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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/7/2014 1:48:38 AM

‘Govt created a monster’: 1000s protest police violence across US for 3rd night (PHOTOS)

Published time: December 06, 2014 10:09
Edited time: December 06, 2014 14:07

Protesters walk on 34th Street during a march for chokehold death victim Eric Garner in New York December 5, 2014. (Reuters / Andrew Kelly)

Thousands of people in New York and other US cities protested for a third night against the use of lethal force by police against minorities, as prosecutors pledged to consider charges against an officer in the killing of an unarmed black man last month.

The killing of 28-year-old Akai Gurley, who was gunned down in November by a police officer in a darkened public housing stairwell in Brooklyn, is the latest in an avalanche of deadly police actions across the country which many deem racially-biased.

Tweeps who took this photo in NYC we need to give credit cause it is epic

Cops used an LRAD/sound cannon at multiple points tonight. Full riot squads. Told us to disperse or get arrested. Durham NC

Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson said Friday he will convene a grand jury to consider possible charges against Peter Liang, who shot Gurley. Police there have said Liang may have accidentally discharged his gun. At a news conference Friday, the president of the advocacy group BK Nation, Kevin Powell, called the shooting the latest in a "series of modern-day lynchings."

We don't need the celebrities. We don't need the politicians. We just need the people. One law for all of us.

This week's outbreak of angry but mostly peaceful protests began Wednesday when a New York grand jury refused to bring charges against white officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of a 43-year-old black father of six, Eric Garner, who was being arrested on suspicion of selling cigarettes illegally.

I hope the protests don't end anytime soon. This whole thing needs to evolve into Civil Rights Movement 2:

The people awakened will never be muted by those that seek to deny a voice that cant be silenced

A video of his confrontation with police on Staten Island in July featured Pantaleo's arm across Garner's neck as he is subdued by four officers. Then Garner, who had no weapon, was knocked face down to the pavement as he repeatedly said, "I can't breathe." The grand jury sat for nine weeks and eventually decided to take no action against Officer Pantaleo.

Last month a Missouri grand jury also chose not to indict Darren Wilson, a white policeman, for the killing of an 18-year-old unarmed black man Michael Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson in August, provoking several nights of unrest. The grand jury in Ferguson heard over 70 hours of testimony deciding whether to indict, USA Today reported.

Activists on Friday concluded a protest march to the Missouri governor's mansion. More than 100 protesters shouted, "Hands up, don't shoot," and other slogans as they rallied in the rotunda of the state capitol in Jefferson City.

: 400+ people on the move turning on 9th toward Broadway. via @AlanWangABC7

Powell and Market in SF right now.

On Thursday in Phoenix, Arizona, another unarmed black man was shot dead by a white police officer during a scuffle, leading to protests in that city.

university of arizona student led protest. cc: @UofA

"The government has created a monster and the monster is now loose," Soraya Soi Free, 45, a nurse from the Bronx who has been protesting in New York, told Reuters.

The decisions by grand juries in Ferguson and New York not to indict white police officers have angered ordinary Americans and human rights experts alike.

"I am concerned by the grand juries' decisions and the apparent conflicting evidence that exists relating to both incidents," UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Rita Izsak, said in a statement.

"The decisions leave many with legitimate concerns relating to a pattern of impunity when the victims of excessive use of force come from African-American or other minority communities."

New Orleans Protesters Shut Down City Streetcars By Laying On Tracks

On Friday over a hundred demonstrators stormed into an Apple Store in New York to stage a brief "die-in," sprawling on the floor as shoppers and employees watched. They shortly left the store without incident.

Watching these peaceful demonstrations makes me proud to be an American.

Similar mini-demonstrations were staged at Macy's flagship department store in Herald Square and at Grand Central Terminal. Police calmly stood by, letting the protesters briefly occupy the locations.

Meanwhile, up to 100 people gathered near the site of Garner's death for a candlelight vigil on Staten Island. A group of marchers who pressed on through the rain were confronted by police on Manhattan's lower East Side before midnight. Several protesters were arrested, Reuters reported.


Protests also unfolded in Chicago, Boston and Washington, DC, with demonstrators chanting "Black lives matter," and "I can't breathe."

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/7/2014 10:04:21 AM

Obama, congressional Dems show cracks in unity

Associated Press

FILE - In this Nov. 7, 2014 file photo, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev., right, listens as President Barack Obama speaks during a meeting with Congressional leaders in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House in Washington. In speeches, negotiations, and congressional hearings, several key Democrats are disregarding the White House in ways large and small. The White House has responded with an extraordinary veto threat and a round of Obama calls to Democrats urging them to stand up against their own leadership. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) — It used to be that Democrats would mutter under their breath about President Barack Obama and the White House.

