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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2015 2:30:04 PM

US readies New Year push to expel migrants


Central American migrants get on the so-called La Bestia (The Beast) cargo train, in an attempt to reach the US border, in Apizaco, Mexico's Tlaxcala state (AFP Photo/Ronaldo Schemidt)

Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama's administration is planning a vast operation to round up and expel from the United States migrant families who fled drought and violence in Central America, reports said on Thursday.

Any such crackdown would be hugely controversial, with immigration one of the hottest topics in the 2016 presidential campaign, and rights groups expressed grave concern at the deportations.

The flow of families and unaccompanied children crossing into the United States from Mexico slowed this year, but the numbers surged upwards again in October and November.

Several Latin American countries are in the grip of violent lawlessness and the El Nino weather pattern has plunged a number of countries in the region into drought.

The Department of Homeland Security did not dispute anonymously sourced reports in The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal that a crackdown is imminent.

According to the reports, hundreds of families living in the United States whose asylum requests have been denied will be rounded up and sent home.

DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Gillian Christensen told AFP that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson "has consistently said our border is not open to illegal immigration.

"If individuals come here illegally, do not qualify for asylum or other relief, and have final orders of removal, they will be sent back consistent with our laws and our values."

Refugee rights activists argue the families are fleeing corruption, gang violence and drought in their homelands and should be treated as refugees.

Republican presidential hopefuls including frontrunner Donald Trump -- who took to Twitter to claim credit for the deportations -- are vying for who can promise the toughest stance on immigration.

Trump tweeted: "Wow, because of the pressure put on by me, ICE TO LAUNCH LARGE SCALE DEPORTATION RAIDS. It's about time!"

In contrast, Hillary Clinton's campaign said the Democratic frontrunner has "real concerns."

Clinton "believes it is critical that everyone has a full and fair hearing, and that our country provides refuge to those that need it," read a statement reported in US media.

"We should be guided by a spirit of humanity and generosity as we approach these issues."

- 'Regrettable decision' -

In the 2015 fiscal year arrests of non-documented migrants crossing the US southern border dropped by a third to the second lowest level since 1972.

The number of children crossing without their relatives -- which surged in 2014 -- was also well down over the period.

But the number of minors and families crossing began to increase again sharply toward the end of 2015, alarming the Department of Homeland Security.

In El Salvador there was a sobering wave of violence this year. Between January and November there were 6,065 homicides, according to the Forensic Medical Institute.

One of El Salvador's top officials for migration issues called the US decision "regrettable."

"We have been informed about the decision of senior US officials to begin deporting family units and non-accompanied minors," said Liduvina Magarin, deputy minister for Salvadorans abroad.

"It is a regrettable decision by the US government (that affects) our Salvadoran families."

In Honduras, there has been a police crackdown but the homicide rate is still expected to be one of the highest in the world this year at 62 per 100,000 inhabitants.

There was a similar spike in killings in Guatemala. In 70 percent of the cases there, firearms were the cause of death.

Compounding matters, many countries around the Pacific rim are facing extreme weather, including drought. Guatemala, Haiti and Honduras are among the worst victims.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2015 3:00:44 PM

22-year-old college student blows her $90,000 college fund and blames her parents

“Maybe they should have taught me to budget or something."

Yahoo Finance

This story is being featured as part of our "Yahoo Best Stories of 2015" series. It was originally published in July 2015.

Atlanta radio show “The Bert Show” had a guest on this week who has managed to incite the rage of just about every millennial in the state of Georgia (and beyond, the show is syndicated in 11 states).

The woman, a 22-year-old college junior named Kim, who did not give her last name on air and was allowed to use a voice disguiser to even further shield her identity, came to the three hosts with a confession: in just short three years she had managed to blow through a $90,000 college fund left to her by her grandparents. Kim has one year left of school and no way to cover her remaining $20,000 tuition balance.

Read more: 3 reasons money isn't making you happy

The show’s hosts try to give Kim the benefit of the doubt. She’s come to them (for some untold reason — perhaps a financial aid officer would have been a wiser choice) in a time of great need and they at least want to try to help her.

But what followed has to be one of the most painful interviews that has ever been aired on national radio. Kim manages to personify just about every parent’s worst nightmare — an entitled 20-something who asks for handouts rather than face the very real financial challenges of young adulthood. You can listen to the full interview online at, but we’ve shared the highlights of Kim’s cringe-inducing description of her predicament below.

