UPDATE . . on an old post from a Reader, D, whom I sincerely thank. The UPDATE is relevant to Peter’s post:
Just thought you should know the Stanley Kubrik confession you posted a couple weeks ago, is a HOAX…
You can prove this to yourself by watching this video which shows this SAME man being coached/directed on what to say and how to act… He is referred to as “Tom and Tommy’ in these out takes …. Please compare, this to the confession being referred to by Eyre and Zen….
You can also compare known photos of Kubrick with the man in the video..
There is no malicious motive here…. I know you are looking for truth, that being the case, you really need to see the video…
Beware of the FAKE Stanley Kubrick confession of Fake Moon Landings
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This [The Hoax] really fired me up as I also got sucked into the emotion at the time:
I remember many years ago watching the moon landing with my first child David on my knee and got sucked into the entire hype that surrounded the event….only to find out later that it was all created in a studio.
A major cover-up followed and one of the leading third parties involved (Stanley Kubrick) had to keep this fake secret close to his chest for 15 years.
He died and now the truth has finally been revealed.
I admire like minded activists who go out of their way to bring the world the truth and have the balls to stand up (as men or women) to bring that truth to us all………May Stanley now rest in peace……this is his posthumous transcript:
K: I’m so preoccupied. With my work, innovation, risk-taking, regrets…
T: Why are you giving this interview?
K: Because, it started to get to me after awhile. Well, this is difficult, because it is the first time I’ve talked about it. (sighs)
T: Sure, take all the time you need.
K: I’ve always been conflicted by it, but not consciously until years later. I was just blown away by the chance, the opportunity, the challenge of making this, this production, and I went into this like it was a regular film, like another regular film of mine, not thinking too much about uh the long term effects of what it would mean to society if it was ever discovered.
T: What are you talking about? I’m dying to know what you’re talking about.
K: Well, a confession of sorts. A movie I made, that nobody is aware of – even though they’ve seen it.
T: A movie you made, no one knows you made? Is that what you said?
K: That’s right. Is that intriguing? Do I have you intrigued?
K: I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.
T: Ok. (laughs) What are you talking…You’re serious. Ok.
K: I’m serious. Dead serious.
K: Yes, it was fake.
T: Ok. Wait. Wait…
T: I don’t want this to be an R-rated film, but seriously, what the blank, but seriously…
T: I, I, I worked almost eight months to secure this once in a lifetime interview that almost no else could ever get, and instead of talking about his sixteen films that I’ve endured since I was a child…That we didn’t land on the moon, you’re saying?
K: No, we didn’t.
K: It was not real.
T: The moon landings were fake?
K: A, a, a.. fictional moon landing. A fantasy. It was not real.
K: Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?
T: The moon landing in ’69, which was two years before my birth…
K: Is total fiction.
T: Total fiction.
T: Is that?…So, that’s the 15 year thing. So that’s makes sense now. That’s why I can’t release it for 15 years now, that makes total sense now.
T: Did we…we didn’t land on the moon you’re saying?
K: No, we didn’t.
T: Why are you telling me?
K: A, a, a, a massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know.
K: Nixon want to uh, they were planning, yeah, he want to fake this, this moon landing…
T: Are you contending that people DON’T want to know the truth about the world, reality, the moon landings…?
K: The government, knowing this, takes advantage of it by perpetrating fraud after fraud after fraud.
T: How did you end up giving in? Being complicit with this fraud?
K: I didn’t want to do it.
T: This is NOT where I thought this interview was going!
K: With my help, with my, with my aid, and it is, it is bothering me.
T: I only have this certain amount of time with you. And I’ll talk about whatever you want, but…
T: You’re not…This isn’t some type of joke, or…
K: No. No, it’s not.
T: Or a film within a film thing…
K: Not joking. NOPE.
T: Okay.
K: The conspiracy theorists were right, on this occasion.
T: I don’t know what to ask you first.
K: I thought it was wrong, I just…I didn’t believe in perpetrating a fraud like that.
T: But you did.
K: It also undermined my artistic integrity to do that.
T: Ok, but you ended up saying yes. Why?
K: Well, yes, but because basically I was bribed. To put it bluntly, that’s what it was. It was just a plain ****ing bribe.
T: Why are you telling me?
K:A, a, a, massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know! Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?
T: Why did they have to fake it? Why? Why would they ever need to do something like that? Why would the government ever want or need to do…
K: It’s no secret that NASA always wanted to fulfill this Kennedy prophecy.
T: Take it from the beginning…
T: I gotta be honest, this is where he (Kubrick) got me. I mean, when I actually put myself in his position, when I actually imagine that he was telling the truth, and that he was presented with this opportunity and if in the one in a billion chance that I lived his life and I was presented with the same opportunity, what would I do?
T: Yeah, he wanted his approval points up and he thought nothing could do it better than this.
T: What a conflict. I mean, gosh, I can’t imagine being presented with that opportunity. On one hand, I’d really would want to do it, but then I’d probably say I’m committing a crime, and lying…
T: It depends, but my guess would be…no, if you’re good, but you would do it.
K: Spielberg, (inaudible) Scorsese, even Woody Allen. There isn’t one of them who wouldn’t do this.
