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Jim Allen

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RE: US And World Economy -The 20 Problems
7/20/2011 5:38:50 PM
Very good info and only the sheeple will think otherwise. Irrefutable facts by this man has made him a rock star, whose own ego gets in the way sometimes which only proves he is human. Unlike those that refuse to listen or see his presentations. Guess their heads are buried in the sand for now.

Firstly See This Video

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: US And World Economy -The 20 Problems
7/20/2011 5:51:27 PM
Forgot to add part 2

Very good info and only the sheeple will think otherwise. Irrefutable facts by this man has made him a rock star, whose own ego gets in the way sometimes which only proves he is human. Unlike those that refuse to listen or see his presentations. Guess their heads are buried in the sand for now.

Firstly See This Video

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: US And World Economy -The 20 Problems
7/21/2011 6:20:26 AM

Yes Sara SK is on the right track. There is an alternative to the corrupt money system. Firstly your U.S. Government would have to take over The FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Then nationalize one of the main the banks. Then introduce the ONE FAIR Tax System.

See details of one fair tax system

I'm fighting and supporting this system for Australia.

This would more fairly redistribute the wealth and stop inflation.


Yes SK is on the right track.


Michael, just came by to see one of your forums. There is no way I would listen to one word Glen Beck has to say. Now if you are looking for an Anti-Christ.... He already thinks he is God.

Sorry, not my way of thinking or beliefs. Now SK brought up some interesting thoughts.


Peter Fogel

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RE: US And World Economy -The 20 Problems
7/21/2011 8:19:20 AM
Hello Michael, Jim & Friends,

First of all I don't think that Rajram is on the right track. In this day and age if you redistribute the "wealth" there will be no wealth and then kaboom no possibilities of future investments. Employment will drop even more drastically then now. We'll remember 9.2% unemployment as one of the "good times". I sincerely hope you're not expecting the Federal Government to fill in the void for the unemployed or any government for that matter.

You know I always try to remain polite in my posts but when I read that people won't even listen to facts and figures that show what the true situation is cos they don't like him I remain speechless. Ask yourself why won't these people listen to facts and figures? Could is possibly be that they are so brainwashed by the progressive left MSM?? Could it possibly be cos they (MSM) are livid that Glenn Beck gets more viewers then they do? Could it possibly be cos B Husein sees Fox News and Glenn Beck as enemy numero uno to him and his administration???

Just today I read the following in another thread in Adland written by one of the ardent supporters of the fraud and great pretender and another hater of Glenn Beck. "

We can NOT AFFORD THE DEVASTATION THAT WILL BE ON CITIZENS IF THE GOP GETS THEIR WAY. All they want... is to give more handouts, more bail outs and lower taxes to the richest people in the country.
" I wonder where this person gets her information? The GOP is in favor of more handouts and bailouts?? Where has she and other like minded people been the past 2 and a half years? Lowering taxes has been proven to be the best way to grow federal revenue but you have to read and listen to the facts to understand that. So no Jim sheeples no longer describes them nor does burying their heads in the sand. You know I respect other people's opinions even when I totally disagree with them. If they back up their claims with facts and figures they might even change my mind but when they spout nonsensical statements like the one above out of politeness I won't use the necessary adjectives that describes these people.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: US And World Economy -The 20 Problems
7/21/2011 10:23:43 AM

Can you imagine if there were equal distribution of intelligence, taking from the most intelligent people and sharing it with ALL the less intelligent people on earth? That wouldn't make the entire world brilliant, it would just make the smartest people sink to a much lower level and the entire world would be at an equal level of much lower intelligence.

What if there were equal distribution of motivation? Nothing would get done, ever. It would just detract from the most motivated and not create much increase in the majority of the unmotivated.

==>>I'm always extremely glad the world can't forcefully take from other peoples' intelligence and motivation :) ...and THAT's how money is created, they really can't touch the money without being able to touch the roots of the money, UNLESS they grow their own roots of income by generating their own motivation, and that's more of a factor than intelligence.

For example, in MLM businesses with forced matrix spillover, the majority of members do nothing, approximately 95% just sit there and wait for the efforts of other people to spill income onto them, even if they are absolutely capable of doing something, most will not even make an effort because they know the trickle-down effect will reach them, and a lot of them will whine and complain that it doesn't happen fast enough, or not as much income as they'd like, even while they sit there doing nothing to create an increase for themselves or other people, when the main motivation would be copying & pasting and networking, things people do all day anyway, they choose not to do those things if they think someone else's efforts are at work FOR them, they'll do their copying & pasting and networking for goofing off instead.

There's no money shortage in the world, there's a shortage of training and motivation to provide that training in how people can earn their own money, that should be the primary thing to do, provide the world with internet access and training, not just passing money around from people who are motivated to people who are either not motivated or not equipped and not basically skilled in creating and maintaining their own income.

When people learn how to do something and feel confident, they never want that feeling to disappear, and that comes from within themself, it never comes from sitting around collecting from other people who feel successful and confident. There's no equal distribution of motivation, success, and confidence, that has to be produced and maintained by each individual. This world will not change just by passing money from those who have it to those who don't. The roots of how to earn and maintain income have to be passed forward, the motivation and focus of skills, everyone can gain the skills, they just have to focus their efforts toward learning & earning, not waiting & taking.


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