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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 5:01:49 PM

Illuminati Crime Network Revealed! Share to Expose Their Crimes and Begin Arrests!

Saturday, December 13, 2014 15:35

Glenn Canady

“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!” - Join and get all my free ebooks – stay informed on the latest from US Intel!

Stew Webb has uncovered a huge nest of the Illuminati crime network running the planet and stealing paid off houses from widows and much more! This story is so hot that when he broke it onVeteransToday earlier this year, they hacked the site and took down ALL of his stories! VeteransToday has very good IT personnel so to hack that site was no easy task! They also have been attacking Stew’s website and Stew has gathered evidence of over 5 million felonies involving cyber terrorism! Stew is going to be posting all the evidence later this week regarding the HUGE corporate names that he has now identified as being part of the Illuminati crime syndicate and are now going to be prosecuted for the cyber terrorism of a federal whistleblower. Stew has enough evidence and the legal team that isn’t afraid of the Illuminati because they carry the guns and badges that things are going to be getting very interesting soon. Here’s some of the latest evidence of the Illuminati crime syndicate that involves corrupt judges, lawyers and some huge companies that Stew is going to now light up like a Christmas tree! Illuminati hackers have hacked VeteransToday, and Stew’s personal computer at his home and he has all the evidence of the companies that are now in a very serious legal situation. Please share this article everywhere can such as to your facebook walls, twitter, and email lists so you people around the world will know just how much evil is going on right now. Listen to the interview below for the shocking information of people’s paid off houses being stolen and much more!

Michelle Hansen Denver Mortgage Fraud Victim

(MDC-NYSE) Denver Headquarters of Organized Crime.
Colorado: Banksters, Thieves, and Crooks…

By Stew Webb

This article is being republished after being removed November 2014 through Cyber Terrorism from and

(This is the link that Cyber Felons remove Nov 2014)

Cyber Terrorism report over 5 million felonies coming soon

All the evidence is at full article here!

Stew has on several guests that goes over the incredible Financial Fraud occurring in the US right now! SHARE this everywhere if you want justice in America!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 5:29:37 PM
The dollar is headed for collapse - 599 failed paper currencies in world history prove it

Saturday, December 13, 2014 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) For centuries, the British Pound was the world's reserve currency, because it was consider to be the strongest of all currencies.

That is no longer the case; shortly after World War II economically devastated the British Empire, the pound retreated as the world's reserve currency and the U.S. dollar took its place.

At the time, the American dollar -- paper, to be sure -- was at least partially backed by a physical, valuable commodity, gold. A decade earlier, one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first acts was to take America off the gold standard, which it had used to back its currency since about 1879, to prevent consumers from making a run on banks as the Great Depression dragged on. In addition, FDR signed an order requiring all gold coins and gold certificates of more than $100 value to be turned in to the Treasury Department in exchange for other money. It was Keynesian economics at its best; inflating the government's gold stash by hundreds of millions of dollars allowed the Federal Reserve to inflate the supply of paper money in the U.S. system.

In 1971, President Richard Nixon completely removed the U.S. dollar from the gold standard by announcing that the country would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value (three years later, his successor, Gerald Ford, would sign legislation permitting American citizens to once again own gold).

"Fiat currency"

Why is all of this important? Because for more than a half-century, the U.S. dollar has not been valued against a hard commodity but rather by the perception that it has value -- not at all the same thing. But this is nothing new; in fact, as new research indicates, the U.S. dollar is really no different from 599 other failed paper (fiat) currencies that came before it.

Nothing, it seems, is "sound" forever, even in the world's most powerful (economically and otherwise) countries.

According to a report by Gold Silver Worlds, the "fix," as it were, was in to name the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve even before World War II ended via an accord known as the Bretton Woods Agreement, after a resort in New Hampshire where world leaders met in 1944. But it wasn't to last; structural economic imbalances occurred so that many of the world's governments were able to amass huge amounts of dollar reserves, hence Nixon's decision in 1971 to essentially abandon Bretton Woods:

President Nixon ended the Bretton Woods agreement, which was a worldwide agreement to use the US dollar as the only world reserve currency. The exchange rates between foreign currencies and the US dollar were fixed at a low rate to stimulate economies worldwide. Moreover foreign holders could redeem their dollars for gold at a fixed rate of $35 per ounce. So a certain amount of gold should be held by the US as their reserves. As such, it was a form of a worldwide gold standard.

