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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2012 12:30:15 AM
Dear friends, here Steve Beckow further elaborates on his "peace descending" article that I posted earlier today

The Transition to Peace

2012 JULY 25
Posted by Steve Beckow

I’ve had quite a few discussions with people since writing the article on peace descending. (1) And a common theme that’s emerging is that people are having difficulty adjusting to the lack of apparent action around us.

When Archangel Michael told us that the celestials preferred to use containment to mass arrests, a lot of us were irritated. It’s as if we wanted the ritual, drama, and completion that mass arrests might have brought us.

We didn’t seem to care much about the risks of loosing a genie that we might have difficulty putting back in the bottle. We seemed to want action.

But we may not be getting mass arrests and so again we find ourselves in peace – without action or drama. And a lack of action may prove difficult for people who’ve been so accustomed to action through fighting pandemics, protesting chemtrails, overthrowing the financial elite, reacting to oil spills, rushing to assist the people of Japan or the people of Haiti.

At least that’s my take on it. We’re in an interval between warring with the cabal and building with the galactics and we seem to be finding it difficult.

We’re told the cabal has been defeated and is being forced out of the picture. But they’re not entirely gone. To be sure, fighting rages in some sectors of the globe and in others leaders still flex their muscles and posture. But the galactics have told us repeatedly that they are now in charge and won’t permit any battle to go too far.

Syria presents a glaring exception, but we’re told that karma is being cleansed there and that the Middle East may be the last place on Earth to settle down. Apart from the Middle East, the world appears to be approaching quiet. Things certainly are much more settled than they’ve ever been.

We say that nothing’s happening although you can see from so many sources that many things are happening. The LIBOR scandal is bringing fresh arrests. Everywhere bankers are resigning. We hear rumors that leading cabalists are seeking hiding places. Their underground bunkers are destroyed. Not much of the cabal’s weather-warfare or other machinery appears to be functioning. All over the world the net is tightening on the cabal and they’re in retreat.

The Company of Light has defeated them but they’re not here yet either. The abundance program, the temporary governments, and Disclosure have not yet been introduced.

We have neither the cabal to worry about nor the Company of Heaven to applaud. And I think this seeming balance point is getting to us.

We’re not used to peace and we may become bored when peaceful. We haven’t had peace for decades and we may not know what to make of it or do with it. We were weaned on sensationalism and consumerism. Peace isn’t what we expected.

Once the cabal is gone or the Company of Light is here, we won’t be facing this situation. But we do at this moment. How do we weather this period of adjustment?

Yesterday I made a suggestion from one vantage point. I suggested that we begin planning our global work as lightworkers.

Today I’d like to make a different suggestion – from a spiritual vantage point. If you’ll permit me.

In everything that I’m doing these days, the common factor seems to be that I’m emerging – and I would imagine the same is happening for you. I’m feeling more love than I ever have. I’m valuing integrity more. I’m feeling bliss. I’m sinking more deeply into my heart. I’m seeing things more clearly, such as the fact that the heart has no fear or that integrity, love and truth are connected; one cannot be violated without the other being violated, etc.

In every way I’m emerging. A larger and livelier me is coming out and is increasingly able to take care of itself.

And that larger me only comes out in the fertile ground of my own internal peace. The peacefulness that’s descending on our outer society is an opportunity, along with the cleansing of our vasanas internally, for me, for us to blossom. Instead of looking for things to do, fresh ideas, racy feelings, and exciting sensations, what I choose to do is be the container for ever-expanding moments of love to emerge from me.

I’m moving away from drama, kicking the habit, perhaps two steps forward and one step back, but making progress. I choose to be the soil in which the rose of love grows. This “activity” is done in stillness and silence. It’s done by opening and allowing. It’s done by being and observing.

Yes, the drama has subsided and the transition from drama to life or drama to peace can be troublesome. But we can do it. We can make the difficult decisions. We can come of age as a human race.

We can alter our course and become vessels for the expression of love out into the world. We can shed our habituation to sensationalism and discover what awaits us – the bliss, the love and the other divine qualities – that can only be found in the restfulness of peace.

