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Trina Sonnenberg

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Do what You Must, Even When You Think You Can't
6/22/2010 2:32:45 PM
New DocumentDo what You Must, Even When You Think You Can't

That is the secret to succeeding at anything. Remember the story, 'The Little Engine That Could'? "I think I can..."

When presented with a task, any task, except of course things like brain surgery, crank up the confidence. Go with it and tell yourself, 'I Can Do This...' Change the problem into a challenge and tackle it with enthusiasm. Pump yourself up with "I CAN DO THIS!" Stop the fear of failure in its tracks.

Recently, I have experienced the power of that little statement; I have taken on tasks that I had never done before and talked myself through them quite successfully. Whenever I am given a task, by my husband, to help the progress of building our house, I step into it without a clue, most of the time. 'I can Do This' gets me through it. I am a writer, not a carpenter. I was asked to help pour concrete! I did it too. I didn't know how, but I helped.

I didn't really enjoy pouring concrete, but I did enjoy learning how it is done and the fact that I contributed to the building of my house.

It is all about problem solving and learning, and the confidence that you can do those things - solve a problem and learn. If you look at each challenge as a learning opportunity, the whole experience can transform from a challenge to a positive experience. The problem moves to a challenge to a positive experience.

I went through this experience very recently in the penning of my manuscript. I knew the story I wanted to tell, because I'd lived it, I had many people tell me that I am a talented writer, but I lacked the confidence to do the job. I made excuses for years as to why I wasn't writing this book. Then, one day I set down the book I was reading (Write It Down, Make It Happen)and picked up paper and pen. I started with the title, a quick, 'I CAN DO THIS' and the words just spilled from me; 58,000 of them!

Out of frustration, looking for an agent, I returned to the mantra and published it myself. Now my husband wants to see me write another. I have returned to the mantra again, and have gotten about half way through a piece of fiction that has been too much fun to write. I can do this and you can too.

I used to believe that my lack of education was holding me back from a great many things, but then I realized that there were lessons to be learned in every situation; an education, if you will. I was not giving myself credit for intelligence and capacity. Then I realized that I may not have been schooled in institutions of learning, but I had the best hands-on-training there is - LIFE. Each and every situation in my life was an experience that I took something from and because of my intelligence, I grew with it. I finally understood that I did not need a college education to write a book. My story is not about a college education, but rather about the lack of one and how it was not necessary for me to live the life I now live - happily ever-after. I am an ordinary person who has led an extraordinary life. That's all I needed to be able to write.

I CAN DO THIS! Say it; apply it; do it.

Here is my story of focusing on what I wanted and what I didn't want and how I ended up with my heart's desire. Forever and Always
My story is so incredible that I wrote a book about it to share with the world. My mind focused not what I didn't want and I got a lot more of it, but in the end, my heart won out because it had a stronger desire than the troubles my conscious mind had become fixed upon.

My life is a complete demonstration of the Law of Attraction in action for both good and bad.

You get what you want when your heart's desire is stronger than your mental perceptions.

If you'd like to get to know me, get a copy of my book.
Forever and Always... ISBN: 978-0-557-43111-3
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Do what You Must, Even When You Think You Can't
6/22/2010 9:15:31 PM


You have proved that you can do it.

I won't even wish you luck with all that you plan now because you already know that you can make your own luck.

Adland friends, listen to this lady.

Read her book and wonder at her determination.

