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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 5:50:37 PM

North Korea 'will be punished' says France

June 3, 2016

French President Francois Hollande (R) talks during a joint press conference with his South Korean counterpart Park Geun-Hye after their meeting on June 3, 2016 at the Elysee Presidential Palace in Paris (AFP Photo/Stephane De Sakutin)

Paris (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande promised Friday to enforce tough sanctions on North Korea, which faced UN condemnation this week for its latest attempted missile launch.

"We will ensure that in the Security Council, of which France is a permanent member, North Korea will be punished because we will not accept even the slightest threat to the safety and peace of the region," Hollande said in Paris after talks with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye.

Hollande called the North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes a "threat".

On Wednesday, the Security Council unanimously backed a US-drafted statement that demanded North Korea "refrain from further actions, including nuclear tests," which are in violation of UN resolutions.

Council members "strongly condemned" a series of failed missile launches on Tuesday and on April 27 and 28, which are in "grave violation" of North Korea's international obligations, said the text.

Park said she has asked for France's support in a continued tough stance on North Korea's missile and nuclear programmes.

"North Korea must understand that there are no other alternatives than renouncing its nuclear programme," she said.

The Council has adopted the toughest sanctions to date on North Korea after it carried out its fourth nuclear test in January and a rocket launch that was widely seen as a disguised ballistic missile test.

Among the sweeping measures is a new requirement that all countries must inspect cargo destined for and coming from North Korea, in all airports and sea ports.

The resolution bans or restricts exports of coal, iron, iron ore and other minerals from North Korea, and prohibits the supply of aviation fuel including rocket fuel.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 6:09:33 PM

Islamic State Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe

ISIS calls Ramadan ‘month of conquest and jihad’

Undated file photo from ISIS taken in Ninive area, Iraq, in 2015 and published by the group on their web pages / AP


The Islamic State is urging jihadists in the United States and Europe to carry out terror attacks during what a group spokesman promised would be “the month of conquest and jihad.”

A U.S. government advisory warned that ISIS attacks, either directly sponsored or simply inspired by the group’s rhetoric, could be carried out during Islam’s month of Ramadan that begins June 5.

The threatened attacks were announced in an ISIS video made public May 21.

In the video, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called on jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers…especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.”

A report by the State Department-led Overseas Security Advisory Council said the threat could be credible because three deadly terror attacks took place last year shortly after Adnani issued a similar call to arms.

“According to Islamic practice, sacrifice during Ramadan can be considered more valuable than that made at other times, so a call to martyrdom during the month may hold a special allure to some,” the report said.

There is no information indicating a specific ISIS attack is being planned, although the threat of attacks remains significant, the report said.

The report, produced by the State Department’s diplomatic security office, said there is no data to indicate Ramadan witnesses increased terrorism, “but as [ISIS] remains focused on expanding conflict, it is likely to continue to seek to carry out attacks during the holy month.”

Ramadan includes a period of fasting for Muslims and is held each year during the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

ISIS declared its so-called Islamic caliphate during Ramadan in 2014.

After the broadcast provocation from ISIS, the State Department urged American businesses operating abroad to “remain aware of the persistent threat of [ISIS] attacks, both inspired and directed.”

Adnani, in the video, did not say what targets should be attacked but stated that “the smallest action in their heartland is better and more.” He also urged jihadists to conduct lone-wolf attacks and said doing so would produce “the great reward of martyrdom.”

“The terrorism risk at the moment is generally high,” the report said.

Attacks merely inspired by the group pose a special threat because of the inability to track and counter jihadists not linked directly to ISIS, headquarted in Syria.

“The lone-wolf threat is less likely to be bound by geographic boundaries, which may make it less difficult to identify higher-risk locations,” the report said.

The Department of Homeland Security has not raised the terrorism alert level so far in response to the potential threat. The State Department has not issued a new warning to American travelers, although it updated a travel warning to those visiting Europe that terror attacks could be carried out at the European soccer championship scheduled to begin June 10, and a Catholic World Youth Day in Poland July 26.

The State Department’s annual report on terrorism, made public this week, called ISIS “the greatest threat globally, maintaining a formidable force in Iraq and Syria, including a large number of foreign terrorist fighters.”

Although the group has lost territory as a result of international counterterrorism operations, ISIS is expanding in Libya and other parts of the world.

“Beyond affiliated groups, [ISIS] was able to inspire attacks in 2015 by individuals or small groups of self-radicalized individuals in several cities around the world,” the report said, noting that the group’s propaganda and social media efforts have challenged counterterrorism activities.

A CIA spokesman declined to comment on the Ramadan threat. State Department and Department of Homeland Security spokesmen did not respond to requests for comment.

The report said ISIS in the Middle East is “likely to continue attacks during Ramadan, and could seek to take advantage of some aspects of the holy month—for example, targeting security forces during Iftar (the evening meal when Muslims break their daily fast during Ramadan).”

“But attacks are also likely to continue beyond Ramadan,” the report noted. “Lone-wolf extremists could also carry out attacks in response to the call.”

In Europe, ISIS could exploit the summer tourist season and sporting and other events for high profile attacks. “Terrorists wishing to maximize the impact of an attack and increase civilian casualties may view this as a favorable timeframe for symbolic attacks against soft targets in Europe, including major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers, and transportation,” the report said.

