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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2012 9:23:38 PM

Drug resistant tuberculosis found across the world

LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have found alarming levels of the lung disease tuberculosis in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America that are resistant to up to four powerful antibiotic drugs.

In a large international study published in the Lancet medical journal on Thursday, researchers found rates of both multi drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) were higher than previously thought and were threatening global efforts to curb the spread of the disease.

"Most international recommendations for TB control have been developed for MDR-TB prevalence of up to around 5 percent. Yet now we face prevalence up to 10 times higher in some places, where almost half of the patients ... are transmitting MDR strains," Sven Hoffner of the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control, said in a commentary on the study.

TB is already a worldwide pandemic that in 2010 infected 8.8 million people and killed 1.4 million of them.

Drug-resistant TB is more difficult and costly than normal TB to treat, and is more often fatal.

MDR-TB is resistant to at least two first-line drugs — isoniazid and rifampicin - while XDR-TB is resistant to those two drugs as well as a powerful antibiotic type called a fluoroquinolone and a second-line injectable antibiotic.

Treating even normal TB is a long process, with patients needing to take a cocktail of powerful antibiotics for six months. Many patients fail to correctly complete treatment, a factor which has fuelled a rise in the drug-resistant forms.

Researchers who studied rates of the disease in Estonia, Latvia, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Thailand found that almost 44 percent of cases of MDR TB were also resistant to at least one second-line drug.


Tracy Dalton from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who led the study, said that so far, XDR-TB has been reported in 77 countries worldwide.

"As more individuals are diagnosed with, and treated for, drug-resistant TB, more resistance to second-line drugs is expected to emerge," she said.

The spread of these drug-resistant strains was "particularly worrisome" in areas with poor healthcare resources and limited access to effective drugs, she added.

TB is a bacterial infection that destroys patients' lung tissue, making them cough and sneeze and spread germs through the air. Experts say anyone with active TB can easily infect another 10 to 15 people a year.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that more than 2 million people will contract MDR TB by 2015.

A report by non-governmental organizations in March warned that $1.7 billion shortfall in global funds to fight TB over the next five years meant 3.4 million patients would go untreated and gains made against the disease will be reversed.

In their research, Dalton and colleagues found that rates of resistance varied widely between countries.

Overall, resistance to any second-line drug was detected in nearly 44 percent of patients, ranging from 33 percent in Thailand to 62 percent in Latvia.

In around a fifth of cases, they found resistance to at least one second-line injectable drug. This ranged from 2 percent in the Philippines to 47 percent in Latvia.

XDR-TB was found in 6.7 percent of patients overall. Rates in South Korea, at 15.2 percent, and Russia at 11.3 percent, were more than twice the WHO's global estimate of 5.4 percent at that time.

"These results show that XDR-TB is increasingly a cause for concern, especially in areas where prevalence of MDR-TB is high," said Hoffner.

(Editing by Alison Williams)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2012 9:26:58 PM

West Nile Virus Cases Hit 1,590; Death Toll at 66

By ABC News | ABC News22 hrs ago

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West Nile Virus Kills 66 in One WeekABC News Videos 0:00 | 0 viewsThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns of more deaths to come.

Reported by Tiffany Chao, M.D., ABC News Medical Unit:

Reports of West Nile virus infection in the country now total 1,590, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday - an increase of more than 40 percent in one week alone.

CDC officials also reported during a Wednesday afternoon teleconference that 66 people have died from the disease so far. Of all of the cases reported thus far, 889 - or 56 percent - are classified as neuroinvasive, meaning patients develop meningitis, encephalitis or paralysis.

These figures represent a striking increase from last week's report of 1,118 cases, 629 of which were neuroinvasive, and 41 deaths.

Still, officials say they anticipated that these numbers would go up over time.

"This increase is not unexpected," said Dr. Lyle R. Petersen, director of the division of vector-borne infections diseases from the CDC, during the teleconference. "In fact, the total numbers will continue to rise through October."

