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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/10/2012 9:46:09 PM
Friends, here is again the message from AA Michael that our friend Myrna Ferguson kindly posted a couple of weeks ago on the main thread of this forum (with a smaller font for an easier reading). I am posting it back because it highly relates with what we have just been talking about and in spite of its somewhat hermetic language , reading it may help us understand what lies ahead - not an easy ride for sure but certainly easier if we are prepared for it beforehand.

Archangel Michael--The Fire Of Love

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial militia. Children of the Light, We install our Communion [with you], sharing the gift of Grace. I come to you today as Christ Michael, Ruler of the Solar Logos, to explain to you, beyond the simple words that I shall choose, what the Heavenly Fire is and its action on humanity. After three years of living the deconstruction, after climbing the nine steps, and after discovering the meaning and the Essence of who you really are [Divinity], by the Vibration and by the Absolute [the totality of every Divine thing that exists], by the blue mantle of Grace, and by the Transmutation of this body, today this meeting with your Eternity will proceed.

What is the Celestial [Divine] Fire? Fire, as you have experienced either as the Fire of the heart or as perhaps sensations in different parts of your human body, has nothing to do with the Fire that you see on this Earth. The Celestial Fire is Love, the Heavenly Fire is Light. It allows you to complete all of your wedding activities and your return to living with Divinity before this incarnation and these reincarnations end [no more recycling the souls of those who move to 5D since they will have eternal bodies], before even the existence of this world and its various forms of life end [there will be a new Earth, not a better Earth as many want]. Fire is one of the primordial elements bearing and bringing Love and Light to you in a vibrational sense and in its Absolute [Ultimate] sense. These [4] elements [including Fire], released in you and on the surface of this world, have given you the opportunity to reintegrate yourself with Eternity and with your human consciousness.

This Heavenly Fire comes from what you call the Central Sun of this Galaxy [Alcyone] where this solar system will be aligned with in a short time. A number of items given by Ourselves [Angels], the Elders [Melchizedek], and the stars [assistants] of Mary have prepared you in various ways to live what is to come. The Celestial Fire is burning not life but the illusions, the transience, and the brevity of this [matrix] world. This Light (not what you see with your eyes, but the Light of the Heart and Eternity) is a consuming Fire, burning any darkness and leaving only the existence of Eternity and the Absolute. This is the final phase of the liberation of this solar system [from the Anunnaki control and duality] in its entirety, reconnecting all with the Source [Creator] and the Central Sun which is the origin of this solar system as well as yourselves [we are from the Source although we don't believe it now, and we will soon return to Divinity], all of which had to be prepared and has now been completed.

The Confederation of free worlds [Unified ETs working with Divinity] gives thanks once again for your works of Grace. What is becoming visible to the eyes of all of those in human bodies who are spiritually sensitive corresponds to the total liberation of the Unified consciousness as well as the Absolute [most of what we see around us now are illusions, and mankind is still ignorant of reality]. Only because of the relentless persistence of your brothers and sisters to ignore the Light will they see anything other than the Light [they will continue to live in blindness and darkness by their own choosing]. This Fire is Love and only Love. It substitutes for the absence of the Ethers [that created a spiritual vacuum] which human consciousness has endured for tens of thousands of years [ever since the Anunnaki and other reptilians took over].

Dates were given to you by a number of what you consider primitive people, by a number of ancient people [like the Mayans and their calendars], by a number of monuments [like the pyramids], and by a small number of enlightened prophets who have understood the meaning and effects of the Heavenly Fire on mankind [most spiritual teachers are still ignorant of Divine truths and the future]. It will be a total regeneration of mankind into a Unified humanity [no more duality or evil for all] and a reconstruction of the Urantian solar system in which you live [major changes will also occur in this galaxy soon].

The action of this Fire does not require intervention
or any other performance on your part because this is completely natural and requires no further work on your part at all. It brings peace, tranquility, and joy that are the important elements that you will now possess as you welcome "the one who comes like a thief in the night" [these events are unexpected by many, and they will not welcome them], accompanied by a number of physical [cataclysmic] events, both Celestial [in the skies] and terrestrial [on Earth]. This Fire only awakens and releases by the Grace of Love what has already been released on Earth as it has in the Sun.

