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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2016 4:03:11 PM

Balkan nations slam migrant route shut


Ljubljana (AFP) - The main migrant trail from Greece to northern Europe was blocked Wednesday after western Balkan nations slammed shut their borders, hiking pressure for an EU-Turkey deal and exacerbating a dire situation on the Macedonian border.

Slovenia and Croatia, two of the countries along the route used by hundreds of thousands of people in recent months, barred entry to transiting migrants from midnight. Serbia indicated it would follow suit.

EU member Slovenia said that the only exceptions were for people wishing to claim asylum in the country or for migrants "on humanitarian grounds and in accordance with the rules of the Schengen zone".

Prime Minister Miro Cerar said the move meant that "the (Balkan) route for illegal migrations no longer exists." Croatia's Interior Minister Vlaho Orepic called it a "new phase in resolving the migrant crisis".

The measures follow Austria's decision in February to cap the number of migrants passing through its territory, which has led to a gradual tightening of borders through the western Balkans.

"This is putting into effect what is correct, and that is the end of the 'waving through' (of migrants) which attracted so many migrants last year and was the wrong approach," Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said.

Even before the border closures, the tightening of restrictions through the Balkans had created a bottleneck in Greece, the main entry point for migrants into the EU across the sea from Turkey.

The Greek government says there are nearly 36,000 migrants and refugees stranded in the country, but police in the north said there were another 4,000 people unaccounted for.

This includes more than 14,000 mainly Syrian and Iraqi refugees camped out by the northern Idomeni border crossing with Macedonia -- many of them for weeks -- at a muddy, unhygienic camp operated by beleaguered aid groups.

A migrant child stands among a razor-wire fence close to the Greek-Macedonian border in Idomeni, on March 7, 2016. (AFP Photo/Dimitar Dilkoff)

Macedonian police said on Wednesday that no single migrant had entered the country from Greece since Monday because of the restrictions further along the route.

Greek officials on Wednesday were trying to coax refugees to leave Idomeni for migrant centres elsewhere in the country.

Many are reluctant to do so, however, fearing this would mean the end of their journey north, many of them to join family members who made it through last year.

"We were (at Idomeni) for two weeks, it was raining and very cold," said Oussama, a 45-year-old Syrian from Aleppo, one of the few who agreed to return to the port of Piraeus in Athens.

- Merkel's open door -

More than a million people have crossed the Aegean Sea into Greece since the start of 2015, many from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq and most aiming to reach wealthy Germany, Austria and Scandinavia.

This has caused deep divisions among EU members about how to deal with Europe's worst migration crisis since World War II, and put German Chancellor Angela Merkel under severe pressure domestically for her open-door asylum policy.

Merkel, heading for a bruising in regional German elections on Sunday, hopes that a controversial deal discussed with Turkey at an EU summit on Monday, and due to be finalised on March 17-18, will be the answer.

The accord would see Turkey, currently hosting 2.7 million refugees from the five-year-old Syrian civil war and the main springboard for migrants heading to the EU, take back all illegal migrants landing in Greece.

Ankara proposed an arrangement under which the EU would resettle one Syrian refugee from camps in Turkey in exchange for every Syrian that Turkey takes from Greece, in a bid to reduce the incentive for people to board boats for Europe.

Migrants living in tents at a flooded field at the northern Greek border station of Idomeni, Tuesday, March 8, 2016. Up to 14,000 people are stranded on the outskirts of the village of Idomeni, with more than 36,000 in total across Greece, as EU leaders who held a summit with Turkey on Monday said they hoped they had reached the outlines of a possible deal with Ankara to return thousands of migrants to Turkey. (AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu)

In return though, Turkey wants six billion euros ($6.6 billion) in aid, visa-free access to Europe's passport-free Schengen zone and a speeding up of Ankara's efforts to join the EU -- demands that go too far for some.

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker called the plan a "real game-changer" and insisted it was "legally feasible", but it has sparked concern from UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi and others.