Nearing the end?

Over the course of decades, the supply of dollars backed by hard assets (like gold) decreased dramatically, falling from 75 percent initially to just 18 percent by the time Nixon took his actions. The dollar -- like the euro and the yen and others -- is nothing more than "fiat money," because dollars are no longer backed by a tangible asset. As explained by Gold Silver World, the paper banknotes were just a promise from the bank (in this case the Federal Reserve) to exchange it for a certain amount of real asset, which was almost always gold or silver.

"Over the past four decades however, the concept of money has been reduced to the promise, cutting every tie with a real backing asset. That's why it's called fiat money. Do you see what money IN ESSENCE is and what it HAS BECOME?" the site reported. "The monetary environment we are living in, is a ticking time bomb. The evidence is there by looking back in time and see what happened in similar monetary environments."

Of the 599 failed paper currencies, researchers found:

-- 30 percent, or 184, ended with monetary unions, dissolution or other reforms, like the creation of the euro in 1999;

-- 15 percent, or 94, ended via acts of independence (such as former colonial states gaining their independence and renaming or issuing new currency);

-- 27 percent, or 156, were devastated by hyper-inflation caused by over-issuance of paper money by governments and central banks (sound familiar?); and

-- 28 percent, or 165, were destroyed by war -- deemed invalid through military occupation and/or liberation (think Confederate dollars).

And there is this: Most paper "fiat" currencies last 38-39 years -- the U.S. went off the gold standard completely in 1971, or about 43 years ago.


Learn more:

Why The US Dollar is Headed for Collapse

Publicado el 13/12/2014

599 Paper Currencies Have come and passed, and the US Dollar is showing signs that it is next on the Chopping Block! Are we on the verge of a transition of Empires?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 6:21:52 PM

Preston James VT 12-13-14… “Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World”

VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke

VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke

The message given by Gordon Duff to the Syrian conference recently (reported in this post), appears to have caused quite a stir. It was refreshing to hear someone come out and just state it like it is. And because Gordon (and the VT group) did this, I sense “the world” will never be the same.

“Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World.

“Duff’s speech immediately changed the whole tone of the Conference and turn it to a very practical focus on the true causes of ISIS/Daish. His speech immediately shifted the focus of the Conference from theoretical discussions of Terrorism and Extremism, to what is actually going on at the ground level at a practical level, who is responsible and why.

“Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before… [with] American Generals McInerney and Vallely as being involved in organizing Daisch along with Senator John McCain… [and] that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel… was the one that prevented the American bombing of Syria in response to the False-Flag gas attack at Aleppo, Syria.

“This keynote address delivered by Gordon Duff was historic because for the very first time ever a Top Intel and Security Consultant publicly explained how the problem with ISIS/Daish was not terrorism but was Crime.

“When the dust settles time will show this speech will be a major turning point in the Criminal Cabal’s blatant abuse of the American People from their buying and hijacking of the US Congress and some American Generals with deep Intel connections and their abuse of millions around the World in many different nations, especially the Mideast.

“Thanks to Duff the Jig is about up for this International Israeli linked Crime Cabal, some have identified as the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) which has formed an alliance with the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which is now being completely identified all over the Worldwide Internet.


Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Speech at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.

Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the Military and Intelligence community.

This Delegation included Veterans Today Senior Editor *Gordon Duff, Veterans Today Managing Editor **Jim Dean, Veterans Today Director Colonel ***James Hanke, and Veterans Today Financial Editor ****Mike Harris.

Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World.

Why is his speech Historic? For a number of reasons. This speech is the first time in history an American Intelligence Team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key Military Leaders of diverse Tribal Forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, along with a Russian delegation and many others from around the world.



But even more important, Duff, a noted international Intel and Security Consultant, identified the root cause of United States of America’s dysfunctional involvement in Iraq and Syria and the true cause of ISIS/Daish.

Duff’s speech immediately changed the whole tone of the Conference and turn it to a very practical focus on the true causes of ISIS/Daish. His speech immediately shifted the focus of the Conference from theoretical discussions of Terrorism and Extremism, to what is actually going on at the ground level at a practical level, who is responsible and why.

