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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2012 1:18:22 AM
I guess this belongs here in this thread as much as in the main thread of this forum ("Is the New Age Really Coming?") (see here)

The Mayan Countdown


by Chautauqua

It won’t be long now. Just over 90 days until the end of the Mayan calendar arrives. Normally such well publicized “apocalyptic” dates come and go without much serious notice from me. My friends all warned me not to buy a ten thousand dollar computer software program in 1999, but I did; just wasn’t too worried about Y2K, and was, by that time, immune to the media hype which always swarms around such events.

It’s different this time The Mayans were all about TIME, hence the infamous calendar getting so much press lately. I began studying the Mayan calendar some 15 years or so ago, by reading the works of JoseArguelles, especially a book called “The Mayan Factor”. Over the years Arguelles and other Mayan experts have added greatly to our understanding of this lost culture. The one thing I brought away from these studies was that all the chaos and destruction were side effects, and not the whole deal…which is all about the evolution of humankind from childhood to adolescence…not the end ofmankind, but rather the end of doing all the wrong things for the wrong reasons; the end of greed! A new great Age.

The calendar speaks to the ending of one cosmic era, and the beginning of the next, and all the changes, including earth changes that will result from it. This era change has been going on for some decades now, with the last 25 years seeing most of the eye-popping stuff, a time known as “The Quickening”. Now the lamestream media knows one thing better than anything else, and that is how to sell fear…and the 2012 Mayan Calendar is like Christmas to them. As is their style, they will milk it for all it’s worth, and then some. What they won’t tell you however are two things. First that it isn’t at all about the end ofeverything…and second; the year 2012 is the year the calendar ends, not us. The year 2012 was marked as the time when all these changes that have been happening for decades would culminate, not begin.

So, the calendar is all about the evolution of mankind, a time when humanities spiritualvibration hits critical mass, and we are on our way to the next step, the next phase of our evolution as a species. The problem is that the psychopaths in power have spent the last 25 years or so tirelessly coming up with various nasty ways to “arrest” humanities collective vibration, preventing us from reaching that threshold of evolution; and keeping us as their economic slaves on a prison planet. Chemtrails, GWEN towers, HAARP, and at least a dozen other DARPA programs all designed for that one goal. (Then came the news that DARPA wanted to assimilate Google.)

If you only look with attention span of the average news cycle, you naturally will come to the conclusion that yes the world is about to end. (Isn’t it always?) Only when we look with new eyes, taking in the broad landscape of time, do we see all this escalating chaos in proper perspective. You’re gonna need that to deal with what all this chaos is leading up to. An entire paradigm is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption, and unfortunately most of us are more dependent than we like upon its decaying infrastructure. The trick, I suppose, if there is one ~ is thru awareness; don’t be there when the heavy stuff comes down.

The Mayans were onto something

The Mayans were obsessed with time. They charted the heavens for countless generations to arrive at mathematical solutions as accurate as any modern technology. They knew what they were doing. Being able to accurately predict the current state of the human condition wasn’t really so difficult when you understand as they did, that such chaos, violence and upheaval always occurs at the end of every long count, like clockwork. Cycles and patterns: Creation ~ Chaos ~ Renewal.

It’s quite likely that they also knew something else that we have only recently come to realize. Five times in the last 500 million years one catastrophic event or another has wiped out the dominant species on Earth. Like a cosmic shuffling of the deck, to give other life forms a shot at the big chair. Roughly every 100 million years or so, the Earth is hit with some form of extinction level event. The most recent of which conveniently wiped out the dinosaurs, leaving the way clear for us mammals to get a foothold, then a stranglehold on this planet.

That was 65 million years ago

The first five of these great extinctions were all naturally occurring events. There is mounting evidence and concern that the sixth extinction will be man made, and thus could manifest any time after the tipping point is reached. (Does anyone have a tipping point app for their iphone?) The thing is, and this is key…”It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”, and as we learned in ‘Jurassic Park’, Nature will find a way….a way to facilitate humanities spiritual evolution despite all that is being done to stop it.

Enter Fukushima!