T: I gotta admit: I’d do it. I’d do it too.
T: But they dangled all this power and all this flattery on you, essentially?
K: Yeah, it got to me after awhile. You can listen to so much of that stuff before you start to believe it.
T: They just said you were the greatest and stuff?
K: Yeah, yeah – and I agreed with them.
K: Why are you telling the world? Why does the world need to know that the moon landings aren’t real and you faked them?
K: Which I consider to be my masterpiece.
T: And you can’t take credit, or even talk about…
K: Well, I am now..
T: Right, so you’ll be dead. In ten years, or 15…
K: Right, ten or 15 something like that.
T: So, you can’t talk to Roger Ebert about it. Does that frustrate you?
T: Why did they have to fake it? Why would they have to do that?
K: Because it is impossible to get there.
T: Ok, back up, back up, back up….
On the topic of NASA space programmes and such places as Area 51 in the USA there is much more truth and disclosure to be put before the citizens of planet Earth that one day will blow away our current way of thinking…….its nothing to be scared of or to be frightened because at the end of the day there are good guys and bad guys in all walks of life……..we have to be mindful that the New World Order (Illuminati) as entered almost every walk of life be it every political party, company, church, educational institute, media and more importantly the film and music industry whereby those persons wishing to become famous under their umbrella have to sell their soul to their satanic agenda.
Their intention is to hide the truth, destroy sovereignty, national pride,the family unit, faith, ethics/morality and break down society as we know it.
The above is one small aspect as to what is truly going on.
We should all now being asking NASA and those running the top secret base known as Area 51( and many other locations) what projects have factually been launched to other planets, including the moon and for what purpose….not to mention the Hyper Missile Projects, Star Wars Projects, Advanced Laser Weapons, Direct Energy Weapons that disintegrate/pulverize any object or the up and running Super Scalar Weapons that most nations are afraid to talk about etc etc
Take a look and be prepared for even more truth
Shooting Stanley Kubrick (First 30 Minutes)
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When your back is against the wall you have to find the truth……the sort of truth that will stand up in court and not hearsay!
As I said before God created everything on earth and all that we see or cannot see in outer space with millions of Galaxies just like our own……to think there is not another Sunshine Coast or some other beauty spot with living beings is absurd.
The Hebrew Holy Books of old revealed some clues and remember the Old Testament was written on the back of their holy book by Jews and for Jews……somewhere along the way the original words were either distorted or missing and then came the New Testament which threw everything up in the air……..what book will next come along?……who will write it?…..probably some member of the existing “Hollywood Style Church Community” that have overrun this planet at an alarming pace and replaced the Cross and Altar with a Harley Davison and many buckets for donations..
There are many underground cities and bases around the world some of which house ET’s and there are other ET’s that mix with our respective populations.
http://www.disclose.tv/…/the_dulce_underground_base_…/12559 [NOT AVAILABLE]
Many brave experts and whistle-blowers have been assassinated for helping to disclose what has been going on since eternity …..here is one brave witness who told all and died soon after his disclosure…….that is the caliber of the truth seekers
PHILIP SCHNEIDER Bless you and may you Rest in Peace
Give Phil the respect he deserves and watch this video
[Uploaded on Jul 25, 2011
Dear Viewers,
Philip Schneider claimed to be a former US Government Geologist and Engineer, who was involved in producing the underground explosions which were required to facilitate the building of various underground military bases, as well as submarine bases for the United States Government.
He claimed to be one of only three people who survived the infamous Alien/Human War at Dulce and Los Alamos, where 66 Government Agents and Workers supposedly lost their lives in August of 1979.
For the last two years of his life he gave lectures about supposed classified information, including UFO’s to the media and general public.
Philip Schneider was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1996.
Some people claim that he was murdered.
Take care..]
This is the truth, the only truth so help me God!
The Dulce Underground Base: How Deep Does This Rabbit Hole Really Go? {NOT Available]
We’ve all heard rumors of secret government underground facilities such as Area…
disclose.tv|By Lukas Magnuson
[I suggest anyone with deeper interest CLICK HERE to access a youtube page filled with videos on this subjec.t ~J]
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Remarkable archaeological finds around the world give credence to “Sons of God” descending to earth and cohabiting with female earthlings as explained in the bible as follows:
Genesis 6:1–2 relates that the “sons of gods,” i.e., divine or angelic beings, took mortal wives; verse 4 continues, “It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth–when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.”
Little is known of The Nephilim but some say one example of their existence was in the biblical story of David and Goliath who was believed to have been a Nephilim with a height of approximately 10 foot although many have been found to be much taller.
Mystery continues to surround these gigantic men who came from outer space to mother earth………some say they were fallen angels but who really knows.
Take a look at these incredible findings to prove that whoever they were they existed prior too or around the time of Noah’s Ark.
I believe in the existence of ET’s both on earth and in outer space and so such evidence is more than convincing.
The next few articles with go back to the Indigenous people of the world and prove they have full knowledge of ET’s and have met with them many times and recorded same…….I have lived in the oldest land mass on this planet and its full of their records of such meetings….to be able to walk among them and see their ancient records is truly amazing……that place is Western Australia, especially in the North of the State as well as many other locations.