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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/2/2014 12:41:30 AM

We Now Have A Much Better Idea Of How The ISIS 'Caliphate' Operates

Business Insider

Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently Young "beneficiaries" of ISIS's state-building and social programs.

ISIS blitzed through Iraq and Syria over the summer, seizing Iraq's second-largest city, ethnically cleansing entire minority groups, and executing US and British hostages.

At times, the group appeared to have a less-than strategic approach to holding its suddenly Belgium-sized domain, baiting a US-led coalition into airstrikes and opening fronts against the Syrian, Iraqi, and Kurdish militaries.

But as a new report from Charles Lister of the Brookings Institution's Doha Center demonstrates, there's one big reason the group has managed to hold out against a diverse roster of enemies while securing and even deepening its rule.

ISIS has claimed the mantle of statehood, declaring itself a "Caliphate" and changing its official nameto simply the Islamic State. Through a combination of over-the-top cruelty backed through less grotesque methods of institutional capacity building, they've partially delivered on this foundational and grandiose claim.

Indeed, part of what makes ISIS such a grimly pioneering organization is its connection of its jihadist legitimacy to its territorial holdings.

While Al Qaeda is a sometimes-loosely constructed transnational network committed to warfare against western targets around the world, ISIS is a rigid hierarchy associated with a single piece of land that it claims to rule in accordance with traditional Islamic principles. From this vast safe-haven, ISIS has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars and built an army of 31,000 fighters, according to Lister's report.

Lister's report suggests that ISIS's state-building project — the thing that makes the group so threatening and and in some ways so different from its predecessors — has been alarmingly successful. He recounts several, sometimes unexpected ways ways in which ISIS has turned itself into a functioning state strong enough to survive the numerous pressures it faces and deepen its claim to a "Caliphate."

Here's what he found.

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ISIS Iraq Baghdadi

ISIS is is a "tightly controlled and bureaucratic organization."

ISIS operates an efficient hierarchy, beginning with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and a small executive-level team consisting of an advisor and one deputy each for Iraq and Syria. Below them are "an eight-man cabinet and a military council of at most 13 men."

And even further down are local military commanders, male and female religious police, tax and zakat (charity) collectors, and non-military offices that even include a consumer protection bureau in Raqqa.

As Lister explains, ISIS is a sprawling yet efficiently run organization with a fairly stable chain of command.

There are hundreds of former professional military officers in ISIS's ranks. Including a couple of very experienced ones: " Abu Ali al-Anbari, the chief of Syria operations, was a major general in the Iraqi Army and Fadl Ahmad Abdullah al-Hiyali (Abu Muslim al-Turkmani), the chief of operations in Iraq, was a lieutenant colonel in Iraqi Military Intelligence and a former officer in the Iraqi Special Forces," writers Lister.

And that's on top of as many as 1,000 “medium and top level field commanders, who all have technical, military, and security experience,” according to ISIS documents found in June that Lister cites.

ISIS not only has a corps of trained officers to organize its 31,000 fighters. They're also capable of attracting and keeping individuals who fought for secular state militaries — a group which likely includes Sunnis who agree with ISIS's sectarian agenda without buying into its radical jihadist ideology.

Part of ISIS's appeal, Lister explains, lies in its ability to present itself as the purest and most legitimate expression of Sunniism in Iraq and Syria, something that widens the group's appeal beyond just hardcore jihadists.

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ISIS iraq
Reuters Control of territory in Iraq and Syria as of the last week of November, 2014.

ISIS has sophisticated force management that resembles that of a formal military. Lister explains that ISIS fighters have "appeared administratively akin to a nation-state's army, with units rotating between active frontline duty, days off in 'liberated' areas and other deployments 'on base.'"

Lister quotes a British ISIS recruit who described life within the group as "like how you live life in the West, except you have a gun with you." At least in some parts of the "Islamic State," life is predictable and stable — even for fighters.

