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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/13/2014 11:25:58 PM

Rev. Al Sharpton, families of victims seek ‘justice for all’ at Washington, D.C., march

Yahoo News

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks at Freedom plaza in Washington, Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014, during the Justice for All march and rally. More than 10,000 protesters are converging on Washington in an effort to bring attention to the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police. Civil rights organizations are holding a march to the Capitol on Saturday with the families of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two unarmed black men who died in incidents with white police officers. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Rev. Al Sharpton invited the family members of young black men who died at the hands of police officers to address the more than 10,000 protesters in Washington, D.C., early Saturday afternoon.

Sharpton, whose National Action Network organized the Justice for All March, told the demonstrators gathered outside the U.S. Capitol that God gave him a light to shine on these deaths.

“You thought you’d sweep it under the rug. You thought there’d be no limelight,” he said. “We are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on Eric Garner, on Tamir Rice, on all of these victims because the only way — I’m sorry, I come out of the 'hood — the only way you make roaches run, you got to cut the light on."

First, Sharpton introduced Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., the parents of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in August.

“Man, you all kept this alive for all of the families. We love you all. We really do. We love you all so much,” Brown Sr. said.

“What a sea of people,” McSpadden said, looking at the enormous crowd. “If they don’t see this and make a change, then I don’t know what we got to do. Thank you for having my back.”

The family of Eric Garner, 43, addressed the crowd next. In July, a police officer choked the father of six to death.

“It’s just so overwhelming to see all of you have come to stand with us today,” Garner’s mom Gwen Carr told the protesters. “Look at the masses: black, white, all races, all religions. This is just a great moment. This is a history-making moment.”

Carr said that their deceased sons may not be here in body, but they are here in spirit in every person in the crowd.

“You brought them here today and I thank you. I thank you so much,” she said, “because without you we would have an empty podium.”

Her son’s widow, Esaw Garner, took the microphone next. She said that her husband was a quiet man but he is making a lot of noise right now — and his voice will be heard.

“We are all fighting for everybody, not just for him. For everybody’s future, for everybody’s past, for everybody’s present,” she said, before asking everyone to say, “I can’t breathe,” in unison.

A video of Garner’s death shows that he told police he could not breathe many times while New York Police Department officers wrestled him to the ground. “I can’t breathe” has become a slogan in the recent demonstrations.

One of Garner’s children said that he was a family man who would do anything for his kids and did not resemble his portrayal in the media.

Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice, spoke the same day his autopsy was released — ruling his death a homicide.

Cleveland police killed her 12-year-old son in November while he was holding an airsoft replica gun.

“Let that officer get arrested and bring him in front of a criminal jury so he can get the opportunity to prove his innocence and we can prove our justice,” she said. “My son was 12 years old, just a baby, a baby, my baby, the youngest out of four.”

She thanked the nation and the world for its support because that’s “the only way I’m standing up right now.”

Rice said that boys of all colors like playing with toy guns but that is no reason for her son to have been robbed of a promising future.

She was followed by John Crawford Jr., the father of John Crawford III, who was killed in a Walmart in August after picking up a pump air rifle that the store was selling.

“I’m here today to support the rest of these families in this wall of shame,” he said. “I’m here today to let everyone know that my son’s name along with the rest of these families will be vindicated.”

He said the United States has prosecutors that are not doing their job and that the biggest injustice of all is that people in office are not doing their jobs.

Kimberly Ballinger also thanked the protesters for speaking out. A police officer killed her domestic partner, Akai Gurley, with whom she has a baby, at a public housing complex in Brooklyn, N.Y.

“Akai was killed by a police officer for no reason, walking down the stairs on his way home,” she said. “All I really need right now is justice. How do I explain to his 2-year-old that Daddy is not coming home?”

Sharpton vowed to come back in the nation’s capital “over and over again” until legislative action is taken so there is "justice for all."

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/13/2014 11:27:05 PM

Marchers in Washington, New York, Boston protest police killings


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Massive protests expected in Washington, D.C.

By Ian Simpson, Lacey Johnson and Jonathan Spicer

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thousands marched in Washington, New York and Boston on Saturday to protest killings of unarmed black men by police officers.

Organizers said the marches were among the largest in the recent wave of protests against the killings of black males by officers in Ferguson, Missouri; New York; Cleveland; and elsewhere. The protests were peaceful, although police in Boston said they arrested more than 20 people who tried to block a highway.

Decisions by grand juries to return no indictments against the officers involved in the deaths of Michael Brown in Missouri and Eric Garner in New York have put police treatment of minorities back on the national agenda.

"We're going to keep the light on Mike Brown ... on all of the victims. The only way you make roaches run is to keep the light on," said civil rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton, whose National Action Network organized the Washington rally.

Protesters from around the country gathered at Freedom Plaza, a few blocks from the White House, then marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to rally near the white-domed U.S. Capitol.

Marchers, who included many parents with children, chanted "No justice, no peace, no racist police" and "Hands up, don't shoot." Protesters carried signs that said "All men are created equal" and "Black lives matter."

