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Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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RE: all different kinds of light house paintings also and tell about them if you can
7/7/2010 12:46:56 AM
127214202_2edd8e27.gif picture by kareblblt

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: all different kinds of light house paintings also and tell about them if you can
7/7/2010 12:50:33 AM
DSC_0963.jpg picture by kareblblt

Old light house you go into the light house from the out side!

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: all different kinds of light house paintings also and tell about them if you can
7/7/2010 12:55:33 AM
Nearer my god to thee
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: all different kinds of light house paintings also and tell about them if you can
7/7/2010 1:05:42 AM
I sang this song nearer my god to three as my mother was dying, she held her hand up and some one was there to take her home.Then the nurse let me be with my mother, as I heard her heart stop.I let her know it was ok to go.I would take care of her. then she left.
85lomeoNNNN.gif picture by kareblblt

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: all different kinds of light house paintings also and tell about them if you can
7/7/2010 4:40:58 AM
Lighthouse   Kids

Lighthouse Kids Efforts

2000 - 2007: Led by teacher, Susan Reynolds, a Community Service group of 7th graders at North Hampton School began efforts to save White Island Lighthouse. This first group raised $400.00

2001 - 2002: Helped by Dennis Robinson at, Lighthouse Kids developed their own web site. Dennis even brainstormed the name, Lighthouse Kids. The group received media recognition in local newspapers, the Boston Globe and Lighthouse Digest.

2002 - 2003: Lighthouse Kids spoke at various local service groups and at the International Lighthouse Convention. Lighthouse Kids officially became a nonprofit Chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation. Features appeared on TV â€" New England Cable News, NH Chronicle and Channel 11. Lighthouse Kids were again featured in several newspapers and magazines, including Yankee Magazine, July/August issue. With the help of State Representative Rogers Johnson, House Bill 274A was introduced to appropriate state funds to save White Island Lighthouse Station. Lighthouse Kids addressed two committees of the NH Legislature. On April 30, 2003 and in Washington DC, Senator Judd Gregg presented Lighthouse Kids with a $250,000, "Save Americas' Treasures" matching grant. Jeremy D'Entremont, local historian, writer for Lighthouse Digest and keeper of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse (, took all 7th graders up into Portsmouth Harbor Light. Jeremy also came to school and helped with lighthouse history. Through fund raisers, letter writing and sincere efforts, at years end more than $20,000 was in the Lighthouse Kids account.

2003 - 2004: Lighthouse Kids continued to raise awareness and money to save White Island Lighthouse Station. During this school year, Lighthouse Kids raised more than $57,000. In September the NH Governor and Council approved a Memorandum of Agreement between the State of NH and Lighthouse Kids. Lighthouse Kids started working as partners with the State to raise the funds necessary for this monumental project. In Language Arts classes, Lighthouse Kids wrote persuasive letters to local businesses soliciting donations. Lighthouse Kids applied for and received grant funds this year. Lighthouse Kids representatives and engineers met on White Island to begin the design of a landing. Lighthouse Kids worked to get the state to send workers out to stabilize the tower against further erosion before winter.

2004 - 2005: Lighthouse Kids continued their efforts to Save the Lighthouse Station. Kids again wrote persuasive letters in Language arts class. Those letters raised more than $2,000.00. The Kids spoke to local Rotarians.. With the help of a North Hampton NH parent group, Lighthouse Kids began a major fundraiser. The "LOBSTARS" PROJECT placed art deco lobsters throughout the seacoast region. Lighthouse Kids received $50,000 from 1772 Foundation. On June 22, 2205 Lighthouse Kids presented NH Governor and Council $110,000. YEAH! The Lighthouse tower was repaired and the keepers' cottage received a new roof.

2005 - 2006: Through business sponsorship, community support and a fabulous auction at the Seacoast Science Center on September 30, 2005, the Lobstar Project raised $88,000 for the Lighthouse Kids efforts to save White Island Lighthouse Station. Lighthouse Kids received an additional $10,000 from 1772 Foundation. LHK continue to raise funds through letter writing campaigns and speaking engagements.

2006 - 2007: Lighthouse Kids donate $100,000.00 to the State of New Hampshire for the construction of a Marine Railway at White Island. Historically the marine railway existed to provide access to White Island. When the Lighthouse became automated in 1986, the manpower to complete repairs disappeared and so did the marine railway. North Hampton School's Letter Writing Campaign raised $3,400.00. The First Annual Walkathon raised $3,358.00. Lighthouse Kids received a $1000 donation from The Fuller Foundation for storm damage repair. The evening of July 28, 2007 "Friends of Lighthouse Kids sponsored a benefit at Lil Langley's house in North Hampton.

2007 - 2008: Lighthouse Kids Chapters were formed at Rye Junior High School and Winnacunnet High School. Pickering Marine of Portsmouth NH constructed the Marine Railway. Lighthouse Kids received a $3500 grant from the Fuller Foundation for program support in local seacoast schools. Lighthouse Kids received a $5200 grant from New England Lighthouse Lovers (NELL) to replace leaky windows in the keeper's cottage. On May 19th Lighthouse Kids conducted the Second Annual Walkathon. On June 27th "Friends of Lighthouse Kids" sponsored a White Island Lighthouse Cruise aboard the motor vessel Granite State. On May 13th in Concord NH, at the Annual Awards Ceremony of the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, Lighthouse Kids received a 2008 Preservation Achievement Award for outstanding education, advocacy and restoration of White Island Lighthouse.

2008-2009: A new chapter of Lighthouse Kids was formed in Hampton at the Academy Junior High School. Lighthouse Kids received a $1000 donation from the Hampton Rotary for program development in local seacoast schools.

Related Web Sites: our website Jeremy D’Entremont, lighthouse historian and keeper of Portsmouth Harbor Light Dennis Robinson, local historian Lighthouse Digest

If you would like to make a donation to help save the lighthouse, contact our donations page!

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies

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