Rights group Amnesty International said the proposal was full of "moral and legal flaws" and along with Human Rights Watch challenged the idea that Turkey was a "safe country" to which migrants could return.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2016 5:12:09 PM

MARCH 7, 2016 9:08 PM
FPL nuclear plant canals leaking into Biscayne Bay, study confirms

Recent sampling of water in Biscayne Bay found higher than normal levels of tritium, a rare hydrogen isotope produced by nuclear reactors and used to track water leaking from Turkey Point’s cooling canals. Tim Chapman Miami Herald Staff

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2016 5:37:39 PM
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Both Want Abortion Legal Until Baby Is Born
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Both Want Abortion Legal Until Baby Is Born
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Both Want Abortion Legal Until Baby Is Born


March 8, 2016|10:30 am

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders talks with moderator Bret Baier during a Democratic Presidential Town Hall event in Detroit, Michigan, March 7, 2016.

Both Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders explained their support for keeping abortion legal until a baby is born, though their positions were expressed in different ways.

In separate appearances on the same stage Monday night in Detroit, Michigan, Clinton and Sanders were asked about abortion at the Fox News televised town hall.

"Can you name a single circumstance at any point in a pregnancy in which you would be OK with abortion being illegal?" moderator Brett Baier asked.

Sanders did not name a single circumstance, saying, "It is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body."

"I know not everybody here will agree with me. I happen to believe that it is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body. I think, I believe, and I understand there are honest people. I mean, I have a lot of friends, some supporters, some disagree. They hold a different point of view, and I respect that. But that is my view," said Sanders, a U.S. Senator from Vermont.

He accused pro-life Republicans of hypocrisy, saying they speak out against government intervention in people's personal lives, "but somehow on this issue they want to tell every woman in America what she should do with her body."

When asked more specifically whether there should be restrictions to late-term pregnancies, he said: "I am very strongly pro-choice. That is a choice to be made between a woman, her physician and her family."

In another part of the debate, however, Sanders supported human rights. When asked why he believes healthcare is the right of all people, he answered, "being a human, being a human," adding that the right is for everyone regardless of their circumstances in life.

Clinton's answer to the abortion question was more nuanced, but in practice the same as Sanders' position.



Hillary Clinton



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Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton answers a question from a member of the audience during a Democratic Town Hall event in Detroit, Michigan, March 7, 2016.

"Do you think a child should have any legal rights or protections before its born? Or do you think there should not be any restrictions on any abortions at any stage in a pregnancy?" Baier asked.

"Under Roe v. Wade, which is rooted in the Constitution, women have this right to make this highly personal decision with their family in accordance with their faith, with their doctor," she answered. "It's not much of a right if it is totally limited and constrained."


Both Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders explained their support for keeping abortion legal until a baby is born, though their positions were expressed in different ways.

In separate appearances on the same stage Monday night in Detroit, Michigan, Clinton and Sanders were asked about abortion at the Fox News televised town hall.

"Can you name a single circumstance at any point in a pregnancy in which you would be OK with abortion being illegal?" moderator Brett Baier asked.

Sanders did not name a single circumstance, saying, "It is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body."

"I know not everybody here will agree with me. I happen to believe that it is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body. I think, I believe, and I understand there are honest people. I mean, I have a lot of friends, some supporters, some disagree. They hold a different point of view, and I respect that. But that is my view," said Sanders, a U.S. Senator from Vermont.

He accused pro-life Republicans of hypocrisy, saying they speak out against government intervention in people's personal lives, "but somehow on this issue they want to tell every woman in America what she should do with her body."

When asked more specifically whether there should be restrictions to late-term pregnancies, he said: "I am very strongly pro-choice. That is a choice to be made between a woman, her physician and her family."

In another part of the debate, however, Sanders supported human rights. When asked why he believes healthcare is the right of all people, he answered, "being a human, being a human," adding that the right is for everyone regardless of their circumstances in life.

Clinton's answer to the abortion question was more nuanced, but in practice the same as Sanders' position.

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton answers a question from a member of the audience during a Democratic Town Hall event in Detroit, Michigan, March 7, 2016.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2016 6:04:58 PM

Total solar eclipse wows Southeast Asia, social media

Edited time: 9 Mar, 2016 16:11

A partial solar eclipse is seen through clouds in Bangkok, Thailand, March 9, 2016.© Chaiwat Subprasom / Reuters

A total solar eclipse took place in Indonesia and Southeast Asia on Tuesday, and although the eclipse was only visible in a 100 mile stretch, many people captured images the whole world is sharing.

