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Ken Wolff

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Social Browsing, A New Form Of Traffic Exchange!
5/28/2010 1:22:33 AM
Hi ALP friends and thank you Alyssa for this great Forum. Thank you also for your invitation to be friends.

I would like to share with you a fun social browsing community called Click Voyager. It is totally awesome! If you Click on Click Voyager, it is a text link that will take you to a splash page that is provided by CV. You can get one just like it or you have a number of other pages to chose from. You can also create splash pages there for any program that you are promoting. So, why would I want a splash page anyway? say. Well, don't get me started. I could go on and on about the benefits of splash pages but I will just mention that you get traffic credits and status points for promoting CV with others. Splash pages make it so easy. Just click on the text link and read about all of the fun things to do there. That should give you enough information to get you excited, then click where it says Click Here. If you are in a hurry just scroll to the bottom and click to join.

Thanks again for creating this forum Alyssa

Ken Wolff

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Alyssa Brush

126 Posts
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RE: Social Browsing, A New Form Of Traffic Exchange!
5/28/2010 1:58:04 AM

Thanks so much for sharing! I will definately check it out!



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