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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/20/2010 2:49:11 AM
Hi Roger,

I joined Adlanpro to advertise a business, but have gotten to know so many wonderful people like you, and so many others. I have found so much help and love on these pages, that Adlandpro is my second home. Thank you for your forum.


Jeffrey Obrien

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/20/2010 2:49:12 AM


thankyou for inviting me to your forum.I agree with you that we get out from what we put In.Small business today can be a Multi million business run from Lounge room of a home & of course the Normal being an Office & shop depending on your type of business.

For me well I made a go of Search Engine Optimisation,years ago when I first come here to adland my blog was & still Is of which now has the most traffic I have ever seen.This is what I am talking about:

Worldwide Rank
Monthly Users*
19,911,313 per day*
Monthly Pageviews*
106,923,750 per day*
*Estimated Traffic Data - Overview

Updated: EST 12.38 10 minutes ago 20th July,2010 is a website that ranks 8 in Alexa. is ranked on position 35 within com and has 430,891 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Monday, 31 July 2000 and is 10 years and 12 months old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) consists of the label jeffreyobrien within the domain name The domain is registered under the domain suffix com and is named blogspot. The Server is powered by GSE webserver software and is located in United States (California). The median load time is 1718 milliseconds which is faster than 49% of the other websites. is listed in the dmoz open directory project in at least 8 categories.

I did the S.E.O using IBP4 which back then was a different program Long before tags,adwords,Google words,I used common sense active action words,tags,I also did this in all 38 languages & all countries with every search engine I could register to,mind you Roger this process took me over 12 months to complete to see the results is Awesome Blogspot blogs are great I have made some good money from them if the secret to getting traffic is SEO then my adland friend we have a Winner here.

Everyone,especially members who had me do free SEO work on your websites,I am very curious in your traffic stats here is the link anyone can check their own traffic stats here as well you can email me here for help if you want to spend time doing your own S.E.O. it can only improve your wealth.

thanks again roger for an interesting opportunity in showing some adlanders what can change anyone's small Business even a Hobbie.

Have an awesome day everyone.



Jill Bachman

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/20/2010 3:23:04 AM
Hi Roger and All,

What great comments and what a great subject!!!

For me, I just love networking with the people and the advertising goes along for the ride. I really feel that the computer is the window to the world and it is so inspiring to make friends and meet business associates world wide.

I have yet to get back in the swing of things since I was in the hospital. I had a friend here for a week who just left, and like she said - "I have never seen you this mellow (I think she meant SLOW)! LOL

Anyway, I so respect Adland, all the members like you Roger, and especially Bogdan who has created a tribute to the virtual world. I believe that very soon people will have much more time to join virtual communities, and I know that Bogdan is ready for the changes soon to be upon us.

Roger, thank you for taking on this task. Your friendship means a lot!

Hugs, Jill
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/20/2010 7:08:32 AM

Thanks folks.

A great start.

I may not get individual posts here for everyone but be assured, ALL OF YOUR POSTS WILL BE READ.

I am off to the day-job now but will return soon to read the latest..

You are awesome and so is Adland. All we need is the will to succeed.


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/20/2010 8:04:44 PM

I invite Bogdan to open the dialogue.

I have a question for him.


(Q) Can we build a structure where reasonable requests for changes will be heard?

Hi Roger and all,

I commend you for taking the initiative and showing that you really care about this place.
Actually you have been showing this all the time since you are here, but I believe you have struck the cord with your latest posts which I have noticed.

How about if we dedicate this forum as such a structure? You as a moderator and I will be showing up here any time somebody makes a post. If the post is addressed to me, I will respond to it and either stimulate discussion or make a decision to implement the suggestions.

