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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2013 9:52:32 AM

The anti-amnesty movement's underbelly

The underlying fear driving anti-immigration sentiment is...
The Week
Some anti-immigration activists are motivated by a simple, ugly thing: Racism

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to oppose immigration reform. But it's time to be honest about one big bad reason driving some of the most passionate, if less high-profile, opponents: Fear that whites are losing their country.

I do not bring this up cavalierly. Such charges are thrown around far too casually. Just yesterday, for example, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on the Voting Rights Act, an overwrought Rev. Al Sharpton declared that the ruling "really revoked a lot of what Dr. King's dream was all about."

But it has become very clear to me that beneath the surface lurks the fear some whites have of losing majority status. It is an underlying force behind some of the most vehement opposition to immigration reform.

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My colleague at The Daily Caller, blogging pioneer Mickey Kaus, recently challenged his readers to create videos attacking amnesty. (It should be noted that Mickey — who happens to be a Democrat — opposes immigration reform for the simple reason that he believes more immigrants will hurt American workers who are already struggling. His brand of populist/protectionist politics isn't my cup of tea. I prefer Reagan/Kemp/Ryan/Rubio optimism as opposed to a Malthusian worldview that says we live in a limited world and are fighting for scraps. But I think we can all agree that Kaus' argument is a perfectly legitimate concern, especially considering the high unemployment rate.)

The very first video submitted was premised on the notion that immigration reform should be stopped because otherwise whites would become the minority in America.

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I pushed back. Paraphrasing what Rev. Samuel Rodriguez had said at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference a few days earlier, I wrote that conservatism isn't about conserving pigmentation, it's about ideas. And that as long as America is free and virtuous, honors the rule of law, and advances the values of western civilization, I couldn't care less about the racial makeup of America. (I also noted that if whites are concerned about losing majority status, there is a simple remedy: Start having kids at a faster rate than you're dying.)

This didn't go over very well. The person claiming responsibility for the video and I went back and forth a few times, culminating with his claiming that certain "proclivities" lead one to freedom and democracy, and that they are "genetically determined."

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I responded, noting that in the book Why Nations Fail, economists Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson point out that North and South Koreans are genetically identical, and yet, South Korea is one of the richest counties in world, while the North "grapples with periodic famine and abject poverty."

He wrote this:

...The truth is that I do care about race. And I care about race because I am fact-based and not wishful thinking-based. When sub-Saharan Africans or mestizos start pumping out scientific and technological marvels at the rate that Europeans have been doing for centuries; when they overwhelmingly embrace the rule of law and limited government over an all-controlling, wealth-redistributing Leviathan; when they eschew ethnic chauvinism in favor of racial egalitarianism; then, and only then, will I gladly admit that race is of no significance. Until that happens, I go with the data. And the data says it loud and clear: modern [western] civilization in general, and American culture in particular, depend upon races capable of supporting them, both intellectually and behaviorally. From my perspective, to deny this while pursuing a third-world immigration agenda is, at best, suicidal folly; at worst, it's outright treason.

Clearly there is a sense among some anti-immigration reform proponents that whites are genetically superior, and thus, uniquely suited to living in a free society.

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Now, the obvious way to attack this column is to say that I am citing an anonymous person who does not represent the mainstream of anti-immigration reform thought. But look: I have been around politics long enough to know when something is a complete anomaly versus when something represents a certain strain of thought, even if it is repressed below the surface. This is not to say that the majority of opponents of reform — let alone this particular bill — harbor such thoughts. But some of the most passionate opponents of immigration reform do feel this way. It's possible some people who have these latent fears aren't even aware of it. (And, to be sure, the most prominent voices on TV either don't believe this garbage — or are simply smart enough to know better than to publicly voice these opinions. But many of their supporters are animated by this fear.)

It is telling that the very first video submitted to Mickey raised this issue as a primary argument. This is consistent with dozens of emails I have received since I started voicing my support for immigration reform.