Gordon Duff laid out the true cause of ISIS/Daish in simple terms for the very first time anyone has ever done so publicly and this disclosure from such a highly credentialed and credible Intel Professional is now sending shock-waves around the World.

Duff declared that there are far too many that have died to continue speaking in unclear terms and that it was time to share a key hypothesis based on signals intelligence.

What is going on in Iraq and Syria with ISIS is not Terrorism, it is simply CRIME. That is the works of an international Crime Cabal which has gotten control of the American Congress.

Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before.

Duff explained how the Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics.

Duff also identified American Generals McInerney and Vallely as being involved in organizing Daisch along with Senator John McCain.

He also pointed out that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel [who has just resigned] was the one that prevented the American bombing of Syria in response to the False-Flag gas attack at Aleppo, Syria.

This keynote address delivered by Gordon Duff was historic because for the very first time ever a Top Intel and Security Consultant publicly explained how the problem with ISIS/Daish was not terrorism but was Crime. He clarified that ISIS/Daish was a result of Criminal Behavior of an Israeli based International Crime Syndicate which essentially bought control over the US Congress during the last election.

Here is Gordon Duff’s keynote speech which was historical and is now sending shock-waves around the World.

YouTube – Veterans Today -

It should now be clear to everyone that the creation of ISIS/Daish occurred not because of Terrorism, but because of the undue influence exercised on the American Political system by this Israeli based Crime Syndicate in which a faction inside the American Congress, Military and Intel has been manipulated into supporting the creation of ISIS/Daish.

It is easy to imagine why Duff’s frank disclosure in his keynote address that the real problem on the ground in Iraq and Syria is Crime and the handy-work of an international Israeli Crime Cabal immediately changed the tone of the conference, and is now sending shock-waves around the World.

This is the first time ever that these issues have been clarified for the Syrian Security Services and Military as well as to Intel, Military and Diplomatic representatives from all over the World.

In days and weeks to follow it is expected that such an Historic disclosure based on hard Intel will change the scope and tone of the discussion about what is really going on in Iraq and Syria on the ground and how a worldwide criminal enterprise is behind it.

There were several sophisticated attempts to sidetrack and derail the VT Delegation and keep Gordon Duff from delivering his Historic Speech. Despite all these attempted interceptions, one of which was directly thwarted by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, Gordon Duff was able to deliver his keynote address and make history by putting the actual facts behind ISIS/Daish on the public record for the very first time. Colonel Jim Hanke spoke at the Conference also and his talk was very well received.

Jim Dean took numerous films which should prove to be quite important when some are published on VT.

Mike Harris gave numerous interviews to the Syrian Press and met with Syrian Security Officials and the Grand Mulah. These discussions were very productive and did a great deal to further an understanding of what is actually behind the ISIS/Daish crime problem in Iraq and Syria which is nothing more than sophisticated international Organized Crime and must be dealt with as such.


Obviously Gordon Duff and his team displayed great courage in attending this Conference in Damascus and deserve the highest commendations possible for this fine work representing the true interests of peace for folks with no voice.

When the dust settles time will show this speech will be a major turning point in the Criminal Cabal’s blatant abuse of the American People from their buying and hijacking of the US Congress and some American Generals with deep Intel connections and their abuse of millions around the World in many different nations, especially the Mideast.

No criminal Cabal or conspiracy this large can exist without utmost secrecy, which no longer exists thanks to Duff’s keynote address and complete disclosure. Their crimes are now no longer secret and the “Jig is now up”.

Thanks to Duff the Jig is about up for this International Israeli linked Crime Cabal, some have identified as the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) which has formed an alliance with the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which is now being completely identified all over the Worldwide Internet. It is now realized by many that the BCC was formed when Bush1 ran the Assassination of JFK and rose to power, able to deeply embed his operatives in the CIA, the Military, Congress, the Department of Justice and the Judiciary.

It is now beyond obvious that the only way to deal with a such a large Criminal Cabal is to indict them, arrest them, fully prosecute them, and if convicted with clearly convincing evidence beyond any shadow of a doubt, the sentence them appropriately. If they have committed Treason, Sedition or other Capital offenses well, then upon conviction in a suitable court of law, US or International, they must be executed like the convicted Nazis from the Nuremberg War trials or the convicted Japanese from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East also known as the “Tokyo Trials” and in other courts in many different places in Asia and the Pacific.


