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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2016 1:57:29 PM

Japan puts military on alert for possible North Korean missile test


Airbus Defense & Space and 38 North satellite imagery dated January 25, 2016 shows three objects at the base of the gantry tower that are either vehicles or equipment at Sohae Satellite Launching Station in North Korea in this image released on January 28, 2016. REUTERS/Airbus Defense & Space and 38 North/Handout via Reuters

By Nobuhiro Kubo

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan has put its military on alert for a possible North Korean ballistic missile launch after indications it is preparing for a test firing, two people with direct knowledge of the order told Reuters on Friday.

"Increased activity at North Korea's missile site suggests that there may be a launch in the next few weeks," said one of the sources, both of whom declined to be identified because they are not authorized to talk to the media.

Tension rose in East Asia this month after North Korea's fourth nuclear test, this time of what it said was a hydrogen bomb.

A missile test coming so soon after the nuclear test would raise concern that North Korea plans to fit nuclear warheads on its missiles, giving it the capability to launch a strike against rival South Korea, Japan and possibly targets as far away as the U.S. West Coast.

Japan's Minister of Defense Gen Nakatani has ordered Aegis destroyers that operate in the Sea of Japan to be ready to target any North Korean projectiles heading for Japan, the sources said.

A Defense Ministry spokesman declined to say whether PAC-3 batteries and the Aegis destroyers had been deployed to respond to any threat from North Korea

Nakatani, asked in a press briefing whether Japan would shoot down any North Korean missile, said: "We will take steps to respond, but I will refrain from revealing specific measures given the nature of the situation."

The advanced Aegis vessels are able to track multiple targets and are armed with SM-3 missiles designed to destroy incoming warheads in space before they re-enter the atmosphere and fall to there targets.

Japan also has Patriot PAC-3 missile batteries around Tokyo and other sites to provide a last line of defense as warheads near the ground.

Rather than a direct attack, however, Japan is more concerned that debris from a missile test could fall on its territory.


(Writing by Tim Kelly; Editing by Robert Birsel)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2016 2:09:22 PM


BY ON 1/28/16 AT 8:14 AM

Malala Yousafzai gives a speech at the Barbar Institute Of Fine Art on November 29, 2015 in Birmingham, England. She has warned that without education, Syrian refugee children risk becoming a lost generation.

The 18-year-old human rights activist Malala Yousafzai has said more needs to be done to help educate the millions of Syrian refugee children scattered across Syria and the wider region. According to a new report, which her charity the Malala Fund will publish Friday, almost half of the four million displaced children are not in school. Yousafzai has warned that they may become a “lost generation.”

International donors, the report adds, have provided just 37 percent of the
money needed to fund educational resources for Syrian children, according to the BBC. The fund has estimated that $1.4 billion a year is required to make up the deficit.

Yousafzai, the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has always been a staunch advocate of education. She began her campaigning at home, the Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan, where the Taliban had attempted to stop girls from attending school. In 2012, a member of the group boarded a bus she was traveling on and fired three shots at her for her repeated demands for female education.

As the Syria’s civil war lengthened, Yousafzai turned her attentions to the educational difficulties facing children there. Her fund’s report comes ahead of next week’s
Syria Donors Conference in London. Donors from around the world will be asked to promise that all Syrian refugee children in the Middle East will be in school for the next academic year. However, some European countries, which have taken in thousands of Syrian refugees, have already said they may need to divert funds to provide for these children.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2016 5:42:18 PM

Lead Poisoning in Other Parts of Michigan Is Even Worse Than It Is in Flint

January 29, 2016

The water crisis in Flint has whipped America into a state of righteous outrage, but just look at the rest of Michigan: In at least 30 zip codes in more than 13 cities across the state, elevated levels of lead have been detected in a shocking percentage of local children — sometimes at almost five times the rate of kids in Flint, according to the The Detroit News.

