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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2016 1:44:29 AM

Record 65.3 million people displaced, often face barriers: UNHCR

June 20, 2016

Migrants and refugees beg Macedonian policemen to allow passage to cross the border from Greece into Macedonia during a rainstorm, near the Greek village of Idomeni, September 10, 2015. (REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis)

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) - A record 65.3 million people were uprooted worldwide last year, many of them fleeing wars only to face walls, tougher laws and xenophobia as they reach borders, the United Nations refugee agency said on Monday.

The figure, which jumped from 59.5 million in 2014 and by 50 percent in five years, means that 1 in every 113 people on the planet is now a refugee, asylum-seeker or internally displaced in a home country.

Fighting in Syria, Afghanistan, Burundi and South Sudan has driven the latest exodus, bringing the total number of refugees to 21.3 million, half of them children, the UNHCR said in its “Global Trends” report marking World Refugee Day.

“The refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean and arriving on the shores of Europe, the message that they have carried is that if you don’t solve problems, problems will come to you,” U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi told a news briefing.

“It’s painful that it has taken so long for people in the rich countries to understand that,” he said. “We need action, political action to stop conflicts, that would be the most important prevention of refugee flows.”

A record 2 million new asylum claims were lodged in industrialized countries in 2015, the report said. Nearly 100,000 were children unaccompanied or separated from their families, a three-fold rise on 2014 and a historic high.

SLIDESHOW – Europe’s refugee and migrant crisis >>>

Migrants disembark from the Italian Navy vessel Aviere in the Sicilian harbour of Augusta, Italy, June 10, 2016. (REUTERS/Antonio Parrinello)

Germany, where one in three applicants was Syrian, led with 441,900 claims, followed by the United States with 172,700, many of them fleeing gang and drug-related violence in Mexico and Central America.

Developing regions still host 86 percent of the world’s refugees, led by Turkey with 2.5 million Syrians, followed by Pakistan and Lebanon, the report said.


Asylum-seekers fleeing conflicts or persecution are increasingly confronted with walls or anti-foreigner sentiment, Grandi said. “The rise of xenophobia is unfortunately becoming a very defining feature of the environment in which we work.

"Barriers are rising everywhere - and I’m not just talking of walls. But I’m talking about legislative barriers that are coming up, including in countries in the industrialized world that have been for a long time bastions of principle in defending the fundamental rights linked to asylum.”

After Balkan countries closed borders, Turkey and the European Union (EU) struck a deal in March to stem an influx that brought a million refugees and migrants to Europe in 2015.

“The fact that that flow has stopped does not mean the problem of displacement has ended. It may have ended for some countries that don’t have to deal with it anymore, for now,” Grandi said.

Progress has lagged on a scheme to redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers from Greece and Italy to other EU states to alleviate pressure on the two frontline countries. Only 2,406 people have been relocated, EU figures show.

Grandi, asked about stalled relocation, said: “There is no Plan B for Europe. Europe will continue to receive people seeking asylum.”

“Everybody has to share responsibility now,” he said.


(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Tom Heneghan)

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2016 2:01:51 AM

Byproducts of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, create radioactive waste like the truckload shown here in West Virginia. BIll Hughes


Fracking produces tons of radioactive waste. What should we do with it?

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2016 2:28:17 AM

Mind Control Achieved Through The “Information Flicker Effect”

JUNE 20, 2016

By Jon Rappoport

I wrote this piece in 2012, in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. I re-post it now, because it equally applies to the Orlando shooting.

No, I’m not talking about the flicker of the television picture. I’m talking about an on-off switch that controls information conveyed to the television audience.

The Sandy Hook school murders provide an example.

First of all, elite media coverage of this tragedy has one goal: to provide an expanding narrative of what happened. It’s a story. It has a plot.

In order to tell the story, there has to be a source of information. The topflight television anchors are getting their information from…where?

Their junior reporters? Not really. Ultimately, the information is coming from the police, and secondarily from local officials.

In other words, very little actual journalism is happening. The media anchors are absorbing, arranging, and broadcasting details given to them by the police investigators.

The anchors are PR people for the cops.

This has nothing to do with journalism. Nothing.

