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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2016 6:23:48 PM
North Korea Deploys Ballistic Missile to East Coast, No Signs of Launch Yet

© AFP 2016/ Ed Jones

North Korea has deployed an intermediate-range ballistic missile to its east coast, a South Korean government source said, as reported by Yonhap news agency.

South Korean and Japanese military officials are monitoring the situation, though there have been no signs of a launch detected.

"We have detected signs that the North has deployed what appears to be a Musudan missile," agency cited the source.

Yonhap news agency cited government sources as saying that Defense Minister Gen Nakatani ordered to strike down any Korean missile that approaches the islands with Aegis-armed destroyers and Patriot missile launchers.

Meanwhile, a South Korean government source told the Korea Times newspaper on condition of anonymity there were signs that North Korea had deployed an intermediate-range Musudan missile to the eastern coast.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2016 12:30:46 AM
NYC Removes 'Men,' 'Women' Bathroom Signs to Conform to Transgender Policy
NYC Removes 'Men,' 'Women' Bathroom Signs to Conform to Transgender Policy
NYC Removes 'Men,' 'Women' Bathroom Signs to Conform to Transgender Policy

June 21, 2016|1:25 pm








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A sign protesting a recent North Carolina law restricting transgender bathroom access adorns the bathroom stalls at the 21C Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina May 3, 2016. The hotel installed the restroom signage designed by artist Peregrine Honig last month after North Carolina's "bathroom law" gained national attention, positioning the state at the center of a debate over equality, privacy and religious freedom.




New York City Council's Housing Committee voted 8-0 on Monday to remove "men" and "women" designations from single occupant public bathrooms to accommodate transgender people and those who refuse to identify as either male or female.

"Most New Yorkers take their non-fettered access to bathrooms for granted. Yet every single day, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals must grapple with the fact that their choices may lead to harassment or worse," said Councilman Daniel Dromm, (D-Queens), the measure's prime sponsor, according to the New York Post.

"There's an added bonus: Anyone looking for an unoccupied bathroom will now have more options," he claims.

The new policy is expected to be approved by the city Council and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Earlier this month, NYC launched the nation's first government-sponsored citywide bathroom ad campaign that encourages people to: "Use the restroom consistent with who you are. Look past pink and blue."



A sign protesting a recent North Carolina law restricting transgender bathroom access adorns the bathroom stalls at the 21C Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina May 3, 2016. The hotel installed the restroom signage designed by artist Peregrine Honig last month after North Carolina's "bathroom law" gained national attention, positioning the state at the center of a debate over equality, privacy and religious freedom.

New York City Council's Housing Committee voted 8-0 on Monday to remove "men" and "women" designations from single occupant public bathrooms to accommodate transgender people and those who refuse to identify as either male or female.

"Most New Yorkers take their non-fettered access to bathrooms for granted. Yet every single day, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals must grapple with the fact that their choices may lead to harassment or worse," said Councilman Daniel Dromm, (D-Queens), the measure's prime sponsor, according to the New York Post.

"There's an added bonus: Anyone looking for an unoccupied bathroom will now have more options," he claims.

The new policy is expected to be approved by the city Council and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Earlier this month, NYC launched the nation's first government-sponsored citywide bathroom ad campaign that encourages people to: "Use the restroom consistent with who you are. Look past pink and blue."

The ads have appeared in subway cars, bus stops, and phone booths, among other places throughout the city, with de Blasio saying they are "further evidence of the city's unwavering support of our diverse communities."

Earlier this year, the mayor signed an executive order that allows men to go into women's bathrooms and locker rooms if they say they identify as female.

Conservative leaders, such as Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham, have blasted previous NYC guidelines, such as ones introduced late in 2015 threatening to fine employers who repeatedly use the wrong pronoun when referring to transgender people.

"America has lost any semblance of biblical thinking, and this is clearly showing up in the laws and regulations that are being established. Sinful behaviors are being applauded and protected in the courts, and those who choose to disagree with sinful lifestyles are being punished for refusing to condone or accommodate these choices," Ham wrote at the time.

Other pastors, such as Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, have also spoken out against President Obama's demands that public schools across the country allow male students to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms if they feel uncomfortable in boys' facilities.

"Gender identity confusion is an emotional disorder that should be treated professionally and compassionately," Jeffress said back in May. "Gender identity confusion should not be exploited by social activists like those in the Obama administration who want to deny the God-given distinction between the sexes. This is a rebellion against God's plan."

Eleven states have filed a lawsuit against Obama's directive, warning in a joint statement that such a move would turn educational settings across the U.S. "into laboratories for a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over common-sense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights."