He also said that while the overall numbers will continue to accumulate throughout mosquito season, he expects the incidence of infections to have peaked in mid- to late-August. This peak may vary between Northern and Southern states.

CDC officials estimate that, based on current numbers, the final tally of overall U.S. cases will likely be similar to the number of cases seen in 2002 and 2003, during which time more than 3,000 cases of neuroinvasive West Nile Virus and more than 260 deaths were reported.

While all 48 continental states have reported cases of West Nile infections, more than 70 percent of the reported cases are in Texas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Michigan.

Texas has been hardest hit, with 783 reported cases - nearly half of the total number documented thus far. The health department in Texas has been vigilant about preventing further infections through aerial spraying.

"Assuming a normal progression [of cases], this will be our worst year with West Nile," said Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. He highlights the grim statistics in Texas. "In 2003, there were 439 neuroinvasive cases, compared 416 already this year. In 2003, there were 40 deaths, and now we're at 31."

Since the CDC does not recommend routine testing of people with West Nile fever, it is likely that there are far more infections than the current numbers suggest. Approximately 80 percent of patients infected with West Nile virus will not develop any type of illness. The remaining 20 percent experience symptoms including fever, headache, malaise, body aches, and occasionally a rash or swollen lymph nodes.

There is no specific treatment for West Nile. The disease itself may run its course in as short as a few days or as long as several weeks.

The virus is most dangerous when it becomes neuroinvasive; in these cases, patients can experience symptoms as severe as coma, seizures, muscle weakness and paralysis. The CDC estimates that only about 1 in 150 people who contract West Nile virus will develop the neuroinvasive form, but nearly all of these patients will require hospitalization.

Of these, those with encephalitis are in the greatest danger, as they are frequently left with severe neurologic deficits. Ten percent of patients who develop encephalitis die. Of the patients who develop paralysis from the disease, one third will recover nearly completely, one third will be left with residual weakness, and one third will not recover.

CDC officials said it is unlikely that Hurricane Isaac will play a role in the severity of the outbreak.

"Based on previous experience, floods and hurricanes do not result in increased transmission of West Nile Virus," said Petersen. He notes that although there will likely be no noticeable effect on the current epidemic, a small increase had been noted in some areas of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, likely because of increased outdoor exposure when houses were severely damaged.

In light of the ongoing risk, the CDC encourages everyone to protect themselves from mosquitoes. While many health departments have made mosquito-control efforts, such as aerial and ground spraying, people are encouraged to protect themselves from mosquito bites using basic techniques.

"Use insect repellents, wear long-sleeved clothing during dawn and dusk, install and repair window screens, use air-conditioners when possible, empty standing water, and support local community mosquito control programs," Peterson says.

There is currently no vaccine to protect humans from the West Nile virus, although four effective vaccinations exist for horses. A few of related vaccines are in early clinical trials (Phase I and II) in humans, which have been successful. However, no vaccine has yet been taken to Phase III clinical trials.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2012 9:30:37 PM

China's Wen says global crisis worsening

Associated Press/Ng Han Guan - A Chinese man takes photos with his camera phone from behind curtains before a welcome ceremony for German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Thursday that the impact of the global economic crisis is worsening, and called during a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel for closer cooperation to revive growth.

Merkel was in Beijing for talks with Wen and other Chinese leadersaimed at expanding trade and allaying fears about Europe's debt problems. The visit comes as global growth slows and Chinastruggles to reverse its deepest economic slump since the 2008 crisis.

Wen said he had increased confidence in the eurozone after being briefed by Merkel but expressed concern about European debt and said Italy, Greece and Spain must increase their determination to reform.

"The impact of the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis on the world is continuously deepening," Wen said during a meeting with Merkel.

"As important economies and strategic partners, China andGermany should make consistent efforts on promoting the confidence of the international community, joining together in dealing with challenges and creating a better tomorrow."