For coordinated attacks similar to those carried out in Paris and Brussels, the required planning could make attacks timed to Ramadan difficult although the timeframe provides “a larger window of opportunity,” the report said.

“Calls for Ramadan attacks by [ISIS] may inspire unaffiliated lone wolves who generally require less time for planning,” the report said. “While Ramadan could be an added impetus for terrorists to carry out attacks against perceived enemies in Europe, the threats are unlikely to stop when the month comes to a close.”

In Africa, the Islamist terror group Boko Haram inflicted heavy casualties during 2015 attacks during Ramadan in northeastern Nigeria. The Somalia-based al-Shabaab also conducted attacks in the past during the religious month.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban also is expected to step up attacks in the coming month, notably to demonstrate that the killing of its leader Mullah Mansour in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan, has not diminished its capabilities.

ISIS also could use the Ramadan period to announce new affiliates in Bangladesh and elsewhere. It is not expected to conduct attacks in Southeast Asia or in South America during the next month.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 6:21:07 PM
Fireball 2

Bright meteor fireball visible from the entire island of Puerto Rico

A bright fireball struck the sky over Puerto Rico on June 2, 2016 at around 9 pm.

The slow meteor was visible from the entire island moving from Northeast to Southeast.

The Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC) noted that the remarkable meteor was reported from Juncos, Vega Alta and to Mayaguez, so across the entire island.

The bolide was bright enough to outshine the clouds.

It was like a glowing sphere, like a big shooting star with a long light blue tail.

See also this other recent report from the same island on May 25th: Bright meteor fireball captured over Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 6:28:27 PM

US vows 'actions' if China builds new S. China Sea structures

China's South Sea Fleet takes part in a drill in the Xisha Islands, or the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on May 5, 2016 (AFP Photo/)

Chinese construction on a South China Sea islet claimed by the Philippines would prompt "actions being taken" by the United States and other nations, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter warned Saturday.

Speaking at a security summit in Singapore, Carter said Beijing risks building a "Great Wall of self-isolation" with its military expansion in the contested waters, but he also proposed stronger bilateral security cooperation to reduce the risks of a mishap.

"I hope that this development doesn't occur because it will result in actions being taken both by the United States, and actions being taken by others in the region that will have the effect of not only increasing tensions but isolating China," Carter said when asked about Scarborough Shoal in a forum also attended by senior Chinese military officials.

Rear Admiral Guan Youfei, who heads the Chinese office of international military cooperation, quickly attacked the Pentagon chief's remarks, telling journalists they reflected a "Cold War mentality".

He said any sanctions against China will "definitely result in failure".

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post has reported that China plans to establish an outpost on the shoal, located 230 kilometres (140 miles) off the Philippines, which considers it part of its exclusive economic zone.

Beijing claims nearly all of the strategically vital sea and has developed contested reefs into artificial islands, some topped with airstrips.

Manila says China took effective control of Scarborough Shoal in 2012, stationing patrol vessels and shooing away Filipino fishermen, after a two-month stand-off with the Philippine Navy.

Carter declined to elaborate when later pressed on what "actions" Washington might take.

The US warning comes ahead of a ruling from the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague on a case brought by the Philippines against China, which has shunned the proceedings and says it will not recognise any ruling.

In a prepared speech, Carter said the US views the upcoming ruling "as an opportunity for China and the rest of the region to recommit to a principled future, to renewed diplomacy, and to lowering tensions, rather than raising them".

- 'Great Wall of self-isolation' -

The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam have competing claims in the sea, which encompasses vital global shipping routes and is believed to have significant oil and gas deposits.

Beijing's territorial claims, based on controversial historical records, have also pitted it against the US, which has conducted patrols near Chinese-held islands to press for freedom of navigation.

"Unfortunately, if these (Chinese) actions continue, China could end up erecting a Great Wall of self-isolation," Carter said in his speech.

He suggested the US and China would benefit from better military ties to avoid the risk of mishaps.

Pentagon officials say two Chinese fighters last month conducted an "unsafe" intercept of a US spy plane in international air space over the South China Sea.

Admiral Harry Harris, the commander of the US Pacific Command, said in Singapore that such incidents were rare, and noted that US and Chinese naval vessels generally have "positive interactions".

Carter's attendance at the summit is part of a broader US diplomatic push, known as the "rebalance", to boost alliances in the Asia-Pacific region.

In a report last month, the Pentagon said China put its land reclamation efforts on hold in the Spratly Islands chain at the end of 2015. Instead, it focused on adding military infrastructure to its reclaimed features.

Another regional security concern at the Singapore forum is North Korea's nuclear program and its so-far unsuccessful missile tests.

Seoul and Washington want to deploy the US' sophisticated Terminal High Altitude Area Defence System (THAAD), that would protect against North Korean missiles, though Beijing worries about the system being deployed on its doorstep.

"It's not about China," Carter said. "It's about the North Korean missile threat, which is a clear threat to South Korea, to our forces there and to our allies in Japan."

Delegates also discussed ways nations could cooperate to counter the threat of Islamic extremism across the region.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 11:51:01 PM



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