The accumulated radiation and fallout from that still erupting nuclear volcano is going to have its worst & longest lasting effects on our children, and their children, and their grand children many times over. There will be cancers, leukemia, and God only knows what other insidious diseases in near epidemic numbers as the years go by. There will also be birth defects, deformities, and genetic mutations. Infinite diversity with infinite complexity. Then there is the impact on the global food chain to consider after the untold millions upon millions of gallons of radioactive waste water being dumped directly into the Pacific Ocean for 18 months now.

Consider what the future of Japan will look like as the health care costs start piling up and the cost of caring for the deformed, mutated children further burdens an already crippled national economy. It is an economy which can no longer feed itself from the sea, nor export radioactive goods and products.

Now, extrapolate these effects to the rest of the world, because what melts down in Japan doesn’t stay in Japan. The computer models for the global distribution of just the airborne radiation are frightening…which is precisely why they are always scrubbed from the net, sometimes within minutes, (no doubt by DARPA and Google.) I doubt if we’re going to see a real life “Godzilla” as Fukushima radiation permeates the ecosystem we live in, but I’d give good odds that “Nature will find a way…” and somewhere, sometime, the cosmic dice are gonna hit, allowing humanities DNA to adapt, overcome, and evolve ~ maybe.

So here we are 90 some days out from the end of the mysterious Mayan calendar, andthe end of The great Age of Pisces ~ the time referred to by the Hindu as the Kali Yuga, Translated as “The Age of the Demon” & “The Age of Vice.”

Personally that sounds pretty good to me, the end of demons and vice at precisely the point where all the really cool things associated with the Age of Aquarius are supposed to begin. This is the show I signed up for, and I managed to get a really good seat. What is about to happen is epic in the original sense of the word. All these powerful forces of the universe showing up on the same stage at the same time. Yeah I know, its gonna get noisy, some fights will break out, and there’ll be a hell of a mess afterward; but things are going to workout alright. You may ask “How do I know that?” Well …Nostradamus said so!

More from Chautauqua HERE

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Michael Caron

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9/24/2012 3:20:10 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

As always, your articles are very interesting. Perhaps it is best that all that we know and have learned over the years will be wiped away at the end of the Mayan calendar. The reason that I say that is because by studying world history over the past few eons it seems that the one thing that modern humans have learned the best was how to hate. We all advocate peace, understanding and tolerance, however with all of our good entensions hatred seems to have won out at almost every turn of the road. One single man decides to make a movie mocking the Prophet Mohammed. Because the movie was made in the U.S.A. every citizen of our country is at fault, and retaliation is aimed at our foreign Embassies. We have embassies in several foreign countries to ensure that citizens of those countries are treated fairly by all, and the thanks that we get in return is having the finest of our American citizens being killed for trying to protect those that he helped gain their freedom. How often in our past have thousands and sometimes millions of innocent people lost their lives for acts of violence caused by a small group of people? The United States of America is made up of people from all over the world. Only the Native Americans can truly claim to be American. The rest of of belong to families that migrated to our shores from other countries and Nations. Therefore, by saying that the United States of America is at fault for anything is saying that you are at fault, no matter what country you are from because we do represent the people of the world because we are the people of the world. The only difference between us and some other people of the world (I am wording it this way for a reason) is that we have the rights to freedom. We have the freedom to like or dislike, we have the freedom of religion, we have the freedom to travel as we please, and up until now we had the right to make movies to express our rights. When the movie called The Devincy Code(Not spelled right ) came out, many Catholic priests told their parishoners not to watch the movie because it was all lies. Those that believed what they were told to believe did not go to see the movie, however many more did see the movie, including priests and sisters (Nuns). Recently, a scroll has been uncovered that documents the marriage of Jesus. Once again, the Vatican is up in arms, telling Catholics that the scrolls are not real. My question on this particular subject is, why would it be so bad if Jesus was married? My understanding of the bible is tha GOD created Man and Woman to populate the Earth. All Religious beliefs will agree to this. Therefore, it would be natural for Jesus to take a wife. Actually, what is not natural is that Catholic Priests are the only people in the religious arena that are not allowed to marry. Nuns also fit into the same category. The main reason for humans being on Earth is to populate Earth, however the biggest religious institution in the world are breaking the very first command by GOD. Go forth and multiply. This mystery goes even deeper. Adam and Eve were the first humans to occupy Earth. Eve had two sons, Cain and Able. Cain slew able. Later Cain took a wife. At this time, according to the Bible, the only people on Earth were Adam, Eve, and Cain. Where did Cain find another woman? Just how much of our Bible is missing? The only logical solution would be that either Eve had more then two sons, but at least one daughter as well and Cain already committed one sin by killing his brother,actually two because he killed out of jealousy. Therefore, Cain either had sex with his sister or his mother, both would be acts of incense, which is also a sin. Believe in GOD, believe in your Faith, but don't hesitate to ask questions because there is still an awful lot about religion that has not been reveeled to us that we need to know. I bring all this up because there has been way too much bloodshed over religious beliefs caused by people that have strong faith, but are afraid to ask questions. Therefore, before lashing out at someone that does not believe as you do, get some true answers first.