This allows you to free yourself, not by your intellect and logic, but by the acceptance and reception of your Eternity [we are Divine beings who don't know it]. Many of you have for some time lived and felt the beginnings of this activity coming ever since the heavenly wedding [with Divinity] and more recently with the release of Earth [from the Anunnaki slavery] and the arrival of the Wave of life [a new wave of Divine energy]. This Galactic alignment, which will occur at the end of this year, will release you totally, irreversibly, definitively and irrefutably [from this 3D matrix, this prison, and this hell].

There should be no fear, apprehension, or dread in those who has cultivated and strengthened their unlimited consciousness and in those who have understood the meaning of the vibrational Light that was relayed to you from the Central Sun of this galaxy [Alcyone] since August 18, 1984 [when the Holy Spirit permanently and Creator briefly arrived here, and Divinity returned to start the clean up process and the restoration to what it once was only much better. This also appears to be about the time when Herlocubus known as the "Nemesis" and the 2nd sun returned to this universe in its orbit that is 90 degree perpendicular to the planets. There is no need to be fearful or to worry about the future since for most people things will only get better whether they continue in a Unified 3D elsewhere or on a new 5D heaven on Earth. These Earth changes are a necessary part of this phase although they may seem unpleasant at the time.].

Today, this cycle ends [thank goodness]. The preparation was rude and unpleasant [all reconstruction is], but the work was effective, and now everything is complete [for ascension]. The best way to prepare for this is to live the shock of humanity with what has already been installed in you individually. The appeal of the Light by Our presence at your side will only grow. Signs both celestial and terrestrial will appear anticipating and announcing the Fire [you know in advance that it will happen because you have been foretold] by the Sons of Heaven and Earth and by the presence of the Intergalactic Confederation of free worlds in your skies. You are called on to do nothing other than to live in peace, joy, and serenity.

[It appears that UFOs may finally appear in our skies, and they will stop hiding in the clouds. This would be necessary for the evacuation of mankind that Mother Mary spoke of that precedes the pole reversal that AA Uriel described. They are still subject to some change however. The Cabal has denied their existence until now since they want us to believe they are still top dog and can do whatever they want to us slaves. This is part of the shock of humanity that may lead to the awakening of some. Alarm clocks are not pleasant but necessary, and some will still sleep right through them anyway.]

Beginning experiences by many of you in this body may include the withdrawal from ordinary consciousness [where you enter a higher trance-like state] due to vibrational events of the Light, or moments where you lose your ordinary consciousness [you feel you are no longer in your body], even if for the moment you do not live the Divine Absolute state now but will live this consciousness when the proper time comes. This preparation beyond any higher alignment, beyond any meditation aims to transcend and remove the final elements of attachment to what are called limitations of your mortality [so that you feel like you are immortal which you are].

What is the result of your regeneration [transformation], your renaissance [awakening], and your resurrection [ascension] into the Unified Dimensions? Symptoms experienced by your body, whatever they may be, are nothing but the elements involved in your ultimate release [from duality and the evil of this matrix]. There is nothing for you to do to prepare for this since the work that you have accomplished as anchors and sowers of the Light has shortened the time of the Tribulation [that we are now living in as described in the Bible] to a minimum [it is not as bad as the prophets foretold].

Wherever you are on the surface of this Earth, your ultimate barriers, fears, disbeliefs, and [false] beliefs will all fall one after the other. If you are attentive to what takes place in you through your varied experiences in your temporary body where you exist, you should only do one thing: bring yourself to a state of Supreme peace during the short time that remains. For those of you who are not yet living the [Divine] Absolute consciousness, only your resistance [to the Light] due to the unknown can result in questions and doubts in this perishable body. Don't let any such questions and doubts arise. Whatever the actions and panic attacks of your brothers and sisters due to these coming events of the Light, this should in no way alter you or draw your attention or distract you away from the Light. Your peace, your quality of joy, and your quality of acceptance will result in the ease of your Ascension, whatever the conditions.