"Years ago my grandparents set up a college fund for me, which was amazing, and I haven’t been very good with my budget for school. The first payment for my senior year just arrived and I don’t have the money basically. I’ve just been avoiding it. I knew the bill was coming.”

“I used it to budget for school clothes and college break money. I probably should have not done that. I took a trip to Europe. The Europe thing I thought was part of my education and that’s how I tried to justify that.”

“Maybe [my parents] should have taught me to budget or something. They never sat me down and had a real serious talk about it.”

“[My parents] said there was nothing they could do for me. They’re not being honest with me saying they don't have [money] because my dad has worked for like a million years and they have a retirement account.”

“Then my parents suggested I go take out a loan at a credit union and I’m, like, how am I supposed to do that?"

“I have to go inside the bank to get a loan?”

“I know they’re trying to teach me a lesson and blah blah blah and character building but, like, I hope they realize [working part-time] could have such a negative effect on my grades and as a person."

Here’s what’s most infuriating about Kim’s situation: Not only is she admitting that she had — and squandered — a $90,000 college fund that was supposed to cover her college expenses , but she completely lacks any remorse. She says she feels "stressed" but not once does she seem grateful for her good fortune or ashamed about blowing it in three short years.

Not surprisingly, The Bert Show’s hosts have a really hard time keeping it together during their conversation with Kim. We have to give major kudos to co-host Kristin Klingshirn who (despite the fact that she herself had to work three jobs to pay for college, she said) was the only one who did not completely give up on Kim’s ability to get it together. “I think you’re learning an even more valuable lesson than you could in any of your classes,” Klingshirn told her.

Read more: 5 tips to improve your resume

Eventually, it does seem as if Kim starts to get the message. Her parents refused to cosign a loan to cover her tuition shortfall unless she got a job. She called the show on Thursday to give her fourth and final update: She has come to grips with the fact that she will, indeed, have to get a job. We almost felt a bit sorry for her when she started explaining how difficult it has been to find a place that will hire her because she has no job history.

“I feel like I’m back at square one,” she said. “I’m hustling to do this and to make this work.”

Listening to this young woman slowly start to understand the value of abstract concepts like hard work and responsibility was as equally gratifying as it was boggling to the mind. All we have to say is this: “The Bert Show” deserves a special award for services to their country. Thanks to them, there may be one less 20-something out there giving millennials a bad rap.

Update: Given the rabid response I've gotten from readers on this story, I feel compelled to add some more context to Kim's situation. Yes, plenty of students juggle work and school to cover their tuition costs. In fact, three-quarters of college students work at least part-time throughout school to cover tuition costs, according to a forthcoming survey from student lender Sallie Mae. But simply telling a college student to "get a job" to cover their tuition is somewhat shortsighted.

Bad budgeting skills or not, college students are matriculating at a time when it has never been more expensive to get a college degree. Yes, students can cope with this cost by applying for scholarships, low-interest federal student loans or work-study programs on campus. But even that might not be enough.

Working 20 hours a week at a part-time job at today’s federal minimum wage rate ($7.25), it would take the average college student more than five years to pay off the average net tuition cost at a public-four year university ($36,000). And that doesn’t include expenses like housing, transportation and food. At the same time, household wages have fallen flat and fixed costs like housing and health care are rising exponentially. What Kim has unfortunately realized is that kids who don't have plush college funds typically have only way to cover college costs and that is student debt. And that is how our country has found itself with a $1 trillion student debt crisis on its hands. More than one-quarter of today’s 38 million student debtors are strapped with $50,000 or more in student loan debt and the average graduate carries nearly $30,000.

And there's no GIF clever enough in the world to make that an easier pill to swallow.


Mandi Woodruff is a reporter for Yahoo Finance and host of Brown Ambition, a new podcast about career and finance.

Money Minute: What happens when you don't pay your student loans?

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2015 3:14:36 PM


U.S. city OKs Satanist's blood spill on Virgin Mary

Why is this not a hate crime against Christians?'

Published: 21 hours ago

Oklahoma City officials have granted a permit to a Satanist to desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of a Catholic Church on Christmas Eve, a decision that is outraging Christians who say the city’s mayor would have never allowed a similar permit to be issued in protest of a mosque.