Solar eclipses have been a part of many cultures. Some legends focus on the sun being devoured by an angry animal or God that must be defeated; others play on the relationship between the sun and the moon. Folklore aside, there is no arguing that the 2016 solar eclipse was spectacular. Here are some pictures, in case you missed in.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2016 6:14:29 PM

Are You Kidding Me? Chinese Exports Plunge 25.4 Percent Compared To Last Year

Exports Declining - Public Domain
We just got more evidence that global trade is absolutely imploding. Chinese exports dropped 25.4 percent during the month of February compared to a year ago, and Chinese imports fell 13.8 percent compared to a year ago. For Chinese exports, that was the worst decline that we have seen since 2009, and Chinese imports have now fallen for 16 months in a row on a year over year basis. The last time we saw numbers like this, we were in the depths of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. China accounts for more global trade than any other nation (including the United States), and so this is a major red flag. Anyone that is saying that the global economy is in “good shape” is clearly not paying attention.

If someone would have told me a year ago that Chinese exports would be 25 percent lower next February, I would not have believed it. This is not just a slowdown – this is a historic implosion. The following comes from Zero Hedge

Things are not getting better in China as Exports crashed 25.4% YoY (the 3rd largest drop in history), almost double the 14.5% expectation and Imports tumbled 13.8%, the 16th month of YoY decline – the longest ever.Altogether this sent the trade surplus down to $32.6bn (missing expectations of $51bn) to 11-month lows.

Chinese Exports - Zero Hedge

So much for that whole “devalue yourself to export growth” idea…

I don’t know how anyone can possibly dismiss the importance of these numbers. As you can see, this is not just a one month aberration. Chinese trade numbers have been declining for months, and that decline appears to be accelerating.

Another very interesting piece of news that has come out in recent days regards the massive layoffs that are coming at state industries in China. According toReuters, five to six million Chinese workers are going to be losing their jobs during this transition…

China aims to lay off 5-6 million state workers over the next two to three years as part of efforts to curb industrial overcapacity and pollution, two reliable sources said, Beijing’s boldest retrenchment program in almost two decades.

China’s leadership, obsessed with maintaining stability and making sure redundancies do not lead to unrest, will spend nearly 150 billion yuan ($23 billion) to cover layoffs in just the coal and steel sectors in the next 2-3 years.

For years, the Chinese economic miracle has been fueling global economic growth, but now things are changing dramatically.

Another factor that we should discuss is the fact that the relationship between the United States and China is going downhill very rapidly. This is something that I wrote about yesterday. China has seized control of several very important islands in the South China Sea, and in response the Obama administration has been sailing military vessels past the islands in a threatening manner. Most recently, Obama decided to have an aircraft carrier task force cruise past the islands, and this provoked a very angry response from the Chinese

The four-ship U.S. strike group that patrolled the disputed South China Sea was followed by Chinese warships, a show of force that prompted a hard-line response from China doubling down on its claim to nearly all of the resource-rich sea.

China’s foreign minister said his country’s sovereignty claims are supported by history and made a veiled reference to the 5-day patrol by the Stennis Carrier Strike Group, as well as recent passes by China’s man-made islands by destroyers Lassen and Curtis Wilbur in recent months.

“The South China Sea has been subject to colonial invasion and illegal occupation and now some people are trying to stir up waves, while some others are showing off forces,” Wang Yi said, according to an Associated Press report, a day after the Stennis CSG departed the South China Sea. “However, like the tide that comes and goes, none of these attempts will have any impact. History will prove who is merely the guest and who is the real host.”

Most Americans are not even paying attention to this dispute, but in China there is talk of war. The Chinese are absolutely not going to back down, and it does not look like Obama is going to either. Needless to say, a souring of the relationship between the largest economy on the planet and the second largest economy on the planet would not be a good thing for the global economy.

And of course China is far from the only country that is having economic problems. Yesterday, I discussed how Italy’s banking system is on the verge of completely collapse. A few days before that I discussed the economic depression that has gripped much of South America. A new global economic crisis has already begun, and just because the United States is feeling less pain than the rest of the world so far does not mean that everything is going to be okay.

There are huge red flags in Europe, Asia and South America right now. In addition, our neighbor to the north (Canada) is experiencing a very significant slowdown. The irrational optimists can continue to believe that the U.S. economy will somehow escape relatively unscathed if they would like, but that is not going to be what happens.

Just like virtually everyone else on the planet, we are heading into hard times too, and this is going to become a dominant theme in the presidential campaign as we move forward into the months ahead.

(The Economic Collapse)

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