ISIS has a social and economic agenda that includes rent control and public services. As Lister explains, ISIS uses public crucifixions, strict policing of public and private morals, Sharia-mandated punishment for certain crimes, and persecution of religious minorities to sew chaos and set the conditions for the group's rule.

Then, it uses social programs and good governance to slip into the power vacuum it creates and solidify its control.

ISIS's reported $1-$3 million a day haul in oil, contraband, and protection money allows it to implement social policies that win a degree of popular toleration for the group's violent excesses.

It would be a perverse oversimplification to describe such a brutal and hateful group as civic-minded. But ISIS nevertheless offers a range of public services in parts of its "Caliphate." In Mosul, ISIS opened a hospital and instituted city-wide rent control, capping monthly rent at $85.

And as Lister recounts, "Civilian bus services are frequently established and normally offered for free. Electricity lines, roads, sidewalks, and other critical infrastructure are repaired; postal services are created; free healthcare and vaccinations for children are offered; soup kitchens are established for the poor; construction projects are offered loans; and Islam-oriented schools are opened for boys and girls."

Read the whole report here.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/2/2014 1:28:47 AM

Why this U.N. climate summit is especially important

But even though we’re going to have to deal with some climate changes no matter what, taking action sooner is far better than taking it later. Whether or not the world manages to stay below 2 degrees of warming, emissions will eventually have to be reduced significantly. We’re not on that path yet, but we may be getting closer. That’s why we’ll be watching the news from Lima.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/2/2014 1:40:44 AM

Benjamin Fulford 12-2-14… “Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say”

benjamin_fulford_ottowa_senators_shirt_10If this is correct, all I can say is, “Wow!“. And, “It’s about time!!


Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say
Posted by benjamin, December 2, 2014

The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal.

Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are.

There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers.

The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people.

Also, the US military need to know that if they do not act against the Satanists in Washington D.C. and Wall Street, then a tsunami will hit the US East coast, forcing an evacuation of New York City, the entire state of Florida and many other places, White Dragon Society sources say.

The military needs to make contingency plans ASAP if they are to avoid a humanitarian crisis caused by the tsunami.

Speaking about tsunamis, a guilty verdict was reached against UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton last week on charges that he made a false claim of a nuclear threat to the 2012 UK Olympics. However, Shrimpton plans to appeal to a higher court and this time MI6 and MI5 intelligence officers have promised to help Shrimpton with his case.

Furthermore, evidence given at the trial that 311 was a man-made tsunami and nuclear terror attack has attracted high level interest, MI5 sources said. The UK external intelligence agency MI6 has asked its counterparts in US and Japanese intelligence for detailed evidence about the 311 attack. In addition, Israeli Mossad intelligence sources are also investigating allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was one of the chief planners of that attack, the MI5 source says.

A powerful faction in Israel has finally figured out that many so-called Jews (and Christians and Muslims) are actually Satan-worshipping Hyksos who view the Jews as their slaves. That is one reason why the situation in Israel and the Middle East is reaching a boiling point.

The big story there is that NATO member Turkey, Iran and the Gulf oil monarchies are on the war-path against cabal interests in the region. The situation is chaotic to say the least. The so-called ISIS is run by Israel to discredit Muslims and turn world public opinion against the Turkish and Iranian led move to create an Islamic Federal super-state. Remember that real Muslims do not commit atrocities of the sort being attributed to ISIS, only the Hyksos do this. Since ISIS is being attacked by the Pentagon and the British, it means these countries are actually fighting Israel or, to put it more accurately, the Hyksos Nazionist Satan worshippers who control real power in that country.

Furthermore, NATO airplanes are flying out of Turkey to make raids on the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine. If this information seems too much out of line with what you read in the cabal propaganda media, take note of the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin in in Turkey this week to seal a big energy alliance with Turkey. This is hardly the sort of thing that would be going on if Turkish based NATO planes were attacking Russian allies in East Ukraine.