Whatever becomes of the body will be spiritualized and will help you to be free, regardless of the processes. What occurs in you is also occurring on the entire planet. The Elements called the [4] Horsemen of the Apocalypse were released on this Earth today in order to release and free you, advancing and elevating your perceptions, your experiences, and your spiritual conditions. Your observation of the elements on the surface of this Earth, regardless of the names that you call these events, is the anticipation and a preview of the Celestial Fire. This includes heat, water, earthquakes, and volcanoes [many areas have suffered record heat and droughts this summer, and there have been numerous 5+ earthquakes recently].

Wherever you are, wherever you may be, no harmful actions of these Horsemen will reach you the moment that you surrender to the Light, the Fire and the elements. This Fire destroys nothing, unlike demonstrations of fire that you observe with your eyes that destroy all life on Earth such as plants. These events at the present time will not have the same effects on you. With the anticipation of this heavenly Fire in you through the action of the element of the Fire of Earth, you will find yourself experiencing lightness, ease and a growing sense of peace.

If this elevated peace is not in you, you need to look at these weaknesses and remove them in a natural way. This Fire is a transmutation and transubstantiation [the changing of one substance into another like the alchemical transformation of metals into gold so that the former no longer exists]. The opening of the KI-RIS-TI door [in the middle of the back which gives immediate access to the heart without going through the head and intellect] by Archangel Metatron a year ago and the opening of the AO gate [in the head] by the action of the blue mantle of Grace makes possible this transformation without any difficulty. The resistance by the ego personality either in the individual or in the collective consciousness may represent only a minor obstacle to this ascension [all will return to living in the Light of Unity in time].

There is nothing that you can do to avoid this Celestial Fire. No one can escape it because it is released on the entire Earth. Only through the experiences of this period starting today and the accompanying Galactic alignment can you comprehend the elemental manifestations of resistance, fear and dread. There is no other way than to observe what will take place without taking part in it in any way. Those of you who have chosen the abandonment of your ego self due to the momentum of the Divine Waves of Life and sensed by the head will not be affected in any way by this.

If you who have not yet attained the Absolute consciousness agree to do this now, none of your concerns, your bad memories, your questions, and your doubts will remain. Apart from the intelligence of the Light and the Heavenly Fire in particular there is nothing in the human body, including your limited consciousness and the presence of the ego self, that can understand what is now happening. Only by your lack of logical explanations, only by your contact with nature and your deeper nature in meditation or other activities will you be able to receive complete satisfaction and an explanation of what is actually happening and what is to occur. No date should be sought because it may appear to each of you individually at different moments during the days, weeks, and months until the end of this year [your experiences will differ based on your level of consciousness].

These elements [Earth, air, fire, and water] are pure and simple logic. These actions of the [4 Horsemen] on this Earth will as you watch trigger changes in human consciousness that are extremely significant [and painful], ranging from total disruption and chaos to total peace [depending upon the amount of Light that you possess]. These dramatic activities of the seas, volcanoes, land and air [the 4 elements] will unfold and will be implemented and become more obvious to all, regardless of your consciousness, regardless of whether you agree with it or not. [Dramatic Earth changes will occur regardless of what you want to occur or what your conscious level is. This is the Divine plan and is unalterable even by the Galactic ETs. It will not wait for the awakening of all mankind as some new agers teach because many will continue to sleep and will remain ignorant even during these events.]

Celestial Fire is Love and nothing else. This Love has no actions, no analogy with what you might call Love in the human sense [to us love is merely loving those who love us in return]. To most of you who have not yet experienced the Absolute of Divinity, this represents a total unknown. Humanity will be called on by the Heavenly Fire, the Fire of freedom and liberation [to return to Divinity and the Light]. This will be accompanied and visible to your eyes by the arrival of elements called meteorites and comets as proof. Beyond My presence that some of you will sense on your left side [including your ears and your brain] I will announce this to all
using these elements in the skies that will be coming to Earth [Divine fireworks] so you can see for yourselves.

Remember in these moments that Love and total freedom are inconceivable by the mentality, the reasoning, and the intellect of humanity. There is a part of you that already knows this, but it is still hidden in the human body of many. It corresponds to what is called the Kundalini Fire, the Fire of the Heart, and now the Fire of the Ethers. The Adamantine particles in growing numbers are triggering on your skin new mechanisms of perceptions [side effects] that are much more intense also. By accepting this process in advance and anticipating them, you will discover the effects that they have on your consciousness and on your sense of Eternity. Nothing more in this world can affect you, none of the limitations of this body can alter who you are beyond this [3D matrix] illusion.

