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John Priestley

481 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Welcome to the club
6/23/2010 4:27:27 PM
Hi there!

I just wanted to welcome you to my forum. I wish I had had some guidance when I started out on the Internet as to how I could promote my opportunities without digging deep into my pockets. This is where you can share your ideas, products and services. I don't mean those that are free for a couple of weeks and then they start debiting your credit card. I mean those that are free to join and free to use for life. Tell us about your favourites and tell us about those which you like less. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please be careful not to upset anyone by rubbishing their things.

I am looking forward to meeting you, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Welcome to the club
6/23/2010 7:51:34 PM

Hello John, great job on starting your forum!! I second those thoughts, I know when I first started trying to make some money online, I was like many others so eager that I tried many things.

It is easy to spend some money thinking oh this is great, so let me just pay a little and it will start flowing in!! I hope you can help guide people in a good direction and help them.

I see you already got spammed! It happens but you learn to hit the DELETE button. ;-)

Have a wonderful time with this,


John Priestley

481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: Welcome to the club
6/24/2010 7:29:02 PM
Spammed? Where, what, how? You are more experienced here. How do I recognise spam? Anyway, great to see you here. I will sit back a bit and see what happens...
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Welcome to the club
6/24/2010 7:36:17 PM

John, it seems it has disappeared! Anyway, sometimes people are just rude enough to start new threads in forums for their own advertisements. That is when it is polite and proper to just delete them, which you can do as forum administrator.



RE: Welcome to the club
6/25/2010 4:15:44 AM

Hi Sara & John,

More than the spam, it's the "scam" you need to beware of. The spam can be deleted. But if you do get motivated to spend money on any of the zillions of dead-end schemes (or should I say "scams"?) out there ,you would be "sadly" educated at a very high price at the end of it all!

There are, however, some good deals out there. This forum could possibly save many sincere seekers a lot of time and money, if we pool our ideas and experiences as leverage.

So let's get cracking!

Best regards...............Sharon


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