Adam Daniels, a member of the Satanist church, says he will pour fake blood over the statue and say prayers to it in an effort to dispel the notion of the virgin birth, a core doctrine not only of the Catholic Church but millions of Christians the world over.
Satanist Adam Daniels

Satanist Adam Daniels

Daniels was the Satanist who sponsored the “black mass” in Oklahoma in 2014.

He said he plans to pour costume blood that has been ‘treated with sulfur powder and ash” on a statue he will bring himself, reported the Fatima Center, a Catholic website at

“The outrage is scheduled to take place outside St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral on December 24 from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m.,” the website reported, referring to the event as an “atrocity.”

The Oklahoman, a daily newspaper in Oklahoma City, also reported on the upcoming event.

WND spoke with a resident of Oklahoma who said she read an article in the Oklahoman a couple of weeks ago but thought nothing of it because it was vague and mentioned no details about the man behind the event.

“I did read about it in the paper. It just said they were going to protest, nothing about his past or his motives,” said Sharon Gricol of McCloud, which is about 20 miles east of Oklahoma City. “This is hard to believe.”

Gricol said she wondered if Oklahoma City would issue a similar permit for someone to desecrate an image of Muhammad in front of a mosque.

“I’m also wondering, why is this not a hate crime against Christians?” she asked.

“It is still wrong when the whole country knows this permit if given to desecrate Muhammad or the Quran next to a mosque would have national media attention,” Gricol told WND, “and the president and his attorney general (Loretta Lynch) taking legal actions.”

After the jihadist attack on San Bernardino, Lynch said she would not hesitate to prosecute any American for hate speech that incited violence against Muslims.

“The Oklahoman described the upcoming event as if it were nothing more than a small political rally or artist’s display,” reported.

“The protest will be confined to the sidewalk and will not block any church entrances, according to the permit obtained by Daniels. The permit also requires to clean up the display after the event to ensure no costume blood is left on the sidewalk.”

The Fatima Center added: “Welcome to 2015 USA, where government allows all the public blasphemy you care to provoke, provided you do it within the limits of your city-issued permit.”

Daniels told the Oklahoman that the virgin birth of Jesus is a fraud.

Daniels calls his event the “Virgin Birth is a Lie,” which he described as “exposing the lies” of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the blood, he said, is to “add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church.”

Daniels is a convicted sex-offender and had built an “altar to Satan” using rubble from the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in which 168 Americans lost their lives.

He used this rubble, he said, because it would have been “one of the most highly negative charges you could have … energy-wise.”

Fatima Center reports Daniels is protesting the Catholic Church on Christmas Eve because the archdiocese of Oklahoma City’s recent demonstrations against the group’s “black mass,” the unveiling of a Bahoment [satanic] statue, and Daniel’s own book-signing event.

“In a sense, we could ignore this pathetic creature as one merely seeking to aggrandize himself,” reported. “But as Our Lord told the 19th Century Sister Marie de Saint Pierre of France in messages approved by the Church, public desecration requires public reparation.”

The protest could result in a confrontation.

A group of concerned Catholics will attempt to occupy the area where the violation is slated to occur. They will also pray the Rosary in reparation, according to

The Fatima Center said it urges those who cannot be present in Oklahoma City to “offer acts of reparation for this desecration, which is a pointed attack against Catholicism and Our Lady Herself.”

“You could pray an extra Rosary, make some extra sacrifices, offer prayers of reparation, make a Holy Hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament while the Oklahoma outrages is taking place, or make a Holy Hour at some other day or time that is more convenient. You can make reparation after the event as well.

Whatever you do, know well that Our Lady expects you to do something. You could also register your complaint with Mayor Mick Cornett, under whose administration this outrage is permitted.”

The website asked its readers to “count yourselves among the friends of Our Lady who, as She told Sister Lucia in 1929, have compassion on Our Lady’s Heart “circled with thorns,” and “make an act of reparation to remove them.”

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett did not immediately return a phone call from WND seeking comment Thursday.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/26/2015 12:44:45 AM

Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law to Feed the Homeless – Hundreds Clothed and Fed

will's picture

By Matt Agorist

When feeding the homeless becomes an act of civil disobedience, Americans have been asleep for far too long.

