Thank you for your suggestion and your interest! I would definitely like to expand on the topic! It all boils down to the value of information. The more people who are posting ads and earning points for other people responding to those ads by posting more ads, the more lead providers are benefiting. It's a win-win-win situation, because we get paid for posting ads while we maintain control over that which we receive advertising for and receive discounts on things we already buy. In the meantime, you are offering information to direct service providers who are able to match you with quality deals. We are all part of an advertising chain. By each of us accepting that, we can all get paid simply by posting ads. That's the simple version. The points add up quickly and the money is steadily increasing. Daily training calls are held, and there are tons of outlets they provide through which you are able to post free ads. You get back what you put into it. If you have the time and energy to invest in ad posting, it's all you have to do. They never ask you for a penny to start, and you can begin working within hours of receiving your first email from me.