The law-enforcement agencies investigating the Sandy Hook shootings on the scene, in real time, were following up on leads? We don’t know what leads they were following and what leads they were discarding. We don’t know what mistakes they were making. We don’t know what evidence they were overlooking or intentionally ignoring.

The police were periodically giving out information to the media. The anchors were relaying this information to the audience.

So when the police privately tell reporters, “We chased a suspect into the woods above the school,” that becomes a television fact. Until it isn’t a fact any longer.

The police, for whatever reason, decide to drop the whole “suspect in the woods” angle.

Therefore, the media anchors no longer mention it.

Instead the police are focused on Adam Lanza, who is found dead in the school. So are the television anchors, who no longer refer to the suspect in the woods.

That old thread has gone down the memory hole.

What does this do to the audience who has been following the narrative on television? It sets up a flicker effect. An hour ago, it was suspect in the woods. Now, that bit of data is gone. On-off switch. It was on, now it’s off.

This is a break in logic. It makes no sense.

Which is the whole point.

The viewer thinks: “Let’s see. There was a suspect in the woods. The cops were chasing him. Now he doesn’t exist. We don’t know his name. We don’t know why he’s off the radar. We don’t know whether he was arrested. We don’t know if he was questioned. Okay, I guess I’ll have to forget all about him. I’ll just track what the anchor is telling me. He’s telling the story. I have to follow his story.”

This was only one flicker. Others occur. The father of Adam’s brother was found dead. No, that’s gone now. The mother of Adam was found dead. Okay. Adam killed all these children with two pistols. No, that’s gone now. He used a rifle. It was a Bushmaster. No, it was a Sig Sauer. One weapon was found in the trunk of a car. No, three weapons.

At each succeeding point, a fact previously reported is jettisoned and forgotten, to be replaced with a new fact. The television viewer has to forget, along with the television anchor. The viewer wants to follow the developing narrative, so he has to forget. He has no choice if he wants to “stay in the loop.”

But this flicker effect does something to the viewer’s mind. His mind is no longer alert. It’s not generating questions. Logic has been offloaded. Obvious questions and doubts are shelved.

“How could they think it was the dead father in New Jersey when it was actually the dead mother in Connecticut?”

“Why did they say he used two handguns when it was a rifle?”

“Or was it really a rifle?”

“I heard a boy on camera say there was another man the cops caught and they had him proned out on the ground in front of the school. What happened to him? Where did he go? Why isn’t the anchor keeping track of him?”

All these obvious and reasonable questions (and many others) have to be scratched and forgotten, because the television story is moving into different territory, and the viewer wants to follow the story.

This constant flicker effect eventually produces, in the television viewer…passivity.

He surrenders to the ongoing narrative. Surrenders.

This is mind control.

The television anchor doesn’t have a problem. His job is to move seamlessly, through an ever-increasing series of contradictions and discarded details, to keep the narrative going, to keep it credible.

He knows how to do that. That’s why he is the anchor.

He can make it seem as if the story is a growing discovery of what really happened, even though his narrative is littered with abandoned clues and dead-ends and senseless non-sequiturs.

And the viewer pays the price.

Mired in passive acceptance of whatever the anchor is telling him, the viewer assumes his own grasp on logic and basic judgment is flawed.

Now, understand that this viewer has been watching television news for years. He’s watched many of these breaking events. The cumulative effect is devastating.

The possibility, for example, that Adam Lanza wasn’t the shooter, but was the patsy, is as remote to the viewer as a circus of ants doing Shakespeare on Mars.

The possibility that the cops hid evidence and were ordered to release other suspects is unthinkable.

Considering that there appears to be not one angry outraged parent in Newtown (because the network producers wouldn’t permit such a parent to be interviewed on camera) never occurs to the viewer.

Wondering why the doctor of Adam Lanza hasn’t been found and quizzed about the drugs he prescribed isn’t in the mind of the viewer.

The information flicker effect is powerful. It sweeps away independent thought and measured contemplation. It certainly rules out the possibility of imagining the murders in an alternative narrative.

Because there is only one narrative. It is delivered by Brian Williams and Scott Pelley and Diane Sawyer.

Interesting how they never disagree.

Never, in one of these horrendous events do the three kings and queens of television news end up with different versions of what happened.

