Well, I see Kaka is up to it again! For all of you who have been spammed by this person, please delete the ads if they are not welcomed by you. Several of us have sent messages, posted in her profile, send im's and even personal email with no result except more spamming. It is up to Administration to handle it now. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and even better week. Mine was okay. I went to church yesterday but after communion and trying to commune with God - then dealing with the LOUD band, I had had enough and left. Picked up a lunch and went down to the city park by the dam, sat under two huge cottonwood trees on a bench and had a lovely picnic. I felt God's presence there in the cool breeze watching the water falling over the dam, seeing the blue skies and listening to the birds singing. It calmed me and I came home to enjoy the rest of the day. Karen, thank you for all the lovely songs. MAY YOU HAVE A BLESSED WEEK! Sara