Later, Wen told reporters: "Recently, the European debt crisis has continued to worsen, giving rise to serious concerns in the international community. Frankly speaking, I am also worried."

Wen and Merkel presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business deals — a regular event during visits by European leaders.

Airbus Industrie committed to invest $1.6 billion in the second phase of an aircraft final assembly plant opened in 2008 in Tianjin, Wen's hometown. A Chinese state company signed an agreement to purchase 50 Airbus jetliners valued at $3.5 billion.

Volkswagen AG, Europe's biggest automaker, signed a deal to invest $219 million in an "environmentally friendly production facility" and vocational training initiative, also in Tianjin.

Officials of the two governments also signed agreements to collaborate in biotechnology, electric vehicles, agriculture, education, labor and the environment.

A round of regular Chinese-German meetings was scheduled for next year, but German officials say Wen asked Merkel to come early before the Communist Party begins a once-a-decade handover of power to younger leaders in October.

Merkel's two-day visit includes meetings with Xi Jinping, who is due to become party leader and president, and Li Keqiang, in line to become premier.

The German leader was accompanied by a 20-member delegation of executives from German companies in the auto, chemicals, energy, commodities and other industries.

The meetings come amid tension over a request by European manufacturers of solar power equipment for anti-dumping duties on Chinese products they say are improperly subsidized. Chinese manufacturers that depend on the European market have warned Beijing might retaliate.

Germany is China's biggest European trading partner and one of the few developed economies with which it runs a trade deficit, due to large imports of German factory equipment and industrial components. Beijing reported a $16.3 billion trade deficit with Germany last year and $13 billion for the first seven months of this year.

German officials told reporters in Berlin that Merkel wants to assure Beijing that European debt is a "safe and good investment."

The visit focuses mostly on economic issues, but a senior German official told reporters he expects an "open discussion" with Chinese leaders on Syria, which is in the throes of a civil war that has left an estimated 20,000 people dead. Russia and China have repeatedly used their veto power in the U.N. Security Council to block strong Western- and Arab-backed action against President Bashar Assad's regime that could have led to sanctions.

Germany hopes a Security Council agreement on humanitarian issues could help provide a basis for a stronger agreement on political questions, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


AP writer Geir Moulson in Berlin and APTN producer Aritz Parra in Beijing contributed.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2012 9:31:39 PM

Iran's Khamenei: Nuclear weapons use a 'big sin'

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's Supreme Leader says his country has never pursued nuclear weaponsbut it will not abandon its controversial nuclear program.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke Thursday at a summit of the 120-member Nonaligned Movement. Iran says the gathering in Tehran shows that Western sanctions have not resulted in Iran's diplomat isolation.

The West suspects Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters in Iran, says the country considers the use of nuclear weapons to be "a big and unforgiveable sin."

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2012 9:38:53 PM

NYC man gets 40 years to life for dismembering boy

Associated Press/New York Daily News, Jesse Ward, Pool - Levi Aron, center, appears in court for sentencing at State Supreme Court in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. Aron received 40 years to life in prison for the 2011 abduction and murder of eight year old Leiby Kletzky, who stopped to ask Aron for directions as he walked home from religious day camp. At left is defense Attorney Howard Greenberg. (AP Photo/New York Daily News, Jesse Ward, Pool)

NEW YORK (AP) — A hardware store clerk was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years to life in prison after pleading guilty to kidnapping, killing and dismembering a lost little boy, bringing an end to a gruesome crime that horrified a tight-knit Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn.

Levi Aron had pleaded guilty this month to lesser charges in a deal that spared him a criminal trial and the possibility of life in prison without parole. When asked Wednesday if he wanted to speak at his sentencing hearing, the 37-year old whispered "no." He will be eligible for parole in 40 years.

Aron wore a black yarmulke, bushy beard and orange prison jumpsuit, and kept his head down and eyes closed for much of the hearing. His attorneys said Aron suffered a head injury as a child that went untreated.