What are the odds of that, if the three people are rational and inquisitive?

But these three anchors are not rational or inquisitive. They are synthetic creations of the machine that runs them.

They flicker yes and they flicker no. They edit and cut and discard and tailor as they go along. Yes, no, yes, no. On, off, on, off.

And the viewers follow, in a state of hypnosis.


Because the viewers are addicted to STORY. They are as solidly addicted as a junkie looking for his next fix.

“Tell me a story. I want a story. That was a good story, but now I’m bored. Tell me another story. Please? I need another story. I’m listening. I’m watching. Tell me a story.”

And the anchors oblige.

They deal the drug.

But to get the drug, the audience has to surrender everything they question. They have to submit to the flicker effect and go under. Actually, surrendering to the flicker effect deepens the addiction.

And the drug deal is consummated.

Welcome to television coverage.

Finally, while under hypnosis, the viewing audience is treated to a segue (transition) that leads to…the guns. Something has to be done about the guns. The mind-control operation that brought the passive audience to this point takes them to the next moment of surrender, as if it were part of the same overall Sandy Hook story:

Give up the guns.

In their entrained and tranced state of mind, viewers don’t ask why law-enforcement agencies are so massively armed to do police work in America, why those agencies have ordered well over a billion rounds of ammunition in the last six months, why every day the invasive surveillance of the population moves in deeper and deeper.

Viewers, in their trance, simply assume government is benevolent and should be weaponized to the teeth, because those viewers also assume the television anchors are government allies and spokespeople, and aren’t those anchors good and kind and thoughtful and intelligent and honorable?

Therefore, isn’t the government also kind and honorable?

In case you think the public is too stupid to emerge from its trance, and would never be able to follow a line of rational discourse, if by some miracle television anchors presented one, I disagree.

During my investigation of the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, I encountered several local citizens who were exceedingly awake, alert, and helpful. Again and again over the years, I have had help from private citizens in my research.

This is why I’ve always supported the idea of citizen grand juries, convened to investigate crimes in the area where they live. Tasked to discover the truth, wherever it leads, such people would suddenly display surprising skills. Opportunity is all that is necessary.

The media put people under, flick the on-off switches that short-circuit logic. The media practice hypnosis. The media work for surrender of the mind. The media present boggling absurdities that put the mind to sleep. The media appoint themselves as the final authorities.

This is perverse theater.

That’s all it is.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2016 11:31:48 AM



'They asked her to blow up a major place in her town' and sent 'bomb instructions'

Published: 2 days ago

ISIS recruiters inside and outside of the U.S. are hunting young American teenagers – mostly non-Muslim girls between 13 and 15 – and trying to convince them to conduct terror attacks on the nation, warns a “hacktivist” group.

BinarySec, a group of self-described “hacktivists, activists, security analysts and outlaws” seeking to eradicate ISIS material from the Internet, says the young teens are requesting help as soon as they realize their lives are at risk.

WND reported in 2014 when ISIS terrorists recruited women from Western countries to fly to the Middle East, marry jihadists and bear their children in a “cash-for-babies” scheme.

Now, BinarySec tells PJ Media the recruiters are using photos of babies or kittens to lure their targets.

“The most disturbing thing, other than the usual gore videos, is the targeting of young teen girls,” BinarySec operative AnonyMissy told PJ Media. “The number of 13 to 15-year-old American non-Muslim girls being targeted for recruitment has gone way up.”

She continued, “I used to have one girl every three weeks or so contact me in a panic when she realizes she’s in over her head; now it’s every week. They seek out the lonely. Invite them to Skype chat. The recruiters are men and women.”

PJ Media also interviewed Binary, the founder and main coder of BinarySec, who said the group has “intel to believe there are recruiters on U.S. soil,” although the majority are “overseas.”

“I’ve seen [the girls] recruited to launch attacks on U.S. soil. I’ve seen them recruited for marriage purposes and even sex slave purposes,” Binary told the site. “ISIS members, when targeting out a female, seek the lonely. They start by sending them little cutesy type of stuff, like messages.”

The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist enemy threatening the West.

AnonyMissy said the ISIS recruiters use “very subtle” tactics in the initial stages of contact.