Sharpton urged Congress to pass legislation that would allow federal prosecutors to take over cases involving police violence.

The Washington protest included relatives of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley, who were killed by New York police; Trayvon Martin, slain by a Florida neighborhood watchman in 2012; Brown; and others.

"Wow, what a sea of people," said Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden. "If they don't see this and make a change, I don't know what we're going to do."

In Missouri, a prosecutor on Saturday made public documents related to the probe into Brown's killing, saying his office had inadvertently held them back.

After the march in Washington, protesters gathered in a one-block section of Pennsylvania Avenue and nearby public space, although organizers estimated the crowd at 40,000 to 50,000 people. A police spokesman declined to provide a crowd estimate, citing department policy, and said there had been no arrests.

In Boston, police arrested at least 23 people near Interstate 93 as demonstrators attempted to block the highway, the Massachusetts State Police said in a statement. All were charged with disorderly conduct.

The New York march drew a mostly young, ethnically diverse crowd that was loud and peaceful as it headed north up Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from Washington Square Park. The march was to circle back and end at the city's police headquarters.

Protesters chanted "How do you spell racist? NYPD" and some taunted police guarding the march route.

"The culture in America is embedded in slavery, in the courts and the politics, and the culture has to change," said marcher Kayode Leonard, 33, from Manhattan.

Observers estimated that more than 10,000 protesters marched in New York. Police gave no estimate of crowd size and reported no arrests.

(Additional reporting by Brian Snyder in Boston; Editing by Larry King and David Gregorio)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 12:25:59 AM


"We've got a lot of constitutionalists... a lot of people that stockpile weapons"


Shocking video provided exclusively to Infowars shows a Washington state sheriff’s deputy proclaiming that law enforcement officers need armored military vehicles because of “constitutionalists” with firearms.

The footage, recently captured in Spokane Valley, begins with a local resident asking two deputies why police would need vehicles specifically designed for warfare abroad.

“I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,” one deputy says. “They have weapons here locally.”

The startling admission not only points to active surveillance of legal gun owners, but of those who support the country’s founding document, further solidifying concerns among law-abiding citizens that police are receiving military equipment and training in order to target conservative Americans.

The deputy’s specific mention of “constitutionalists,” a broad term covering millions of Americans, as opposed to criminals in general, also indicates a clear training mindset linked to the FBI and Homeland Security, two groups which have absurdly labeled “liberty-lovers” as terror threats.

Such clear talking points are unsurprising given reports that Spokane County sheriffs have received training from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that ludicrously compares mainline conservative Americans to racist hate groups.

Infowars was unable to reach the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office for comment at the time of publishing, but did speak with Spokane Valley Republican Representative Matthew Shea, who was appalled when presented with the footage.

“Will law abiding citizens who love the Constitution and Rule of Law be hunted down with MRAPs?” Shea asked. “Constitutionalism is fundamental to being an American. To hate the Constitution and those who support it means you are a traitor to this country.”

“This is spitting in the face of all those heroes that fought, bled, and died so we might live free. The question should be, why aren’t you a Constitutionalist? Why don’t you believe in the rule of law? Why don’t you believe that the Constitution means what it says?”

Incredibly, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office is not the first to cite patriotic Americans as reasoning for military hardware.

A police sergeant in Morgan County, Indiana admitted just last May that his department hadobtained an armored vehicle in part because of returning military veterans, deemed domestic terror threats by Homeland Security in 2009.

In August of 2013, Concord, New Hampshire Police Chief John Duval secretly contacted Homeland Security and demanded an armored vehicle due to the alleged “threat” posed by peaceful libertarians.

A New York State Counter Terrorism Bulletin leaked to Infowars by concerned police that same year attempted to label anyone concerned with government gun confiscation as “far right” conspiracy theorists, even as admitted gun confiscation programs are used against law abiding citizens in states such as California.

The MIAC Report, a federal training document famously presented to Missouri police in 2009, went as far as falsely tying supporters of former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul and the Constitution to “extremist groups” as well.

Despite a massive drop in police officer deaths, gun homicide and violent crime in the last 2o years, government agencies across the board continue to adopt military tactics in order to fight anything that represents traditional America.

Luckily for Americans, peace officers who still respect their oath continue to serve throughout the United States.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 1:05:14 AM

Jordanian King Warns Of Impending World War III

By Claude Salhani | Wed, 10 December 2014 20:14

When OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, imposed an oil embargo on the West for its support of Israel in the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the French came out with a series of public service announcements on how to save oil. The 30-second ads gave consumers advice on various ways to economize gas and oil consumption. And the announcements would end with a voice saying: “In France we don’t have oil, but we have ideas.”

Today, much the same can be said about Jordan. The country is the only one in the region not producing oil. Its neighbors – Iraq, Syria, Israel and Saudi Arabia, all produce oil to varying degrees, except for Jordan and Palestine.