As we approach the end of the Mayan calender, how about we put away our hatred for those that we don't understand and do our best to understand them. If we can all agree to stop the killing and start the loving, we can all enter the New World on a much better path of freedom for all. I will start by saying I Love You no matter what your religious belief is or where you come from.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 2:04:13 AM
Hi Mike,

There are so many factors in this equation that I wouldn't dare to say who's is right and who is wrong here. At the root of this entire explosive situation there is of course the wild, brutish behavior from fanatic adepts to take into account; but I believe things are not that simple and rather go far back. The Muslim countries have been long convulsed by internal problems, mainly the Shiite and Sunni conflict, plus the fundamentalist wave with a growing political weigh in important countries of the area. And my take is they not only have caused thousands of deaths, leveled out cities, and caused more and more poverty in the area, but also originated the violent campaigns against the U.S. and other western nations which Muslims hold responsible for most of their problems.

On the other hand, curious coincidences also come into the picture. For example, a
certain virulence against Muslims from your Republican party, which would back up Israel on an eventual preemptive attack against Iran; and an easily perceivable purpose by that party to undermine Obama’s candidacy by hurrying up an attack against Iran. By the way, the fact that this, at the very least, would cause extreme prejudice to a vast section of the North American population, fed up with war and worried by the difficult economic situation of your country, does not seem to matter. Considering all these factors, if you ask me, only a miracle could have prevented the exhibition of such a denigrating video from igniting the violent manifestations that we have been seeing.

However, I am perfectly aware that the blame for this entire situation is not to be put on the U.S. and the western countries only: Iran and other Muslim countries have, on their part, started a violent campaign against them - with president Amadineyab leading it. What I am saying is, again, that an obscure purpose is easily discernible in all of this, and that the horror of a World War III does not seem to matter to those behind this purpose. There is an equally obscure, curious element in this equation: it points to Israel’s defense minister Netanyahu, "beating the war drum against Iran" by claiming that Iran is "near to full development of a nuclear weapon" … back in 1992! (You can see the article denouncing this in page 265 of this very thread here). Does this sound familiar?

I would like to say more about this matter… how we must trust in the capacity of humanity and its leaders to solve all confrontational issues of a religious, ethnic, geopolitical or commercial nature, and put all of our effort into preserving the peace in the world; and to forget all about wars. You can never, you will never enjoy real freedom if you are ultimately compelled by your own country’s leaders to fight in a war that will only benefit the big arms dealers and oil corporations. Pre-emptive wars are but a mirage created by them. Do you really think you have been fighting for peace and freedom in such countries as Irak and Afghanistan?