The numbers add a grim layer to an already-devastating story. While Flint struggles to recover, as many as 20% of kids under 6 years old tested in parts of Detroit — and between 7% and 12% in parts of Saginaw, Ludington, Lansing, Highland Park, Grand Rapids, Hamtramck and a handful of other cities in the state — had elevated levels of lead in their blood as recently as 2013, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

The percentage of children in Flint who had comparable levels peaked at 6.4% at the end of 2015, Mother Jones reports.

Lead poisoning is irreversible and causes a host of developmental problems in kids. These include poor motor skills, learning delays, difficulty articulating speech and problems controlling behavior. While the extreme government neglect and deceit in Flint made what’s happening there its own unique horror story — residents have been exposed to toxic drinking water for more than a year — statistics from across the state reveal lead poisoning is hardly an isolated issue.

The reasons for exposure in Michigan differ from place to place. Whereas in Flint the lead comes from old and corroding water pipes, the culprit in most other areas in the state is much more common: paint. In 1977, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission outlawed the use of lead-based paint on toys, furniture and other products, including house paint. But many homes built before then are still coated with the stuff. And as time passes and the paint chips and peels, the dust it kicks up is inhaled by the people around it, poisoning them.

The result is a crisis the state of Michigan has spent millions of dollars trying to solve. Their methods — including varying approaches to lead abatement — have led to a significant drop in lead levels in children’s blood across the state over the last few years, according to the Center of Michigan.

But things are still bad. The cities where lead poisoning remains the most common vary in terms of their demographic makeup — some, likeDetroit and Highland Park, are overwhelmingly black; while Lansingand link text“ , are majority white — but most, unsurprisingly, have poverty rates well above the state and national averages. In Grand Rapids, nearly 1 in 10 children of those tested in four ZIP codes tested positive in 2014.

And as Gov. Rick Snyder scrambles to clean up his mess, it’s worth remembering the problem is much bigger than Flint. The children of Michigan — and in other parts of the country — remain among its biggest casualties.

h/t Detroit News

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2016 11:51:30 PM

APNewsBreak: US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

Bradley Klapper, Associated Press,Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton's home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes three days before Clinton competes in the Iowa presidential caucuses.

State Department officials also said the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus are investigating if any of the information was classified at the time of transmission, going to the heart of Clinton's defense of her email practices.

The department will release its next batch of emails from her time as secretary of state later Friday.

But The Associated Press learned seven email chains are being withheld in full for containing "top secret" information. The 37 pages include messages a key intelligence official recently said concerned "special access programs" —highly restricted, classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes.

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information," State Department spokesman John Kirby told the AP, calling the withholding of documents in full "not unusual." That means they won't be published online with others being released, even with blacked-out boxes.

Department officials wouldn't describe the substance of the emails, or say if Clinton sent any herself.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, insists she never sent or received information on her personal email account that was classified at the time. No emails released so far were stamped "CLASSIFIED" or "TOP SECRET," but reviewers previously designated more than 1,000 messages at lower classification levels. Friday's will be the first at top secret level.

Even if Clinton didn't write or forward the messages, she still would have been required to report any classification slippages she recognized in emails she received. But without classification markings, that may have been difficult, especially if the information was publicly available.

"We firmly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails," Clinton campaign spokesman Brain Fallon said. "Since first providing her emails to the State Department more than one year ago, Hillary Clinton has urged that they be made available to the public. We feel no differently today."

Fallon accused the "loudest and leakiest participants" in a process of bureaucratic infighting for withholding the exchanges. The documents, he said, originated in the State Department's unclassified system before they ever reached Clinton, and "in at least one case, the emails appear to involve information from a published news article."

"This appears to be overclassification run amok," Fallon said.

Kirby said the State Department was focused, as part of a Freedom of Information Act review of Clinton's emails, on "whether they need to be classified today." Past classification questions, he said, "are being, and will be, handled separately by the State Department." It is the first indication of such a probe.

Department responses for classification infractions could include counseling, warnings or other action, officials said. They wouldn't say if Clinton or senior aides who've since left government could face penalties. The officials weren't authorized to speak on the matter and demanded anonymity.

