Hi Roger, This may be an even greater disaster than Chernoble, as it is more wide spread. People are concerned with the oil spreading in the ocean and being carried on the tides to other regions which is a very important concern. However, we tend to ignore the inland water ways. As the oil spreads through the marshlands, these marshlands have several tributaries that branch out into different rivers and streams that eventually empty out into the Atlantic Ocean in various locations. Therefore, even if they do eventually stop the leak in the ocean, concentration has to be put on the Marshlands as well.
Wheather is be British Petroleum, Texas Oil, or any other oil producing company, the worse case scenerio has got to be addressed before the accidents occur. This is only common sense. Small similated disaters have to be created to find the best solution to rectify the situation before they occur. As we learn more about this particular disaster we learn that BP did not use the best equipment possible, plus they ignored warning signs well in advance of the problem. We also see that BP is spending millions of dollars in advertising plus awarding stockholders billions of dollars in benefits, but, as President Obama pointed out, nickel and diming their commitment to the actual problems. As Hurricane season has already started, there is the added danger of a hurricane triggering a cripling effect on the fishing industry in the Gulf Coast as well as the Entire East Coast. Whatever solution that they do come up with, they will have to apply that solution to all off shore drilling stations. So far, this has been an isolated case, however, I believe there are 150 off shore drilling platforms if the Gulf of Mexico alone, not to mention other off shore drilling platforms in the Alantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. If, indeed, British Petroleum is found guilty of neglegence, I see no reason why they should not be made to pay for their mistakes. This will not affect Americans alone, but rather all countries as well. It is really disheartning when you here that another solution has been found to stop the leak, and a couple of days later you find out that the solution did not work and in the meantime more Pelicans and Dolphins are washing up on shore, thousands of gallons of oil per minute are still spewing forth, and people are scratching their heads trying to think of what to do next. I don'r believe this was done on purpose, however I do think that it is making the intelligence of the British Petroleum Masterminds look real bad. It has come to a point where the problem does not belong to BP itself, but everyone that lives on this planet.
I saw a commercial on T.V. the other night that shows the concerns of some businesses. For every bottle of Dawn Dish Soap that you buy, $1.00 will be donated to the clean-up efforts. Their are several organizations in the U.S. that are holding concerts or donating a portion of their profits towards this problem. What is England doing? I don't ask this in a sarcastic tone. I know what is being done here, but have no idea what the British are doing. It would be nice to know that, as the company soley responsible for America's worse disaster ever, is owned by the British (Is it based in England?) that the British citizens would have a sense of responsibility. As most of you realize by now, I am not afraid to bring up subjects that others avoid. Christians everywhere have their own theory as to why this disaster occurred. New Orleans, the city of sinners. Marti Gras where breasts pop out at the site of beads. No matter what the religious affiliation, Christians are having a Hay Day. They will tell you that the Disaster was sent by GOD to punish the sinners. At the same time, they will refuse to donate even a penny towards the clean-up because it was meant to be. Frankly, I would like to see the day when every woman in the world decided to walk around Topless, because Christians are so far from the truth that it is pathetic. Nobody reads the Bible. Everyone interprets the Bible. How about reading the words in the bible AS THEY ARE!!!! There is not one single passage in the bible that states that Nudity is a sin. If that were true, we would all enter the world as sinners, as I don't believe that there are any recorded births where the new born child came into the world with a diaper attached!!! Therefore, if we are to rely on GOD FEARING CHRISTIANS to help us out of our problems, we are all in trouble. A naked world of people that came together to help their neighbors in a time of crisis would be a true Christian world. Although you never hear this fact, but at least 10% of the girls or women that flash their boobs at Marti Gras are connected to a churc in some way, shape, or form. Either as Church Sectratary or Nun. These are facts. Put you predjudices aside, stop pointing fingers, and let's all work together to save our planet
GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com