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2016 1:18:53 AM

End of Days Expert Declares: “The Final Redemption is at the Door”

“So shalt thou delight thyself in Hashem; and He shall give thee the petitions of thy heart.” Psalms 37:4 (The Israel Bible™)

Geula (redemption) is exceedingly near and we need to make others aware of its impending arrival. These are two core messages delivered last week in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel by prolific author and End of Days expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston to an audience of English-speaking olim (immigrants to Israel).

Rabbi Winston compared the urgency with which people need to focus on the forthcoming redemption to having a plane reservation. When a person who has to board a plane at a certain time, everything that day is oriented around the awareness that the most important task of the day is being on that flight at departure time.That’s how concrete becoming focused on geula should be. That’s what it means to have geula-consciousness, he explained.

In his lecture, Rabbi Winston made a clear connection between chaotic current world events, such as extreme weather and Islamic terrorism, and the urgent necessity for redemption.

Rabbi Pinchas WInston (Photo: Courtesy)

Rabbi Pinchas Winston (Photo: Courtesy)

“Today, it is so much easier than, let’s say, 10 years ago, to want Moshiach (messiah) to come, because things are out of control… If you step back and look at all the events of history, everything is so ‘Armageddon-ish’. It’s actually quite bad. The world is actually tremendously unstable.”

Rabbi Winston gave credit to God for the fact that the world hasn’t already imploded on itself.

“The only reason why we are sitting here so calmly right now is not because the world has stability. It’s because HaKadosh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, Blessed Be He) has His finger in the dike.”

In a voice filled with passion for the topic, Rabbi Winston declared, “And now we’re approaching the Final Redemption. Without question. Moshiach is around the corner… Without question he’s here already. I don’t know how old he is, where he’s sitting, what he’s doing, what he’s learning. But he’s here. He’s not going to be born tomorrow. We’re just too close to the end. Way too close to the end. He has to be here right now!

“So why hasn’t he revealed himself? Why are we still fighting? Why are we still struggling? Why are we still suffering? Why is there still terrorism?”

His conclusion is that, at this time, the Jewish people “lack the national will for geula.” That’s something he’s intent on changing.

Rabbi Winston described for Breaking Israel News how several ideas came together in his thinking, including the importance of national will. He used the Biblical story of the newly-freed Israelite slaves crossing the Red Sea as a demonstration of the power of the Jewish people working together toward a single goal.

Chapter 14 of the Book of Exodus describes how the Children of Israel had no obvious means of escape from Pharaoh and his horsemen. Their faith in God was so strong that they went forward into the sea. And God miraculously opened the sea for them.

And Hashem said unto Moshe: ‘Wherefore criest thou unto Me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. Exodus 14:15

In addition, Rabbi Winston’s study of Judaism’s mystical tradition, known as Kabbalah, helped him recognize “how much of a role human will plays in actually creating and building the realities we want and often need.” Later, he studied Quantum Physics and was captivated by the discovery that “human observation plays a role in determining the outcome of experiments, and life in general.”

These ideas, along with his impressive command of Jewish history and Torah sources helped propel his thinking. “What I realized, and what I came to understand, compelled me to produce an entire seminar based upon these ideas.”

“I no longer had any choice,” he shared with Breaking Israel News, “at least with respect to these ideas. I had to get out there and do my part to energize our national will for redemption, while there is still time.The Final Redemption is at the door. It will be our collective national will to let it in that will let it occur peacefully.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2016 10:46:38 AM
June 20th, 2016 | by Amando Flavio

Telling the truth is not always easy; sometimes it takes great courage. We have mastered that courage. And as usual, we are telling you another hard truth in this very article you are reading.

In 2015, the Senegalese-American R&B hip hop recording artist, Aliaune Damala Bouga, popularly known on stage as Akon, launched a mega-solar project aimed at providing electricity to some 600 million Africans. Akon was born in St. Louis, Missouri-United States, but spent much of his childhood in the West African country of Senegal, the birth place of his parents.

The songwriter and record producer named the project “Akon Lighting Africa.” The project is headquartered in the Malian capital, Bamako in West Africa.

The project started running immediately after it was launched last year. It has been structured in an academy form. African engineers and entrepreneurs interested in solar energy are developing their skills to enable them to produce solar power by themselves.

Foreign solar experts involved in the project are providing technical support to help the African participants to master the technology being used in the project. In the beginning of the project, Akon and his partners in the project made it clear that once the Africans acquire the needed skills to manage the project, it will be left for them to take care of it. Akon is running the project in collaboration with Thione Niang, a Senegalese political activist, and Samba Bathily, a Malian entrepreneur and Chief Executive Officer of the solar energy company Solektra International.

Although the project is only a year old, a wide range of quality solar solutions, including street lamps, domestic and individual kits have been installed in 14 African countries.