Separately, Kirby said the department is withholding eight email chains, totaling 18 messages, between President Barack Obama and Clinton. These are remaining confidential "to protect the president's ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel," and will be released eventually like other presidential records.

The emails have been a Clinton campaign issue since 10 months ago, when the AP discovered her exclusive use while in office of a homebrew email server in the basement of her family's New York home. Doing so wasn't expressly forbidden. Clinton first called the decision a matter of convenience, then a mistake.

Last March, Clinton and the State Department said no business conducted in the emails included top-secret matters. Both said her account was never hacked or compromised, which security experts assess as unlikely.

Clinton and the State Department also claimed the vast majority of her emails were preserved properly for archiving because she corresponded mainly with government accounts. They've backtracked from that claim in recent months.

The special access programs emails surfaced last week, when Charles I. McCullough, lead auditor for U.S. intelligence agencies, told Congress he found some in Clinton's account.

Kirby confirmed the "denied-in-full emails" are among those McCullough recently cited. He said one was among those McCullough identified last summer as possibly containing top secret information.

The AP reported last August that one focused on a forwarded news article about the CIA's classified U.S. drone program. Such operations are widely discussed publicly, including by top U.S. officials, and State Department officials debated McCullough's claim. The other concerned North Korean nuclear weapons programs, according to officials.

At the time, several officials from different agencies suggested the disagreement over the drone emails reflected a tendency to overclassify material, and a lack of consistent classification policies across government.

The FBI also is looking into Clinton's email setup, but has said nothing about the nature of its probe. Independent experts say it's unlikely Clinton will be charged with wrongdoing, based on details that have surfaced so far and the lack of indications she intended to break laws.

"What I would hope comes out of all of this is a bit of humility" and Clinton's acknowledgement that "I made some serious mistakes," said Bradley Moss, a Washington lawyer specializing in security clearance matters.

Legal questions aside, it's the potential political costs that probably more concern Clinton. She has struggled in surveys measuring perceived trustworthiness and any investigation, buoyed by evidence of top secret material coursing through her account, could negate a main selling point for her becoming commander in chief: her national security resume.

The government confirms for the first time that Clinton's unsecured home server contained closely guarded secrets.
8 email chains withheld

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/30/2016 1:02:41 AM

Kremlin slams White House over Putin corruption claim


The US Treasury says Russian President Vladimir Putin is a "picture of corruption" (AFP Photo/Alexey Druzhinin)

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Moscow (AFP) - The Kremlin on Friday lashed out at the White House after it backed up an allegation from the US Treasury that President Vladimir Putin is corrupt.

US Treasury acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence Adam Szubin said in a BBC documentary aired Monday that Putin was a "picture of corruption".

White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Thursday backed up that line, saying that the Treasury's assessment "best reflects the administration view."

The Kremlin has already dismissed the US Treasury claim that it said amounted to an "official accusation", but ratcheted up the rhetoric after the White House got involved.

"We consider this statement outrageous and offensive," spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

"We really need further explanation because such a statement is absolutely unprecedented."

Ties between Moscow and Washington have plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War over Russia's meddling in Ukraine.

The two sides, however, are currently engaged in an international peace push on the conflict in Syria, although they support different sides in the civil war.

Peskov accused Washington of firing the starting gun on attempts to discredit Putin ahead of Russia's next presidential elections in 2018, even though he insisted Putin has not yet decided to run.

In a sign that the allegations could further damage ties between the two countries, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov raised the issue with his counterpart John Kerry in a phone call Friday.

"Lavrov expressed outrage at the contrived and unforgivable allegations against the Russian leadership," Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement.

"It was emphasised that the blame for the deliberate whipping up of tension in bilateral affairs falls squarely on Washington," the statement said.

Russian authorities have repeatedly accused the West of plotting to overthrow Putin, but critics insist an elite around the strongman is whipping up public fears as they cement their grip over the country's vast wealth.

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