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Here's one I got Tuesday morning:

You say that America can exist without its original ethnic mix. That a country is nothing more than an "idea". If it is majority hispanic, or black it doesn't long as the "idea" survives. Tell me, where does the "idea" survive in a black majority American city? What is the corruption, decay, crime, like in ANY black run city? Surely if the problem was economic there would be some sign of success somewhere, some black enclave that is not entirely, artificially supported by massive Federal Government giveaways. So..where are those enclaves Matt? Can you name one? And you purport to think that Westen Civilization is essential to this "idea" of America. Where does this Western Civilzation survive without the ethnic group that created it. White Europeans. Where? How would you rate the Chinese immigrants interest in Western culture? Hmm? They seem to think of America as nothing more than an economic system to scam. And how would you rate the Jamaicans appreciation of Western art and philosophy? Jamaican culture is Rastafarian, and Rastafarian is built on the idea that Ethiopia is the center of the world. How about the Muslims that are flocking to Michigan? How to they look on the West? So tell us Matt, where do you find any evidence that traditional America will survive independent of its original ethnicity as the major dominant force? Come on Matt, surely."

Here's the political problem. These people are out there. They are tweeting and emailing and blogging. And — maybe more concerning — they are cheering on more mainstream commentators who are using increasingly harsh rhetoric, which, of course, makes it easier to paint Republicans as xenophobes. And for those of us who care about advancing conservative ideas, that could have some dire unintended consequences down the road.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2013 10:01:19 AM

Researchers find trash littering the ocean floor

William Holt 18 hours ago
Yahoo! News

Twice the size of Texas, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch—along with other swirling masses of garbage in our oceans—has been making headlines of late. But while many people are familiar with images of garbage floating on the surface of the Pacific, few have seen the trash that lies on the ocean floor.

According to Treehugger, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute "combed through thousands of hours of video footage taken over the last 20 years from remotely controlled vehicles" placed deep in the Pacific. At dive sites from Vancouver Island to the Gulf of California, researches counted more than 1,500 instances of deep-sea debris.

About one-third of the trash discovered was plastic, reports Treehugger, while metal made up one-fifth of the total. Fishing equipment and rope were also common finds for researchers, as were bottles and paper.

About one-third of the trash discovered was plastic, reports Treehugger, while metal made up one-fifth of the total. Fishing equipment and rope were also common finds for researchers, as were bottles and paper.

A tire on the Pacific floor (Livescience)

Because of cold temperatures and lack of oxygen and bacteria, trash on the ocean floor takes much longer to decompose than it does on land. Of particular concern are plastic bags, which Treehugger calls “notoriously dangerous for marine life.”

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2013 10:07:52 AM

New Digging Seen at North Korea Nuclear Test Site

National Journal
Rachel Oswald 17 hours ago

Recent tunneling activity at North Korea's nuclear testing grounds suggests that Pyongyang is preparing for more trial explosions sometime in the future, according to a new image analysis.

Commercial satellite photographs taken on May 13 around the "West Portal" area of the North's
Punggye-ri test site show significant digging, according to Joel Wit, who edits the 38 North Website documenting developments in the isolated country.

Speaking on Tuesday to an audience at the American Security Project, Wit said another underground test is not likely in the short term but the preparations appear to indicate Kim Jong Un's regime is keeping its future options open.

The activities are open to interpretation. North Korea could be launching construction of a new tunnel, completing a tunnel already under way, repairing damage to an existing tunnel or clearing debris from older underground chambers, he said.

All of those options, though, suggest that Pyongyang is "conducting long-term projects … that may be necessary for the conduct of future tests," according to a new
image analysis report by 38 North. To date, there have been three underground nuclear tests at Punggye-ri, the most recent happening in February.

"I am not saying that there is going to be a nuclear test tomorrow. It doesn't look like this is preparations for the near term. It looks like this is more of a long-term effort," said Wit, a former State Department official who, in the 1990s, oversaw implementation of an ultimately unsuccessful bid to end the North's nuclear weapons work.

Evidence of North Korea's tunneling effort can be seen in satellite imagery of piles of mountain rock near the West Portal and cart rails installed to haul away the debris, according to the analysis.

The tunneling work currently taking place is substantial. Tailings dumped on the ground are gray in color and thus determined to be rock "coming out of the mountain" rather than simply surface soil, Wit said.

Photographs taken on June 1 reveal a significant new tailings site sandwiched between the West Portal and an older dumping grounds, according to the 38 North report.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2013 10:20:53 AM

Israel approves more East Jerusalem housing before Kerry talks

An Israeli flag is seen as labourers work on a construction site in a Jewish settlement near Jerusalem …

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel on Wednesday authorized construction of 69 housing units in a Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, a decision that may upset U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's push to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Kerry, in the region for the fifth time since March, is due to meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Thursday to try to win agreement to renew negotiations that broke down in 2010.