And in the turbulent world that is the Middle East today, Jordan’s lack of oil may well be a blessing in disguise, rendering it financially uninteresting to groups such as the so-called Islamic State that has occupied large swaths of land from Syria and Iraq, where incidentally, oil is found. But that does not mean that Jordan is altogether off the Islamist’s radar. The country counts large numbers of sympathizers of the Islamic State and its “lighter” version, the Muslim Brotherhood. Many among them would very much like to see the Hashemite kingdom replaced by an Islamic state.

Related: Report Finds Gulf States Unstable Despite Resource Wealth

During his visit to Washington last week the King of Jordan said that the events unfolding in the region today were nothing less than the start of World War III.

“We have to stand up and say, ‘This is the line that is drawn in the sand,’” the king said in an interview that was broadcast on CBS’s This Morning.

“It’s clearly a fight between good and evil.”

Coming from one of the rare voices of reason in the Arab world this is certainly cause for concern.

“This is a Muslim problem,” said the king. The importance of this statement cannot be stressed enough. Until now, many in the Middle East saw the conflict as one opposing the United States and its Western allies to Islamist groups. The king’s statement in Washington sheds a whole new light on the problem and how to approach it.

“We need to take ownership of this. We need to stand up and say what is right and what is wrong,” Abdullah told CBS News’ Charlie Rose.

This is probably the most important declaration by an Arab leader; admitting that there is indeed a problem within the House of Islam.

Although the Western countries today are far less dependent on Arab oil than they were in the 1970s, nevertheless a serious disruption to oil markets from the Middle East – Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait – would be greatly felt in the West, despite the fact that other sources today are available, such as Russia, the Central Asia republics and Azerbaijan amongst others.

Abdullah II of Jordan, much like his late father King Hussein, is well placed to know what’s going on in his corner of the world, situated in what is today the most volatile piece of real estate on the planet. Jordan is wedged between Syria, Iraq and a hard place; the hard place being his own home-grown jihadi movements in Jordan who would like to see the establishment of an Islamist state in place of the Hashemite Kingdom. Jordan has a considerable number of Muslim Brotherhood adherents, and the intelligence service is doing a pretty decent job of keeping a very close eye on them.

Related: A Truce In The Holy Oil War?

Jordan may not have oil but as its king pointed out, it does have a number of very good ideas, such as the ones mentioned by Abdullah in Washington. Those and others were discussed with President Barack Obama, who could certainly use the Jordanian monarch’s wise council.

Jordan’ s lack of oil does not make it any less important strategically. It is one of the staunchest pro-American countries in the Middle East. And recent history shows that being an ally of the United States in this part of the world comes with certain risks.

In the past some Arab leaders tended to be more discreet in their relationship with Washington, often holding a two-tone dialogue. One for internal consumption, and the other for the benefit of the West. That, as we have just seen by Abdullah’s declarations is changing. Leaders in the Arab world have now come to realize that they can no longer continue to sit on the fence, or continue to appear undecided. This is a time of grave concern, and part of the danger lies in failing to recognize it as such. Now that would be a bad idea.

By Claude Salhani of

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2014 1:15:03 AM

US Threatens Russia with New Nuclear Missiles, Prepares New Sanctions for Putin

By Precious Silva | December 13, 2014 4:12 PM EST

(Photo: REUTERS/Larry Downing / )
U.S. President Barack Obama looks on during the Summit on College Opportunity while at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, December 4, 2014.

The rift between United States and Russia continues as the Pentagon threatens Russia with releasing nuclear missiles in lieu of the Moscow's violation. According to the US, the country is prepared to redeploy nuclear weapons as a means to keep Russia at bay following its breach of two arms control treaties. Meanwhile, the US Congress has been working on new sanctions for Vladimir Putin following decisions over Ukraine tension.

Putin and his administration have been in hot water since its move against Ukraineand other activities in the Baltic region. The US government appears unforgiving of the region's moves as it threatens Russia with nuclear missiles and new sanctions.

PressTV quote principal deputy undersecretary for policy at the Department of Defense Brian McKeon: "We don't have ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe now obviously because they're prohibited by the treaty."

However, the official did note: "But that would obviously be one option to explore." According to Washington, Moscow breached the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Russia denied the accusation and clarified that its ground-launched cruise missile last July followed the INF treaty.

President Barrack Obama has raised the violation issue with Russian president Vladimir Putin according to Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller. The Arms Control official also said that the US was thinking of pushing through with "military countermeasures" to emphasize the treaty breaches. Russia has been warned not to continue any cycle of action to prevent provoking other military counter measures.

On the other side of Washington, Yahoo reported US lawmakers working on another sanction concerning weapons companies in Russia. If the sanction will push through then it may also include measures on high-tech oil investments in the region. Just this Thursday, the Senate and House of Representatives agreed and passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act. The bill was sent back to the Senate following house panel changes. There should be a vote soon though President Obama has been opposed to this. The president clarified that he does not agree with additional sanctions unless Europe also agrees on them.

If the US president will agree on the sanction then companies like Rosoboronexport (arms exporter) will be affected. The bill pushes that these providers contribute to the rising tensions in Syria, Georgia and Ukraine.

McKeon further stated: "This violation will not go unanswered, because there is too much at stake."

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