Luckily, however, there are still good people who are willing to defy such arbitrary and ill-conceived laws and ordinances.

The folks over at the aptly named organization Don’t Comply, took to the streets just outside the Austin Street Shelter in Dallas this weekend to perform, what has now become a revolutionary act – feeding the homeless.

“We are not complying with a bad law today,” Matthew Short, PR director of Don’t Comply said. “Evidently the city of Dallas believes that it’s wrong, or bad, or unlawful for us to feed more than a certain number of people at a time. But, during Christmas, we want to show love to our community and give these people a chance to survive the winter, whether it be with blankets or coats, or just giving them a holiday party like today with all kinds of cookies, and goodies, turkey and dressing, and the whole nine yards.”

Last December, the Dallas city council enacted Ordinance No. 29595, which makes it illegal to serve food to the homeless without jumping through a statist myriad of bureaucratic hoops, including a fee, training classes, and written notices.

One should not need to file multiple forms and pay a fee to obtain a permit to give food to those in need who are willingly ready to accept it. The folks at Don’t Comply know this.

According to Brett Sanders, hundreds of homeless people showed up to not only enjoy a fantastic array of food, snacks and beverages – but there was also an assortment of winter clothing that was donated as well.

“All of the homeless people that I talked to during the event were extremely grateful for the support and there was a sense of humanity that is indescribable. Interacting with other human beings whom most consider to be living life at rock bottom will likely alter your perspective on the world around you,” explained Sanders.

The event went off without a hitch, even after code enforcers showed up. Lead organizer of the event, Murdoch Pizgatti was confronted by the enforcers who told him to file the proper paperwork upon the event’s conclusion to which, Pizgatti politely replied, “no.”

“We’ve already had to speak to the police, they’ve already come and delivered code to us,” said Short, explaining what happened when the code enforcers showed up. “But, after shaking hands with them, they realized we’re all armed – and we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do because it’s not an immoral thing that we are doing.”

Below is the powerful video shot by Brett Sanders showing the powerful effects of such moral civil disobedience.

Matt Agorist writes for


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/26/2015 12:51:34 AM

Bernie Sanders: We Need A “Full And Independent Audit” Of The Federal Reserve

Posted ago by

Source: | Original Post Date: December 23, 2015 –

2016 Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed for The New York Times on Wednesday calling for the Federal Reserve to be audited independently by the Government Accountability Office on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has scheduled a historic Jan. 12 vote on a bill, colloquially referred to as “Audit the Fed,” which was introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The bill would authorize the GAO to perform full audits of the Federal Reserve System.

To rein in Wall Street, we should begin by reforming the Federal Reserve, which oversees financial institutions and which uses monetary policy to maintain price stability and full employment. Unfortunately, an institution that was created to serve all Americans has been hijacked by the very bankers it regulates,” wrote Sen. Sanders.

He added, “What went wrong at the Fed? The chief executives of some of the largest banks in America are allowed to serve on its boards. During the Wall Street crisis of 2007, Jamie Dimon, the chief executive and chairman of JPMorgan Chase, served on the New York Fed’s board of directors while his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed. Next year, four of the 12 presidents at the regional Federal Reserve Banks will be former executives from one firm: Goldman Sachs.

Sanders called for the Glass-Steagall Act to be reinstated, a Depression-era banking regulation that created a wall of separation between consumer and investment banks prior to its repeal by former President Bill Clinton. He also suggested that the Fed should be prevented from providing incentives to encourage banks to sit on cash reserves.

As a condition of receiving financial assistance from the Fed,” said Sanders, “large banks must commit to increasing lending to creditworthy small businesses and consumers, reducing credit card interest rates and fees, and providing help to underwater and struggling homeowners.

Sanders argued that the Federal Reserve suffers from a lack of transparency. “In 2010, I inserted an amendment in Dodd-Frank to audit the emergency lending by the Fed during the financial crisis. We need to go further and require the Government Accountability Office to conduct a full and independent audit of the Fed each and every year,” he said.

Audit the Fed legislation first became a hot political topic as a result of the sudden, meteoric 2008 rise to popularity of libertarian icon and former Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), who made the push for Fed transparency a central focus of his entire political career.

Written by Barry Donegan of

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