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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/2/2012 4:02:40 PM

Personality Disorder – Trashing Our Army for Profit
Diagnosed “Crazy” or “Unfit,” Army Dodging VA Benefits and
Pensions for Combat Vets
… by
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

This isn’t my first post about vets and their treatment. I feel very strongly about this particular issue because I’ve done a lot of research on psychotropic drugs and I can’t understand how we can ALLOW the government treat our military people this way. Absolutely shameful.

The fact that those who gave everything to die, if necessary, for their country and its people are tricked, lied to, abused, scammed, denied VA benefits, and have toxic pharmaceuticals dumped on them—sometimes against their will and even without their knowledgerather than offering safe, natural modalities… leaving many to live and die on the streets, destitute and homeless. These are treasonous acts in my book.

There are reportedly 140,000 vets living on the streets in America. Does that not SHOUT that something is wrong?

In a report today, the New York Times acknowledged the Army’s practice of diagnosing troops with Post Traumatic Stress as having “personality disorders.”

This makes them ineligible for benefits. The number diagnosed as such is unknown, 26,000 at one point years ago, much higher now.

All of these diagnoses are false, now proven as ordered by Army commanders as official Department of Defense policy, wherein licensed physicians violate their oaths as doctors and officers, falsify medical records en masse, as part of a “cost savings” program.

What the commanders, what those responsible at the DOD have done, what the medical professionals have done is criminal. Each and every member of the civilian and military command structure including the consultant groups tied to GOP “think tanks” who originated this and a dozen other scams are guilty of crimes.

Veterans Today has long been aware of this problem and calls on Secretary Panetta to ask the Attorney General for a Special Grand Jury to investigate within the DOD and their contractors and for the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, who has systematically ignored these criminal acts to be replaced and investigated.

We further demand that every American solider that has received a separation from service that denies either VA benefits or Pension be immediately reinstated at half pay and that their cases are adjudicated with civilian counsel within 6 months.

I am certain that we can establish a pattern of wrongdoing. We know a second round is coming up, as the DOD has sent a memo to commanders to select senior non-commission and commissioned officers for separation from service without pension benefits, a scam typically done during the 19th year, often within days of qualification for pension.

Both the officer and NCO corps, key members of the medical and legal professions and the American people stand with us on this subject.

What is most critical that the purposeful misdiagnosis of “personality order, such as the New York Times documented:

Read the rest of this disturbing article…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/2/2012 4:05:53 PM

Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — For nearly six years, a senior Secret Service agent kept hisextramarital affair with a Mexican woman a secret from the agency responsible for protecting the president.

But in the wake of an embarrassing prostitution scandal involving 13 agents and officers,Rafael Prieto's secret was revealed by a fellow employee amid concerns that the Secret Service wasn't enforcing its rules consistently.

With an internal investigation ongoing, Prieto apparently committed suicide last week. That's according to people familiar with the matter. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss Prieto's death or the investigation, which they say has focused on whether Prieto violated agency rules that require disclosing relationships with foreigners.

They say Prieto, a married father, admitted the years-long relationship when confronted by investigators.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/2/2012 4:31:11 PM

Sandy from above

Aerial views from the devastation of Superstorm Sandy.

In this aerial photo, debris from an amusement park destroyed during Superstorm Sandy lines the beach in Seaside Heights, N.J. Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. The photo was taken during a flight to document coastal changes by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration after the storm moved through the area. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Sandy's horrific damage as seen from above

Aerial photos along the coastline show the immensity of the superstorm's devastation.Whole blocks underwater

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Jim Allen

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11/2/2012 4:49:48 PM
Sorry Luis but this article is BS and ignorant of actual facts. What is causing this problem is man made but not by the industries we rely on for energy and jobs. The Green Jobs aren't there and will never be just ask Spain. You are helping to promote these fanatical fantasies. IMHO

Here is the real cause of the problem

Friends, an amazing, most interesting denounce here:

How The Big Banks Helped Cause Hurricane Sandy

Wall Street may be getting back to business just days after Hurricane Sandy, but a new report shows the country may want the big banks to take some more time off.

Line at a New Jersey gas station post-hurricane Sandy (credit: Kristina Chew)

According to a new report by Rainforest Action Network the banking sector is a major source of climate disruption, perpetuating the reliance on dirty energy sources and enabling polluters. The report states that despite the fact that the insurance industry has identified climate change as a significant risk of loss, banks like Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase continue to invest in polluting energy industries like coal at the expense of renewables like wind and solar.

“Banks will need to shift financing from fossil fuel-based power sources to low-carbon energy infrastructure for our communities and the climate,” said Ben Collins, Research and Policy Campaigner for RAN in a statement. “One way of doing that is by measuring the climate impact of investments and committing to reduction targets for financed emissions, now.”

The report also points to the fact that despite the “reputational and financial risks [associated with financing dirty energy], the world’s largest banks have yet to measure the greenhouse gas emissions induced by their investing and financing relationships.”

Wall Street is hardly alone in its dangerous enabling of climate change and climate change denialism. The media has been all to willing to grant equal time to climate change denialists in the name of “fairness” and without holding those “skeptics” to any level of rigor in fact-checking. Let’s be frank, even having one of these climate truther theories pass the “smell test” would be an improvement in the overall reporting by the mainstream media on the issue of climate change.

The big banks will do whatever the big banks need to do to turn a profit. And that usually comes at the greatest cost to middle class lives and livelihoods. In that respect Hurricane Sandy is a little like the foreclosure crisis: both were created by Wall Street and in both Wall Street has somehow managed to escape accountability.

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Photo from Alex E. Proimos via flickr.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/3/2012 2:14:22 AM

Sorry Jim, but I am more ready to admit Sandy has been caused by decades of progressive warming of the ocean, coupled with other factors such as the prolonged drought your country has just suffered, than by such a long shot as the hypothetical HAARP project. Granted the article is not at all conclusive but, to me, all disasters since Sodom and Gomorrah to our days have rather originated in human greed under the guise of material progress. This may seem far-fetched, but there are parallels in history that point to it.

For example, according to Toynbee, it was the building of huge reservoirs in the desert areas that ultimately caused the fall of the ages-old Egyptian Empire by originating an irreparable ecological damage followed by death and destruction and final ruin. Remember the plagues of Egypt, how they announced it?

Similar signs have also announced across history the fall of several other once powerful empires. It occurs towards the end of a dark cycle for every country and nation. You don't need to be a prophet to see that right now we are at such a historical juncture as all the previous ones in history, only this time it is global and centered in your country: to all effects, "the" Empire now.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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