Your only preparation is to observe what external opposition may prevent you [from completing this transformation]. It is necessary and indispensable at this time to simply observe and follow what I call lines of least resistance, simple paths that involve little action on your part as you travel during your movements in this body here on Earth. Signs that are manifested in your conscience during your meditations at night, during important contacts, and during your communication with Mother Mary and with Us will become more clear and will be easier to sense [do not take an active role in opposing the evil around you since it will soon disappear along with duality].

Signs in the sky will also become more obvious so that at some point in time no one can any longer ignore them, even though they will still deny this is happening. [They will for example see UFOs and will still not admit that they are present despite proof since they don't want to see them and society says they don't exist.] I invite you to therefore continue to cultivate your inner peace, remembering that you are only the result of your fears and your doubts in this body of flesh and this consciousness.

Accept that you have already taken this major step in order to find the essence of who you really are. There is no other way and no alternative but to go through this process. Desire to live in peace, communion, fusion [Union with Divinity], and termination [of the ego]. Love is at your door, it comes knocking on your door asking you simply: "Will you follow Me?", "Do you want to be who you really are?"As [Mother] Mary, custodian of the keys of the Conclave, Her stars [assistants], and the Elders [like OM] will tell you, remove yourself from confrontation even during times when there is strong and formal resistance manifested by your brothers and sisters [ignore this and don't fight back or argue with them].

In the meantime, just go on with your life. Alleviate any problems and deal
only with what is necessary, especially in your thinking, your reasoning, and your intellect in order to assist you in maintaining your mental health. I repeat to you that you have no intellectual or mental ability to understand and receive what will come other than by living in this body, this flesh, and by experiencing this in your life [you cannot understand it by listening to what others say about it].

To do this just go
[by yourself] and live in nature. When some of your dreams communicate with you or when Mary calls you individually or collectively, make sure that you follow what your dreams tell you to do, what Mary tells you to do, or what beings [ETs] from Unified spiritual dimensions manifesting in your Marian channel on your left side and above instruct you to do.

The moment when you feel a Presence at the top and left of your head, on your left cheek or on your left shoulder, you will need to pay attention to the meaning of what you hear that is related to what you will receive, related to what you will see. You should then comply with all of the individual information that will be issued to you. This will for you be the best preparations you can make for the Celestial Fire, there is no other way.

And so as Christ Michael, the Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia and as the Solar Logos, I describe here the formal elements that have been given for Me to issue to you. I have nothing to add to what I have just said. I propose that you live these final moments in Communion [with Divinity]. As for Me, I will return precisely a week prior to the day when Earth has chosen to celebrate My day [the Festival of the Archangels on Sept. 29]. Live these coming moments in Communion.

I announce to you now a formal meeting that will occur wherever you are on this Earth on September 22 at 2200 hours [10 PM French time] so that we might together live in Communion. This period will be silent, there will be no comments nor will there be any words on My part. This will be a preferred time of communion with all humanity as well as for each of you individually with my Presence.

In these moments, live your Communion in Love. I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. In Love and by Love, in liberty and by freedom, live these Communions, sharing the gift of Grace. Go in peace, because you are the peace. I will see you again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/10/2012 10:00:33 PM
More revelations brought forth... this from WWII times

AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime

In this Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 photo, Franciszek Herzog looks at photographs of his father at his home in Hebron, Conn. Documents released Monday, Sept. 10, 2012, and seen in advance by The Associated Press lend further weight to the belief that sabotage within the highest levels of U.S. government helped cover up Soviet guilt in the killing of some 22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn Forest and other locations in 1940. Herzog's father and uncle both died in the massacres. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A memorial to the victims of Katyn, the Soviet massacre of 22,000 Polish officers in 1940, in Warsaw, Poland pictured on Monday, Sept. 10, 2012. On Monday the U.S. National Archives is releasing about 1,000 newly declassified documents related to Katyn. Some shed further light on decades of suppression of Soviet guilt within the U.S. government. The cover-up began during World War II when the U.S. needed the Soviets to defeat Germany and Japan, and continued on some level long after. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The American POWs sent secret coded messages to Washington with news of a Soviet atrocity: In 1943 they saw rows of corpses in an advanced state of decay in the Katyn forest, on the western edge of Russia, proof that the killers could not have been the Nazis who had only recently occupied the area.