* Gordon Duff is the Managing Director and Senior Editor of veterans Today, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. He is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in numerous countries. Gordon Duff is a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He is the Managing Director of Adamus Defense Group of Switzerland.

** Jim Dean is the Chairman of Veterans Today and wears many hats, ranging from day to day operations to the development, writing and editing of numerous articles. He also has an active schedule of international TV and radio interviews. He has numerous contacts on the ground in the Mideast and provides detailed reports in his articles and on Veterans Today News Reports Radio. Jim Dean is also a member of the Military Order of World Wars, Association for Intelligence Officers, and the Senior Vice President, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.

*** Colonel James Hanke is a Veterans Today Director and US Army Special Forces (Ret.) Colonel Hanke is Former G2 Third Army, NATO Nuclear Weapons Commander, Attache to Israel, A-Team Leader Vietnam, and a Director of Operations, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.

**** Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman and gubernatorial candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2014 12:46:43 AM



Tons of contaminated water posing huge hurdles to cleanup

A lot of ink was consumed by media after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station disaster in March 2011, and then everything got quiet. With most of the media silent about the cleanup, the public may think the worst is over and the operating company TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co.) is cleaning up the site.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Once the remediation efforts began on the irradiated plant site, it quickly became clear the contaminated water being stored at Fukushima was going to be the largest component to the mediation efforts.

Water from the devastated reactor cooling system was leaking out into the ocean, allowing it to spread into the immediate vicinity and around the world through ocean currents. Added to this, rainwater runoff coming from the surrounding mountains flowed through the devastated site, picking up radioactive material on its way to the ocean.

The influx of contaminated water prompted grave concerns over the impact on sea life in the area and around the world.

Rapid expansion in number of storage tanks

Water, water everywhere

The first response to combat the water contamination problem was to reject remediation proposals given by experts, such as building a concrete wall 60 feet into the ground to stop the estimated 76,000 gallons of groundwater from leaking into the ocean. Instead, TEPCO hurriedly constructed plastic- and clay-lined underground water storage pits that soon developed leaks.

When that plan didn’t work, their next step was to build above-ground storage tanks – a lot of them – to store the cooling water and some of the groundwater runoff. At the time, there was no good, efficient way to clean the water, so TEPCO just kept building more tanks to try to stay ahead of the problem.

As the tank farm grew, it was discovered that more than 300 tons of radioactive water had leaked out of a storage tank onto the site. The 2,400 gallons of water per day leaking into the ocean was heavily contaminated with strontium-90 and cesium-137. With so many tanks on the site, more leaks were anticipated.

To solve the problem, plant and government officials then decided to build an “ice wall” around the reactor site to halt the flow of water. The plan was to construct a $300 million mile-long subterranean ice wall around the complex to collect the runoff, funnel it into trenches, freeze it and then transport it to safe disposal sites elsewhere.

The technology was not new. Ice walls have used in the mining industry for years, but it’s the first time it was constructed and deployed in radioactive conditions by workers in bulky and cumbersome radiation suits. Work commenced on the ice wall in June amid much skepticism in the scientific community.

Part of the work was the effort to create an “ice plug” in a tunnel to stop water from flowing into the Number 2 reactor building and becoming contaminated. Stopping the flow of water would have allowed clean-up personnel to pump the water out of the reactor and treat it.

Engineers from TEPCO have injected more than 400 tons of ice and dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) into the tunnel in an effort to freeze a section of the passage solid.

Another failure

In August, just 10 weeks after work began on the plug, TEPCO conceded defeat and announced the efforts to construct the plug failed.

Water tanks

TEPCO did completely fill one section of the trench to Reactor 2 (Turbine Building) Nov. 6 and began pumping water out of the trench Nov. 7.

After six hours of pumping, site operators only managed to reduce the water level in the trench by eight inches, and the water returned to its original level in just two-and-a-half hours after pumping operations ceased.

Company officials announced they would experiment with cement and other sealants to stem the water, rather than use ice.

Officials at Japan’s NRC (Nuclear Regulation Authority) raised doubts at the time that the proposal would be any more effective than the ice plug.

In a prepared statement, TEPCO officials stated, “The difficulties encountered in freezing the contaminated water does not in any way represent a ‘setback’ in development of the ice wall, for which construction is proceeding as planned.”