As a result, a number of households, villages, community houses, schools and health centers located in rural areas have been exposed to electricity for the first time in their lives. This has also created employment for the local youth in these rural communities. The installation of the solar equipment and it maintenance are done by the local youth.

In a recent visit to a village in Niger by the Akon Lighting Africa team, an excited local resident told the team: “Now I can recharge my phone at home, I do not have to walk for hours or to pay for that.”

The success of the project has led some observers to believe that a local presence and practical solutions are key to solving many of Africa’s problems. Akon himself made that point when the project was launched. At the launch of the project, Akon said: “One thing I’ve realized about Africa is that only the organizations that involve Africans themselves are successful. A lot of corporations that come with their own policies and try and implement them in Africa fail horribly. The advantage we had is that all three founders are African, so we were able to navigate through each country a lot faster.”

In the opinion of some observers, Akon has done more for Africa in one year, than many charities have done in many years working in Africa.

The majority of charitable organizations working in Africa are not from Africa: they are mostly from western nations. On the Free Thought Project, the author and social critic, Matt Agorist descended heavily on western charities who claim to change lives in Africa, when in actual fact, not much is done.

Agorist believes that a majority of these western charities are more concerned with self-sustainability than they are with aid. What they actually do is offer short term items such as food drives, vaccinations, and temporal medical help, among others. Because these are not sustainable in the long term, once used, people revert back to their old conditions, ensuring the problem becomes a cycle.

According to Agorist, the proof of failure is some western charities is obvious in the American Red Cross actions during the devastating earthquake in Haiti, 2010. Agorist quoted an investigation byProPublica, which revealed the mess the American Red Cross caused after the disaster. Reported, the Red Cross raised over $500 million on the pretext of aiding people who were affected by the disaster.

However, according to confidential memos and emails from top officials of the Red Cross, the organization never accomplished its mission. Revelations point out that the Red Cross only managed to build six homes with the huge amount of donations it received. The Red Cross also deliberately issued a self-congratulated statement to cover its failure.

Agorist concluded that this shows that western charities are not doing what they claim to be doing, and that the best solution to help people is by creating opportunities and giving them the direct chance participate in it, just as Akon and his project partners have done.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2016 2:30:06 PM

California's San Andreas Fault is definitely moving. Could an earthquake be next?

June 22, 2016

An eroded valley along the San Andreas Fault in Southern California. (Illustration: U.S. Geographical Survey)

Scientists have detected definitive movement around the San Andreas Fault system in California. Areas of land surrounding the fault have been shown to be rising and sinking, according to findings reported by the University of Hawaii.

The study published in the journal Nature Geoscience found that parts of California surrounding the San Andreas Fault are symbiotically, if slowly, rising and sinking.

The scientists found that the Los Angeles Basin, Orange County, San Diego County and the Bakersfield area are sinking 2 to 3 millimeters a year. Inversely, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, and a large portion of San Bernardino County — an area about 125 miles wide — are rising. According the Los Angeles Times, this range of motion is comparable to the combined widths of several coins.

Scientists and researchers have suspected this kind of tectonic motion for years but have never had the means to monitor it before.

“While the San Andreas GPS data has been publicly available for more than a decade, the vertical component of the measurements had largely been ignored in tectonic investigations because of difficulties in interpreting the noisy data,” Samuel Howell, lead author on the study and a PhD candidate at the University of Hawaii, said in a statement.

“Using this technique, we were able to break down the noisy signals to isolate a simple vertical motion pattern that curiously straddled the San Andreas Fault,” he added.

The capability to measure this kind of motion is groundbreaking and crucial to public safety. This tectonic motion and subsequent stress has the potential to unleash a potentially catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

However, experts don’t know when this next wave will hit.

“It’s pretty much impossible to say when the next one will happen,” Howell told the Los Angeles Times.

The state of California lies at the intersection of two tectonic plates, which puts it at a higher risk of earthquake activity. There are dozens of fault lines separating the two plates throughout the state and the San Andreas Fault is one of the most significant.

The fault line has been behind some of the most devastating earthquakes in the state. In 1906, a quake hit San Francisco, causing widespread damage to the city and killing at least 700 people. In 1989, the 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake also struck the Bay Area, a product of the northeast span of the San Andreas Fault. The shockwaves caused upwards of $5 billion dollars in damage and collapsed portions of the Oakland Bay Bridge.

But the southern portion of the San Andreas has been quiet for a longer timespan.Records show that Southern California gets hit by a large earthquake every century or so. The last major seismic activity in the region was a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in 1857, which hit Fort Tejon and could be felt as far away as Las Vegas, 300 miles away.

(Yahoo News)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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