Now, with the midterm elections behind them, some leading members of the president's own party are airing their frustrations with little restraint and charting their own course.

In speeches, negotiations and congressional hearings, several high-profile Democrats are disregarding the White House in ways large and small. The White House has responded with an extraordinary veto threat while Obama has made a round of calls to liberal Democrats urging them to stand up against their own leadership.

Consider that in just a week's time:

—Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate's Democratic leader, was on the verge of cutting a deal with Republicans with a 10-year price tag of more than $400 billion in tax breaks without White House input.

—Sen. Chuck Schumer, a prominent member of the Senate Democratic leadership, raised new doubts about the timing of Obama's 2010 health care law.

—Sen. Robert Menendez, the outgoing chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, began work with Republicans against the Obama administration's wishes on new penalties against Iran.

"There is always going to be some friction between somebody who's never going to run again and a bunch of people who are," said Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. "There's going to be a natural rub there — the president never has to worry about his approval rating again."

Put differently, many senators have served a long time; presidents come and go. With two years left in his two-term presidency, Obama's time is running out.

That doesn't mean Obama necessarily wields a weaker hand. The deal by Reid, D-Nev., to permanently extend certain tax breaks failed after the White House rallied liberals and issued a veto threat. Menendez, D-N.J., has yet to put together a veto-proof majority on his Iran plan.

What's more, Obama also appears to be setting his own postelection path, distinct from Democrats. In remarks to corporate executives Wednesday, Obama expressed his wish to complete trade deals before the end of his presidency and urged Democrats drop their opposition to pending deals with Europe and Pacific Rim countries.

"Don't fight the last war," he said. "Those who oppose these trade deals ironically are accepting a status quo that's more damaging to American workers."

No episode laid bare the competing interests between the White House and senior Democrats more than the move by Reid for a deal on tax breaks and exemptions, and the White House's remarkable veto warning shot.

White House and congressional officials acknowledge that the White House was not in the loop during Reid's talks with House Republicans. Reid's lead negotiator was aide David Krone, who had already angered the White House by publicly blaming the administration for Democratic losses in the November elections.

On Nov. 25, two days before Thanksgiving, the White House learned that the contours of a deal were coming together fast.

Obama was traveling to Chicago to talk about his immigration executive actions. While aboard Air Force One, he called Democratic senators notifying them he was going to make the veto threat. Back in Washington, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough reached out as well.

The White House considered, but then rejected, the idea of having Obama himself announce the threatened veto at the start of his remarks on immigration. But he was already going to address the grand jury verdict in the police shooting case in Ferguson, Missouri.

So shortly after Obama landed and before any deal was announced, the White House rushed out its veto threat in a statement.

Reid's office and Republicans continued to talk over the holiday, but by then it was evident no deal would emerge.

"You learn things all the time," Reid later said. "It's hard to veto something that doesn't exist."

The administration said the deal would not have made permanent expanded provisions in the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, while making permanent billions of dollars in tax breaks to businesses. But the package did have important Democratic priorities as well, including making the American Opportunity Tax Credit for college-related costs permanent and indexed for inflation.

Democratic congressional aides familiar with Reid's talks suspect the White House did not want the tax breaks extended permanently so it could use the business credits to help negotiate a broader corporate tax overhaul next year.

White House aides deny those motivations. They note Republicans insist on a tax overhaul that is "revenue neutral," one that does not generate more tax money for the government. Making tax breaks permanent now would lower the government's revenue threshold over 10 years, they say, and would give Republicans an advantage in a "revenue neutral" tax negotiation.

In the end, the House passed a simple one-year extension of the tax credits. The Senate could take up the House bill this coming week.

But the disagreement, and how it unfolded, signals potential difficulties ahead. Obama wants to shed his lame-duck status and work with the Republicans who will control Congress, and congressional Democrats are setting out on their own paths and trying to distinguish themselves from their GOP rivals.

"The distance between Capitol Hill and the White House is a lot farther than 16 blocks. It can strain party relationships," said Charles Brain, who served as White House director of legislative affairs in the last year of President Bill Clinton's administration. "Ultimately, people pursue their own interests regardless of party, especially as you get toward the end."


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/7/2014 10:10:51 AM

Sony Hack ‘Unparalleled and Well Planned Crime,’ Cyber Security Firm Says

Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton told employees of the embattled studio Saturday that the hack attack that has resulted in the leak of employees’ personal information and internal business documents is unprecedented in nature.