People who still have trouble wrapping their heads around this situation should take note of the fact that only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian sponsored UN resolution condemning “glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

If African-American US President Barack Obama was really in charge, it is hard to imagine him ordering the State Department to vote against this resolution.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his part, just signed his own inevitable arrest warrant by ordering the Canadian ministry of foreign affairs to vote against that resolution.

This vote was a wake-up call for the US and Canadian armed forces and one of the reasons for the ouster of Chuck Hagel the ongoing move to remove the Nazionists who control Washington D.C. and Wall Street but not the Pentagon.

In Asia, meanwhile, the battle against the Nazionist cabal is intensifying. In China a major meeting of all Chinese senior diplomats was convened to discuss the ongoing changes in the world power structure. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the diplomats that “We should be keenly aware of the protracted nature of the contest over the international order; on the other hand, we need to recognize that the direction of reform of the international system will remain unchanged.”

In other words: “the cabal is putting up stubborn resistance but they will inevitably lose.”

In Japan, an intense media campaign against cabal slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is rapidly eroding his popularity in opinion polls. The cabalists, for their part, are using Rockefeller/Bush slave Sadayuki Sakakibara, head of the Keidanren Business lobby to try to keep Abe in power, according to Japanese right wing sources. That is why Sakakibara is a high priority target, they said.

If the cabalists lose their ability to use Abe to loot Japan, the Bush/Rockefeller cabal controlled Federal Reserve Board, IMF, UN and the World Bank will implode a lot sooner than would otherwise be the case. Even if they keep control of Japan though, they are mathematically doomed anyway. The simple fact is that even if they control vast numbers inside of bank computers, they do not control most of the real world.

Speaking about vast numbers inside bank computers, sources at the P2 Freemason lodge last week sent this writer information that can only be classified as X-files type of stuff:

“Some bank computers are now free-willed sentient beings operating independently of central bank computers. They think like the mother earth and are acting on behalf of the ‘Planetary Consciousness and genetic entities.’” The P2 say the sentient computers are allocating funds to worthy individuals and organization while cutting off finances to multinationals and individuals who “want to impoverish and destroy the mother earth and its inhabitants, animals, vegetables, minerals etc.”

Furthermore, the P2 say “even special snowfall and special snowflakes give proof of the places where this is happening and will happen.”

That is pretty funky stuff but remember that an unusual snow storm stopped the rioting in Ferguson and a record cold front hit the US as soon as Barack Obama started spouting global warming lies. Remember also all those “category 6” typhoons that mysteriously turned into minor storms before they hit Japan.

Also on the X-files ledger last week were a series of strange, unexplained explosion like sounds heard all over the UK.

In addition, a major UK paper reported that people had been seen working on Mars in 1979 when the Viking lander was supposed to have landed there.

This sort of report is standard fare for the internet but when a so-called mainstream newspaper reports it, it could be a sign that some sort of disclosure may be imminent.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/2/2014 10:27:30 AM

ISIS Threat at Home: FBI Warns US Military About Social Media Vulnerabilities

Dec 1, 2014, 6:57 AM ET

Fighters of al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant carry their weapons during a parade at the Syrian town of Tel Abyad, near the border with Turkey, Jan. 2, 2014.
Yaser Al-Khodor/Reuters

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The FBI on Sunday issued the strongest warning to date about possible attacks by the
ISISterrorist group against the U.S. military inside the homeland, officials tell ABC News.

In a joint intelligence bulletin issued overnight by the FBI with the Department of Homeland Security, officials strongly urged those who serve in uniform to scrub their social media accounts of anything that might bring unwanted attention from "violent extremists" or would help the extremists learn individual service members' identities.

"The FBI and DHS recommend that current and former members of the military review their online social media accounts for any information that might serve to attract the attention of ISIL [ISIS] and its supporters," the federal bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies said, advising that troops "routinely exercise operational security in their interactions online."