As if things couldn’t get worse, less than two months ago, TEPCO once again came out with an announcement that it was having problems with the ice wall after all.

In a Sept. 22 press conference, TEPCO officials said the NRC was going to cease operations on the ice wall and pour cement into the wall instead. Their hope is that it will be enough to retain the contaminated water on the site.

But to follow that line of reasoning, for every cubic foot of concrete put into the trench, a cubic foot of contaminated water is displaced and could go into the ocean. TEPCO has stated that none of the displaced water will make it to the ocean, because workers will pump out the water as they fill with cement.

However, because the ice wall trenches and the plant buildings are connected, the entire volume of water in these two areas would have to be pumped out to fill the trenches with cement. Industry experts are unclear as to whether or not TEPCO has enough water storage tanks to hold the additional volume of water.

While the NRC had decided to stop work on the ice wall, TEPCO President Naomi Hirose stated officials “will never give up”” on the wall. This seems to put the NRC and TEPCO on a collision course.

TEPCO said the plan was to leave the ice already in the tunnel in place and fill the rest of the trench with concrete. The NRC responded that concrete gives off heat as it dries and it would melt the ice.

TEPCO said it would take that statement under advisement.

The clock is ticking on the containment problem. According to TEPCO, radiation levels in groundwater sampled from several monitoring wells have been very slowly rising since last summer, and radioactive strontium has been detected since October.

The second debate

While the debate continues over how to stop water from leaking into the ocean, another debate is raging over how to clean up the water already contained. It is estimated that the site is filling one 27- foot tall water storage tank every other day.

More than 780 suggestions from around the world have been sent into Japan’s International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning in the past year in response to its call for solutions to the contaminated water problem. It seemed as that the most promising technology to solve the problem has an unlikely name: ALPS.

Toshiba Corp’s Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) is a water remediation technology that uses apatite. It’s a mineral similar to bone in its makeup and has the ability to capture and hold certain elements in its microstructure, including strontium.

The ALPS system was a proven technology and had worked well in other applications, making it an extremely attractive technology.

One of the ALPS success stories was at the Department of Energy Hanford site in southeastern Washington state. It was at Hanford that the U.S. government produced more than 20 million pieces of uranium metal fuel for nine nuclear reactors as well as five decades of nuclear weapons production. Five fabrication plants in the center of the site discharged an estimated 450 billion gallons of liquids into soil disposal sites and 53 million gallons of radioactive waste to 177 large underground tanks.

Production at the site ended in the late 1980s, and the cleanup began shortly thereafter.

At the Hanford site, apatite is used to block strontium from liquid nuclear waste in soil from flowing into the adjacent Columbia River.

At the time it was considered, there were concerns, however, that the technology may not work at Fukushima because it had never been tried in a salt-water environment.

According to Tatsuya Shinkawa, director of the Japanese government’s Nuclear Accident Response Office, the technology has captured 90 percent of the strontium in the ground water at the Hanford site.

“But that site is far from the sea, and this method hasn’t been used in an environment so close to the ocean,” he said.

With over 350 tons of highly contaminated water waiting to be treated, ALPS seemed to run into problems before it even was put to the test.

The first obstacle came in September 2012 when the NRA demanded additional safety tests of the vessels that would store the radioactive waste filtered out of the water.

When the system was finally put on line in March 2013, it was plagued with problems with leaks from tanks and vessels that seemed to be derived from poor welding. These and other problems limited the system to only trial runs.

Then in November, a meeting was held of a “task force for a high performance multi-nuclide removal system” (aka ALPS) that was sponsored by TEPCO. After going through the meeting notes, available only in Japanese, the site tests for the ALPS system apparently didn’t go well. ALPS generates too much waste material, or “slurry,” that is still radioactive and would have to be stored.

The report also goes on to state that the wrong type of filtering material is inside the ALPS equipment. The radioactive material in the water was thought to exist as “ions,” individual molecules having a static charge. It seems that the radioactive molecules in the water actually exist as “colloids” or clumps of material. Colloidal material is much bigger than ions and would quickly plug filler material designed to separate individual molecules.

Why the nature of the radioactive material was not discovered before testing remains to be explained.