Lynton’s email message was obtained by Variety and includes a note from Kevin Mandia, the founder of the cyber security firm Mandiant that Sony has tapped in recent weeks to help it respond to the breach.

Mandia argues that Sony could not have been fully prepared for the assault because “… the scope of this attack differs from any we have responded to in the past, as its purpose was to both destroy property and release confidential information to the public. The bottom line is that this was an unparalleled and well planned crime, carried out by an organized group.”

The investigation into the incident is ongoing and Sony has been working with law enforcement officials to try to figure out the cause of the attack and to stop the dissemination of its business information. Mandia’s words also serve to combat any criticism that Sony was inadequately protected against a cyber assault of this nature.

The hacking has left Sony reeling. Personal information of its 3,803 employees has leaked online, along with a spreadsheet purportedly listing salaries of top studio executives. Five of the studio’s films, including “Annie” and “Still Alice,” turned up on the internet, where they have been widely pirated. On Friday, a threatening email was sent to employees warning them and their families of “danger.”

A group calling itself Guardians for Peace has taken credit for the attack and there has been speculation that North Korea might be involved in the hacking as retaliation for “The Interview,” an upcoming Sony comedy about a plot to assassinate the country’s leader Kim Jong Un starring Seth Rogen and James Franco.

Here’s the full text of Lynton and Mandia’s messages:

Over the last week, some of you have asked about the strength of our information security systems and how this attack could have happened. There is much we cannot say about our security protocols for obvious reasons, but we wanted to share with you a note we received today from Kevin Mandia, the founder of the expert cybersecurity firm that is investigating the cyber-attack on us. The investigation is ongoing, but Mr. Mandia’s note is helpful in understanding the nature of what we are dealing with. Full text below.

We also want to thank you once again for your resilience and resourcefulness in carrying out our critical day-to-day activities under incredibly stressful circumstances. As a result of your efforts, we have made great progress moving our business forward, and we will continue to do so.

— — —
Dear Michael,

As our team continues to aid Sony Pictures’ response to the recent cyber-attack against your employees and operations, I wanted to take a moment to provide you with some initial thoughts on the situation.

This attack is unprecedented in nature. The malware was undetectable by industry standard antivirus software and was damaging and unique enough to cause the FBI to release a flash alert to warn other organizations of this critical threat.

In fact, the scope of this attack differs from any we have responded to in the past, as its purpose was to both destroy property and release confidential information to the public. The bottom line is that this was an unparalleled and well planned crime, carried out by an organized group, for which neither SPE nor other companies could have been fully prepared.

We are aggressively responding to this incident and we will continue to coordinate closely with your staff as new facts emerge from our investigation.

Kevin Mandia

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/7/2014 10:20:48 AM

Family of man in chokehold death praise protesters

Associated Press

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Wreath Placed at Site of Eric Garner's Death

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NEW YORK (AP) — The mother and widow of an unarmed black man whose police chokehold death sparked protests across the country said Saturday they've been moved by the thousands of peaceful demonstrators who have taken to the streets after a grand jury declined to indict the white officer involved.

"It is just so awesome to see how the crowds are out there," said Eric Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, who added that she ended up stuck in her car after protests shut down traffic.

"I was just so proud of that crowd," Carr said. "It just warmed my heart."

Garner's widow, Esaw Garner, said she saw demonstrators from her apartment window and told her son, "Look at all the love that your father's getting."

Demonstrators around the country have staged die-ins and other protests since the Garner grand jury's decision Wednesday, which closely followed a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict a white officer in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old.

Officers have said the outcry over the grand jury decision has left them feeling betrayed and demonized by everyone from the president and the mayor to throngs of protesters who scream at them on the street.

"Police officers feel like they are being thrown under the bus," said Patrick Lynch, president of the police union.

Garner's family members joined the Rev. Al Sharpton later Saturday as Sharpton laid a wreath at the site on Staten Island where Garner died July 17 in a confrontation that started when police tried to arrest him for selling loose, untaxed cigarettes.

An amateur video seen by millions showed Garner gasping, "I can't breathe" during the fatal encounter.

"All we're concerned about is justice from the police," said Garner's stepfather, Benjamin Carr, who wore a T-shirt with the words, "Enough is enough."

Protests continued in New York City for a fourth day with several dozen people lying down on the floor of Grand Central Terminal. There were no reports of arrests.

On Friday night, 20 protesters were arrested on disorderly conduct charges in New York, police said. Hundreds of demonstrators marched and many briefly laid down in Macy's flagship store, Grand Central and an Apple store. They streamed along Fifth Avenue sidewalks and other parts of Manhattan, with signs and chants of "Black lives matter" and "I can't breathe."

