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Craftie Linda

1349 Posts
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Holiday Wishes
12/23/2005 9:38:00 PM
Holiday Wishes If I had 1 wish this Christmas, it would be for all the children of the world to join together in peace and love and sing in harmony. If I had 2 wishes this Christmas, it would be for: 1. All the Children of the world to sing together 2. $1,000,000 tax free If I had 3 wishes this Christmas: 1. Kids singing together 2. $1,000,000 tax free per year for life 3. To have all encompassing power over the universe If I had 4 wishes this Christmas: 1. The crap about the kids 2. $1,000,000 3. All encompassing power 4. 1 extended orgasm to last 30 days, brought about by 2 supermodels and, of course, my wife Let's face it, the logistics of getting all those kids together is impossible. So, let's rearrange 1. All encompassing power 2. The orgasm 3. The money OH! I forgot to strike down my enemies. Okay, so we add that in. Now, my wish this Christmas would be: 1. The power 2. To strike down my enemies, may they die like pigs in hell 3. The orgasm 4. The Money 5. And with my fifth wish this holiday season I would like for all the children of the world to join together in peace and love and sing in harmony.
Re: Holiday Wishes
12/23/2005 11:05:24 PM
If I only had one wish... it would be that all of your wishes come true. Merry Christmas.
David Ellison

130 Posts
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Re: Holiday Wishes
12/23/2005 11:06:53 PM
Thanks Linda :-) i liked Merry Christmas
Re: Holiday Wishes
12/23/2005 11:44:40 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy Wishful New Year to you and yours! Thanx Linda Angela
Angela C. Bradford
Re: Holiday Wishes
12/23/2005 11:48:51 PM
Hi Linda :) thanks for sharing! Have a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!! :)

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