The testimony about the infamous massacre of Polish officers might have lessened the tragic fate that befell Poland under the Soviets, some scholars believe. Instead, it mysteriously vanished into the heart of American power. The long-held suspicion is that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't want to anger Josef Stalin, an ally whom the Americans were counting on to defeat Germany and Japan during World War II.

Documents released Monday and seen in advance by The Associated Press lend weight to the belief that suppression within the highest levels of the U.S. government helped cover up Soviet guilt in the killing of some 22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn forest and other locations in 1940.

The evidence is among about 1,000 pages of newly declassified documents that the United States National Archives is releasing Monday and putting online. Historians who saw the material days before the official release describe it as important and shared some highlights with the AP. The most dramatic revelation so far is the evidence of the secret codes sent by the two American POWs — something historians were unaware of and which adds to evidence that the Roosevelt administration knew of the Soviet atrocity relatively early on.

The declassified documents also show the United States maintaining that it couldn't conclusively determine guilt until a Russian admission in 1990 — a statement that looks improbable given the huge body of evidence of Soviet guilt that had already emerged decades earlier. Historians say the new material helps to flesh out the story of what the U.S. knew and when.

The Soviet secret police killed the 22,000 Poles with shots to the back of the head. Their aim was to eliminate a military and intellectual elite that would have put up stiff resistance to Soviet control. The men were among Poland's most accomplished — officers and reserve officers who in their civilian lives worked as doctors, lawyers, teachers, or as other professionals. Their loss has proven an enduring wound to the Polish nation.

In the early years after the war, outrage by some American officials over the concealment inspired the creation of a special U.S. Congressional committee to investigate Katyn.

In a final report released in 1952, the committee declared there was no doubt of Soviet guilt, and called the massacre "one of the most barbarous international crimes in world history." It found that Roosevelt's administration suppressed public knowledge of the crime, but said it was out of military necessity. It also recommended the government bring charges against the Soviets at an international tribunal — something never acted upon.

Despite the committee's strong conclusions, the White House maintained its silence on Katyn for decades, showing an unwillingness to focus on an issue that would have added to political tensions with the Soviets during the Cold War.


It was May 1943 in the Katyn forest, a part of Russia the Germans had seized from the Soviets in 1941. A group of American and British POWs were taken against their will by their German captors to witness a horrifying scene at a clearing surrounded by pine trees: mass graves tightly packed with thousands of partly mummified corpses in well-tailored Polish officers uniforms.

The Americans — Capt. Donald B. Stewart and Lt. Col. John H. Van Vliet Jr. — hated the Nazis and didn't want to believe the Germans. They had seen German cruelty up close, and the Soviets, after all, were their ally. The Germans were hoping to use the POWs for propaganda, and to drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and its Western Allies.

But returning to their POW camps, the Americans carried a conviction that they had just witnessed overwhelming proof of Soviet guilt. The corpses' advanced state of decay told them the killings took place much earlier in the war, when the Soviets still controlled the area. They also saw Polish letters, diaries, identification tags, news clippings and other objects — none dated later than spring of 1940 — pulled from the graves. The evidence that did the most to convince them was the good state of the men's boots and clothing: That told them the men had not lived long after being captured.

Stewart testified before the 1951 Congressional committee about what he saw, and Van Vliet wrote reports on Katyn in 1945 and 1950, the first of which mysteriously disappeared. But the newly declassified documents show that both sent secret encoded messages while still in captivity to army intelligence with their opinion of Soviet culpability. It's an important revelation because it shows the Roosevelt administration was getting information early on from credible U.S. sources of Soviet guilt — yet still ignored it for the sake of the alliance with Stalin.

