
Sarah Pritchard

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7/29/2010 8:07:56 PM

Are You Inspired By Self-Motivation?

Finding the key to self-motivation is finding the key to success and happiness. It can be an elusive key, as self-motivation is a difficult concept to understand and implement.

Self-motivation can be defined as the ability to achieve a goal or a desire without being helped or influenced by someone else. In other words, you inspire yourself!

There are many motivation courses one can take to achieve and maintain the level of enthusiasm needed to move forward. It’s generally agreed that these courses are good, but results can most of the time be only temporary. Motivation is like a bath. We need it every day.

With a constant daily dose of motivation you can be inspired to continue your projects and maintain forward momentum until the desired goal is reached. Motivation allows us to maintain focus on the task at hand. If we’re not focused then we find ourselves floundering and distracted. Self-motivation is finding a way to concentrate your energy in the proper direction.

Find the method of self-motivation that works for you. Some gain motivation through religion. They believe if they turn their needs and desires over to God or a higher power, that He will accomplish all things and grant all things as they’re needed in life.

This is achieved through prayer, meditation and focus. Faith can be a powerful motivator but even the faithful believe that faith without works is futile. Faith combined with work can achieve wonders.

Many people are inspired by self-motivation, but lack the skill to implement it. You first must harness your emotions and you can do this by understanding them. Realize that there will be highs and lows in your life.

Some days you’ll have to be peeled from the ceiling and other days someone will have to scrape you from the floor. Self motivators can deal with this wide range of emotions by knowing that beyond every valley, there is a peak.

A surge of energy usually comes with the beginning of a project or idea and self-motivation comes easily. But, after the new wears off and you encounter a few setbacks you begin to doubt yourself and your energy level drops as well as your motivation. Now, you’re faced with the possibility of failure and it’s difficult to continue.

The path to success is never straight up the mountain. Know that you’ll meet many obstacles along the way. With self-motivation, you will find a way to go up, over, around or under anything that stands in your way.

Be prepared for the lows and anticipate the highs. You must resist negativity and search for the path back to positive thinking. With proper direction, creative thinking and reflection you can once again ride the road to success. Be inspired by self motivation and self motivation will inspire you. Each feeds on the other as you maximize motivation.

Angel cuddles,


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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Motivation
7/29/2010 8:21:07 PM

Great information and advice.

Motivation is something that you sometimes need to go and get.

I have a twin forum to this. My forum is about inspiration. If you haven't visited the reposted intro is at

Adland is so lucky to have positive people who like to share.

Support Sarah here. Get motivated, skip over to my forum and take some positive on board.


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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Motivation
7/30/2010 3:18:30 PM
Thank you Sir Roger,

I will be right over.

I am actually on holiday now but I can spare a bit of time for inspiration.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Motivation
8/17/2010 8:04:45 PM

Finding the Source of Your Motivation

You know what needs to be done. It’s obvious when you look at yourself or what lies around you. The work has been assigned, whether by your superior or yourself, and you must get started - but somehow, you lack the motivation to get off square one.

Success can’t be achieved without motivation. Where is the source of your motivation? Where can you turn for the inspiration that will propel you forward? We’re all different and are all motivated by different things.

Some are motivated by the visualization of completing the task and reaching the goal. It could be to get a job promotion and a bigger paycheck, or finish another chapter in the book you’re writing, or losing five pounds by the end of the week. Seeing yourself as actually grasping these goals could motivate you to travel the road to success.

Visualize completion. Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. Know you’re going to get what you deserve soon and push forward with renewed motivation. You know that success is not just an option but is a real fact. Believe this and motivation is easy.

Preparation fuels motivation. Motivation without the skills to achieve your goals is not enough and if you know you’re lacking something to move forward motivation is hard to summon. Motivation is fueled by knowledge followed closely by persistence.

Change your environment. New surroundings often give you a renewed outlook on your life. It can be something simple. Put a new plant in your home or office, hang a new picture or open the curtains and let in the light.

This also includes surrounding yourself with positive people. When you’re around positive and successful friends their attitude rubs off on you. You absorb their energy. Conversely, when you’re with negative people or drab and depressing surroundings you absorb that energy as well.

Other methods to find the source of your motivation is to re-evaluate your tasks and make certain you’re working toward your goal. Brainstorm and look for new information. You can do this by taking a break, go for a walk, exercise, work in the yard or relax with an inspirational book. Using your brain in different ways will stimulate it and stimulation leads to motivation.

Do something for others. When we do for others we find motivation within ourselves. Many times the way to achieve your goal is to assist others in reaching theirs. Seek to serve and you’ll become energized and motivated when people rely on you. Disappoint them and you disappoint yourself - and you’re not going to let that happen, are you?

Some find a motivational source by talking or reading aloud to themselves. Keep an inspirational book handy at all times. When you actually hear the positive affirmations they become more effective.

Motivation comes from many different sources and you must find what works for you from within. Believe in yourself. Anticipate the good that will happen in your life. Never fear the bad. Do this and motivation is yours.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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