Hugs and Blessings,



10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

As always, your articles are very interesting. Perhaps it is best that all that we know and have learned over the years will be wiped away at the end of the Mayan calendar. The reason that I say that is because by studying world history over the past few eons it seems that the one thing that modern humans have learned the best was how to hate. We all advocate peace, understanding and tolerance, however with all of our good entensions hatred seems to have won out at almost every turn of the road. One single man decides to make a movie mocking the Prophet Mohammed. Because the movie was made in the U.S.A. every citizen of our country is at fault, and retaliation is aimed at our foreign Embassies. We have embassies in several foreign countries to ensure that citizens of those countries are treated fairly by all, and the thanks that we get in return is having the finest of our American citizens being killed for trying to protect those that he helped gain their freedom. How often in our past have thousands and sometimes millions of innocent people lost their lives for acts of violence caused by a small group of people? The United States of America is made up of people from all over the world. Only the Native Americans can truly claim to be American. The rest of of belong to families that migrated to our shores from other countries and Nations. Therefore, by saying that the United States of America is at fault for anything is saying that you are at fault, no matter what country you are from because we do represent the people of the world because we are the people of the world. The only difference between us and some other people of the world (I am wording it this way for a reason) is that we have the rights to freedom. We have the freedom to like or dislike, we have the freedom of religion, we have the freedom to travel as we please, and up until now we had the right to make movies to express our rights. When the movie called The Devincy Code(Not spelled right ) came out, many Catholic priests told their parishoners not to watch the movie because it was all lies. Those that believed what they were told to believe did not go to see the movie, however many more did see the movie, including priests and sisters (Nuns). Recently, a scroll has been uncovered that documents the marriage of Jesus. Once again, the Vatican is up in arms, telling Catholics that the scrolls are not real. My question on this particular subject is, why would it be so bad if Jesus was married? My understanding of the bible is tha GOD created Man and Woman to populate the Earth. All Religious beliefs will agree to this. Therefore, it would be natural for Jesus to take a wife. Actually, what is not natural is that Catholic Priests are the only people in the religious arena that are not allowed to marry. Nuns also fit into the same category. The main reason for humans being on Earth is to populate Earth, however the biggest religious institution in the world are breaking the very first command by GOD. Go forth and multiply. This mystery goes even deeper. Adam and Eve were the first humans to occupy Earth. Eve had two sons, Cain and Able. Cain slew able. Later Cain took a wife. At this time, according to the Bible, the only people on Earth were Adam, Eve, and Cain. Where did Cain find another woman? Just how much of our Bible is missing? The only logical solution would be that either Eve had more then two sons, but at least one daughter as well and Cain already committed one sin by killing his brother,actually two because he killed out of jealousy. Therefore, Cain either had sex with his sister or his mother, both would be acts of incense, which is also a sin. Believe in GOD, believe in your Faith, but don't hesitate to ask questions because there is still an awful lot about religion that has not been reveeled to us that we need to know. I bring all this up because there has been way too much bloodshed over religious beliefs caused by people that have strong faith, but are afraid to ask questions. Therefore, before lashing out at someone that does not believe as you do, get some true answers first.

As we approach the end of the Mayan calender, how about we put away our hatred for those that we don't understand and do our best to understand them. If we can all agree to stop the killing and start the loving, we can all enter the New World on a much better path of freedom for all. I will start by saying I Love You no matter what your religious belief is or where you come from.



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 2:25:05 AM

World stocks sink as global economy fears rise

HONG KONG (AP) — World stocks mostly drifted lower Monday as investors' growing concerns about the shaky global economy overpowered any remaining optimism over central bank stimulus efforts.

Crude oil tumbled while the dollar rose against the euro but fell against the Japanese yen.

In early European trading, the FTSE 100 index of leading British companies fell 0.3 percent to 5,832.47 and France's CAC 40 dropped 0.7 percent to 3,506.36. Germany's DAX shed 0.3 percent to 7427.70.

U.S. stocks were poised to fall. Dow futures were down 0.1 percent to 13,482.00 while broader S&P 500 futures dipped 0.1 percent to 1,449.70.

Tokyo's Nikkei 225 index dropped 0.4 percent to close at 9,069.29 and while Seoul's Kospi index was practically unchanged at 2,003.44. Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 0.2 percent to 20,694.70 while Sydney's ASX S&P 200 fell 0.5 percent to 4,385.50. Benchmarks in Singapore, Indonesia, New Zealand and India also fell.

Strategists at Credit Agricole CIB wrote in a research note that the "euphoria emanating" from recent moves by the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Bank of Japan to stimulate growth is "fading quickly."

"The reality of weak growth and underlying structural tensions is coming back to haunt markets."

The Fed vowed in mid-September to buy billions in mortgage securities until the economy improves in a third round of what is known as quantitative easing, or QE3. The ECB and Bank of Japan followed with their own renewed bond-buying plans.

"There is this struggle between optimism towards QE3 and the concern about the global economic slowdown," said Louis Wong, a director at Phillip Securities in Hong Kong. "So investors are weighing the easing measures of central banks and the health of the global economy."

