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RE: U.S. Economy and Financial System Bankrupt --What's next?
8/20/2010 4:55:12 AM

Hi All

I have not had much time lately and I'm well behind with my mail also. I have lots of family and home issues to deal with. As this is urgent to keep people informed about our coming new world I have been doing research.

I believe as of NOW a World recession is well under way and will get really bad.

The World Economy Is Doomed.
China is selling of U.S. Dollars because they will become worthless when the U.S. economy totally crashes soon. Then Europe will go down in a big way. Followed by Asia. Then Australia will slow dramatically when China cuts back spending on minerals.
So what does this all mean....
Better Times.
Debt will have to be forgiven, less Government interference and a new fairer monetary system introduced. Below find who is behind this depression.

Video below

RE: U.S. Economy and Financial System Bankrupt --What's next?
10/6/2010 4:07:43 AM
What can we do about this?

I strongly feel there will be breaking news about the World financial system.

Eventually any changes will be better for the all people, so do not resist these changes.

Just stay calm and do research for what may seem bad for you may ultimately put you in a much better place.

Good forums to research this

A Journey to the Mountain of Love

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