One shows head of Army intelligence, Gen. Clayton Bissell, confirming that some months after the 1943 visit to Katyn by the U.S. officers, a coded request by MIS-X, a unit of military intelligence, was sent to Van Vliet requesting him "to state his opinion of Katyn." Bissell's note said that "it is also understood Col. Van Vliet & Capt. Stewart replied."

MIS-X was devoted to helping POWs held behind German lines escape; it also used the prisoners to gather intelligence.

A statement from Stewart dated 1950 confirms he received and sent coded messages to Washington during the war, including one on Katyn: "Content of my report was aprx (approximately): German claims regarding Katyn substantially correct in opinion of Van Vliet and myself."

The newly uncovered documents also show Stewart was ordered in 1950 — soon before the Congressional committee began its work — never to speak about a secret message on Katyn.

Krystyna Piorkowska, author of the recently published book "English-Speaking Witnesses to Katyn: Recent Research," discovered the documents related to the coded messages more than a week ago. She was one of several researchers who saw the material ahead of the public release.

She had already determined in her research that Van Vliet and Stewart were "code users" who had gotten messages out about other matters. But this is the first discovery of them communicating about Katyn, she said.

Another Katyn expert aware of the documents, Allen Paul, author of "Katyn: Stalin's Massacre and the Triumph of Truth," told the AP the find is "potentially explosive." He said the material does not appear in the record of the Congressional hearings in 1951-52, and appears to have also been suppressed.

He argues that the U.S. cover-up delayed a full understanding in the United States of the true nature of Stalinism — an understanding that came only later, after the Soviets exploded an atomic bomb in 1949 and after Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe were already behind the Iron Curtain.

"The Poles had known long before the war ended what Stalin's true intentions were," Paul said. "The West's refusal to hear them out on the Katyn issue was a crushing blow that made their fate worse."

The historical record carries other evidence Roosevelt knew in 1943 of Soviet guilt. One of the most important messages that landed on FDR's desk was an extensive and detailed report British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent him. Written by the British ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile in London, Owen O'Malley, it pointed to Soviet guilt at Katyn.

"There is now available a good deal of negative evidence," O'Malley wrote, "the cumulative effect of which is to throw serious doubt on Russian disclaimers of responsibility for the massacre."


It wasn't until the waning days of Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe that reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev publicly admitted to Soviet guilt at Katyn, a key step in Polish-Russian reconciliation.

The silence by the U.S. government has been a source of deep frustration for many Polish-Americans. One is Franciszek Herzog, 81, a Connecticut man whose father and uncle died in the massacre. After Gorbachev's 1990 admission, he was hoping for more openness from the U.S. as well and made three attempts to obtain an apology from President George H.W. Bush.

"It will not resurrect the men," he wrote to Bush. "But will give moral satisfaction to the widows and orphans of the victims."

A reply he got in 1992, from the State Department, did not satisfy him. His correspondence with the government is also among the newly released documents and was obtained early by the AP from the George Bush Presidential Library.

The letter, dated Aug. 12, 1992, and signed by Thomas Gerth, then deputy director of the Office of Eastern European Affairs, shows the government stating that it lacked irrefutable evidence until Gorbachev's admission:

"The U.S. government never accepted the Soviet Government's claim that it was not responsible for the massacre. However, at the time of the Congressional hearings in 1951-1952, the U.S. did not possess the facts that could clearly refute the Soviets' allegations that these crimes were committed by the Third Reich. These facts, as you know, were not revealed until 1990, when the Russians officially apologized to Poland."

Herzog expressed frustration at that reply.

"There's a big difference between not knowing and not wanting to know," Herzog said. "I believe the U.S. government didn't want to know because it was inconvenient to them."


National Archives page on Katyn:


Randy Herschaft reported from New York. AP reporter Monika Scislowska contributed from Warsaw.


Vanessa Gera can be reached at http// and Randy Herschaft at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/10/2012 10:07:52 PM

Palestinian protests turn violent in West Bank

Associated Press/Nasser Shiyoukhi - Palestinian demonstrators throw stones towards Palestinian police during a protest near the municipality building in the West Bank city of Hebron, Monday, Sept. 10, 2012. Palestinian demonstrators fed up with high prices and unpaid salaries shuttered shops, halted traffic with burning tires and closed schools throughout the West Bank on Monday in the largest show of popular discontent with the governing Palestinian Authority in its 18-year history. (AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi)

HEBRON, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian demonstrators fed up with high prices and unpaid salaries shuttered shops, halted traffic with burning tires and clashed with riot police in demonstrations across the West Bank on Monday— the largest show of popular discontent with the Palestinian Authority in its 18-year existence.