“Depends on the girl, by the time she realizes after a month or so that she has been brought into an ISIS group, she’s been befriended by women and bonds of trust have been built, she has isolated herself from her ‘infidel’ friends and family,” she explained. “Lonely teen girls seeking acceptance, they are easy targets.

“Once they realize it’s real, and in exchange for all of that attention, they need to travel or steal – or worse – they end up in my [Twitter direct message] asking for advice.”

Binary told PJ Media that the girls soon adopt the gang mentality of having a family, and if they try to leave the situation, it can be dangerous.

“The ISIS members start making threats, even death threats.”

Binary added, “I’ve had a girl who told me they asked her to blow up a major place in her town, which I won’t specify for her safety. And they even forwarded her bomb instructions.”

When the girls suddenly realize they’re in trouble, ISIS jihadis know everything about them.

“I’m usually contacted after they cannot get rid of the recruiters,” AnonyMissy explained. “I would be very interested to see how many missing or ‘runaway’ teen girls were chatting, knowingly or not, with ISIS recruiters before they disappeared. And does anyone even know to look?

“… I’ve mostly been told about them being taught to steal to get money to travel. Beyond that, because they are children, I put them in touch with law enforcement to protect them.”

“House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World” conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of governments.

As WND reported, some Western women are recruited through a magazine called al-Shamikha, known as the “Jihad Cosmo.”

“They are selling them this mystical sisterhood of going to the caliphate and being able to be a Muslim in this idealized, utopian society,” warned Mia Bloom, a professor at the center for terrorism and security studies at the University of Massachusetts. “They are targeting these young girls in a very predatory way – the way child sex abusers target young children.”

Bloom said female recruits are promised moving expenses and cash for each baby they produce with an ISIS jihadi. But the women are banned from fighting and typically serve the militants, cooking and cleaning for them.

Bloom also expressed concern that ISIS will use the women as suicide bombers.

She said, while most women would stand out on a military installation, in most other public places, people wouldn’t expect a woman to carry out a suicide attack.

“If you change your tactics and target mosques or schools, that’s when women are really quite ideal,” she explained.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2016 2:19:33 PM


A rumor of a relationship between a young Coptic man and a married Muslim woman resulted in a mob of 300 Muslims torching Coptic homes.

BY ON 6/18/16 AT 10:00 AM

This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site.

In the 1930s, the Ministry of the Interior under the Wafd administration in Egypt announced a competition for positions in the ministry.

When the results were not made public, the entrants complained to the Prime Minister, Mustafa Nahhas, who summoned the official in charge of the competition to ask him the reason.

The official whispered into the prime minister’s ear, “I noted that most of the winners were Copts, so I have delayed announcing the results in order to confer with you, Minister.”

The prime minister requested the winners’ names. Then, having been shown the list, he stated, “I don’t see Copts or Muslims in this list. They are all Egyptian citizens who have won the competition. Give them their due and appoint them immediately.”

Indeed, 17 people were given jobs at the Ministry of the Interior, including 12 Copts. Mustafa Nahhas was applying what he had learned in the Wafd Party, which taught Egyptians that good citizenship was not in any way contingent upon religious affiliation.

Out of the 27 senior positions in the Wafd Party, nine were held by Copts, and in 1928 Wafdist parliamentarians elected Wissa Wassef, for the first and last time, as a Coptic chairman of the Egyptian parliament.

The fraternal feelings between Muslims and Copts were so strong that in 1930, when an attempt was made to kill Nahhas, Sinot Hanna, a leading Coptic Wafd member, took the knife blow, thus saving the life of Nahhas.

In that era, religious tolerance was not exclusively directed at the Copts but included Egyptians of the Jewish and Baha’i faiths, and even atheists.

In 1937, the mathematician Ismail Adham published a book entitled Why I am an Atheist. Not only was he not murdered by an extremist, nor arrested on charges of “denigrating religion,” he was much admired, his atheism notwithstanding.

I was reminded of this history of tolerance as I read about the tragedy that recently took place in Minya.

A rumor of a relationship between a young Coptic man and a married Muslim woman resulted in a mob of 300 Muslim extremists looting and torching seven Coptic homes.

Before the attacks, the mother of the Coptic man filed a report with the police, detailing the threats of violence made to them. The police did not lift a finger.