It does mean getting through this awkward period in which one side has not completely left and the other side hasn’t completely arrived. But, whether we knew this would happen or not, it’s just one more barrier we have to move through.

Yes, we’re handling a lot at this time, all our old business coming up and our past trauma exploding. But we know we’re not far from beginning the quick and steady upward climb. To leave off now because the quiet seems to suggest we’ve been abandoned is to ignore all the careful work the Company of Light has done to prepare us for this time. Let’s not throw matters over when we’re so close to a decisive turn of events.


(1) “Peace Descends and You Can Hear a Pin Drop,” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2012 9:29:30 PM

Russia seeks to cool Assad's head

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2012 9:35:26 PM
5 Reasons the Euro Zone Crisis Is Getting Even Worse
by July 25, 2012

1. Moody’s is downgrading everyone.

Proving that Germany is no longer immune to the woes of other euro zone countries, Moody’s Investors Service downgraded its economic outlook to negative. Luxembourg and the Netherlands also had their economic outlook downgraded, as did that of the European Financial Stability Facility, the rescue fund European leaders have created to bailout countries with troubled economies and to (theoretically, as it quite seems now) keep the crisis from spreading.

Only Finland is retaining its AAA rating.

2. The UK is in a double-dip recession.

The Diamond Jubilee, to mark Queen Elizabeth’s 60 year-reign, meant an extra bank holiday, meaning that many offices and factories were closed for two days in June (the 5th and 6th), with some even taking the whole week off. Bad weather in Britain — lowering jobs in the service sector and limiting constructionwork — has also pushed the economy back into a recession into the last quarter.

The UK last suffered a double-dip recession in 1975, when Margaret Thatcher became the leader of the Conservative Party.

Britain’s gross domestic product has fallen by a larger than projected 0.7 percent. All told, the UK economy is now 0.8 percent smaller than it was a year ago.

3. China’s seemingly unstoppable economic growth is declining.

The deepening economic crisis in Europe poses a “key risk” to China, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says, along with risks within China’s own borders including a worse than expected decline in the real estate market.

China’s economic growth slowed to a three-year low in the second quarter. Euro zone countries are key export partners for Chinese companies and lessened demand is showing its effects.

4. Greece isn’t meeting the terms of its bailout deal, its economy is contracting, etc.

An assessment this week by the troika (the IMF, the European Central Bank, the European Commission) of Greece’s economic situation has found that the country has failed to carry out the debt reduction plan agreed to earlier this year. So Greece’s debt burden is only increasing in relation to its gross domestic product.

Moreover, the Greek economy is contracting by 7 percent this year, more than the projected 5 percent — and JP Morgan is setting up “contingency plans” to limit disruptions to its clients should any nation (i.e., Greece) leave the euro zone.

5. It’s looking more and more as if Spain will need a full bailout.

The interest rate on Spain’s 10-year debt has risen to 7.56 percent, a new record indicating that before too soon, it could cost too much for Spain to borrow funds.

Spain, whose economy is the fourth-largest in the euro zone, may need 300 billion bailout funds. It has been seeking to avoid the “full-blown bailout” that Greece, Ireland and Portugal have had to ask for, but many analysts thing this is inevitable as unemployment nears 25 percent and the list of semi-autonomous regions seeking financial assistance from the Spanish central government grows.

It’s apparently sunny today in London but will it last as the start of Olympics draws near? (Clouds are predicted.)

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Photo taken in July in Dublin by Informatique

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2012 9:40:29 PM
1,000 Dairy Calves Left To Die In Midwest Heat Wave

More than 1,000 dairy calves throughout the Midwest have died during the past two-three weeks as a result of heat stress, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

According to Raechelle Cline, a spokeswoman with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, half of the more than two dozen herds of dairy cows struck by the heat stress deaths are in Wisconsin, though the exact number of deaths in the state has not been determined.

