Hi Kathleen,
Long time no see. I'm so glad that you stopped by, and I appreciate your opinions. I don't happen to agree with most of them, which I'm sure that you knew already, but I do appreciate them. I know that you will always say what's on your mind and you're always up for a lively discussion. I just wish a few more of the "Facebookers" would get tired of the endless hours of mindless games, and also join us in a lively discussion back home here at ALP.
First of all, I do agree with you that all Killing is wrong, and I will pray just as hard for the Souls of those who murder the Doctors who have slaughtered the babies, as I do for the Souls of the Women who have not been willing to accept the responsibility of the Gift which God has entrusted to them. I guess that am an unusual Republican, because you see, my Lord said "Thou shalt not kill.", and I do not believe in killing any other human being, whether it be a Innocent Baby, a misguided Doctor, or a Murderer sitting on Death Row. Only God created life, and only God has the right to take it away.
Regardless of whether the men you have had experiences with over the years have been sorry or not, is not the point. I guess here again, I have been blessed, because as far as I know, all of the men in my family who have fathered Children, have also supported those Children. The point is, God said "Thou shalt not kill.", and we will all stand before His throne of Judgement one day, and will have to answer for our sins, and to my way of thinking, Murder is one of the BIG ones, and Abortion Is Murder!
By the way, I happen to agree with Mother Teresa on the subject of the joint responsibilities of the Mother(Woman) and Father(Man), when she said in part...
"By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibilty at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women to the same trouble. So abortion only leads to more abortion."
And of course, she goes on to say...
"And if we accept that a Mother can kill her own child, then how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"
However, for me at least she hits it right on the head when she says...
"It is a poverty to decide that an innocent child must die, just so that you can live as you wish"
Of course, unfortunately in this Country today, we have the "President", Barack Hussein Obama, defending his daughters' right to choose by saying he wouldn't want them "burdened with a baby." I would hate to be one of his future Grandchildren. Not a very promising life expectancy. To most Americans, myself included, a baby is a blessing, not a burden.
Anyway, I could go on, but what's the use. I will not sit in judgement of anyone, because as our Lord has said...
"Judge not, that ye not be judged." Matthew 7:1 (KJV)
Besides that, everyone will be judged one day at the Throne of Jesus, at the time & place as is written in The Book of Life.
Once again, Thank You for coming by, and thank you for your Comments. Oh, and by the way, I have not read the book, but I have seen the movie, Cider House Rules, and I really enjoyed it. I thought that "Spiderman", Tobey McGuire, did an excellent job in the role of Homer.

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Evening My Friend,