When the mobs attacked, that woman, in her 70s, was stripped and dragged through the streets of Minya.

Coptic Orthodox Christians attend a Palm Sunday mass in the Samaan el-Kharaz Monastery in the Mokattam Mountain area of Cairo on April 24. A rumor of a relationship between a young Coptic man and a married Muslim woman resulted in a mob of 300 Muslims torching Coptic homes. AMR ABDALLAH DALSH/REUTERS

As usual, after any act of violence against Copts, communiqués were issued condemning the violence, and we read of delegations gearing up, and customary “reconciliation sessions” during which people spout forth about national unity. But to this moment, there has been no comeuppance for any of the perpetrators.

How has the situation of Egypt’s Copts deteriorated from that of citizens with full rights to one in which they are a marginalized minority, and in which there is neither deterrent against nor punishment for attacks on their rights?

The question can be answered in two words: totalitarianism and Wahhabism.

Up until 1952, Copts enjoyed full rights in a state where rule of law prevailed. That year saw the end of democracy and the law, once a binding framework for all, became an instrument wielded by the dictator that he could use or abuse at his own whim.

Under a dictatorial system, we cannot expect to find the rule of the law, for the regime itself is the greatest violator of the law and the poacher cannot turn game keeper.

A dictatorship also generally prefers to ignore problems or sideline them rather than address them. We saw the governor of Minya, a retired major-general, rushing out a denial that an old Coptic lady had been stripped in public and accusing the media of intimidation and sensationalizing a minor incident.

From a political point of view, a dictator always needs to have a persecuted and timorous minority so that he can position himself as their protector and thereby be guaranteed of their ongoing loyalty and support.

Incidents like that in Minya happened scores of times under ousted president Hosni Mubarak and the perpetrators were rarely put on trial. The regime’s message to the Copts was, “Now you see what could happen to you if Mubarak leaves office!”

This policy succeeded in forcing the Copts to avoid politics and to support the Mubarak regime as the lesser of two evils. This remained the status quo until the January Revolution broke out and thousands of young Copts joined in.

It was inevitable that they would be punished for that. The response was theMaspero Massacre of October 2011, when mainly Coptic demonstrators protesting the destruction of a church in Aswan were crushed by armored vehicles and shot dead in order to force the Copts back into the regime’s stable.

The other reason for the Copts’ woes is the spread of the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam in Egypt, whether by the millions of Egyptians who worked in the Gulf and then returned with their Wahhabi-like thinking, or through Wahhabi associations which spend millions of pounds to spread their ideas in Egypt.

According to the Wahhabi interpretation, it is not permissible to show affection for Copts nor to greet them on their religious festivals, for they are not brethren of the Muslims. It is not permissible to invite them to partake of food unless the intention is to move them toward Islam. Nor is it permissible to accept the testimony of a Copt against a Muslim in a court of law (with the one exception being when a Muslim has died during a journey and only a Copt can be found to take down his last will).

Moreover, a Muslim who has killed a Copt cannot be put to death, according to the Wahhabis, as a Muslim and a nonbelieving Copt cannot be considered equal. These dreadful notions that would be considered hate crimes in any civilized state are not being spread surreptitiously but are being pronounced by preachers in mosques and distributed among the people in printed form.

So if a young Muslim is brought up with these notions and then gets into an argument with a Copt, should we be surprised when it turns violent?

Sadly Copts’ woes will continue as long as Egypt veers between authoritarianism and Wahhabism. Copts will never gain their rights from a dictator because he understands only too well that they will keep giving him their wholehearted support as long as they fear for their lives and possessions.

Egypt’s Copts will never gain their rights as citizens so long as Wahhabi thought keeps spreading because it holds them in contempt, deems them enemies of Islam and at best non-believers and lesser people than Muslims.

When I took part in the Egyptian Revolution, I felt the real meaning of citizenship. Copts in Tahrir Square were guarding Muslims during prayer, and often Muslim prayers and Coptic Mass were held at the same time.

The woes of the Copts will only cease with the establishment of a democratic state in which all citizens are equal regardless of their religion.

Democracy is the answer.

Alaa Al Aswany, the Arab world's bestselling novelist, is the author of The Yacoubian Building, Chicago, and Friendly Fire.


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