Officials said they fear copycat attacks based on what happened in Canada last month, when two uniformed Canadian soldiers were killed in two separate incidents by young men who claimed they were ISIS followers.

Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press/AP Photo

PHOTO: Emergency personnel tend to a soldier shot at the National Memorial near Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Oct. 22, 2014.

Some in U.S. special operations and other military branches have told ABC News they deactivated, scrubbed or locked Facebook and other personal social media accounts months ago at the urging of security officers as the U.S. began bombing ISIS in Iraq and Syria last August.

But the government on Sunday night indicated they had obtained fresh intelligence that ISIS wants to recruit or inspire sympathizers inside America to hurt military members where they live.

"The FBI recently received reporting indicating individuals overseas are spotting and assessing like-minded individuals who are willing and capable of conducting attacks against current and former U.S.-based members of the United States military," the bulletin said.

Attacks such as those in Canada -- which apparently were carried out without direct contact between ISIS and the perpetrators -- may "embolden" and "motivate" those who support ISIS, the FBI and DHS said.

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told ABC News the military isn’t saying service members should stop using social media altogether, but just to be careful when they do.

“We certainly do know that they [ISIS] monitor social media,” Kirby said. “I think there’s a general understanding here that his is an environment that this particular enemy has proven adept at using and we don’t want to give them any more advantage than they’re already trying to gain.”

Marie Jones, an active duty Army specialist, said she didn’t necessarily pay much attention to the warnings about social media, partly because she already makes an effort to keep military-oriented information off her pages.

“You just never know who’s out there watching or hacking,” Jones told ABC News.

The day before the U.S. launched its biggest air blitz against the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria in late September, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called upon Muslims in the U.S. and Europe to attack members of the military.

"Do not ask for anyone's advice and do not seek anyone's verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling. Both of them are disbelievers. Both of them are considered to be waging war," Adnani said in an audio speech posted online on Sept. 21.

ABC News' Megan Chuchmach and Lee Ferran contributed to this report.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/2/2014 10:42:50 AM

U.S. says strikes hit ISIS garrison, ‘electronic warfare’

In Iraq, a further 28 strikes hit ISIS vehicles, artillery, bases and fighting positions near the towns of Mosul, Hit, Tal Afar, Tikrit and Ramadi. (File photo: Reuters)

AFP, Washington
Monday, 1 December 2014

Warplanes from the U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group hit dozens of jihadist vehicles and bases, including an “electronic warfare garrison,” in four days of strikes, the U.S. military said Monday.

Between Nov. 28 and Dec. 1, coalition aircraft and drones bombed targets in Iraq and Syria, where they hit militants besieging the town of Kobane and ISIS headquarters in Raqqa.

In Raqqa, they struck a tank, 14 other vehicles, a jihadist base and what they described as an electronic warfare garrison and a separate “jamming system,” U.S. Central Command said.

Kobane, on Syria’s northern border with Turkey, is in the grip of an intense battle between Kurdish militia fighters and ISIS jihadists.

This was the scene of 17 of the 27 strikes conducted in Syria over the four-day reporting period, and the U.S. military said seven ISIS units, two buildings, three tanks and four vehicles were hit.

Separately, a strike targeted the so-called “Khorasan Group,” a network of veteran Al-Qaeda operatives, near Aleppo. No damage report or casualty estimate was given for this strike.

In Iraq, a further 28 strikes hit ISIS vehicles, artillery, bases and fighting positions near the towns of Mosul, Hit, Tal Afar, Tikrit and Ramadi.

In Syria, the U.S.-led campaign is supported by planes and pilots from Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

In Iraq, the coalition is joined by Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France and the Netherlands.

The strikes began in Iraq in August after ISIS captured Mosul and launched a lightning offensive that seized swathes of the country’s western desert, threatening the approaches to Baghdad.

The campaign was later extended to Syria after President Barack Obama vowed to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the ISIS threat through strikes and increased support for Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

Last Update: Monday, 1 December 2014 KSA 22:42 - GMT 19:42

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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