China's Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.3 percent to close at 2,033.19, reversing losses earlier in the day. However, the benchmark is still at its lowest point since January 2009.

Chinese stocks are being hurt by a dispute between China and Japan over disputed islands that have heightened tensions between Asia's two biggest economies.

They're also under pressure as investors worry about what Chinese authorities will do to restart growth amid the country's economic slowdown. Wong said it's unlikely that Chinese authorities will unveil any major stimulus measures ahead of the National Day holiday next week or an expected but still unscheduled Communist Party meeting to hand over power to a new generation of leaders.

"This inaction by the Chinese government also weighs," Wong said.

Asian markets were also reacting to some downbeat economic reports released over the weekend. The U.S. Labor Department said that the unemployment rate rose in more than half of states last month, the latest evidence that hiring remains tepid across the world's biggest economy. The World Trade Organization, meanwhile, cut estimates for global trade growth for this year and next. Both reports came out on Friday after Asian markets closed.

In Tokyo, camera maker Canon Inc. slid 3.7 percent and global automaker Honda Motor Co. dropped 1.8 percent. Australian mining giant Rio Tinto Ltd. lost 2 percent.

In currencies, the euro weakened to $1.2910 from $1.2989 in late trading Friday while the dollar fell to 77.97 Japanese yen from 78.15 yen.

U.S. benchmark crude for October delivery was down 84 cents to $92.05 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 47 cents to settle at $92.89 on Friday.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 2:26:36 AM

U.N. chief warns Iran's Ahmadinejad on fiery rhetoric

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of the dangers of incendiary rhetoric when two men met in New York on Sunday before this week's annual gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly.

"The secretary-general drew attention to the potentially harmful consequences of inflammatory rhetoric, counter-rhetoric and threats from various countries in the Middle East," Ban's press office said in a statement.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was quoted as saying on Sunday that Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state was preparing to attack it.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted that Israel could strike Iran's nuclear sites and criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's position that sanctions and diplomacy should be given more time to stop Iran getting the atomic bomb.

Iran denies that it is seeking nuclear arms and says its atomic work is peaceful, aimed at generating electricity.

The U.N. statement said Ban told Ahmadinejad that Iran should "take the measures necessary to build international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program."

The two men also discussed Syria. Iran has been accused of using civilian aircraft to fly military personnel and large quantities of weapons across Iraqi airspace to Syria to aid President Bashar al-Assad in his attempt to crush an 18-month uprising against him, according to a Western intelligence report.

"The secretary-general stressed the grave regional implications of the worsening situation in Syria and underlined the devastating humanitarian impact," the statement said.

Speaking to reporters in New York, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that "to increase pressure and to increase the isolation of the regime of Assad is one of the goals this week."

On Wednesday, Westerwelle will chair a ministerial meeting of the U.N. Security Council on the Arab Spring at which Syria is expected to be a major theme.


Ban said last week that Syria would be one of the main topics of the 193-nation General Assembly meeting. Other diplomats said the furor caused by an anti-Islam film made in California would also be a major issue.

The U.N.-Arab League mediator in the Syria crisis, Lakhdar Brahimi, will address the Security Council on Monday in a private meeting. Brahimi met with Ban on Saturday to discuss the his recent trip to Damascus, where Brahimi met with Assad.

"(Ban and Brahimi) focused on how to address the appalling levels of violence in Syria and how to progress towards an inclusive political solution that will address the legitimate demands of the Syrian people," the U.N. press office said.

"The worsening crisis in Syria represents a steadily increasing threat to regional peace and security."

Ahmadinejad has regularly attended at the assembly since he took office in 2005. He will give his U.N. speech on Wednesday and will also speak at a meeting on the "rule of law" on Monday.

In previous years, Ahmadinejad has used his U.N. speeches to defend Iran's nuclear program and to attack Israel, the United States and Europe. He has questioned the Holocaust and cast doubt on whether 19 hijackers were really responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001.

Western envoys predictably walk out of Ahmadinejad's speeches in protest.

There will be high-level side meetings on Iran's nuclear program and Syria during the General Assembly, but U.N. diplomats do not expect either issue to be resolved soon.

(Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols; editing by Christopher Wilson)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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