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8/31/2011 2:39:39 AM

Why are you concerned? Just enjoy your time and be happy.

God is in control.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2011 11:03:41 AM

Why are you concerned? Just enjoy your time and be happy.

God is in control.


Dear Sara,

Maybe you are right and I should not worry, but the fact is, I worry. And you may remember God put this Earth with its animals and plants and climate, all together, to our care, not only for our using it.

Also, what I feel about these things is something no one else should worry about; plus among the things this feeling has in turn caused me, there is a certain reluctance to explain what it is all actually about, as with conventional people I feel like I am wasting my time in trying to explain it.

Anyway, I will try to so that you don’t worry.

This worry I feel
(perhaps I can more appropriately describe it as anxiety) along with a lot of people in the world, is caused by the changes in the climate of our planet. But contrarily to what you may think, it affects not only a few, but all the people in the world. And these changes are extreme and multiple. They not only imply the climatic anomalies we are witnessing everywhere, but also the increase in the seismic activity, the changes in the ecology (which in turn originate changes in agricultural products and new diseases) and so on. The economy and politics “volatility” only is a by-product of these changes.

You know I have specialized in cosmic cycles and this anxiety that I feel with many more people has to ultimately do with the turn of the age, which is a planetary cyclic change originated and geared in with changes in other, bigger cosmic cycles.
That is all.

Actually these changes do not only originate in the changes in the Earth but also in those we are seeing in the sun, disorders that have to do with its own internal cycles.

I guess you and many people think all this is pure madness, but it is something that only those who really care (or at least those who are open to change) can feel.

Summing up, it is the suffering of people and animals and plants that I worry about.

Best Wishes,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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8/31/2011 2:28:56 PM
Hello my friend,

I know that your worry has good bases and reasons. You mentioned that being knowledgeable in cosmic cycles makes you worry even more. Yet knowing cosmic cycles makes you realize that there are much larger forces behind it and they are divinely established.

What is referred as global warming might have many sources including galactic cycles and my believe is that these are the cycles which have most influence on what we see around us. Actually my research in that domain confirms it.
Humans will do nothing in the area of stopping it either because it is way beyond their capacity or out of pure greed they will continue their lifestyle and reliance on fossil fuels.

Allowing technologies of using free and clean energy would totally eliminate human influence in the are of destroying the ecology but the illuminates won't allow on this.

So I would suggest that rather than worry about global warming, let's worry how to neutralize illuminates from their power and all will be well.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2011 10:44:20 AM
Hello Bogdan,

Thank you for your kind contribution.

I failed to add a believe of mine that everything has to do with absolutely all in this world and all the more when we speak of relatively closed systems such as the Earth's and, in a wider extent, like the one of the entire solar system.

And like you say, it even seems that the internal changes in the sun originate in the galactic center activity.

There is a huge ignorance about all this, such as an ant might evidence if they wanted to understand why the life conditions in their habitat are changing in such a great extent. Among so much ignorance, the one coming from some of the most famous scientists today, for all their insights into the field of quantum physics, is notorious.

And it may in fact seem pure madness, but there are a lot of people in the world who also are experiencing radical changes not only in the psysical but also in the emotional and spiritual which also originate in these planetary disturbances. These changes and disturbances are occurring in a wide variety of entities, from the great planetary systems to those the scientists themselves or an ant may experience. But like I said in my previous post, only those people open to change, like you and me, can experience them.

Why? Because there seems to be in the very nature of things that these changes, and the challenges that those affected by them may face as a result, only become apparent to those that, like you and I, try to look into the nature of things.

As to the Illuminati, they in all their perversity also seem to be but a by-product of the changes ocurring in these end times that we are going through. I believe the Hindu scriptures are right when they say they simply appear when the times are ripe for it. That is, it is at the root of things that as the passage of time and the ages more and more alienates the human genre from their divine origen, that these dark entities are simply more and more born into the world to fight the forces of Light.

Thanks again,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

9/1/2011 1:01:44 PM

Why are you concerned? Just enjoy your time and be happy.

God is in control.


Dear Sara,

Maybe you are right and I should not worry, but the fact is, I worry. And you may remember God put this Earth with its animals and plants and climate, all together, to our care, not only for our using it.

Also, what I feel about these things is something no one else should worry about; plus among the things this feeling has in turn caused me, there is a certain reluctance to explain what it is all actually about, as with conventional people I feel like I am wasting my time in trying to explain it.

Anyway, I will try to so that you don’t worry.

This worry I feel
(perhaps I can more appropriately describe it as anxiety) along with a lot of people in the world, is caused by the changes in the climate of our planet. But contrarily to what you may think, it affects not only a few, but all the people in the world. And these changes are extreme and multiple. They not only imply the climatic anomalies we are witnessing everywhere, but also the increase in the seismic activity, the changes in the ecology (which in turn originate changes in agricultural products and new diseases) and so on. The economy and politics “volatility” only is a by-product of these changes.

You know I have specialized in cosmic cycles and this anxiety that I feel with many more people has to ultimately do with the turn of the age, which is a planetary cyclic change originated and geared in with changes in other, bigger cosmic cycles.
That is all.

Actually these changes do not only originate in the changes in the Earth but also in those we are seeing in the sun, disorders that have to do with its own internal cycles.

I guess you and many people think all this is pure madness, but it is something that only those who really care (or at least those who are open to change) can feel.

Summing up, it is the suffering of people and animals and plants that I worry about.

Best Wishes,



Your articles, as with everything else you do, are so meticulously presented and I meant no disrespect to what you are trying to do.

I do realize how the climate influences many people, some more intensely than others. It is good that you continue to try and keep people aware of what is happening to Mother Earth and how we contribute to these changes.

My concern is for you now that you seem to have a chance for some real happiness, that you should be running with Paco and Moses each day instead of just walking! Hope sweet little Duna is still ruling over those big boys. I am sure you are happy for your singing shows it. Thank you for being concerned about others.

Your contribution to the Art World is greatly missed but you must follow your passion and your heart.

My best wishes to you also,



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