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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2016 12:56:06 AM

Yes Myrna, not only is all of it unbelievable but also pretty funny. :)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2016 1:18:26 AM

JUNE 11, 2016 3:09 AM

Israel demolishes home of Palestinian killer of mother of 6

The Israeli military early Saturday demolished the family home of a Palestinian who it says stabbed a Jewish mother to death in front of her children, in one of the most grisly killings in an eight-month wave of violence.

JERUSALEM--The Israeli military early Saturday demolished the family home of a Palestinian who it says stabbed a Jewish mother to death in front of her children, in one of the most grisly killings in an eight-month wave of violence.

The military said its forces entered the West Bank village of Yatta to knock down the family residence of Morad Bader Abdullah Adais. The military says he killed Dafna Meir, a mother of six, in her home in the Jewish settlement of Otniel in January. He fled the scene and was later arrested.

Israel says it carries out housing demolitions to deter future attacks. The Palestinians consider it a form of collective punishment.

Over the last eight months, Palestinians have carried out dozens of attacks on civilians and security forces, mostly stabbings, shootings and car ramming assaults that have killed 32 Israelis and two Americans. About 200 Palestinians have been killed during that time, most identified as attackers by Israel. The assaults were once near-daily incidents but they have become less frequent in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, however, two Palestinians from Yatta opened fire in Tel Aviv's Sarona district, a popular shopping and restaurant area, killing four Israeli civilians.

The military arrested several people in connection to that attack, froze 83,000 Palestinian travel permits to Israel and imposed checkpoints to restrict movement in and out of the village where the Palestinian gunmen were from. It also imposed a three-day closure of the West Bank that coincided with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.

Read more here:

(The Miami Herald)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Diane Bjorling

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6/12/2016 4:51:50 AM
Hi Miguil
Regarding your post about the story that has taken the net by it's ears " Google is manipulating Autocomplete search results to help improve Hillary Clinton’s online reputation."

I would like to share two different articles debunking this story.

The first post is from Google itself ~>

( click on link)

Over the last week we've received questions about our autocomplete feature. I wanted to take the opportunity to clarify a few things....
Here is another post debunking SourceFeds video
Google is manipulating Autocomplete search results to help improve Hillary Clinton’s online reputation. SourceFed told the Internet about it, so it must be true..... read the rest of Rhea Drysdale's response on Medium ( by the way her response is very detailed and will take about 6 minutes to read)
Vox has written their response to this story

There's no evidence that Google is manipulating searches to help Hillary Clinton

The more I read about the debunking of the original story says to me ( once again) that people will believe what they want to hear.
Thanks for letting my have my say and as always it is great to say hi to you

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2016 2:53:37 PM

Hi Diane,

Thanks for posting.

Admitted, the article is not conclusive. But then, few articles are when dealing with politics, where biased opinion is the rule and not the exception.

I am posting below a similar yet diverging case - “diverging” in that Google backing is directly specified by one of its directors - where this is further exemplified.

Thanks again,


Hi Miguil

Regarding your post about the story that has taken the net by it's ears " Google is manipulating Autocomplete search results to help improve Hillary Clinton’s online reputation."

I would like to share two different articles debunking this story.

The first post is from Google itself ~>

( click on link)

Over the last week we've received questions about our autocomplete feature. I wanted to take the opportunity to clarify a few things....
Here is another post debunking SourceFeds video
Google is manipulating Autocomplete search results to help improve Hillary Clinton’s online reputation. SourceFed told the Internet about it, so it must be true..... read the rest of Rhea Drysdale's response on Medium ( by the way her response is very detailed and will take about 6 minutes to read)
Vox has written their response to this story

There's no evidence that Google is manipulating searches to help Hillary Clinton

The more I read about the debunking of the original story says to me ( once again) that people will believe what they want to hear.
Thanks for letting my have my say and as always it is great to say hi to you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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6/12/2016 3:10:31 PM

Google lends support to the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership

The TPP is already divisive in the tech world.

06.10.16 in Politics

Reuters/Stephen Lam

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a wide-ranging and controversial trade agreement between 12 countries that President Obama has strongly supported throughout its creation. Today, he received a major ally in the form of Google -- the company endorsed the plan in a blog post. "We hope that the TPP can be a positive force and an important counterweight to restrictive Internet policies around the world," writes Google SVP and general counsel Kent Walker. "Like many other tech companies, we look forward to seeing the agreement approved and implemented in a way that promotes a free and open Internet across the Pacific region."

The TPP is far from easy to sum up -- but as it relates to tech companies like Google, it contains a number of provisions relating to intellectual property and copyright as well as freedom of internet access and the passage of data around the world. Google supports the TPP in part because of its "strong copyright protections," limited ability for governments to demand access to encryption keys, and its support of an open internet architecture that would theoretically make it harder for governments to block access to certain websites.

That all sounds good, but plenty of technology companies and organizations have stated that the TPP as written is more problematic than positive. The EFF claims that the TPP will benefit big businesses over consumers and takes issue with the lack of transparency around the agreement's creation and provisions. The organization also has concerns for what the agreement will do to potential whistleblowers and believes it'll greatly expand copyright terms and and restrictive DRM schemes. And last year, more than 250 companies signed a letter saying the TPP was "dangerously vague."

Despite this, President Obama has backed the agreement, and it also has the support of Google's contemporaries Microsoft and Apple. Whether the agreement is finalized in its current form remains to be seen however -- chances are good Obama won't be able to finish getting it pushed through before leaving office, and presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both have issues with it.

Regardless, Obama continues to push for its passage, both in formal and informal channels -- like on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon just last night.

Via: Recode
Source: Google

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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