"As a child and a young man, he should have been treated for his mental illness," attorney Howard Greenberg said. Outside court, his attorneys said Aron was sorry — but a public apology would ring false.

"He's sorry and he wished he hadn't done it," attorney Pierre Bazile said.

Aron admitted he kidnapped and killed 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky after the boy approached him on a Brooklyn street and asked for directions on July 11, 2011. The boy was Hasidic, an ultra-Orthodox version of Judaism, and the killing shocked the community in Borough Park, a safe and somewhat insular neighborhood home to one of the world's largest communities of Orthodox Jews outsideIsrael. Aron, who lived nearby, was Orthodox but not Hasidic.

Despite the outpouring of support for the family, there were few people in the courtroom Wednesday. Aron's family did not attend the sentencing, nor did Leiby's family. A prosecutor read a statement from the boy's father, Nachman Kletzky, that said, "God did not abandon our son, nor our family, for one second."

"There is no way one can comprehend or understand the pain of losing a child," he wrote. "Esther and I faced this unspeakable tragedy last year when our little boy Leiby was ruthlessly taken from us. ... A day doesn't pass without our thinking of Leiby — but today we close the door on this one aspect of our tragedy and seek to remember only the gifts that God has bestowed."

The statement was previously read to the news media after Aron's Aug. 9 guilty plea by state assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Borough Park and served as a spokesman for the family. He said Wednesday the family wants to put the killing — and the horiffic details — behind them.

"It changed our community," Hikind said of the killing, speaking outside court. "It affected everyone in our community. All over the world, people understood what it meant, that it could've been their child."

Leiby got lost on his walk home from a religious day camp. It was the first time he was allowed to walk alone, and he was supposed to travel about seven blocks to meet his mother, but missed his turn.

Barely two days later, detectives found the boy's severed feet, wrapped in plastic, in Aron's freezer. A cutting board and three bloody carving knives were found in the refrigerator. The rest of the boy's body was discovered in bags inside a red suitcase in a trash bin about a mile from Aron's apartment. His legs had been cut from his torso.

The medical examiner's office said Leiby had been drugged then suffocated.

Aron was taken into custody and an unnerving story unfolded about the hours he spent with the boy. Authorities said Aron promised to take Leiby home, but instead he brought the boy upstate to Monsey, N.Y. where he attended a wedding before bringing him back to his apartment. The two watched television before going to sleep. The following morning, Aron left for work at the hardware store, leaving Leiby alone nearly all day in the home.

Meanwhile, a massive search was conducted by his family and friends in the community. When Aron noticed fliers plastered on lampposts with the boy's photo, he says he panicked, went home and suffocated the boy.

Assistant District Attorney Julie Rendelman said Aron knew what he was doing.

"He made a choice that day ... his decision ... was to take this beautiful boy's life," she said.

Aron has said little during court appearances, often looking ahead with a vacant stare, or down at the ground. His attorneys had planned to mount a defense that he was not guilty by reason of mental defect, bolstered by a reported obtained by The Associated Press that said Aron had an adjustment disorder and a personality disorder with schizoid features. "His mood is neutral, practically blank," the psychologist wrote. "The only time he seems to show any emotional response is when he is asked difficult questions about the reason for his incarceration."

During his guilty plea two weeks ago, Aron spoke barely above a whisper. He expressed no remorse and only hinted at motive: At one point he told Judge Neil Firetog he felt "panic" when he found out there was a frantic search on for the boy.

The judge asked him what he decided to do, and he responded simply, "Smother." He also answered yes when asked if he had bound and drugged Leiby.

Leiby's family has filed a lawsuit against Aron's father, who owned the building where his son lived when the boy was killed. They argue that the father should have known something unspeakable was happening under his roof and could have saved the boy if he tried.

Aron's attorneys asked for protective custody for their client because they worry he will hurt himself or be hurt by others. The state department of corrections must decide whether to grant the request.

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