Brachie Sprung, a spokeswoman for the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem, said the city planning commission had approved 69 housing units in Har Homa, an East Jerusalem settlement built more than a decade ago which now houses 12,000 Israelis.

Sprung said the panel had also issued building permits for 22 homes in two Palestinian-populated districts.

Settlement construction has been a main stumbling block in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at establishing a Palestinian state on land Israel captured in the 1967 war.

Israel annexed East Jerusalem soon after the war in a move never recognized internationally.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be capital of the state they seek in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. They say Israel must stop building settlements before peace talks resume.

"Resumption of negotiation requires a cessation of all settlement activities," the Palestine Liberation Organisation said in a statement this week.

Israel's housing minister said this month that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had quietly halted housing starts in settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since March, but has continued with projects already under way.

(Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan; Editing by Alistair Lyon)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2013 10:29:24 AM

Edward Snowden Steps Into Secret U.S.-Russia Spy Scuffle

Edward Snowden Steps Into Secret U.S.-Russia Spy Scuffle
Edward Snowden Steps Into Secret U.S.-Russia Spy Scuffle (ABC News)

ABC News

As NSA leaker Edward Snowden is said to be spending his third day in hiding in a Moscow airport, the 30-year-old contractor may have unwittingly become the newest player in a relentless yet relatively little-known espionage war between the U.S. and Russia.

An ABC News review of public reports shows that in the past 16 months alone, at least six people have been accused or convicted of spying for the U.S. in Russia, including two Americans who were kicked out of the country and four Russians purportedly recruited by U.S. intelligence -- all sent to prison. Another American, a lawyer, was reportedly expelled from Russia this May because he rebuffed Russian agents' attempt to recruit him to spy for them.

"Espionage is alive and well" between the old Cold War foes, said David Major, a former senior FBI counter-intelligence officer and now President of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, which tracks spy cases the world over.

Some of the cases, like that of blown CIA agent Ryan Fogle, splashed across headlines the world over. But several others, like the case of a Russian intelligence colonel who worked with the CIA and got 18 years behind bars for it, barely made a ripple in American media.

Prior to 2012, the whole world took notice in 2010 when the FBI rounded up 10 undercover Russian agents in America – including the "SoHo Spy" Anna Chapman – but far fewer heard in 2011 when it was revealed a Russian intelligence official in Moscow had given the spy ring up and then fled to the U.S. That man, Col. Alexander Poteyev, reportedly had been recruited by the CIA.

Now with Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency with a head and, reportedly, laptops full of U.S. secrets, Major said the Russians have been handed a victory, even if Snowden insists he's not working with any governments.

"One of the highest targets [for foreign intelligence agencies] has always been the NSA, one of the hardest targets for them ever to penetrate," Major said. "[Russian intelligence] is going to look at this case as an opportunity, as a treasure trove of intelligence that [will be] exploited to the extent that they can, and then when they decide, they'll move on."

While hiding in Hong Kong earlier this month, Snowden revealed himself to be the source of several headline-grabbing reports from The Guardian and The Washington Post revealing what he called "horrifying" U.S. government domestic and foreign surveillance programs. Snowden, who has been charged by the U.S. with espionage, and those he worked with claim there's much more to come to light.

When he was in Hong Kong, Snowden mocked the idea he would defect to China and said he only works "with journalists." After Snowden escaped Hong Kong for Moscow – a move that stunned U.S. officials -- Russia's President Vladimir Putin assured the world Tuesday that his security services have not worked with Snowden.

Such assurances haven't calmed fears from current and former U.S. officials who have told ABC News it would not be difficult for foreign intelligence agents to copy information from the laptops with which Snowden is reportedly traveling, with or without Snowden's permission, or for them to talk directly to Snowden, if need be under the guise of immigration officers. Putin, a former intelligence officer himself, said Snowden is a free man and flatly denied repeated U.S. requests to send him back to the States.

"Why would you want to help?" Major said of Putin's decision no to expel Snowden. "Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of that?"

Whatever the Russians can get from Snowden, if anything, it will be the latest salvo in the decades-long battle over secrets between the U.S. and Russia that in recent years has reached a fevered pitch, harkening back to the days of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

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