewn with bodies as hundreds fled in terror.

Authorities said they found identity papers belonging to a 31-year-old French-Tunisian citizen in the 19-tonne truck, and that the driver had fired a gun several times before police shot him dead.

The man was known to police, authorities said.

Hollande said in a televised national address that the attack was of an "undeniable terrorist nature" and he confirmed that several children were among the dead.

"France was struck on its national day ... the symbol of freedom," said Hollande.

Interior ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said 84 people were killed and scores injured, including 18 in "critical condition".

Bastille Day is a celebration of everything France holds dear -- its secular republic and the values of "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" (Freedom, Equality, Fraternity).

Earlier Thursday, onlookers had enjoyed a day of military pomp and ceremony in Paris -- where armed forces, tanks and fighter jets swooped down the Champs Elysees avenue -- and spectacular firework displays.

- 'Holding cold hands' -

In a video viewed over 4,500 times on Facebook, a trembling Tarubi Wahid Mosta recounted the horror on the promenade, where he took photos of an abandoned doll and pushchair and came home with a victim's Yorkshire terrier.

"I almost stepped on a corpse, it was horrible. It looked like a battlefield," he said.

In a series of posts, he described the sense of helplessness faced with the carnage.

"All these bodies and their families ... they spent hours on the ground holding the cold hands of bodies dismembered by the truck. You can't even speak to them or comfort them."

Forensic police were still swarming the promenade as the sun rose over the picturesque bay, which has drawn sun-seekers and the jet-set since the 19th century.

The truck was still in the position where it had ground to a halt, its front badly damaged and riddled with bullet holes and its tyres burst.

A police source said the vehicle had been rented in the region "a few days ago".

Robert Holloway, an AFP reporter who witnessed the white truck driving at speed into the crowd, described scenes of "absolute chaos".

"We saw people hit and bits of debris flying around. I had to protect my face from flying debris," he said.

While officials made an urgent call for blood donors, dozens took to Twitter with desperate pleas from for news of loved ones.

Pictures of a young girl with braces or a teenager pulling a funny face were among those posted.

- 'Horrific terrorist attack' -

World leaders rushed to condemn the carnage, with US President Barack Obama blasting "what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack".

The attack was the third major strike against France in less than 18 months and prosecutors said anti-terrorist investigators were handling the probe.

It comes eight months after Islamic State attacks on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and the national stadium in Paris left 130 people dead.

Hollande announced he would extend France's state of emergency for three months in the wake of this latest attack and "step up" the government's action against Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq.

"We will continue striking those who attack us on our own soil," he said.

He also called up army reservists to bolster security services that are stretched to the limit.

France has been under a state of emergency ever since the November 13 Paris carnage, which came after 17 were killed in another attack in January at various sites including the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish supermarket.

IS has repeatedly singled out France as a prime target for its military action against the group in Iraq and Syria, and hundreds of jihadists have left France to go and fight in its ranks.

- 'He crushed a lot of people' -

A witness named Nader told BFM television he had seen the whole attack from start to finish, and had initially thought the driver had "lost control".

"He stopped just in front of me after he (crushed) a lot of people. I saw a guy in the street, we were trying to speak to the driver to get him to stop.

"He looked nervous. There was a girl under the car, he smashed her. The guy next to me pulled her out," he said in broken English.

Nader said he saw the driver pull out a gun and start shooting at police.

"They killed him and his head was out the window."

A source close to the investigation said an "inactive" grenade was found inside the truck, as well as "several fake rifles".

Over the past week, France had been breathing a sigh of relief after successfully hosting the month-long Euro 2016 football championship, which passed off without incident despite fears of attacks.

The tournament brought an all-too-brief burst of joy to a gloomy France, bogged down after the two attacks in 2015, violent anti-government protests, strikes and floods.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2016 10:23:45 AM

ISIS claims that its fighters have downed a Syrian jet

Screenshot via Reuters

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters brought down a Syrian jet near the eastern city of Deir al-Zor on Thursday, a monitoring group and an agency linked to the radical militant group said.

Amaq agency released video footage showing the flaming wreckage of a plane scattered across a stretch of barren rocky ground, as well as parts of a corpse in military uniform and a white helmet, hung out for display on a street. It said the body was that of the pilot.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based organization which monitors Syria's war through a network of sources inside the country, said Islamic State had targeted and brought down the plane in the Thardah hills, about 3 miles (5 km) southwest of Deir al-Zor military airport.

