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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/1/2016 5:26:25 PM

ANOTHER DIMENSION Jaw-dropping photos taken above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider lead to wild new conspiracy theories and ‘prove portals are opening’

The images were taken as scientists began a new experiment called Awake to change the way particles are smashed together

THESE incredible photos taken above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provoked dramatic conspiracy theories and stoked fears that “new portals” are being opened.

The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to change the way it smashes particles together.

The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment

The film in question – What Portal did CERN open now? Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC – raises “major concerns” about what the LHC is being used for.

The narrator asks viewers: “How much energy did CERN pull into itself?

“Is this why the weather is so crazy all over the planet?

“There are many other colliders all over the world.”

The video showed the CERN schedule for the LCH which included an experiment called Awake, due to commence on June 24.

They have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists and led to suggestions of "new portals"

They have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists and led to suggestions of “new portals”
“This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC.

“Some people reported seeing faces in it.

“It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it.

"What is in the cloud - some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy.

"The amount of energy pulling from nature into the collider itself, you can actually see it.

"What portals are doors being opened in this cloud?"

In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weather
In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weather

Other theorists suggest CERN is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth.

The LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest particle collider and the largest single machine in the world.

It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories.

In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming.

The Awake experiment hopes to accelerate particle speed, but results are not expected until 2018.

(The Sun)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/1/2016 6:04:45 PM

ISIS Gearing Up to Attack Israel


JERUSALEM, Israel – The Islamic State's setbacks in Iraq and Syria is putting Israel in the crosshairs, U.S. Special Envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition Brett McGurk told a congressional committee on Tuesday.

"ISIL's [Islamic State] media statements in recent months, as they suffer losses on the battlefield, have focused on Israel as a target, clearly hoping to generate international headlines to compensate for its defeats," McGurk told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Russia'sSputnick News reported.

While ISIS has yet to target Israel directly, the IDF is aware of its presence on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Israeli forces have been training for an attack for some time now. ISIS also has terror cells embedded in the Sinai.

But McGurk says the terror group's propaganda is no longer dominating the news, which could mean it is losing ground, literally and figuratively.

The anti-ISIS campaign on the other hand is gaining ground, with increasing numbers of groups speaking out against it.

"For every pro-Daesh Twitter handle, there are now six calling out its lies and countering its message," McGurk said.

The U.S. Cyber Command, headquartered at Fort Meade in Maryland, has been working to curb ISIS' access to the Internet and social media, which it has actively used in the past to recruit people to its cause.

Meanwhile, an Israeli Arab attempting to join ISIS was taken into custody at Ben Gurion International Airport earlier this month.

Details of the sting operation were cleared for publication Wednesday.

Turkish authorities arrested Ibrahim Hassan Yusef Agbariya, 23, in a city near Turkey's border with Syria and extradited him to Israel a few days later.

Investigators said the would-be jihadist left his family a note explaining his plan and that several of his acquaintances supported his desire to go to Syria.

Like many others, Agbariya was drawn to ISIS via the Internet and social media.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/1/2016 6:18:31 PM

You too can be cannon fodder: Pentagon lifts ban on transgender troops

© Nicholas Kamm/Getty Images
Transgender service members.
Transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military, the Pentagon announced Thursday, ending one of the last bans on service in the armed forces.

Saying it's the right thing to do, Defense Secretary Ash Carter laid out a yearlong implementation plan declaring that "Americans who want to serve and can meet our standards should be afforded the opportunity to compete to do so."

"Our mission is to defend this country, and we don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine who can best accomplish the mission," Carter said at a Pentagon news conference.

Under the new policy, by Oct. 1, transgender troops already serving should be able to receive medical care and begin formally changing their gender identifications in the Pentagon's personnel system.

A year from now, he said, the military services will begin allowing transgender individuals to enlist, as long as they meet required standards and have been stable in their identified genders for 18 months.

Carter's announcement comes despite concerns from senior military leaders that the department is moving too fast and that more time is needed to work through the changes. He said he discussed the plans extensively with his military leaders and that, based on their recommendations, he made adjustments to the timeline. He said he has been told that the services now support the timeline.

Under the new policy, transgender troops would receive any medically necessary care including surgery, Carter said.

The new rules also give military commanders flexibility, noting that not all transition cases are the same. Commanders will have the discretion to make decisions on a case-by-case basis, including on job placement, deployments, training delays and other accommodations, based on the needs of the military mission and whether the service members can perform their duties.

For people coming into the military, the plan says that those with gender dysphoria, a history of medical treatments associated with gender transition and those who have had reconstruction surgery may be disqualified as military recruits unless a medical provider certifies that they have been clinically stable in the preferred gender for 18 months, and are free of significant impairment. And transgender troops receiving hormone therapy must have been stable on their medications for 18 months.

The policy provides broad guidelines for transgender service members currently in the military. They will be able to use the bathrooms, housing, uniforms and fitness standards of their preferred gender only after they have legally transitioned to that identity, according to officials.

Over the next year, the military services will develop and distribute training guidelines, medical protocols and other guidance to help commanders deal with any issues or questions about transgender troops.

Last July, Carter said he intended to rescind the ban, calling it outdated. He has long argued that the military must be more inclusive to bring in the best and brightest.

At the time, he ordered a six-month study to include extensive medical and scientific research and discussions with other nations and companies with experience in the process. He extended the study because the military wanted more time. Officials said he wanted to insure there was no impact on military readiness, but over time, he became frustrated with the slow progress.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, the House Armed Services Committee chairman, called the announcement another example of the administration "prioritizing politics over policy. " He questioned whether the change would affect military readiness and said the committee will push for answers.

Others praised the move as historic. The decision, said Aaron Belkin, director of the California-based Palm Center think tank, enhances "readiness as well as core values of honesty and integrity, an enormous accomplishment with a durable impact on all service members."


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2016 12:06:25 AM

What Are They Hiding? FBI Tells Florida Cops To Deny Public Records Requests On Orlando Attack

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2016 12:15:00 AM

U.S. Female Prison Population Has Grown 800 Percent And Nobody Is Talking About It

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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