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Discover How You Can Turn Your Cell Phone Into An ATM!!!
7/19/2010 1:47:07 AM
Did you know you can actually earn $Money$ with your Cell Phone doing exactly what you're doing already, sending & receiving text messages!

In fact you can build a nice residual income by just referring family, friends and business owner's to The Turbo Tycoon.

That's right. Earn commissions by just telling people about this new Advertising service.

Discover how you can market your products and services with Text Messaging.

Tell other people about it and you can save and earn yourself some darn good money while your at it!

Click the link below to find out more:


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Be Blessed & Prosper,

Derrick Pride

Derrick Pride
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Discover How You Can Turn Your Cell Phone Into An ATM!!!
7/19/2010 1:14:35 PM
Hi Derrick,

Thank you for that. Can you compare your product with other similar products out there? I don't really want this forum turning into a place for pure 'advertising'. There are plenty of other places for that. I would like to see some value add here. So, why is your product so unique?

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
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