Islamic State controls most of the eastern province of Deir al-Zor, though forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad hold the airport and part of Deir al-Zor city on the Euphrates river.

It was not immediately clear how the militants downed the jet, which the Observatory said was the second jet to be brought down over Islamic State territory since April. It said Islamic State had also brought down two helicopters in recent months.

(Reporting by Dominic Evans; Editing by Toby Chopra)

Read the original article on Reuters. Copyright 2016. Follow Reuters on Twitter.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2016 10:33:09 AM

U.S. Endorses Expansion Of Military Force Used By U.N. Peacekeepers In Combat Zones

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2016 10:41:58 AM

Log Cabin Republicans: GOP Platform the 'Most Anti-LGBT' in Party's History

Good Morning America

Log Cabin Republicans: GOP Platform the 'Most Anti-LGBT' in Party's History (ABC News)

The country's largest organization representingLGBT conservatives has slammed the GOP for its draft platform, which remains opposed to same-sex marriage and bathroom choice for transgender people.

"There’s no way to sugarcoat this: I’m mad as h--- — and I know you are too," Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, wrote in a fundraising email sent Tuesday evening. "Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT platform in the party’s 162-year history."

He continued, "Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of 'pray the gay away' — it's all in there."

The GOP's current draft platform — prepared befor the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, kicking off July 18 — defines marriage "as the union of one man and one woman" and calls for a reversal of the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Republicans who gathered Monday to shape their party platform refused to reverse their opposition to bathroom choice for transgender people.

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Faith in America, a nonprofit organization that says it is "dedicated to influencing media and faith community narratives on religion and sexuality," also harshly criticized the draft party platform.

"The addition of conversion therapy in the GOP’s platform shows they’re far from finished fighting against the LGBT community," Faith in America executive director Eliel Cruz said in a statement. "Conversion therapy has been denounced by all leading medical organizations. The practice stems from a religious-based archaic understanding of sexuality that believes homosexuality is a choice and is sinful."

The statement clarifies that "the language included in the platform does not specifically mention the words 'conversion therapy.' It mentions that parents should be allowed to seek whatever treatment or therapy they deem fit for their children. This language extends to 'physical and emotional' therapy as well."

Rachel Hoff, an openly gay defense lobbyist for a center-right policy center, was among the GOP platform committee members who gathered Monday to shape the party's platform. She called for the GOP to take a neutral position on same-sex marriage.

"We are your daughters," she said, choking back tears. "We are your sons, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, the couple that sits next to you in church."

Hoff's proposal would have put the GOP on neutral ground on same-sex marriage, acknowledging "diverse and sincerely held views" in the Republican Party, encouraging the "stability of all families" and welcoming "a thoughtful conversation" around marriage.

But the GOP platform panel swiftly rejected the proposal, after one member quickly called for a vote. Roughly 20 of the 112 members on the panel voted in favor of the change.

And Giovanni Cicione, a Ted Cruz delegate from Rhode Island, proposed adding that LGBT individuals "in particular" have been targeted by jihadi terrorism. "If we’re going to be competitive in blue states, then we need to address these issues," he said, citing presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump's poor poll numbers among young people. "We need to do something here."

But opponents said that it was wrong for the platform to single out any groups, eventually rejecting the proposal and instead adopting a condemnation of violence on "all human beings."

The party's draft platform is at odds somewhat with Trump, who has made overtures to the LGBT community. At a rally last month in Dallas, he said, the "LGBT community is starting to like Donald Trump very, very much lately."

Angelo wrote in his email, "This isn’t my GOP, and I know it’s not yours either. Heck, it’s not even Donald Trump’s! When given a chance to follow the lead of our presumptive presidential nominee and reach out to the LGBT community in the wake of the awful terrorist massacre in Orlando on the gay nightclub Pulse, the platform committee said no."

Delegates will adopt an updated Republican platform — the party's official positions on a range of issues — at the convention. The process of updating the 62-page document began this week.

The Log Cabin Republicans are credentialed for the convention.

ABC News' Ryan Struyk contributed to this report.

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