The 230th

Melody B.
I just want to thank everyone for this honor! I’m new here at ALP, but I’m looking forward to being here for a long time and making great friends here. Thanks again!
My name is Melody and I’m 26 years old. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Robert who is 28. We have been together for 11 years and married for 6. He is a firefighter and our family’s hero! He loves his job and I’m so happy that he’s doing something that he loves, especially since a lot of people never find that. We have 4 amazing kids that keep us busy. We have 2 daughters who are 5 and 4, and 2 sons who are 2 and 7 months old. We just went through a rough time with my 2 year old, so we’re still dealing with that right now. He has gotten really sick, but no one could figure out what was going on with him. He got so dehydrated that we had to spend 2.5 days in the hospital. They sent us home with no answers and he wasn’t getting better. He had lost over 5lbs and was so sickly looking. After getting the run around and no one wanting to help, I finally demanded that he get a referral to a GI specialist. The GI did an endoscopy on him and we finally got some answers. He had stomach ulcers and Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Whatever he had gotten sick from had also caused him to become sensitive to dairy and soy. He is on meds now and is starting to feel better. So right now we are trying to get used to living without soy and dairy and it’s been challenging! He had to have a blood panel done to make sure he didn’t have Celiac disease, but thankfully it came back normal. He will need to have another endoscopy done in about 2 months to see if things are healed in there and to see if he’s still sensitive to dairy and soy. He doesn’t like any of the alternatives and neither do my girls, but we are working on it. He is slowly gaining weight back and things are going well now! I’m so blessed and I love my life. I have been here in AZ for about 18 years. My dad was in the military, so we had been to quite a few places before we came here. I was born in England, but I don’t remember anything from it because we moved when I was 2 years old. From there we lived in South Carolina, Guam, New Jersey, and finally here.
I’m a work from home mom as well, so it gets pretty crazy around here! I work 20 hours a week while still taking care of my kids. I also have my business! People always ask me how I do it and I have no idea, I just find a way to make it work. Yes, I know I’m crazy! I’ve always known that I didn’t want to have a “job”, but instead to work for myself for as long as I can remember. I was one of those teenagers who was already looking for ways to make money online and offline! My first company was Mary Kay. Yeah, that didn’t work out for me especially since I don’t wear makeup. I would be sitting in my dorm room looking for things online and my first online experience was one of those…mail $5 to this person and put your name in this spot on the list. Yeah, lets just say that I knew absolutely nothing back then…lol! I needed to find something that I was passionate about and that I truly believed in. I kept looking and wasn’t going to give up, but I also learned what to stay away from as well. I had become more knowledgeable and had learned from my other experiences.
I finally found the company that I’m with now! It has been such a life-changing experience for me. I love being able to share this gift that I’ve found with others and knowing that it’s something that everyone needs and wants. I knew that I wanted to be able to spend more time with my family having fun, traveling, and being financially free! It just made sense to me to be a part of this company. When you ask people what they want to do when they make all the money that they want to make, most people say that they want to travel the world. Well I get to do that now while making a living! It’s such an amazing company!
I just want to thank everyone again for this award and I really appreciate you guys taking the time to listen to my story! Thanks again friends here at AdlandPro. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Be honest with me, are you making the amount of money that you want to be making? If there was a way for you to travel more, have fun, and make more money than you are making now, would you at least want to know how? If you do, please let me show you how! If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at 520-904-2809.