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Willena Flewelling
7/21/2011 11:09:32 AM
Thank you Willena for your friendship.I am I am trying to spend time to understand the site but thanks for your offer and I am sorry for your loss
Cordially, Jerry Roebuck OneX Associate (330) 774-5196 email:
Carla Carey

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Willena Flewelling
10/14/2011 2:49:35 AM
Have a blessed evening ! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Carl Vitale

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Willena Flewelling
11/20/2011 12:25:43 AM
Hi Willena, do you have a few minutes? Would you allow me to share a secret with you? People are not Numbers, they are people. 50 % of people who download my "Free" e-Book Success in 10 Steps are already in a business. So why should we talk about companies? Would it be alright if we focus on seeing how to make your dreams reality? Do you want to begin Willena?
Voice of the Prophetic Main Blog site: WE ARE ALSO ON FACEBOOK: Voice of the Prophetic -
Willena Flewelling
3/18/2012 8:33:29 PM
I don't think you ever responded to my friends request. It's funny, Carli wants to share Michael's book with you!
Daniel J. Prendergast "I show people how to fire their boss."
Willena Flewelling
3/23/2012 3:55:13 AM
Boy do I have an oportunity for you! I can give you a complete presentation, but It would take an entire minute! When could you set aside a whole minute?
Daniel J. Prendergast "I show people how to fire their boss."

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