A news release from the agency, issued on July 20, stated:

“We suspect that these calves have succumbed to the heat because young calves fewer than 10 days old tend to drink very little water,” says Donald Sockett, DVM, an epidemiologist/microbiologist with the WDVL (Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory). Many of the dead calves were also housed in calf hutches that were not properly configured for summer ventilation, he added.

Officials at the WDVL indicate that calves are dying in one of two ways. They are either weakened by heat stress and die from a bacterial infection or they become dehydrated and die from heat stroke.”

As Free From Harm points out, the mothers are probably indoors having their mammary glands pumped for profit, while their newborn babies are taken away and penned outside in the hot summer sun, where they are dying in record levels.

Most of these calf deaths were completely preventable. The news release from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection gives several suggestions on how to proceed. These include hosing down baby calves with cool water in the late afternoon, providing water or electrolytes for the calves at all times, and monitoring the temperature inside the occupied hutches.

That all makes sense to me; in fact, these are all obvious suggestions for any creature trying to survive in record high temperatures. So why were they not implemented? While 100 degrees is hot for cattle, with a little water and shade, very few cows will ever perish from the heat. If that was the case, cattle wouldn’t be raised in droves in Texas, Oklahoma, and California.

If you believe that the treatment of these animals is cruel and unnecessary, please sign our petition demanding that Wisconsin farmers do not allow any more baby calves to die in this extreme heat.

And thank you.

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Photo Credit: Zealandia photography

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2012 9:46:01 PM
Iran offers Syria "experience and capabilities"
In this photo released by an official website of the Iranian supreme leader's office and taken on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a speech under a portrait of late revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini, in Tehran, Iran. Iran's Supreme Leader says Western-led sanctions and pressure will not force Iran to change its policies, voicing confidence that the country can beat the latest moves to block its vital oil and banking industries. (AP Photo/Office of the Supreme Leader)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A high-ranking Iranian official said his country is ready to share "experience and capabilities" with the Tehran-backed regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the official IRNA news agency reported.

The late Wednesday report said Iran's vice president in charge of international affairs, Ali Saeedlou, described the two countries as powerful nations able to influence regional and global stability.

The comments appear to reinforce Iran's support for its main Middle East ally and counter speculation that Iran's leadership was facing internal battles over whether to continue their backing for the embattled Assad.

"Tehran is ready to give its experience and capabilities to its friend and brother nation of Syria," IRNA reported Saeedlou as saying in a meeting with Syria's deputy prime minister, Omar Ibrahim Ghalawanji, who is in Tehran with a Syrian delegation.

Saeedlou did not elaborate about which experience or capabilities he had in mind.

On Tuesday Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, a spokesman of Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that Assad's regime has friends in the region poised to "strike out" — an apparent reference to forces that include militant groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza strip.

Hezbollah, whose strongholds lie along the Syrian border, maintains a heavily armed guerrilla force that has held its own against its high-tech Israeli adversary. It has ideological links to Tehran's theocratic regime, and has long benefited from support in Damascus.

Iran would not likely dispatch military units or hardware to Syria, however — earlier on Wednesday Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi reiterated his country's stance against military intervention in its key ally, noting that at present "Iran has no military forces in Syria" or plans to send any.

State TV reported the Syrian delegation signed cooperation agreements involving dam construction as well as power plant and grid development, building on previous collaboration in past years when Iran built several car-making and cement factories in Syria.

Syria's Ghalawanji described his country as facing serious challenges as a result of "cruel sanctions" imposed by the U.S., European Union, and Arab countries on Damascus over its handling of an increasingly bloody 17-month uprising, the IRNA report said.

It also said that Iran's First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi told Ghalawanji in a separate meeting that he could count on unwavering support from Iran.

"Given that powers have united to damage the Syrian nation, Iran's stance toward Syria is not changeable -- it will always stand by its Syrian brothers," Rahimi was quoted as saying.

Some 17,000 people have died in the Syrian uprising since March 2011. Syrian opposition groups have refused Iran's proposal to play a mediator role between Assad and rebels.

Tehran stamped out its own wave of mass protests in 2009, launching a severe crackdown on the opposition Green Movement after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The movement has been mostly silent since then.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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