The violence showed that the unrest, initially supported by Palestinian leaders in hopes of drawing international attention to the struggling economy, risks backfiring and morphing into a broader movement against the government.

"Nobody is able to live, except the big officials," said Sami Saleh, a 57-year-old taxi driver who supports his family of eight on a $700 monthly salary. "We have to pressure this government to change," he said.

As he spoke, youths hollered and cheered as they set tires alight behind him, sending plumes of black smoke into the air and blocking the main road from the West Bank city of Ramallah to the nearby city of Jerusalem. Nearby, striking taxi and bus drivers scribbled the word "taxi" on a donkey in yellow paint.

The most heated clashes occurred in Hebron, where hundreds of protesters smashed the windows of a municipality building with rocks. The crowd tried to storm the building but was thwarted by riot police who fired tear gas and beat back some of the demonstrators. Later, protesters tried to attack the police station, prompting a pitched rock-hurling battle between police and demonstrators.

There were no injuries. But the violence was significant because it targeted a symbol of Palestinian self-rule. Usually, Palestinians reserve their anger for Israel, which captured the West Bank in the 1967 Mideast war and wields overall control of the area.

Most of the rage has been directed toward Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, a U.S.-educated economist who oversees the government's finances. But at least part of the anger appeared engineered by Fayyad's powerful rivals in the Fatah movement led by President Abbas.

The unrest was reminiscent of the mass demonstrations of the Arab Spring that topped aging dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and sparked civil war in Syria. While there is no sign that the protests are approaching that level, they nonetheless are the largest show of popular discontent with the governing Palestinian Authority in its 18-year history.

In Hebron, about 50 men hurled shoes at a large poster of Fayyad that had the words "Depart, Fayyad" scrawled underneath. Hurling shoes is a deeply insulting move in the Arab world. They then tore down the poster, stepped on it and burned it.

Fayyad says the troubles are beyond his control. The Palestinian Authority, which governs parts of the West Bank, is grappling with a sharp budgetary shortfall because the U.S. and Arab countries that sustain it haven't delivered promised aid money.

Finance Ministry officials say donors owe $1.2 billion in pledged money, more than a quarter of the government's annual budget. The authority, by far the largest employer in the West Bank, hasn't been able to pay full salaries in months.

"There are no magic solutions," said Nour Oudeh, a spokeswoman for Fayyad.

The troubles have been compounded by the global phenomenon of rising fuel and food prices.

"It's just not possible anymore with the rising prices. Salaries don't cover a month," said Osama al-Azzeh, a 21-year-old university student in Bethlehem. He said his older brother supports him, their stepmother and four young sisters on $540 a month working as an electrical salesman.

Fayyad, a political independent, is respected internationally for cleaning up the corrupt practices of previous Palestinian governments and for putting international financial standards in place in the West Bank.

But his efforts over the years have antagonized many in President Mahmoud Abbas' dominant Fatah movement. Fatah activists were the driving force behind the early protests last week, in part to embarrass Fayyad, Abbas' most formidable rival.

Abbas himself has expressed sympathy with the protesters, but made clear that he would not tolerate violence. Monday's events suggested that the frustration may run deeper than thought.

The Palestinian Authority was formed in 1994 under what was supposed to be an interim arrangement with Israel while a final peace accord was negotiated. But negotiations have repeatedly faltered, and two decades later, peace remains elusive.

The demonstrations have underscored the limits of Palestinian self-rule.

The Palestinian Authority governs the daily affairs of most Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. But some 60 percent of the West Bank remains under full Israeli control. Even those areas governed by the Palestinians are subject to Israeli security control.

Donor dollars are crucial because Palestinians have an economy hampered by Israel's control over the West Bank's borders as well as limited movement inside the territory. Security checks over exports and imports hamper the ability of Palestinian manufacturers to buy cheaper products elsewhere and raise the price of exports.