In Oakland, California, hundreds of protesters briefly blocked Interstate 880, a major freeway, on Friday night. There were no immediate reports of any arrests or injuries.

Protests have also been held in Philadelphia, Chicago, Miami and a number of other cities.

Sharpton announced plans this week for a march in Washington, D.C., next Saturday to protest the killings of Garner, Brown and others and to press for change at the federal level.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/7/2014 10:29:48 AM

Typhoon howls through Philippines, more than 1 million flee


Strong winds and waves brought by Typhoon Hagupit pound the seawall in Legazpi City, Albay province southern Luzon December 7, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

By Rosemarie Francisco and Manuel Mogato

MANILA (Reuters) - A powerful typhoon tore through the central Philippines on Sunday, bringing howling winds that toppled trees and power poles and cut off communications in areas where thousands were killed by a massive storm just over a year ago.

More than 1 million people had fled to shelters away from coastal areas and landslide-prone villages by the time Typhoon Hagupit made landfall on Saturday night, in what a U.N. agency said was one of the world's biggest peacetime evacuations.

Hagupit, which days earlier had reached category 5 "super typhoon" strength as it churned across the Pacific Ocean, further weakened on Sunday to category 2 as it made a second landfall at Cataingan town in the south of Masbate island.

"We are now experiencing very strong winds and heavy rains," Wilton Co, mayor of Cataingan town, told a radio interview. "I asked everyone to stay indoors and move inland to higher ground, hoping that we will have zero casualties."

The typhoon was moving west northwest at 15 kph (9 mph), with sustained winds of 140 kph (86 mph) and gusts of up to 170 kph (105 mph), the Philippine weather bureau PAGASA said. It was expected to pass around 120 km south of the capital Manila by early Monday morning.

Power was cut across most of the eastern island of Samar and nearby Leyte province, including Tacloban City, considered ground zero of the devastating super typhoon Haiyan last year.

"I can't penetrate the areas, I can't go north or south because of fallen trees and power lines. Many areas are flooded," Ben Evardone, congressman for Eastern Samar, said from his base in the provincial capital Borongan.

Local radio reported at least four people were killed in Eastern Samar and Iloilo, but that could not be confirmed by officials. The Philippine Red Cross said it was also verifying the reports.

Alexander Pama, head of the disaster agency, said major roads in parts of Samar and Leyte islands and the south of the main island Luzon were not passable due to debris, and some areas were also flooded.

General Gregorio Catapang, head of the military, said nearly 2,000 soldiers were clearing the roads and two airports on Samar to bring in food trucks and aircraft loaded with emergency supplies.

"There were areas that experienced storm surges," said Science and Technology Secretary Mario Montejo, adding the agency was verifying the exact height of the waves.


The weather bureau said Hagupit - which means "lash" in Filipino - was maintaining the projected path that would take it through Masbate, Romblon and Mindoro islands in the archipelago's central belt, slightly north of areas devastated by super typhoon Haiyan last year.

Residents of low-lying villages and landslide-prone areas had been evacuated to schools, civic centres, town halls, gyms and churches, the national disaster agency said.

Alfred Romnualdez, mayor of Tacloban, said although more than 48,000 had fled to shelters, damage to the city appeared to have been minor.

"Thank God, the typhoon spared us and we have no reported casualties," Romualdez told Reuters. "By the end of the day we expect the people to return to their homes from shelter areas."

There were more than 1.2 million people crowding over 1,500 evacuation centres across the central Philippines, said Gwendolyn Pang, secretary general of the Philippine Red Cross, adding local governments were providing the evacuees' basic needs.

But there were worries on sanitation and the impact on health of the evacuees in cramped spaces especially in urban areas.

"The critical issue is in evacuation centres where there is a high number of evacuees," said Social Work Secretary Corazon Soliman. "We are concerned that the congestion will cause more threat on health."

Environment and humanitarian groups are hoping the typhoon would spur action at U.N. climate talks in Lima, where almost 200 nations are meeting to work out an accord to slow global warming, due at a summit in Paris in a year's time.

"My country is under water, farms have been wiped away, homes destroyed, families separated," Shubert Ciencia of the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement and a member of global relief organization Oxfam, said in Lima.

"Nobody should have to live under the threat of destruction year after year. But we want action, not pity. Negotiators have a chance to make history by standing up for those who have already lost so much and the millions more who will suffer the same fate unless we act now," Ciencia said.

An Oxfam report in November showed Asia is highly vulnerable to increasingly severe and frequent weather extremes and woefully underprepared to manage growing crises.

(Reporting by Rosemarie Francisco and Manuel Mogato in Manila and Alister Doyle in Lima)

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