In the meantime, while false starts and outright failures continue to plague the Fukushima cleanup efforts, the effects of the disaster are still being felt.

In April, researchers at Oregon State University reported the radiation levels in some albacore tuna caught off the coast of the Pacific Northwest have tripled since the nuclear plant disaster. Earlier, in November 2013, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, announced over 1 million tons of radioactive debris from the Fukushima site were floating 1,700 miles off the U.S. coastline, between Hawaii and California.

New research is also showing that the radiation from the Fukushima site is having an adverse effect on wildlife. Timothy Mousseau, professor of biological sciences at the University of South Carolina and researcher for the Chernobyl and Fukushima Research Initiative, presented findings of a study to the International Ornithological Congress in Tokyo last August that suggests radiation contamination around Fukushima Daiichi, even at low levels, is negatively impacting biodiversity and wildlife populations.

Mousseau and his team did a four-year study on the effects of radiation on birds in Fukushima which revealed information contradicting volume I of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation’s report, “Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami.”

“Contrary to governmental reports, there is now an abundance of information demonstrating consequences (i.e. injury) to individuals, populations, species, and ecosystem function stemming from the low dose radiation due to the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters,” Mousseau said.

With evidence mounting that the effects of Fukushima are far worse that official government reports, officials can only hope that an effective way will be found to clean up the nuclear plant and the surrounding area.

WND has reported multiple times on the Fukushima disaster, including when there was more bad news for the operators, when a super-cool plan to help the cleanup was developed and when officials declared the problems “under control.”

Also in WND reports were the release of a steam plume from the plant and worries about radiation poisoning.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2014 1:04:19 AM

Hamas holds Gaza military parade, vows Israel's destruction

Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:47am EST

Palestinian members of al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, take part in a military parade marking the 27th anniversary of Hamas" founding, in Gaza City December 14, 2014.

REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

By Nidal al-Mughrabi

GAZA (Reuters) - Vowing to destroy Israel, Hamas paraded some 2,000 of its armed fighters and truck-mounted rockets through Gaza on Sunday, marking its 27th anniversary with its biggest show of force since the end of the Gaza war this summer.

A ceasefire in August halted 50 days of fighting with Israel in which local health officials said more than 2,100 Palestinians, most of them civilians, were killed. Israel put the number of its dead at 67 soldiers and six civilians.

At the parade, a senior Hamas leader reaffirmed the Islamist movement's founding charter's pledge to destroy Israel.

"This illusion called Israel will be removed. It will be removed at the hands of the Qassam Brigades," said Khalil al-Hayya, a top Hamas leader, referring to the movement's armed wing.

In recent years, some Hamas leaders have said they would accept a Palestinian state on land Israel occupied in a 1967 war in return for a long-term truce but would continue to refuse to recognize its enemy's right to exist.

Abu Ubaida, the brigades' spokesman, said another confrontation with Israel might be inevitable unless tens of thousands of homes damaged or destroyed in the Gaza Strip in last summer's conflict are rebuilt soon.

"We will accept no less than the rebuilding of everything that was destroyed by the savage Zionist aggression," said the masked spokesman, whose group is shunned by the West as a terrorist organization.

Palestinians have voiced disappointment over the slow pace of reconstruction and a limited flow of building material into Gaza since international donors pledged more than $5 billion in October.

Both Israel and Egypt - which is battling Islamist militants in neighboring Sinai - are concerned Hamas could use such material for weaponry.

Israel has said Hamas has been test-firing rockets into the Mediterranean in recent weeks and Gaza residents have reported hearing explosions. Hamas has neither confirmed nor denied such tests.

Trucks carrying what Hamas said were three-long range rockets, and other vehicles with multiple-launcher rockets drove in the parade. A drone with Hamas markings was on one flatbed truck, and another unmanned aircraft, identified by the group as one of its own, flew overhead, as did an Israeli fighter jet.

During the war, Hamas long-range rockets disrupted daily life in Israel's major cities. Most were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system.

Addressing a crowd of several thousand in the rain, Abu Abaida praised Iran for supplying Hamas with money and weapons. Relations with Tehran have been strained by Hamas's hostility toward Iran's closest regional ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 from Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Both groups signed a unity deal in April but are divided over how to administer the Gaza Strip.

(Writing by Nidal Almughrabi; Editing by Jon Boyle)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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