An easing of some restrictions in recent years pushed economic growth toward double digit figures. But international economists say the upturn cannot be sustained unless Israel releases the Palestinian economy from its shackles.

Israel hasn't done so, citing security concerns, and the growth has been tapering off.

Israeli officials have kept their distance from the latest Palestinian unrest. The Israeli military said the demonstrations were "internal Palestinian events," but said it was prepared "for any eventuality."

Palestinian protesters have demanded government subsidies for basic goods like food and fuel, a minimum wage, the repeal of a recent round of tax hikes and the cancellation of a Palestinian trade agreement with Israel.

But economist Samir Abdullah, a former Cabinet minister, said it would be difficult to cancel the economic agreement because the Palestinians badly need tax revenues from the agreement.

Compounding the government's problems, the Islamic group Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip since ousting Abbas' forces there in 2007. The Palestinians hope to establish a state in both territories but have repeatedly failed to reconcile.

While Hamas officials gloated over Fayyad's misery, they recently announced their own package of reforms to help unemployed Gazans find work. Last week in Gaza, a young man committed suicide by setting himself on fire, despairing over his unemployment and poverty.

"Life for people is extremely difficult," said Samia al-Botmeh, a development specialist at the Birzeit University in the West Bank. "I think people could have tolerated that if there was a political opening, if there was some hope. The fact that the two are totally hopeless makes it very frustrating for people."


Associated Press writers Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, Mohammed Ballas in Jenin, and Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City contributed to this report. Follow Hadid on

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/10/2012 10:09:22 PM

Israeli official: US resisting on Iran ultimatum

JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli official said Monday that Washington's refusal to issue an ultimatum to Iran over its nuclear program brings Tehran closer to producing an atomic bomb.

Israel has been pushing for the international community to give Iran "clear red lines" with regard to the disputed program, which Tehran insists is for peaceful purposes only. An Israeli official reiterated his country's position on Monday night, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"Without a clear red line Iran will not cease its race toward a nuclear weapon," he said.

Israeli leaders have been hinting at a possible military strike to stop Iran from acquiring an atomic weapon. The U.S. says sanctions and diplomacy should be given more time.

Israel sees a nuclear Iran as an existential threat, due to its arch foe's frequent calls for Israel's destruction, its missile program and support for violent groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Speaking to reporters in Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said "it is not useful to be ... setting deadlines one way or another" or to outline "red lines" for how far the U.S. can allow Iran's nuclear program to advance.

She repeated that President Barack Obama has stated unequivocally that the United States will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, and that U.S. support for Israel's security is unwavering.

But she said she would not speak about ongoing discussions between the U.S. and Israel, calling such talk "not helpful for the diplomacy."

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2012 5:17:42 PM
Truther - September 10, 2012

Sunday Times quotes defense experts as saying that Jewish state could cripple Islamic Republic’s power grid with electromagnetic pulses

British newspaper Sunday Times has exposed one of the “surprises” the Israel Defense Forces has in store in case of a military strike in Iran.

According to the Sunday morning report, the Jewish state could cripple the Islamic Republic’s power grid with electromagnetic pulses as part of a concerted attack to halt Iran’s military nuclear program, which could “send Iran back to the Stone Age.”

The report, by Uzi Mahnaimi, claims that the possible use of such a weapon has been raised in several quarters as a debate rages among Israel’s politicians about whether a swift strike should be launched against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Bill Gertz, a veteran American defense specialist, is quoted as saying that US intelligence agencies have reported “growing concerns that Israel will conduct a strike on Iran using a high-altitude nuclear burst aimed at disrupting all electronics in the country.”

The technology behind EMP, which is regarded as non-lethal, has been known for decades, the Sunday Times reports.

An electromagnetic pulse is an intense burst of gamma energy that reacts with the Earth’s magnetic field to produce a powerful current. This sets off a shockwave with the potential to “fry” electronic devices and circuits.

Although the potential of EMP was first noted as a side effect of high-altitude nuclear tests in the 1950s and 1960s, the report says, a pulse can also be produced by non-nuclear means such as a microwave generator.

Such a pulse could knock out the power grid and communications for transport, financial and emergency services.


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